» Romance » The Echos of my demons, Amber Songs [read after TXT] 📗

Book online «The Echos of my demons, Amber Songs [read after TXT] 📗». Author Amber Songs

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social media. I'm 17 now, which is close to 18 which means in America I'm a grown up. 

Pulling myself together and laughing in anger " yeah I know. well, here take my number down" Waiting for him to pull his phone out. He gently placed it in my hand. why haven't I notice how big his hand was before and how slim his fingers were. 

I began to tap away my numbers on the screen and handing the phone back over to him. he smiled and said, "I'll text you ". I nodded and said "ok" as I walked out the door with Ester as we head to Sams car screaming as soon as we were far enough from him. "what happen?" Sam said looking confused. Ester and I looked at each other and started to explain to Sam what had just transpired. 

Would you be my girl?

Two days had gone by after giving Shawn my number. With Ester and Sam nagging me about it,  it only made me anxious. I Kept wondering why he hadn't text me yet; was it because of Kelly?, It wasn't like I haven't seen him it was just that every time I saw Him or was about to approach him; He would be surrounded by Scotty and his meatball friends or Kelly would magically appear.

For the life of me, I couldn't understand why guys even liked her. Nevermind, I knew the reason for her being liked. Kelly was pretty, I'll give her that, she was easy but selective with who she laid with. she and her friends always dressed as though they were going to a nightclub, pushing their breast up at any horny teenage boy as long as they looked good and was "popular" Kelly and her friends would push up on them regardless if they had girlfriends or not.

I remember in our junior year.  I was standing behind one of the book shelves in the library and Kelly was talking to one of her friends about having sex with John after school and how "BIG" he was and how she didn't give a shit about Sara, Which was John's girlfriend at the time, saying " Bitch should have just given up the pussy, talking  about *in a mocking tone of voice* nooo John I'm waiting for the right time". The day Sara found out about what happened between John and Kelly. She cried for a week her face was so red and filled with tears. I remembered her screaming at him in the courtyard " ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS, YOU HAD SEX WITH KELLY" sobbing with anger with her face in her hands while her dirty blonde hair covered her face. 


My eyes fixed to the clock as I carefully watched the minute hand move*tic, tic, tic* I knew if I got to the classroom door first and rush down the hall I could see Shawn. Within the two days, I already knew what hallway he stood at before going to his 7th-period class. It was the long way to get to my class but I didn't care.


The school bell rang which had my heart beating as if it was about to jump out of my chest "PLEASE DONT FORGET TO READ CHAPTER 11 TO COMPLETE THE WORKSHEET FOR YOUR HOMEWORK". Mrs. Hernandez yelled as all the kids jetted for the door. But there he was standing at the end of the hall. I froze then proceed with caution for me to realize he was standing there all by himself. "GET IT TOGETHER MELISSA," I said to myself. Mustering up my courage. I walked over to him and just like that Kelly magically a part wrapping her arms around him while pulling his arm close to her small breast as if she was watching me walk towards him. Then soon after Scotty walked out the same classroom which Shawn just came out from. Tapping Shawn on the on the shoulder saying "Mrs. Howard is such a bitch, I swear I hate that lady" Scotty said to Shawn. As Shawn turn to face him, we made eye contact, I couldn't hide the disgust on my face from Kelly still having her arms wrapped around him. He saw the look on my face and quickly pulled his arm back, forcing her to let go.Shaking my head in disappointment and rolling my eyes, I quickly turned around and headed the opposite direction to my class.


"You're late Miss Rose," Mr. Mathews said to me while addressing the class  "It has only been three days of school. Come on guys lets arrive to class on time. Please take your seat, Melissa". Taking my seat My phone started to buzz. It was a text from Ester. I turn to face her as she was sitting three seats down to the right of me. "text me back" she mouthed.


Ester: Why were u so late.... ;) were you with Shhhhawn


Me: No, he was too busy with Kelly


Ester: What!? are u serious


Me: Yea, I mean it's watever. If he likes those kinds of girls good for him because I'm not that Kind of girl


Ester:  That little Bruja. what the hell is her probably. wasn't she with Cameron?


