» Romance » Surviving the Sway Boys, Twilight Sparkle [best book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Surviving the Sway Boys, Twilight Sparkle [best book reader TXT] 📗». Author Twilight Sparkle

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so just do it." Will finishes and heads off towards the direction of the kitchen. I turn to face the 5 boys still standing around me. Jesse went with Will to help Delance. None of the five boys make a move to come up to me, and the silence is awkward. I decide to break it.


"Will Will actually know if you don't finish the introductions?", I ask truly curious. One boy nods his head. 


"Yeah, it's like Will has some magic power that allows him to see through lies and detect unfinished tasks.", the boy says. 


"Well then, come on up and finish the introductions.", I say.


"We don't want to end up like Lance.", the same boy said.


"Come on, you can shake my hand but if you try to hug me that's when you'll get the fate that Lance met.", I say half joking, half serious. The boys stand there for another minute, before the one I was talking to walks up to me, cautiously I notice, and holds out his hand unsure. This boy has blue hair, obviously dyed, and green eyes. His skin is of the darker shades of brown. Like, Hershey brown.


"My name is Isaac and I'm 16 years old.", I nod my head and make sure to shake his hand extra gently to ensure him that I won't hurt him. When he realizes that he's still on his feet he pauses and then scurries away. The next boy walks up. He has red-orange hair and gold eyes. Literally! His eyes are the color gold! And his skin is a caramel color. He has freckles on his cheeks and a smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose.


"My name is Samuel, but my friends call me Sam, and I'm 16 years old." I shake his hand, and my breath gets caught in my throat. 


"Your eyes are pretty.", is the "intelligent" answer I manage to respond with. He laughs at me, and I mean it's howling laughter. His laugh is so loud and booming that my ears start ringing. I feel a slight blush creeping up my neck and spreading throughout to my cheeks. 


"Thanks, sweetheart.", he says. He winks at me and then walks away laughing. 2 down, 3 to go. The last three boys all look the same. They all have short, blond hair, and from where I'm standing it looks like they have blue eyes. They all walk up to me at the same time, their steps in sync.


I was wrong, they all have forest green eyes.


"Hi." they all say at the same time.


"My name is Brandon," the one on my left says.


"My name is Bradley," the one in the middle says.


"My name is Braxton," the one on my right says.


"and I'm 18 years old.", they all say at the same time. I'm never going to remember which name goes with which boy.


"Are you guys triplets?", I ask before I can stop myself. Two of the guys laugh, but the one in the middle doesn't.


"No, we all got plastic surgery to look the same.", he says. Before I get a chance to say something to him, he stomps off up the stairs. I've had enough of these damn boys. I haven't done a single thing to them, and yet they're being so rude to me. I feel tears pricking at the corner of my eyes and I quickly wipe them away. I'm not about to let these boys see me cry and I haven't even been here for a full hour. While I'm working on composing myself, Will walks up to me and the last two triplets walk away. 


"Hey! Did the others introduce themselves while I was gone?", he asks me.


"Yeah.", I say and I wince when I hear how uneven my voice is. 


"Are you okay?", Will asks me. I shake my head knowing that he already heard the unevenness of my voice. 


"What's wrong?"


"It's these damn boys. Asher, Martin, and one of the triplets have only just met me and they're already so rude to me. And let us not forget about the pervert Jackass-" Will cuts me off.


"-Jackson-" To me, his name is Jackass.


"-Jackass. He just gives me the creeps. What did I do to any of those boys to make them hate me?", I accidentally ramble because I'm so worked up. "I mean, they don't know what I went through, and you don't know what I went through, but I'm pretty sure even if y'all did know what I went through they would still be complete assholes." Will stands there shocked. It's like he doesn't know what to say. In the moments of silence that follow, I feel the tears swelling up again. Luckily, Will's stern voice and pissed off expression stop the tears from flowing.


"Dinner is at 7:30. Would you like me to show you to your room?" I can't believe he just completely ignored what I just said. I thought Will was nice, and maybe even a potential friend, but I guess not. Nonetheless, I nod my head, afraid to use my voice at this point, for fear that the tears would start flowing.


"Okay follow me." I silently follow Will up the stairs. After about five minutes, we arrive outside of a birch wood door. Most people would look at this kind of door and say it's ugly, but all I see when I look at this door is natural beauty. Looking down the hall, I see that all doors are made from this same birch wood. Will's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.


"-on the left." Aw crap. I missed all of what he said. 


"I'm sorry what?" I expected him to have an annoyed look on his face, but when I looked at his face I saw the same pissed off expression he wore earlier. I hope I didn't cause him to have that expression. 


"I said, my room is the third door on the left." 


"Oh okay."


"I'll come pick you up for dinner at 7:25."


"Okay." Will walks, no stomps, off down the hall. I sigh and open the door to my room.



