» Romance » japan lovestory, twins [ebook reader for manga TXT] 📗

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don’t need you to tell me was it or not I’m just sorry.”
“No your right, It was a sore spot. I quite hurt.”
“Why, don’t you like it here? You didn’t want to leave did you? I thought you were the one who suggested it?” I asked a bit muddled.
“Well yes I did suggest it, I only wanted them to be happy, I guess. I guess I really didn’t think about me and what I feel about it.”
“But I think you should have asked your parents. If they truly love you then they would want you to be happy.” I blurted out
“Wow that was quite a speech” he said as I was blushing like mad.
“My mum told me that” I said a little less embarrassed “My mum said that as long as I was happy she would be too as long as I was through no matter what.”
“Yeah I guess. We’re here.” He said pushing open a clear white door. In side there was a flat floor stage, which had 4 rows of 5 blue plastic chairs on the left and right of the room. However from the door and forward towards the stage there was a clear aisle where there was no chair but white space.
“Sit down any where we don’t have an according seating plan” he said behind me. So I sat on the chair at the furthest corner of the room. Suddenly I heard a slap of heels on wood and at the door and emerged from there was a girl. She had Long Flowing black hair with dark blue strips of highlights on the right side, and then there was a purple-ish red high lights on the left side. She had black eyeliner ad black mascara and lip gloss on. Too much make up girl. She walked up to Usui and me, I wonder why. “Hey Usui.” Then she kissed him on the lips. Lips. Finally she pulled away. “Oh, hey I’m guessing that’s the new student.” Then she turned to me “hi my names Renee”
“Yeah, her name is Tess” was all he said.
“Hey Usui Tamaki wants to talk to you about football practice tomorrow. He wants to meet you right now, he’s just down the hall.” She said cheerfully.
And with that he ran out of the room. The air around me changed. There was something bad coming on the way I just know it. “Listen close, I am just going to say this once2 she said putting one of her black boots foot on the blue chair next to me. “ Usui is mine, he’s my boyfriend and I’m not going to let any new student barge in to this school and take my boyfriend from me. So get your paws of him or I’ll do something that will make you regret the day you came to this school. You got that.” Just then a guy came in. He looked fairly okay but right now he was staring at us. First at her face, then at her slender leg on the chair. I knew what he thought about what is happening now. “Cat fight, meow.” Was all he said. Shut up she said loudly. Then she took her leg off the chair and she walked out the door. Wow this was going to be a long term.
Sitting in classrooms for so long I felt so tired and sick, that when the bell rang for lunch, I quickly packed my bags rushed towards the door as fast as possible and before everyone in my class.
When I arrived outside I walked towards a cherry-wood bench under autumn tee with golden yellow, orange and red tree leaves dancing swiftly towards the dry ground. I sat for a while enjoying the peace and quiet for a while until Renee and her black spiked-heel boots walked pass with her gang. I looked at them closely. They all looked like normal teenage girls, who were nice until they saw me and put on their meanest scowls. Wow the girls here were even meaner than the it-girls in America. They all looked like nice girls. They looked the part. Skinny, long skinny legs and long hair. But they didn’t act the part. When they passed, Usui appeared. “Hey Can I sit here?”
“Yeah sure nobody else is going to sit there.” I said
“I heard what happened today with Renee, my friend told me. I’m sorry Renee’s over protective about me. Seeing as her boy friend and all that.”
“I know, I saw, I experienced and now I understand.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fault you don’t need to be sorry. It wasn’t Renee’s either, it was mine.”
“Huh yours but Renee was the one who…. You know.”
“Yes but if I didn’t meet you than I wouldn’t have met Renee either.”
“Do you regret meeting me?”
“I don’t know”
“Maybe I should stop talking to you then Renee wouldn’t do anything anymore.”
“Maybe, you should get going in case Renee sees you talking to me again.”
“I never thought you’d say that to me, in thought you were different from other girls, that you wouldn’t just back off after what Renee said. I guess you’re not”
At that moment I knew that I had not only upset him but me too. After that I felt a twisting feeling in my stomach that felt very uncomfortable. As time dragged on in period 5, art, everytime I glanced at Usui’s the more the twisting in my stomach twist. Finally when I got home I spent the whole night in my room after eating dinner. I went on my laptop for a bit going on face book. I uploaded my blog after. < What do I do? What would you do in a boy problem?> feeling<confused and hurt☺> .
I closed my laptop and dropped onto my bed. That night I thought about everything that happened today was starting at a new school like this? Were you not meant to fit in? I don’t know and I knew I didn’t have the answers for every single question that went thought my head tonight. I slowly drifted off to sleep. My dreams were never good when my real life was good. But tonight it was particularly good after all my real life was quite messed up right now anyway it’s quite logical. All I had to do today was get ready for another start of the drama that started today, or rather a nightmare. Chapter Four: Mystery Guy

