» Romance » Real World Love, Princesskyanna [ebook reader that looks like a book .TXT] 📗

Book online «Real World Love, Princesskyanna [ebook reader that looks like a book .TXT] 📗». Author Princesskyanna

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Chapter One

“Only 10 more minutes of this extremely boring lecture about how to have a safe summer” this is all Kayla and Meghan heard in their heads as they stared at each other as if to say, you ready for the movie and popcorn tonight.
As Kayla and Meghan continued to “listen” to their teacher, all they could do was stare at the clock and think about the amazing summer they were going to have together and with their boyfriends. Kayla heard a something in the air drop on to her desk. It was a note from Kaleb. She knew it was from him without even opening it, how you ask, he always sprays some of this cologne on the notes before he hands them or in this case throw the notes to her. As she slowly opened the note under her desk hoping the teacher wouldn’t see it and read:

Hey babe, meet me outside in the courtyard after school I need to tell you something important. Don’t worry I’m not breaking up with you. I love you. Kaleb 
She winked back at Kaleb which meant that she would and that she loved him too.
Then Meghan heard something drop on to her desk. She usually never knew who the notes she got was from. Meghan was known as the “hottest” girl at school, and guys were always putting presents in her locker and notes asking to go out with her. But she always knew when the note was from Cayden. The note was always just folded in half, and he would always draw really cheesy things on the back of the paper. She opened the note except she didn’t put it under her desk to read it, she just laid it across her desk and read:
Hey Pookie, meet me outside in the courtyard after class. I love you babe. Cayden 

She scribbled something down on the paper super quick hoping the teacher wouldn’t see. She gave it to the guy in front of her and told him to give it to Cayden.
Unlike Kayla and Kaleb, who have been dating for 1 year, Meghan and Cayden have only been dating for 6 months.

The bell rang and everyone shot out of the classroom. Kayla and Meghan walked out of the classroom together. And Kaleb and Cayden walked out of the classroom together, talking about what they were going to tell Kayla and Meghan when they met them in the courtyard.
As they walked down the hall to the courtyard, Kayla and Meghan saw all the guys making out with their cheerleader girlfriends before they left for cheer camp in 2 weeks to get “skinny”, even though they all only weigh like 70 pounds, and are extremely underweight and anorexic.
Meghan’s freshman year of high school and when she was younger she did cheerleading, but when she got extremely sick her freshman year from being so underweight, her and many of her friends quit cheerleading, because they realized what they were doing to their bodies, even though most of the cheerleaders stayed and the school had to find a new coach when she resigned from the school because Meghan had gotten extremely sick.

Kayla never took an interest in many sports, unless you count when she played soccer when she was like 3, she had always been too much of a girly girl to do anything that involved running, flipping or anything at least a little bit athletic. When her and Meghan became friends their freshman year, Kayla had told her that she looked extremely skinny and really needed to see a doctor to make sure that there was nothing wrong with her and that she was perfectly healthy. Meghan did go to the doctor and found out that she was so underweight that her body was eating away at her muscles and that if she wouldn’t have come in when she did that she could have died on the track at a game or in the gym during a practice. Well, Meghan just pushed off what the doctor had said and went to the practice and game that night. Well at the game she was cheering, she fell to the ground and the game stopped, she was taken away in an ambulance, and was in the hospital for 3 weeks trying to get some of her muscle back. When Meghan got out of the hospital, and she came back she was told that she was “fat” even though she only weighed 95 lbs, which was underweight for a 15 year old girl, but was overweight for a freshman cheerleader. Meghan went up to the coach and handed in her uniform and said I quit. And many of her friends followed in her decision to quit.
Cayden and Kaleb are both football players and have the cheerleaders cheering and hitting on them constantly. Meghan knows about this and she is fine with him playing football and all of that.

