» Romance » Mistress by Circumstance, Oluwanifemi Oloniyo [books to read this summer .TXT] 📗

Book online «Mistress by Circumstance, Oluwanifemi Oloniyo [books to read this summer .TXT] 📗». Author Oluwanifemi Oloniyo

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blue sweater with red sneakers and a white bag, She packed Her hair behind with a band and wore Her make up light.


Heather and Eunice got to the hospital few hours past dawn. On getting to the hospital after identification, they both went to get the doctor's report.

"He paused out due to shock.... Its either from what He heard or saw". Vincent explained to them in His office.

"So How is He responding? Any better?" Henry asked worriedly.

"Yes, He's fine. He's just placed on bed rest for the main time to monitor his health chart."

"Any side effects or future strange occurrence?" Eunice asked.


"So can we see him?"

"Yes, ICU ward 16. Take the left turn as soon as you're out then walk straight down, by the right is the ICU..... Take this... " He scribbles something down on a card and hands it over.


Gracious takes a cab to Emerald International Hospital (EIH). As soon as she stepped Her foot on the hospitals' ground. Standing by the gate, She observed the compound. Waow! This is beautiful than I thought she sighed, a tour won't be difficult. The company is a two storey building painted white, with blue ceramic roofing. Walking towards the second gate's pathway, from the entrance is an isle with different flowers with their different fragnance. The main gate has a broader pathway with flowers on both sides. Between the main and second gate's a low warm spring surrounded by trimmed meadows. Brushing her fingertips on the flowers as she shook off the dew while walking by, a gentle breeze blew by bringing the fragnance of a nearby tulip just before she sets Her feet on the ICU's corridor. Patients with different ailment could be seen at every angle, some being pushed by their personal nurses on wheel chairs, some walking with the support of their dripstand, some with families discussing on the available benches, some just standing breathing in the fragnance the flowers give. Walking past the patients she met on her way, She also noticed some where in their wards, either receiving treatment from a nurse or taking a nap/siesta or just watching or having their friends/families with them. Among the wards, she noticed a wards' door opened. She walked past then she suddenly stopped and turned back to eavesdrop.


"Chris!" Eunice shrieked as soon as she saw Chris in the patients' white and green leaf print pyjamas with a nurse attending to him.

"Ssusshhh! You're in a hospital" Henry cautioned restricting Her from rushing to his bedside with His hands.

She walked briskly past the wards as she headed for Vincents' Office when...



"What are You doing here? We spoke yesterday and You said nothing of this trip" Gracious attacked as soon as they sat on one of the benches in the parking lot within the hospital's premises far from the building.

"I don't have to tell You where am going or what am to do" Her Father replied with a straight face.

"You should have said so...... Tch" She pretended a frown.

"Now stop behaving like your mother" He removed his glasses, cleaned them and put it back. "I came to see you"

"I'm here". He turned to look at Her.


"Please Henry, help me find Gracious, I love Her so much" Chris pleaded with Henry as He held his hands.

"Don't worry buddy, I'll try my best what should be your concern now is You getting well"

"Eunice am sorry.... "

"ssshhh! Get well first then we handle the rest later"



















"Will You shut up!" Gracious' father shouted in anger. She watched Her father chastise Her openly, He had never shouted at Her like this before. "What do you think this is? A child's play?..... He loves You and so do You...... What else is there to consider?"

"Father, I won't" Gracious shouted at him with tears beginning to form as she nodded 'no'.

"You will, Gracious, you will go back to him" He calmed down and held Her hands. "Gracious, if only You know what your decisions has made"

"What are talking about?" She asked looking at Her father, searching his face for an answer. He stood up, took a step forward with His hands folded behind him. He nodded towards the hospital and said "Chris is lying in there because of You"

She opened Her mouth in amazement, tears flowed uncontrollably as she flashed through the events that had happened within the last few days. The dejected, worrisome look on his face when she told him Her name was Han Seol, the emergency Vincent was called for, the longing of Her heart to be with him, the pains He must be passing through, the guilt she felt within Her. All these came back all within a moment. She stood up and left Her father standing. He watched Her leave and hope she'll have a change of heart.


She went to a nearby resturant and cried her eyes out. She wept for the pains Her foolishness has brought upon the one she loves. She felt guilty. Miserable. And responsible for the pains He has to bear because of Her. She wiped Her tears, ordered for a Ice coffee. When she finished Her drink, She put on dark googles and left.


Walking into a nearby resturant to cool his thirst, He decided to get a drink, sit and have a bit of fresh air. Where on earth is Gracious, of course She's in Korea but where is She? Henry thought as He sipped his drink. He was jolted out of his thoughts when He heard someone sniff loudly behind him. Turning absentmindely to look at the 'sniffer', he observed Her shoulders shake. Crying. He was about to turn when the 'sniffer' lifted her head and....