Chapter 4: Mystery guy
It’s nearly Christmas, however the cold had not seeped in yet. I had not slept very well all week since the day I hurt Usui. Let’s face it I hadn’t slept any at some nights. It had been a week since I made a friend then lost it at the very same day. I have improved I had made new friends already, I had moved on and I hope Usui did as well. First there was Cat the crazy girl I had met her at the very first day. Her actual name is Cathy but she prefers me and her other friends to call her Cat, and if you like melodrama, she’s your girl. Secondly there was Sam; he was a casual guy who goes with everyone’s ideas as long as he likes it. Finally there was George and Toby. They were from the school Karate and Judo club. It may be a drama and art school, however they like to keep their students healthy and fit so they looked good. George goes karate and Toby Goes Judo. My friends were all kind of Normal and great, at art and drama (singing, acting and dancing). School was getting better. Lessons were fine, because I shared some lessons with all of the group or sometimes only with one individual in the group. Usui was staying away from me and trying to steer clear of me as I with him.
I went home on Friday early, because it was a free period. After sitting in my room for five minutes of reading I walked over to the balcony. I hadn’t paid attention to it since mum said it was here. Before mum said it I didn’t even know it was there, but now I was enjoying the view I got just outside it. The sun was still up, shining its brilliant golden yellow rays into my small lounge outside my bathroom, which was separated from the rest as my room (where my bed is) by a wall, like my small lounge. I hadn’t looked properly at the view around me, when I noticed a rustling of leaves behind the bush below, disappearing into the forest.
Silently I put on my blue woolly jumper on over my leggings and walked climbed down my step ladder and walked down the wooden stairs being careful not to make it creak. I put on my purple converses and ran out the door quickly taking my keys and locking the doors behind me. The cold had seeped in I just didn’t know. I tip toed towards the bush looking around carefully to see what it was. There was a clear path, well trail more like it looked like it had been here for quite a while. Suspicious I followed it through parts bushes and trees. After what was like an hour of walked into a clearing. There was a clear grass land that had trees surrounding it acting like a protective barrier. The grass was green and dry, there was a little flowers growing here and there nothing much and nothing less. The bright sun rays came down straight into this land it would be a great place for reading.munja -wa –sho, munja –wa –sho. My phone vibrated in my back pocket of my leggings.
It said: <Hey Kiddo, me and your dad have a meeting and lots of things we need to discuss, of the work we have to start doing. This meeting is probably going to take a long time. Then we have to tell the workers there what the plan is and what needs to be happening, blah-blah-blah…… I know I’m boring you but we can’t cook dinner order a pizza of something. The number for pizza takeaway is on the fridge notice board, and the money is on the money jar on the shelves with the coffee beans and tea bags. Have fun tonight be safe, do you homework, and get to bed before 11:00>
I know what you’re thinking, what a long text message right. I admit I have a very annoying mother; however she’s a caring mother too. Okay, back too main point. The land was very well kept and it was beautiful. I could sit here looking at this all day. Maybe not. I heard rustling of dried leaves behind me. I turned around; standing there was a guy with black hair. He was dressed in all black, and a black mask in which shaded his

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