» Romance » The Echos of my demons, Amber Songs [read after TXT] 📗

Book online «The Echos of my demons, Amber Songs [read after TXT] 📗». Author Amber Songs

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Maria Sanchez: "Let's being"


I must have been 16 at the time. It was summer when I met him: he was tall, Handsome, pearly white teeth, medium brown skin tone, clean cut hair, and a boyish charm to match.


I for one was a little pudgy, dark in complexion, messy long curly Black hair, with big brown eyes; which I must say was my prettiest feature on my body.


That summer to me was the best.Spending time with him, going on movie dates, and getting to know him. As one should do, being a teenage female still trying to find her way around boys, puberty, sex, love, and all the little in-betweens didn't help much. Due to the fact that half the females I knew already had sex or was about to "Do it" like my friends would say as they chuckled with immaturity. 


But summer was coming to an end along with my teenage summer fling. Knowing that I may start school and never be seeing him again worried me. Never did it cross my mind to ask him what school he was going to. He was always talking about moving back with his dad that lived nowhere near the school district with that in mind, my summer was over and it was time for school. 


One thing I didn't miss about school (as if I had missed anything about it) was waking up 6:30 in the morning to get ready for a place where humans were packed into a box for 7hrs out of the day; to be packed into another box filled with 20 to 30 personalities for at least 30 minutes. It was just one of those things I could do without but here I am walking through the halls getting pushed, bumped into, and looking into the eyes of many freshmen that are scared shit-less, as their fears could be smelled from a mile away by senior boys and girls ready to make an examples out of them. 

"MELISSAAAAAAAAAAA!", my name being screamed from the end of the hall by Ester. Now Ester was your typical "pretty girl"; Tan skin tone, long jet black hair, light brown eyes, curvy, breast, and ass to match her proportionate 5ft 4 body. I was envious of her confidence and looks, she was hated on by many girls which started a lot of fights over boys but that didn't stop me from being her friend. I knew her since the 8th grade, she was always nice to me, telling me how much she loved my curly black hair that complimented my dark complexion,"Oh mami, your hair is so pretty" she always told me. 


"Oh Dios mío. Melissa, you got so skinny AHHH YOUR HAIR. YOU straighten it"Ester said. I haven't seen Ester over the summer since she left for D.R for her grandmother Funeral and with the hustle and bustle of the funeral, with family members that spoke little to no English, it was hard keeping up with her and staying in contact a long with working retail for the summer, lifting heavy boxes plus standing on my feet for most of the day I was bound to lose the weight. 

"yeah" as I giggled tucking my now straighten hair behind my ears " well, do you like it?" while running my slim fingers through my hair as I look to her for reassurance, " I love it," Ester said. *giggling*  "you better love it, I spent hours getting it this straight" with the now mid-back hair length that is no longer curly, I smiled. " soooo, hand over your schedule, I want to see if we got classes together". Ester stretching her hands out while I rummage through my book bag trying to find the folded up paper " ah, here you go". passing her the paper; I stood there watching her scan both paper carefully. "YEEEESS, Mira" looking over the paper with her "we got 1st, 2nd, 3rd, lunch, and the 7th period together" while hugged each other screaming.


*brrrring* The repeated hammering of the school belling remind us that we only have 5 minutes left to get to class. 




Me: "I'm I boring you?"

Maria Sanchez: "No, *Smiling* Please continue Mrs. Perlo"


Now with classes out the way, it was lunch time. I stood by the girl's bathroom waiting for Ester to arrive so we could walk to the cafeteria together. On our way there, pushing through lost kids, getting in the line to get to our food. We took our seat at a table with girls we knew as chatter filled the air with about 200 students. 

As the other girls spoke about their summer, Ester nudged me "so, what happened to that guy over the break huh?". While eating her bag of chips patiently waiting for my answer, leaning over looking in my eyes. "oh, I really don't know .....we just stop talking, I think he moved back with his Dad" *shaking her head in disapproval* "Boys are stupid, I mean look at you, your beautiful. RIGHT, SAM?" shouting at Sam across the table clearly engaged in her own conversation. 

Sam happily shouted back "Right" as she smiled at me with her braces in full view nodding her pastel pink hair that was cut right under her ears to shape her round face. The color pink made Sam caramel colored skin and freckles even prettier with her dark green eyes that added to her looks. " Don't even worry about him, you know? just another to replace" while looking at Ester as they both nod their heads in agreement. 

