» Romance » silent love, jenni loe [if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «silent love, jenni loe [if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud TXT] 📗». Author jenni loe

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and up the stairs to his room. He laid me across his bed while he took off his shirt and shoes. I closed my eyes breathing in his cologne. His scent was exotic and alluring while his kiss was the opposite; his lips had a slight taste of vanilla and were soft yet plump.


I could feel Ashton crawl over me and gaze at me face. I kept my eyes closed and pretended to be a sleep. My heart began to race as Ashton’s breathe caressed my face I took a deep breathe not giving in my act. Ashton giggled at me and kissed my lips, he then trailed his kisses along my jaw line.


He glided his hand into my hair and began stroking the stray strands of blonde hair which escaped my braid. “You’re so beautiful Lexi” he whispered into my ear then blowing on my neck. I giggled at the ticklish breath kissing at my neck. "I knew you were awake!" he proclaimed.


“No, I’m a sleep” I smiled. He sighed at my attempt to fool him and started tickling me. My eyes shot open to this and I jumped up off of the bed and started crying with laughter “stop!” I shouted “ash please! Please stop it!” I begged between each breath I panted. Ashton carried on tickling me until I was on the floor dying of laughter.


“Ashton!” I complained while stretching out on the floor. Ashton was laid next to me still laughing “I’m sorry Lexi, you’re just so funny!” he snorted. I scowled at this and rolled on top of him “you calling me funny?” I questioned with emphasis on the ‘me’. He looked at me and smirked while nodding childishly.


I glared at him jokingly “I need a drink, Ash go get me one please!” I pleaded. He rolled his eyes “you’re coming with me then” he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs and into his kitchen where he reached to the wall and turned the light on. His kitchen was nice; the walls were covered with a baby blue paint and had huge glass windows what reached both the ceiling and the tiled white floor.


Ashton flung open the fridge and peered inside “alcohol or milk?” he asked. MILK?!? What the hell, why would I pick milk “durr, alcohol why would I want milk?” I chuckled. “I don’t know, I thought you might like milk” he laughed.  He grabbed a bottle of white wine and two wine glasses. He poured a glass for me and we went back upstairs to his room.


“How old are you Ashton?” I questioned before sipping from my glass of wine. He sat up on his bed and crossed his legs so he could stare at me “I’m 20” he smirked “and you?” he grinned lop sided at me “I’m 18, but I’m basically 19 in a couple of days!” He smiled and then flopped back down.


“Ashton?” I asked “Yeah?” he replied still lying down. “Nothing…” I laid on top of him, resting my head on his well-toned chest. “Can you take my shoes off me, there killing my feet” I said jokingly. He laughed and sat up.  I lifted my heeled foot on to his lap so he could take them off.

He began unclipping my heels and kissed my bare foot once he had taken my shoes off. “Thanks, servant” I teased. “Oh really now!” he protested while crossing his arms pretending to be angry.  “Yep! I’m our queen Ashton, you have to bend to my every will and make me happy." I beamed.


He laughed at my idiocy and pecked me on the lips and closed the distance between us. I kissed him again but more violently and entwined my hand in his hair. I bit against his lip teasingly while playing and twirling his hair. “I love you Lex…” he whispered into my ear “don’t be stupid” I replied snuggling into his bare chest.


He curved his arms around me holding me close to him and breathed in my scent. “Are you smelling me?” I questioned he didn’t reply he just laughed “yeah…” he finally replied. “You’re so weird Ash” I laughed and turned round to face him.


 He was very attractive he had light blue eyes and a small nose. His skin was lightly tanned giving him a roman effect; he also had long dirty blonde hair which swayed across his for head and reached down to the nape of his neck.


His lips where a natural skin colour and were very plump yet moist. I tilted my head forward so I could kiss him. I flirtatiously bit the bottom of his plump lip and kissed more viscously. Ashton leaned over andulled the lamp switch off leaving us surrounded with pitch black.

chapter 2 (yay, to you if your still reading!) often

I was awakened to the warming aroma of sizzling bacon and sausages; I could die for some food right now. My stomach felt hollow, I’m so glad mum was cooking a breakfast. I stretched my muscle and got out of bed expecting my feet to be cushioned by a warm fluffy purple carpet. I looked down to see where my fluffy carpet was then realised I wasn’t in my room…What the fuck happened last night…

My stomach began to growl awakening me from my shocking realisation. I observed the room by looking in the wardrobe, all men's clothing.And pretty decent clothing at that, an arrangement of shirts and designer jeans. I then investigated the draw beneath the wardrobe to discover it was a underwear draw, it was filled with Calvin Klein briefs and different coloured socks.

