» Romance » Real World Love, Princesskyanna [ebook reader that looks like a book .TXT] 📗

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years old, and she lives in Palm Springs, California in a 3 bedroom 2.5 bath beach house. Her and Kaleb are extremely close.
“It’s okay. I look a lot different now that I’m not on drugs and an alcoholic, and now that I’m married.” Ali stated as she showed the girls her 5 grand wedding ring.
“Wow, it’s so pretty. I hope my ring looks like that when I get married, but for now I just have this,” Meghan said as she showed Ali her promise ring she had gotten earlier that day.
“Whoa, that’s a nice promise ring. My promise ring when I was your age had a red heart on a gold band, but it was not as exquisite as yours.” Ali told Meghan.
“So Ali, How long have you been married?” Kayla interrupted.
“I have been married for 3 years and it will be 4 on January 21st.” Ali replied to Kayla then went on talking to Meghan. “So Meghan how long have you had your promise ring? You’ve got a good guy I imagine.”
“I have had my promise ring for….hmmm…let me think…” Meghan explained as she looked down at her diamond encrusted watch her parents bought her for her 15th birthday. “I have had it for exactly 11 hours and 28 minutes.”
“Wow so exact…you must be really excited to have it.” Ali told Meghan with a shock in her face.
The expression in Ali’s face changed in an instant. She had a very nervous look in her face. Meghan and Kayla turned around to see what she was looking at and what she was so scared about.
They saw a strange man that they had never seen before walking towards them. “Do you…” the man began to speak before Meghan and Kayla could finish asking Ali the question.
“Hey Ali, long time no see.” The man said as he looked Ali straight in the eyes.
“Hi Joshua…What are you doing in such a nice city like this?” Ali stated sarcastically.
“Ali you still have the same sense-of-humor that you had in high school.” Joshua sarcastically replied back. As soon as he said that he started laughing but trying to make so that Ali couldn’t hear him.
You see Joshua Adams is a boy that in high school Ali dated but they broke up and he began following her everywhere and wouldn’t leave her alone. The summer before their senior year Joshua had come over to her house looking for her and he was high on cocaine and was drunk off his butt. Ali called the cops on him and he got arrested and she now has a restraining order against him even though he still shows up everywhere she goes.
“I was trying to be funny…Do you see me laughing? I didn’t think so….So why don’t you leave before I call the police and have you put in jail for harassment and not obeying the restraining order.” Ali stated with a serious look on her face as if to say listen to me or else.
“What are the cops going to do about it? The order ended a year ago.” Joshua replied with a look on his face as if to say you have nothing on me.
“No it didn’t, I went to court and got a new one and this one is a never ending order so it will be there the rest of your life. So you better leave or I will call the cops.” Ali stated with her phone in her hand ready to dial at any moment.
“No, no don’t do that…I will leave…but please don’t call the cops on me.” Joshua said with a worried expression on his face. “I will leave you alone and never bother you again.”
“Okay then, well thank you?” Ali said as Joshua began walking away.
“Well girls,” Ali said as she turned towards the girls again. “I probably should get back to my parents house and see if Kaleb is back yet.”
Ali just started to walk away from the girls and Kayla spoke up and said “Kaleb is in Florida with Cayden, because Cayden’s grandfather is in hospice care because he is in serious condition and they don’t give him longer than 2 weeks at the most so Kaleb went with him for support.”
Ali looked at the girls with a blank stare and said “Oh okay.” Ali’s face got a scared and angry look mixed together. “We would have told you sooner but…” Meghan began to say until Ali interrupted her and said “No, no its okay I’m not mad. I’m just happy that you told me before I got too far away.”
“Are you sure that you’re not mad? I’m sorry that we didn’t tell you sooner, I just didn’t know how to tell you and I was honestly scared to tell you ‘cause I thought you would be mad at him for not telling you.” Kayla added.
“No, no I’m 100% sure I’m not mad at you. Please don’t think that I am mad at you because I am truly not the least bit mad at you.” Ali replied to Kayla’s statement.
“Okay, as long as you are sure that you aren’t mad at me I won’t say anything more about it.” Kayla replied with relief in her voice.
Ali began to walk away from the girls, and the girls began to walk towards Meghan’s house to wait out the rest of this very interesting day.
Chapter Three

