» Romance » japan lovestory, twins [ebook reader for manga TXT] 📗

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eyes so that I could not make out his eye colour. He was normal height, he looked a one or two inches taller, about 5ft 7 or 8, see I’m only 5 ft 6. I’m a bit taller than the average height.
“Who are you?” I asked trying to stop myself from stuttering. I could feel my heart trying to leap out of my body trough my throat. I felt my knees were trying to give away from under me.
“you don’t need to know.”
“ ‘scuse me but shouldn’t I know what you’re doing behind my house?” I said signalling towards the house.
“no” he said and turned back into the trees. he disappeared just like that.
Okay . I walked silently back into the house. What was he doing there? Who is he? Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a clatter in the kitchen.
“Hey sis, you’re back early.” My brother  was back already, time passes quickly.
“yeah my biology teacher was on a bio field trip, so I had no bio and had a free period instead.” I replied “Mum and dad have a meeting today so they won’t be back for dinner, we are going to have pizza” I said before I forgot.
“Woohoo pizza tonight, allllright!!!” He said jumping in the air.
“If you don’t shower now and do your homework I’m not ordering it, no get your fat ass in the shower.”
“Gotcha” and he raced up the stairs
Typical kids well typical brothers instead.
Lazily I went to my room taking a long hot shower and went downstairs again, bumping into my brother on the way. “Sis, your shower took so long I showered and did my home work already”
“Cool so it’s pizza time. How about 2 orders of wedges and a medium pizza. Half macaroni and pepperoni and ….”
“Let’s have BBQ on the other half.”
“Sorted, and already on it.” I said saluting
Waiting patiently by the door waiting for the pizza by the front door, my mind drifted towards the boy at the garden today again. Should I tell mum? Maybe I shouldn’t what if he isn’t there anymore. Ding! Ding! Pizza was here now. Holding the 20 bucks in my hand tightly screwed into a ball I opened the door. As quickly as I can I took the pizza, gave the money and took the change and slammed the door behind me as I made my way to my spacious living room.
I had managed to get some homework done and I had some quality time to myself in my room listening to music and reading my book. My brother got in for an early night , but I hadn’t, no way , it was my first night in my new house without my parents, and I was gonna make most of my alone time. I went to bed just before 11:00.waht a great night.
Clank, clank, clank…. Huh was it morning already? I looked outside my window, it was still dark, and then I looked at my alarm clock.2:00 in the morning! Who would still be awake at this hour on a school day/work day? Stifling a yawn I put on my blue jumper, over my grey trousers. I walked silently as possible over to my window. Something hit it again, a rock. Well it couldn’t be by accident when it already hit my windows four times already! I looked out towards the dark sky which was lightening at its peaks, sunrise. I looked down into the shadows. He’s back again. The guy from today, behind my house. The one wearing all black and a mask. What is he doing knocking on my window? I walked down the stairs as quiet as mice. I slipped through the double glazed back door at the kitchen, of course after putting on my converses. “Hey, were you awake already, by any chance?” he asked in a sort of whisper that sent shivers down my spine.
“No! I wasn’t awake already. Who would be at this time on a school/work day?” I asked straining to keep my voice down.
“And who exactly are you?”
“A guy who has always been around since you arrived.”
“A guy who has been here since I arrived? But why? What purpose do you have? Who are you?
Do I know you?”
“Whoah, calm down one question after another girl, this ain’t no 20 questions.”
I narrowed my eyes at him.
“I don’t know who you are or what you’re saying, and I don’t want to know.”
I walked towards the house.
“You really don’t want to know?”
“you don’t want to know why I’m here?”
“Okay I ask a question and you give me an answer and I’ll think about I I want to carry on talking to you.” I said eyeing him. Reluctantly I sat on the dry grass; he sat down under a big tree in the shade while I sat in the sun.
“Ist questions what your name is?”
“My name is Thomas Damon.”
“How old are you?”
“I’m 17 I’m still in school” I kept shooting questions and he shot answers right back…….
This was my 18th questions, 18 down, 2 to go.
“Where is your favourite place to go to?”
“Its here or the beach.”
“Last one, what is your favourite flavour for ice-creams?”
“Mint-choc-chip or vanilla and toffee.”