 I grabbed a pair of the briefs and looked for a name tag or something, I know what you’re thinking who the on earth puts name tags on the under wear! Well I don’t know I was so lost I didn’t have a clue to where I was or who's house i was in and who took me home last night...

I sighed at the zero amount of evidence I had found, I had searched the bathroom cupboards and found a surprising amount of products, such as cologne, shaving cream, moisturiser? I had also examined all the bedroom draws only finding clothing and money.


This guy didn’t even have a picture of his family, but he did have at least 3 bottles of wine bottles on his floor 2 empty and one half filled. I must have been fucking hammered; I inspected the clothing on the floor and found my bridesmaid dress and heels.

I still had my underwear on though so I don’t think anything happened. I went into his bathroom and looked in the mirror. I dampened a cloth and wiped off my old makeup which was half way down my face and the light pink blush. I cleaned my neck and tried rubbing off a red blotch on my neck but it couldn’t be removed SHIT! This guy gave me a love bite!

I scowled at the mockingly love heart shaped pink blotch stained onto my neck and ran my fingers long it. I went back into the room still just in my white lacy underwear and grabbed my bag. I searched through my makeup bag and applied a thin layer of mascara and some concealer to hide the hickey. After I was satisfied with my appearance I went up to the window and had a look outside to where I was.

I instantly realised I was in Laurens house, I knew this because when I was little (about five-six) I came over a lot to play with Harry and Ashton Dawson, Laurens kids. So in conclusion I often came home with Harry, I hope it wasn’t him. No offence to harry he was really nice and he was like a brother to me but my best mate Georgina had a crush on him so I couldn’t do that to her. Knowing my luck it probably was!


I walked out of the room and along the landing where I reached another room; I peeked around the door finding Harry asleep. THANK FUCK! It obviously wasn’t Harry since this was his room I slowly closed the door trying not to make a noise, when Ashton suddenly wrapped his arms around my bare stomach making me scream for my life.

“ASHTON! That’s wasn’t funny” I bawled and slapped him. He just laughed it off and hugged me, his arm and abs were well defined with muscles, and the harder he hugged me the more his perfectly toned muscles flexed. “Let go… I can’t breathe” I choked “oh. Sorry” he smiled

“Anyways I was wondering if you were hungry?” he teased “of course I fucking am!” I yelled. “Well come on then” he smirked while entwining his hands into my mine. “I can’t… I haven’t got clothes on…” I refused pulling him back. He looked me up and down literally eye rapping me.

“You look fine to me” he tormented “ash! What about your mum!” I questioned. “She’s asleep and so is harry, so come on…” He replied pulling me down the stairs. The warm bacon and sausage aroma grew stronger and stronger as we became closer to the kitchen. When we reached the wide open kitchen there were two plates of breakfast on the table with apple juice.

My stomach squealed at the sight of the steaming glory on the plate. I ran towards the plate and sat down. “Do you have any ketchup?” I quizzed "yep!" he gloated popping the ‘p’ he then tossed the bottle of red liquid into my hands. I squeezed the bottle of ketchup and made a pool next to my sausages and bacon which where sweating with heat and meat goodness. After me and Ashton were half way through our breakfasts we heard footsteps on the stairs and Lauren talking to her husband, max. “shit…” Ashton said and stared at me and we ran for the glass door of the kitchen and ran into the garden where we hid behind a wall.


“Ash, honey, I’m fucking freezing” I stated shivering at the cold gusts of wind. My lacy white knickers were all I had to warm my body up. “Fuck, I forgot you were in your under wear" he said dumbfounded. I shook my head at him and told him to gie me a boost so I could reach the roof.

He crouched down allowing me to get onto his shoulders, here I was on a model like guy in just my bra and pants, why is my life so fucking weird. I climbed up to the roof and felt a whole burning through my backside “STOP staring at my ass ash!” I complained and he began laughing.

I reached the window which was left open and crawled in. I leaned against the wall waiting for Ashton to come into the room. I heard him go back into the kitchen and tell his mum he needed fresh air so he went outside and she said it was fine and excused him from the room.

Each step Ashton took my heart poundedn the thrill of sneaking around and the adrenaline rush I had experienced so early in the morning. The doorknob began to turn and Ashton sauntered cockily into the room while rubbing his well-toned muscles, I licked hungrily at my lips

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