Kayla and Meghan were watching Maniac, one of the world’s scariest movies. They had just gotten through the most scary part of the movie when Meghan’s phone rang and they both jumped out of their seats. After their moment of shock was over they paused the movie and Meghan grabbed her phone. It was a number she didn’t recognize. She answered it with hesitation.
“Hello?” she said into her phone.
“Hey Meghan, It’s Hayden, Cayden’s Sister?” the girl on the other end replied.
“OMG! Hey Hayden. How are you? I’m sorry I didn’t recognize your number .” Meghan said with enthusiasm.
“I’m good. Hey I was wondering if you and Kayla were doing anything right now and if I could come over and hang out with you guys ‘cause my parents aren’t home and neither is Cayden?” Hayden replied.
“Yeah of course my parents aren’t home right now so it would be fine. How soon will you be here?” Meghan said trying not to scream.
“In approximately 10 seconds.” Hayden no more got those words out of her mouth and the doorbell rang.
“If that’s you, go ahead and come in.” Meghan said laughing.
“Okay, LOL!” Hayden said right before she hung up.

Meghan and Kayla began to hear footsteps in the grand hallway of Meghan gigantic house.
“How do you get around this place? I got lost walking through the door!” Meghan couldn’t help but laugh at her boyfriend’s sister.
Hayden lives in Seattle, Washington with her roommate. She is 20 years old. She goes to University of Washington and studies Psychology. She is in her third year there and will graduate next year.
Hayden finally made it into the living room where Meghan and Kayla are at. Right when she came in to the room, Meghan’s phone began to ring again. It was Cayden. She decided to have Hayden answer her phone just to see what he would say.
Hayden answered the phone and put it on speaker. As soon as she said Hello, Cayden instantly said “Hayden why are you answering my girlfriends cell phone?” He could hear Meghan and Kayla laughing in the background so he said “Hello babe and my babe’s best friend Kayla. HAHA!” Then he couldn’t stop laughing.
Hayden and Cayden talked on the phone for about a half hour and then Meghan and Cayden talked for about 10 minutes. After they were all done talking to Cayden they all said their good byes and their I Love You’s and hung up.
The three girls continued to talk and eventually fell asleep on the couch.

Chapter Four

When the girls woke up in the morning, they heard a strange sound outside and quietly walked toward the window facing the front yard. They looked out and didn’t see anything at first, then they did a double look and they saw a small black dot moving through the grass.
They walked outside and they saw the black spot again and realized what it was. It was a black lab puppy with a note attached to it. Meghan grabbed the note and began to read it out loud.

Dear Meghan and Kayla,
Kaleb and I got in last night. My grandfather died while we were on the plane there so my parents told us to just come back because they didn’t think we needed to go there being that they will bring him back here for the funeral. Meet us @ the place at 10:30?

Thanks, Love ya  C + K 

After they read the letter they looked at the time and realized it was already 9:30.
“Hey we’ve got to go get ready. We will meet up with you later?” Kayla asked Hayden.
“Oh yeah of course. I probably should go see my parents anyways. I’ll see you guys later.” Hayden answered.
“Okay see ya.” The girls said as the gave Hayden a quick hug and walked back in to the house.
Kayla and Meghan quickly put on some cute dresses and make-up, and grabbed their purses and walked out the door to Meghan’s Mercedes GLK SUV. They hopped into the car and drove to “the place”.
“The Place” is the park where Meghan and Kayla met Kaleb and Cayden for the first time.
The drive was very quiet and Meghan and Kayla were very anxious to see their boyfriends.
When they arrived at the park, they instantly saw their men. Meghan parked the car and the girls jumped out of the car, and ran towards their boyfriends. They gave them a quick hug and a long lingering kiss and pulled away.
“OMG! I’m so sorry about your grandfather Cayden. Are you doing okay?” Kayla asked as she held Kaleb’s hand.
“Thanks Kayla. I’m just going to need all the support I can get right now and for awhile. And I wanted to thank you guys for being there

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