» Romance » Spying For Love, Jas Reyes [top 10 novels of all time .TXT] 📗

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as my heart was filled with mix emotions." Tyler don't joke with me." It sounded more as me laughing then me being serious. " do you know who this is?" My face shook from side to side but I could already imagine his answer. "Eve. This is Chloe, she is about to turn two in about four days and I took the liberty of asking for a DNA test and do you know how it came out?" JUST SAY IT!!!!! "She's your sister." Those simple words made my tears come out. You have no idea how much I've been yearning to hear those words. My sister. I finally found my sister.

I ran to his side and told him thanks. We finished drinking our coffee and then headed out the door. Jackson was waiting outside. She was kissing with one the waitresses from the café. " you helenium?" I forgot Tyler was next to me. " no. It's his life and we're just job partners so I dint care what he does or doesn't." Why am I feeling this way? I can't be in love with this jerk. I said my good bye and went inside the car waiting for jacksons make out session to end. " your late. I told you five minutes" late? Late?! His the one that's late! The rest of the car ride was silent he didn't talk and I didn't say a thing. We went to get our things and headed to the airport. Most of the time he cursed about us being late and how it would be my fault if we missed the plane. Luckily, we made it in time and we a boarded the plane to heartland. My new journey with Mr. Whore here is gonna be fun. Note the sarcasm in my voice. " so did you open your file?" He asked. " no I forgot" I reached for my file and read it. " well whats your name?" I asked. Weird that the FBI allowed us to use our real names instead of fake names? " My name"

" don't you think it's weird?" Silence.

" no. They want us to become double agents." Double agents?

" why" he rolled his eyes then closed them

"Jackson?" No response. " Jackson?"

" get some sleep" I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to come.

chapter 2:Get AWAY from him, his mine!


  Something gently shook me and called my name "eve...eve wake up" my eyes fluttered open and came face to face with Jackson's lips. We stayed there for a while longer until he moved away. My heart beated like there was no tomorrow and to tell you the truth it felt weird. "Sorry" was all I could say. We didn't talk once we got of the plane and when we arrived at the house, there was still more silence. Did I do something wrong? The house was already for our arrival. There was furniture everywhere as if we had been living all our lifes in this house. There were even photographs of us with our 'parents'. Ed took our luggage to our rooms and we started to unpack, it only took twenty minutes for me to finish unpacking and take a shower. I went down stairs to the kitchen for something to eat and I found Jackson cooking an omelette that was probably a foot long. He stopped what he was doing and looked straight at me and offered me a smile, I returned it. "What are you doing?" I tried to sit on the counter top but it was much more higher then the one back home. I mean don't judge me but I'm not that small, I'm 5'4' and compared to Jackson who is probably a head taller than me. I gave up and just leaned on it but Jackson stopped what he was doing and grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up to sit on the counter. "Thanks" I blushed. " here" he offered me half of his omelette with a knife and a fork. "After were're done eating were're going to the school and register so go get ready. I'll be waiting for you at the car." Then he left me. With his mess? What the fuck?!

        We arrived at the school in no time and went to the office to get our schedules. We had ALL of our classes together! And I hoped of getting rid of this kid for a few hours. Huh, we went to our lockers and which were also next to each other! Then we headed to our first period class. Before opening the door, Jackson grabbed my hand," if our cover is to be siblings then we have to act like ones" without even looking at me then he opened the door revealing a group of students stairing at us with curious eyes. "Yes?" The teacher said.  Jackson was the one to talk, " we're the new transfer students." The room was filled with mirmirs " Very well then, intruduce yourselfs and then you can tabe a seat". Fuck, the one thing that I hate the most it to talk infront of people. "My name is Jackson Devaux and this is Eve Winters and we used to live in New York since We can remember." He then lead us to a pair of seat that sat next to each other. The rest of the morning went like that and we would even took turns introducing each other in the classes. We also made new friends, A girl in my gym class told me that I could sit with her and a bunch of her friends. I was in my way to my lockers when I spotted a blonde girl leaning in my locker. " excuse me. Could you move over please?" She wore a lot of makeup lets just say she looked almost like a clown turned around and looked at me up and down before speaking, " so your the new girl? Huh, I thought you were much more prettier but I can see that your not as pretty as me" talk about having a big ego? " ok?, so can you move or I will have to do it myself" this is soo annoying. Blondie was about to slap me when a large hand caught her's in midair. " leave her alone. Now move the fuck over blondie" wow, who would have said that being the new girl in school can be both bad and good. Blondie just stood there for a moment before recovering "oh come on John, just having a little fun with the new girl. No harm done." She leaned in to hug me, "stay Away from Jackson because he will soon be mine and I don't care if your his girlfriend" then she backed away and left. Girlfriend? Why would she think that I would be that asshole's girlfriend? "Hey you ok?" The guy was probably the same height as me, dark brown eyes, long black hair, and tanned skin. "Uh thanks for the help. I'm Evangeline winters but you can call me eve." I offered a smile and began to put my combination. "I'm John and please excuse Daisy its just that she is one the those girls that look for attention from foreign guys especially that old guy that he hangs out with, she changed ever since." Mmm So the girl is named Daisy. We walked and talked about house the country was different to the city but it was actually fun to have a guy to talk to that isn't such a player. U mean Jackson is all nice and stuff but he always acts that way to get into the girl's pants but unlike this guy, he is the total opposite of him and I like it. We talked talked the entire way to the cafeteria when the jack ass appeared. "Hey.Need to talk to you." I waited for him to continue, "in private". I followed him after saying good bye to John.


Publication Date: 12-04-2014

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