When Kayla and Meghan finally got to the courtyard, they saw Cayden and Kaleb waiting for them. As they got closer to them the looks on the guys faces got really serious, and Cayden began to speak, and the girls got scared.
“So girls, we wanted to tell you something and it’s pretty serious,” Cayden explained to the girls. The expressions on the girls faces turned from just plain scared to almost fainting on the concrete in the courtyard.
“Yeah so what is it?” Meghan asked with a puzzled and scared look on her face.
“My grandfather is really sick as you know, and my parents and I need to go to see him because he is going in to hospice and they don’t give him longer than maybe 2 weeks if he is lucky.” Cayden replied “and Kaleb is going with me for moral support, because my parents are going to be too busy crying and freaking out to even want to talk to me about my feelings, so my parents agreed to let him go with me and we are leaving in about 3 days, and we wanted to let you know that we will be gone for about 2 or 3 weeks at least to be with him and go to his funeral and then we will be back as soon as we can.”
“OMG!” the girls said together while their jaws dropped to the ground. “I’m so sorry, Cayden I wish I would have known then I wouldn’t have been so mean to you about being down lately.” Kayla added.
“It’s okay, I didn’t really tell anyone but Meghan and Kaleb about what was going on and I told them not to tell anyone because I didn’t want any sympathy for what was going on.” Cayden replied while he gave Kayla a quick hug.

Chapter Two

“Bye Babe, I love you. Have a good trip.” Is all Meghan could manage to get out before she started balling and turned away from Cayden, and began to walk away. Kayla began to run after her when Cayden stopped her and said “Let me go get her and talk to her.”
Cayden found Meghan sitting in a chair not very far away from where they were standing when she walked away. He looked down at her and said “What’s wrong Babe?”
Meghan looked up and said “I’m going to miss you so much and it’s going to be hard to be away from you for almost a month.”
Cayden fumbled around in his pocket for a minute until he found what he was looking for. Then he said, “That’s why I got you this.” She saw the box and opened it and he said, “This is a promise ring that I have been waiting to give you for about 2 weeks until I would find the perfect time to give it to you. And I thought now would be perfect, so that you would have something to look at to remember me by until I come back and I will call you every day.” Cayden said this while he slid the ring on to her finger gently and it fit like a glove.
The ring was silver and had one pink heart and one blue heart on it, and it symbolized their two hearts coming together as one in to the color purple. It was gorgeous.
Cayden and Meghan walked over together back to Kayla and Kaleb. The first thing that Kayla noticed was Meghan’s promise ring and then she said “OMG…It’s so pretty.”
Kaleb then looked at his watch and said “Well girls we have to get going now or we will miss our flight.”
The girls both gave the guys a kiss and a hug then another kiss and off the boys went for 3 weeks to a place that neither of the girls would see them for what would seem like forever.
That night, Meghan and Kayla were at the movies, and afterwards the walked towards the café about a block away from the movie theater, they noticed a strange girl following them. When they got to the café they had sat down at a table and the girl sat at the table right next to theirs, ordered the same things they did, and left at the same time they did.
When they left they decided to play a little trick on this girl. They hid around the corner before she came out and when she went looking for them they popped out and said, “Can we help you with something? You’ve been following us for the last hour and a half, and your kind of starting to scare us.”
The girl looked at them with a puzzled look and said “You guys don’t know who I am do you?” Meghan and Kayla looked at each other with a puzzled look, and Kayla stated to the girl, “No we don’t actually, I’m sorry.”
“Well how could you not know who I am Kayla and Meghan?” the girl said happily as she took a step toward the girls. “How do you know our names? Who are you?” the girls asked this strange girl and Kayla began to shiver with nervousness and was hoping that this girl had a good explanation for how she knew them.
“Kayla, I’m Kaleb’s older sister, Ali Sanders.” the girl told them.
“OMG!!!! ALI!!! I didn’t think you were coming for another at least week.” Kayla screamed as she hugged her. “I came to surprise Kaleb, but no one was home so I went to the movies and saw you guys and I recognized you right away, because Kaleb sends me pics of you guys all the time.”
“I’m so sorry I didn’t recognize you sooner Ali. So how have you been? You look so different now.” Kayla told her.
Ali is 23

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