With 10 minutes of lunch left and Ester still talking my ears off. I saw him I SAW HIM. I blinked my eyes, rubbing them vigorously making sure they weren't playing tricks on me to look up and see my teenage fling standing at the far end of the room surround by girls who dressed as though they were at a night club laughing with the other guys looking as though he had no care in the world. He looked so different, but I knew it was him. He was about 6ft, still slender but with a more muscular built frame. 

Without even thinking I stood up. " Mi Amor, what's wrong?" Ester asked with a puzzled look on her face "IT'S HIM" I reply with shock, " Wait! him who?" Ester now stand up to see who I was talking about. " Shawn, Shawn Pierson my......" Ester now cutting me off " your summer boo? where is he?where?". "Wait! I want to see" Sam also jumping up to see who I was talking about as the other girls aimlessly scan the room. "There" as I point to the far corner of the room " He's the one in the white tee with the red book bag on talking to Scotty". Ester and Sam now squinting their eyes as the other girls gazed their attention to the far corner. 

Placing her hands on my shoulder. " coño, he's hot!" Ester yelled. As he slightly turns to face our direction I grab Ester pulling her to her seat while lunging across the table pulling Sams arm to sit down. "what the hell Melissa,  why are you hiding?" Sam looking at me concern "yeah, mama why are you hiding? why don't you go talk to him?" Ester implied "No, are you crazy? I'll just wait" I blurted out.


*Brrrring* (school bell)

 Ester now mad at me " Chica, the only person loca aquí is you. Because now Kelly Michaels just wrap her nasty coffin nail finger around your man leading him to her hell". glancing back to see Shawn walking out the cafeteria with Kelly only made me mad, and in my regrets, I should have just walked over to him and said something and now it's too late.


While sitting in 7th period I couldn't get over the fact I let Kelly little ginger head, petite body, pale skin, freckle face, beady blues eye of pure slutty evil walk him out the cafeteria but I had no-one to blame but myself for letting that happen. With class over I started to gathering my things to put them in my bag, with my back turn Ester grabs me by the arm yanking me out my seat " listen, I'm not playing with you. let's go find him" with an evil smile on her face "ok, let's go find him" I reply back smiling as we walked through the classroom door. 

After walking the halls for about 2 minutes with Shawn nowhere in sight. " Ester lets go Sam is waiting for us. I'll just see him tomorrow at lunch" Ester not wanting to give up the hunt " you sure Melissa? we can just tell Sam to hold tight for a little bit" "no, it's o....". " MELISSA" my sentence was cut short from a deep voice that I knew all too well. I slowly turned around to face the voice that called to me.

 It was him, pacing towards me with the boyish smile that only left me breathless. For a second I  felt as though I was in one of those slow motion scenes in movies that dramatize the characters moment. I couldn't  help but chuckled, as my life was depicting the movie grease as I thought to myself "I wonder if Sandy had the same feeling for Danny when she saw him too".  I stood still, while Shawn walked over stretching his long slender arms out for a hug. "Melissa, wow I knew I saw you in lunch but then you disappeared and I had got pulled out the cafeteria by some girl". Shawn still standing there talking to me, I couldn't pay attention to what he was saying, I was still in shock. he smelled so good, he smelled like fresh lining with a subtle sweet fragrance. He towered over my 5ft6 body having my head rested right under his chin, all I could say to myself was "He was look for me?" and "sucks for you Kelly, he doesn't even know your name". 

As our bodies pulled a part, still staring at him in awe I felt Ester nudge me and I could hear his voice again. "really, I didn't see you" only answering his first sentence because I didn't hear anything else after he called Kelly "some girl" but I lied, I didn't want him to know I saw him and decided to run. " Are you going home?" he said as he looked at me as if he wanted me to stay with him and talk more " yeah,*pointing at Ester* we just walked out of class" that was a lie too because Ester and I were like Steve Irwin (may his soul rested in peace) roaming the halls looking for him. " ah just text me. You got my number right?". As I looked at him waiting for his response "Actually, I don't. I had to get a new phone and like a dummy, I didn't back up most of my contacts and you were the only person I couldn't reach out to because you didn't have any social media" and at that moment I cussed my mother. She was overbearing, how could a woman let her child have a phone but nooo

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