"Whatsup buddy! You looking good to go and healthier.... Maybe I should go on bedrest too" Henry joked laughing, Eunice and Chris joined in. Vincent came over to bid him farewell before he finally leaves. "Chris its my pleasure to see You leave this place shinning"

"Yeah..... All thanks to You and your crew"

"If You don't mind, You're all invited to attend our ball tomorrow evening by 9pm"

"Oh! We'll make it"

"I actually was thinking....." Henry scratched his head "If I also could go on bedrest.... At least to look fresher" They all laughed. They all exchange farewells and left. As they drive back to the Hotel, "Chris I have good news". Shifting his attention from the streets to Henry "Yes?"

"I've found Gracious"

Chris slammed the brakes bringing them to halt.


They all attended the ball, postponing the search for the following day. Henry and Eunice went as a pair. "Oh! I'm now babeless" Chris complained as He watched the pair walk to him hand in hand giggling. Eunice wore a Yellow knee length gown with blue low heels shoe, She had a bow in Her hair and Henry helped Her with Her handbag. Henry wore a matching blue armani suit with a cream striped shirt on black Shoes. Chris wore black italian suit and Shoes with a white shirt and a pinned rosette. "Chris You looking good in your suit so don't complain.... Don't worry some babe will soon stroll by" Eunice complimented.

"Yeah.... Any blind lady will know you're gorgeous"

Waving his hand showing his wedding band "I'm married"

"We can see that, just.... " Henry stopped talking as He saw someone step into the Hall. He signaled to Chris and pointed to the beauty at the entrance.


"Vincent how do I look?" Gracious asked as she turned around for his comment. She wore an ankle length long sleeve peach gown. She had Her hair curled and a black bow holding Her hair aside. She wore black flats with a matching black clutch.

"You look beautiful!" Vincent commented "We ought to be on Our way, I wont have my guests left unattended to". Vincent wore a 3 piece black Italian suit and a matching bow on a crimson shirt.


Why do I have this feeling that something awaits Me Gracious thought. "No It can't be" She said aloud shaking Her head. "Whats bothering You?"

"Its nothing"

"Nothing? You've been acting strange for the past few days"

As they pulled over at the parking lot and put off the engine. He added "Get some fun and push that nagging thought aside".


The Hall used was a large one, flower stands could be seen everywhere, the hung chandeliers had very strong lightening giving the Hall a brilliant look, waiters are seen moving around to make sure everyone gets a drink. The cream drapes added to the beauty of the scene. The atmosphere was a friendly one as the cool night breeze drifted along with the scents of the flowers.


As soon as she stepped into the Hall, Her eyes met with a pair of eyes, wondering where the face looks familiar, She remembered the guy who offered Her tissue when she was crying at the restuarant. Flashing him a soft smile, She drifted among the crowd.


"What is it?" a curious Chris asked "There is nothing there".

"Whats wrong with the both of You? Henry can You stop acting weird? And You Chris" Eunice said looking from Henry to Christian and back.

"I just saw... " Henry said absentmindely looking at the crowd

"Saw what?"



"Over there..." He pointed to Her as she went out through the back door.


Gracious felt the same pair of eyes watching Her. Trying to shake of the reason why, She greeted Her Father and oh! This face looks familiar. The woman she spilled Her drink on the other day. Exchanging pleasantries with Her Father and the woman, He introduced Her but she was too engrossed in Her thought that She didn't catch the name. She excused herself and went out. She stood in the dark as she let the breeze have its effect on her cloth and hair. She felt lonely and was thinking of Chris when she heard Her name. Turning around thinking it was Her father.



As soon as Chris sighted Her, He dropped his drink on a passing waiters' tray. Pushing through the crowd amidst numerous 'excuse me' finally got outside. Searching for Her through the dark He finally saw her few steps away from a lighened bulb, with Her hair and cloth dancing to the rhythm of the breeze. Silently praying for Her to be the right person, He called out.



Behold! Standing before Her very eyes is Christian Stanfield IV looking as handsome and gorgeous as ever. The smile on his lips melted Her heart and caused the butterflies in Her stomach to flutter. Her heart couldn't contain the rush of emotions that overflowed. Looking into those blue eyes of his, She felt Joy, Peace, Happiness, Comfort and felt Secure.


"Whats keeping them waiting? Lets check on them" Eunice and Henry left to check on them.


"Whats wrong with Her? Let me check on her" He excused him self from Lola's presence.


"Where is Gracious?" Vincent looked around searching for Her.


"Then You shouldn't have left" Chris said to Her as He took two steps closer to Her. "I wanted to explain things to You but I couldn't find You... Gracious please come back to Me"

"I can't..... Eunice"

"There is no need to worry" Eunice stepped into the light with Henry "I have seen how far the love between You two as gone, and interferring wont be a possible solution" She paused "So I decided to sacrifice my love but.... You left"

"I knew this will be the outcome" all eyes turned to the direction of the voice. Nelson RACON came out of the shadows and added "Thats why I organized this ball".

They where all surprised as they looked from one to the other.

"Father, you organized this?"

"Yes He did" another voice from the shadows replied. Vincent came out with His hands in pocket "You behaved strangely so I spoke with your Father, He explained things to Me and..."

"... And we organized this together". They all clapped and then....

Chris brought out the wedding band, took Her hand, placed them back and said








Purposely left blank.







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