I stood up brushing off the soil sticking to my trousers. “I think I might like you after all.”
“Because you like nearly the same things as I do.”
And with that I walked away back to the house. The sun had risen and it had a mixture of colour, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue and dark blue. The colour would look like it was over-lapping each other, however they blended quite well. The sky was not fully lit and there was a chilly wind brewing outside, hurriedly I ran into the house. Tip toed to my room. As I got back into my bed I looked at my alarm clock.3:00 I can’t believe I talked to some stranger outside my house, for an hour. Keeping in a yawn I sunk into the softness of my bed and covers, and drifted off to sleep again.
By the time I woke up the second time, it was 7:30. Hurriedly I slipped out of my bed and grabbed any clothes I could, a pair of dark blue skinnies, a white long shirt over me vest top, and a light yellow jumper. I grabbed my bag and raced out the door. I wasn’t late on my first day, but I don’t want to be late on my second day either. I wasn’t late, but everyone was in form already. So it was quite embarrassing especially be stared at by everyone in every direction. Self consciously I took a seat beside Toby. “Why are you so late today?” He asked as I sat down.
“I woke up late and well I was woken by some freak knocking on my window.”
“What freak what did he do?”
“Nothing don’t worry it was okay I would have snapped him like a tooth pick.”
He laughed as quietly as he can, but it still found its way to weave to Mr Johnson’s ears.
“Toby, Tess what is so funny? Would you care to share it with the class? I’m sure they would find it very amusing too.”
“Sorry sir no such luck, it’s a private joke. Maybe next time.” Toby replied smirking. I wouldn’t be surprised at what Toby was smirking about. I so wish you could see Mr Johnson’s face right now.
“Right class, today I hope you all know what lesson you have and well be on your way then.” He said ushering us out; as Toby was going through the door he called him back. I waited outside for him.
“So what had he got to say?” I asked hardly trying to contain my giggles.
“Detention for 15 mins, man, that’s so uncool. I mean you were laughing too.”
“But I’m new, you’re not.”
“Man, I should change school every so often; you know just to not get into trouble.”
I laughed all the way to our first class.

During that day, I was given a 10,000 word essay to do about all the battles between 1010 -1070 for history. I had to draw a person (not my family) a sketch in pencil. I also had to write and research all Shakespeare’s plays and write what they were about, each and every one of them. I’m going to drop the essays for now, writing is not my type of thing, and also it isn’t due for another week and a half. Sketching, who should I sketch? Somebody not in my family. I could do Toby, George, Cat or Sam. Oh, shook, I can’t do someone I knew, the teachers know I know them their mates. That guy. The guy in the garden miss doesn’t know him. Grabbing my new pad, I ran towards the kitchen, where the back door was. I looked around. “Hey, mystery guy, where are you? Come out I need your help!”
Out of nowhere his voice came. I looked around, but I couldn’t see him anywhere. “Say the magic word, and try to call me by my name if you remember it, I have a name you know.” He said his voice was loud but he wasn’t screaming, but his voice was strong and loud and kinda of sweet.
What was his name? What was his name? Thomas, yes Thomas Damon.
“Um, Thomas, could you come out, uh, please. I need your help.” I said unsure what I said was right or Not.
“That’s better” he said coming out between two very tall trees that were looming over both of us. “What do you need help on, essays? Photography? Drawing? You name it I do it.”
“Um it’s not that I need you to be my model.” I said uncertainly.
“Ner, Uh. I ain’t doing that.” He said shaking his head.
“But you said, ‘you name it , I do it.’ Come on. Unless you want to go back on your words”
“No I don’t want to go back on my words, oh okay what do I have to do?” he asked walking towards me.
“All you have to do is sit down and let me sketch you. However look comfortable, and normal, don’t look like you’re trying to do that pose on purpose.” I said
Slowly he sat on a wooden rope swing that I never knew was there. He sat very casually; the pose was very good and natural. He looked so relaxed; I guess he’s a good model and that I chose the right person.
Slowly I started at the shape of his head, slowly adding his features, and then his hair. I couldn’t see his features so I drew the part of his feature (his eyes and nose and lips, but only part of it.) I had to draw his mask too, because he refused to take his mask off.
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