» Romance » silent love, jenni loe [if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «silent love, jenni loe [if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud TXT] 📗». Author jenni loe

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at the sight of him.

He smirked and walked over to me and kneeled in front of me then leaned forward to kiss me. “So what do you want to do now?” he asked in high hopes that I would want to return back to bed, but no thanks. As much as I wanted to hold his well-defined body, I had to go home to my mum and annoying sister.

“Well…” I said in a seductive voice, and a smile arose on his face. “I’ve got a good Idea…”  I stated leaving my lips in a pout. I pushed Ashton down and crawled on top of him and began kissing up his well-defined abs making him sigh. I pursued the kisses up his stomach till I reached his neck and blew making him flinch. I kissed at his neck and began sucking at his skin, after I had finished there was a small royal pink love bite. HA REVENGE

“How about you drive me home…?” I asked leaning over to his face and kissing his lips. “Don’t go…” he moaned while hugging me. “I have to ash you can over mine later if you want?” I asked kissing his cheek and getting up.

I picked the dress up off of the floor and looked at the mess of a dress, it was screwed and crunched up, and it was also wet? It must have rained last night… I hope. “Ash do you have any clothes I can wear home this is wet…” I turned round to see him searching through his wardrobe chucking random pairs of knickers and bras out. I picked one of the bras up and examined it; it was black with a red lace bow and frills. I then picked a bra up and it was made of leather, what the fuck? I looked down at the floor to find at least 5 pairs of underwear.

“Why do you have all of this underwear…?” I quizzed in dead shock of what I might have just got myself into. “There my ex’s underwear” he replied with a slight laugh. Jesus she must have been a proper whore, I wouldn’t even call this stuff under wear, you would be wearing more with a bit of duct tape covering everything.

I sighed then pushed Ashton out of the way I grabbed one of his tops and a pair of sports shorts. which I then dragged the top over my head and pulled it down to my waist, I then stepped into the shorts which hung loosely around my waist.

“Yeah ill drive you home…” he said sighing he got up and grabbed his car keys I walked next to him reflecting on the night and morning, I think I really liked Ashton and I think he liked me. Well, guessing from how easily I can turn him on I snickered to myself.

“What you laughing at?” he asked “oh nothing” I replied nearly crying with laughter. “What, tell me?”  “No it doesn’t matter” I replied. His eye brows furrowed at my refusal and he pinned me against the wall and locked his lips against mine, “tell me or ill carry on” he commanded. “No!” I begged he held my arms above my head and began kissing me neck making me shiver. “I was laughing at a TV program…?”  I lied. He let me move and held my hand “fine, don’t tell me” he scowled pulling me towards his car.

chapter 3

When I arrived home the house was soundless in the break of morning. Ashton was stretched out in the driver’s seat while he collected his bag from the car floor. “You ready?” he questioned tilting his head towards me. “Yep, let’s go” I replied jumping up out of the car, I placed my feet onto the cobbled floor and kicked the door shut with the back of my foot.

I slung my hand bag over my shoulder and began dawdling towards my door. I reached into my pocket then pulled out a silver Yale key. Ashton was looking up and down at my house examining the outside. “So…” I chittered “you want to go inside? Or would you rather stay outside?”

“Sorry, it’s just been so long since I’ve been here” Ashton explained walking up towards the front door where I was stood.

“Yeah, it has been a while you probably don’t remember this place very well huh?”

“No I don’t, but your garden seems familiar” he smiled

I forced the door open and let him inside. I dumped my bag on the floor and hung my coat on the hooks screwed into the wall. "mum?!" i shouted wondering if she was in or not. "yes honey" she eventually replied. I sighed at thinking this wwould be easy than i thought it would be but then to have my relief snatched away. I walked into the living room which was the first room attached to the hall way.

Ashton slowley followed behind my shadowing my every move, I living room was small. But i prefered it that way it was cosey like  real house, and not one what is just for show. I jumped onto my sofa still holding the wet dress and heels in my hand. Ashton the followed and sat next to me.