Chapter 3

 *Will's POV*


Faith looked like she was about to cry. She's probably in her room crying right now. Was it true? Were the boys really mean to her when I left? I'm going to find out right now. I walk up to the triplets' door and knock. Braxton opens the door.


"Oh hey Will! Bradley was just about to give you the-" I cut him off.


"Were any of the boys mean to Faith? I mean were they rude at all?", I ask him.


"Uh, yeah. You were there when Ash and Martin were rude right?", he asks me.


"What do you mean? I didn't hear anything rude come out of their mouths.", I reply. He rubs his hand on the back of his neck. 


"Well Ash said that Faith wasn't his friend and that she couldn't call him Ash, and Martin basically blew off her friendship." I groan and run my hands down my face.


"Anyone else?", I ask.


"Well, Bradley may or may not have snapped at her.", Braxton admits sheepishly. I'm so pissed at those boys. 


"Who's all in your room?", I ask Braxton.


"Just Brandon and Bradley why?"


"Tell both of them to come to the living room. Also, text the rest of the boys to come to the living room as well."


"Why don't you just use the intercom?", Braxton asks me. 


"Because it's connected to all the rooms including Faith's. I don't want her to know about this meeting.", I explained. 


"Oh okay. Um my phone is dead, so I can't exactly text the rest of the boys.", Braxton says. 


"Fine, I'll text them. Just tell Bradley and Brandon to meet me downstair in the living room.", I say. 


I start to walk down the hall whilst pulling out my phone to text the boys. I click on our group chat.


Will Sway: All Sway boys meet me in the living room RIGHT NOW!!! 


Jackson Sway: Is she down there?


Will Sway: First of all she has a name, it's Faith. Second of all, no she's not.


Jackson Sway: Okay good.


Delance Sway: Aww...Is Jacky upset because for the first time in forever a girl rejected him?


Jackson Sway: You're one to talk. I was told that she mercilessly flipped you over her shoulder when you tried to hug her.


Delance Sway: Shut up. It was unexpected.


Jackson Sway: I bet you trying to hug her was unexpected yet her reflexes were on POINT! 


Delance Sway: ...I'm done.


Jesse Sway: I'm on my way. 


Martin Sway: Lance, dude did you really just quote 'Frozen'?


Delance Sway: NO!...Wait yea I did.


Martin Sway: Haha! I'm on my way downstairs.


Isaac Sway: Ha! All y'all have to actually walk here while I was already sitting on the couch. 


Asher Sway: Is that girl going to be down there?


Will Sway: Once again, that girl has a name, Faith. And no, she is not going to be down there.


Samuel Sway: Why didn't you just use the intercom?


Will Sway: ...


Will Sway: I'm done. See you guys downstairs.


I turn off my phone and continue walking to the living room, ignoring all the noise coming from my phone, indicating that the boys were still texting. I walk into the living room and see that Isaac, Lance, Jesse, Bradley, Brandon, and Braxton are already down here, and sitting on the couches. Asher walks through the front door taking a seat by Jesse on the gold loveseat.


"Where are Jackson, Martin, and Sam?", I ask. All the boys shrug except for Jesse.


"Jackson and Martin are scared to come down here. They think you're lying to them about Faith not being down here. I think Sam is just refusing to come downstairs.", Jesse replied. I pull out my phone again.


Will Sway: Jackson, Martin, and Sam get your asses downstairs RIGHT NOW!!!


Samuel Sway: Why???




Will Sway: Let's do it like this. The last person down here does the dishes after dinner.


As soon as I sent that, I hear feet running down the stairs towards this direction. Two minutes later, Jackson and Martin come sprinting down the hall, and into the living room with Sam right on their tails. When Sam comes in last he groans.


"FRICK!", he yells.


"Well, it looks like Sam will be doing the dishes today.", I say.


"Frick!", he says just a little bit quieter this time.


"What is the topic of this meeting?", Jesse asks.


"Faith.", I say simply. Jackson starts frowning and Asher balls up his fist.


"I thought you said that Faitheny wouldn't be down here!", Asher yells.


"She's not going to be down here. I said that she wouldn't be down here, but I didn't say that the meeting wouldn't be about her.", I explain. Asher visibly relaxes.


"Oh okay.", Asher says.


"Anyway, does anyone want to tell me why Faith looked like she was about to cry when I took her to her room?", I ask. Asher smirks and leans back in his seat. Jackson rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone. Martin smirks as well and lays down on the couch. The rest of the boys look sympathetic. For who, I don't have a clue. 


"She's probably upset because I told her we aren't friends, and that can't she call me Ash. Poor girl. I almost want to give her the pleasure of my friendship. Almost.", Asher says. I get real angry, real quick. Just as I'm about to say something Martin starts talking.


"I did basically

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