Me: Girl. Idek


" Hand it over" Mr. Mathews now standing over my desk with his hand stretched out " you can get it after class," he said while I hand over my phone. " I'm a jealous man when it comes to my lessons so please pay attention.  AND THAT GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU" Mr. Mathews said as I sat there embarrassed. with only two minutes left of class. I sat there looking through the window just to see Kelly walking to the school parking lot to approach her father. He handed her money and kissed her on the forehead. I wonder if he knows his daughter is an evil slut?.


* bbbbring*

" What the hell is wrong with that girl? she can't be serious, right? nnnnnooo she couldn't be" Ester said to me as I packed my things up ready to leave class "I'm just really over it at this point it's only been three days of school and she can't even give her slut actives a break," I said to Ester as we walked towards Mr. Mathews desk " Miss Rose and Miss Olivio, next time please hold your conversation after my class I spent hours on these lessons"  Mr. Mathews said to Ester and I Before Handing over my phone.

With class out the way, Ester and I headed out the School doors towards Sam's car Just for me to see Kelly from the corner of my eye all up in Shawn's face. " She's really ridiculous," Ester said to me as she locks her arms with mine pulling me to Sam's car. Sam shaking her head in disappointment from seeing what Ester and I was  "Melissa, don't even let that shit bother you, let's go"


"ah Home sweet, home" as I drop my bag to the floor; slamming my body to my bed with my face in my pillow. I looked to my left staring at the picture of my parents. I couldn't get my mind of what happened today, why was Kelly even that close to him anyway *buzz, Buzz, buzz*. I sprung out my bed to find my phone. To my surprise when I open my Phone it was Shawn Texting me.


Shawn: Hey, It's Shawn 

Shawn: Are You Home?

Shawn: Do you have a Minute to Talk?


Me: Yea, I'm home and sure wassup?


Shawn: Ok, cool can I see you real quick I want to talk to you in person.


Me: ahhh, Sure. do you still remember where I live?


Shawn: Yeah, lol I do I'll see you in about 15 minutes 


"Is this real life right now?" I said to myself as I prance around my room " he texted me *screaming*".  *Wait a second there Melissa Nicole Rose.You should have put up more of a fight* I thought to myself  "Shit I should have asked him what the hell he wanted. God, why the hell am I so easy?" Unlocking my phone I texted Ester of what had just happened *buzz* it was him.


Shawn: I'm outside

Me: ok 


"shit, shit, shit" as I scurried around my room. grabbing my brush to brush out my now frizzy hair; picking up my coconut breeze body spray from bath and body, drenching my body with it from head to toe. I ran down my steps " where are you going?" my mother said to me " outside, I'm right out front" I ran outside before my mother could finish her sentence slamming the door behind me, looking forward. There was my summer fling standing outside his car walking towards me. " Hey" he smiled giving me a hug " Hey" as I looked at him nervously as I wanted to know what he wanted to talk to me about. " ahh, can we take a walk around the block for a minute?" he said and I nod my head in agreement.


We walked around my neighbor in silents as I turned my head to him" soooo, what happen to you moving with your father" He looked towards me smiling " ah, I did move with him, remember how I was telling you how my mother lived close to my old school and I didn't really like it?' nodding my head trying to piece my memories together "yea" he looked to me and said " well when I moved in with him. my mother ended up getting sick so my father decided to get an apartment close to my mother to keep an eye on her but because the apartment was too far from my old school I end up at Lincoln. I was low key happy because I remember you telling me you went to Lincoln high". I tried to keep my excitement in for my intention weren't right, I was selfishly thanking God for his mother sickness and also hoping she gets better. "Damn, well I hope she gets better" my words although full of crap I do hope she gets better "well, yeah she be alright but that's not the reason I want to see you and talk to you, well it is but I just wanted to say sorry for not texting you I was dealing with my mom and over summer I wanted to ask you something but since I moving with my pops. I didn't ask but since we moved closer to my mother and we go to the school" he said as he looked at me with seriousness in his eyes my heart was beating out my chest as he took a deep breath " Melissa, Would you be my girl". In that moment I wanted to say yes but Kelly ginger head kept popping up in my head "what about Kelly?" I said to him without thinking twice.

He looked at me confused and burst out laughing " what about her? I knew Kelly since middle school and haven't seen her since now and we only have two classes and lunch together. so Kelly means nothing to me all she does is push up. sooo are you going to answer my question or leave me hanging" he looked at me waiting for my response, I wanted to be with him and since he said Kelly means nothing I felt

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