My mum then walked in to the living room moping about how little she managed to pull last night "I really thought that dean, lauren's old freind,was going to come dance with me last night" she carried on "but he didnt, its a shame I would totally jump that man he is so-" she explained coming to a pause when she saw Ashton on the sofa with my sprawled out on top of him.

Her draw dropped at the site of him "um.. Ashton! how are you?" she asked shying away slightly with embarresment. "good thank you miss lee" he smiled politle trying to make the situtation lighter, yet fauled epicly. I smirked with enjoyment at my mum's face "so... Dean huh?" i teased. she glared at me "you could of told me we had guessed coming over." she said scowling.

"yeah, sorry" I smiled and hugged her, "we going up stairs ok?" I asked and she nodded with a freindly smile followiing, "of course, no hanky panky, ok?" she taunted, she might of been serious but b using a lame ass word such as hanky panky I couldnt take her serious in the slightest.

I stroked her shoulder then reached to grab Ash's hand, "come on" I smiled dragging him up the stairs and into my bedroom. Thank god my sister wasnt down stairs that would of been to much hassle than what its worth. Ashton walked into my plane dull room with family pictures and drawing pinned around the room.

"nice..." he smiled while opening drawers, he picked up various things and examined them, that was untill he found my underwear draw and picked up a saucy black leather bra and jumped on my bed covering his chest with the clothing item. "never thought you would of had something like this" he grinned playfully. I tutted and snatched the bra off of his flat yet musclar chest.

"did your mumy not tell you to ask before you do stuff?" I asked him in a childish tone. "I could ask you the same thing, Im not the only one to be blamed for looking through people stuff am I?" he quizzed me with a smirk smacked across his face. I sighed "I guess not." I admitted shamfully, "but I didnt put yours on my face or body..." I protested, frowning at him.

"it cant be helped being your stunning self, how can you blame me?" he gloated, I tutted and walked away while chucking the bra back into the draw where it belonged. I glanced back at Ashton, where he still layed on my bed making himself at home. He was so small before, we use to play now and then together but I spent more time with his brother,my mum and lauren have always been freind, well from what i can remember.

I only met Ashton when I was two since he went abroad alot with his dad, who lauren has broken all ties with since apparently he was a right ass hole, so i gathered Harry stayed with lauren and Ash went with his farther. He was small and fragile then, a really tiny kid Ive seen photos of him over the years but the only relate to the age range of 0 to 11. He was a beautifu kid but was bullied alot, its probably due to the spiteful kids who were jealous.

I turned back to see Ashton drifting off to sleep, I smirked and began dragging my feet towards the door. "waite.." he said reaching his hand out, he then moved over and tapped the bed space. I chuckled and turned back to him, "hold on" I replied lifting his t-shirt off of me and pulling his baggy shorts off from around my waist, I then turned to him "look away then, give a lady her privacy" he snorted but turned around obediently "only if you give me a glass of apple juice later" he chuckled.

What the fuck was wrong with this guy and apple juice I rember looking in his fridge this morning and seein at least 3 cartons and a few small puches of it. "who said you will be here later?" I retaliated with a snort to, I slipped yesterdays pants off and pulled a new baby blue pair on, these were more comftable, probably since they were a soft lace and  bra to follow.

I turned round to see Ashton starting at my sadly "whats wrong?" I asked. "do you want me here?" he asked puzzled. "of course dont be a dumbass i wouldnt of invited you other wise." i replied while pulling a checkered shirt on and some leggings. I then slumpt myself onto the bed next to him, where he wrapped his arm around me and snuggled into my head. His scent was relaxing, yet controlling it made me want to pounce yet I didnt want to loose myself again, not this time I will play it cool, I dont want to experience the same heart brake as last time with Leon.

chapter 4 (this is a flash back ITS THE PAST)

I could feel his gaze rippling a bruning hole through me as he stared at my face, "will you please stop fucking staring at me Leon, its so fucking distracting" I complained. "I cant help it, your just so fucking gorgous" he quirried. I tutted at this and

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