» Romance » Surviving the Sway Boys, Twilight Sparkle [best book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Surviving the Sway Boys, Twilight Sparkle [best book reader TXT] 📗». Author Twilight Sparkle

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hot water, soak the towel with hot water, and fill a plastic cup with hot water. As he is still laughing I pour the scorching water down his back. He jerks back immediately and when he does I throw the hot towel on his chest. He leans forward, catching the towel in his hands, but forgetting that the towel is hot. He immediately drops the towel and puts his hands in the sink water. Almost immediately he jerks his hands out of that water. I start laughing. HARD! He cuts on what I'm guessing is cold water and puts his hands under the flowing water sighing in content. He glares at me but no anger is present in his eyes. 


After 3 minutes of having his hands under the water, he cuts off the water and looks at me. We don't do or say anything. He stares at me, I stare at him. Suddenly, he dips his hand in the bubble water and puts the bubbles all over my face. THE BUBBLES BURN! HOW THE FUCK DO BUBBLES BURN? Instead of screaming or scrambling to get the bubbles off my face, I grab a handful of bubbles and put them on Sam's face. 


"FRICK!", Sam yells.


Sam isn't as strong as I am I guess. 


"FRICK IT FRICKING BURNS!" I start laughing. By now the bubbles on my face have cooled down. So that means the bubbles in the sink should be cooled down as well. I put my hand in the water and sure enough, the bubbles are cool. I pick up two handfuls of the cool bubbles and put them on Sam's face. Sam glares at me again and splashes me with water. My hoodie gets completely soaked. I glare at Sam, he smiles at me. I splash Sam with water and soak his shirt. We glare at each other and the bubble war begins. We constantly splash each other with water getting each other more and more soaked. Just when I was about to splash Sam again, someone clears their throat, catching Sam and I's attention.





Chapter 7

"Well, you two seem to be having fun."


"We were just washing the dishes Will.", Sam says.


"So splashing water on each other is washing the dishes? Thanks for the memo.", Will says.


"She needed a little cheering up, I figured I would cheer her up." Will glares at Sam.


"Come on Faith, I'll show you to your room.", Will says.


"No, I'll show her.", Sam insists.


"I'll show her."


"I'll show her."




"I'll show myself thank you very much.", I say.


"Are you sure you know the way?", Will asks me.


"Of course.", I say while walking away.


I walk out the kitchen, through the dining room, and up the stairs to my room. When I reach my room I open the door, walk in, and close the door. I grab a pair of pajamas from the closet, sweat pants and a sweater, before going into the bathroom and taking a shower. I get out the shower and put on the sweatpants and sweater. So I don't wear undergarments to bed, sue me. I go commando when I'm on the down-low, yo. I'm weird as fuck... I throw my dirty clothes into the hamper and climb under the pink comforter.


I pick up my phone and scroll through my gallery stopping on a specific picture. Everything was great before this asshole decided to jump in my life and ruin everything. Life was perfect. The perfect family, perfect school, perfect friends, perfect everything. Why did he have to come along and ruin it all? I wish I could go back in time to before he came. Then I could warn everyone about the damage he would cause when he first arrived. I miss my old life. I was perfect. I had great friends, great grades, and I was the only high school student that was never out past their curfew. Everyone saw me as a goody-two-shoes. Now all people see me as is a whore. How can I be a whore when I'm a virgin? I guess it's all about appearance these days. Well, guess what...It's going to be a LONG time before anyone sees any skin of mine besides my hands and face. 


I cut off my phone and set it on my pink drawer. All this pink is giving me a headache. The last thought I have before I go to sleep is, "I wonder what tomorrow will be like..."




I wake up when a cold liquid is suddenly all over my face and body.


"FUCK!", I yell. I sit up and rub my eyes. When I can see, I look around and spot Sam with an empty bucket in his hands, a charming smile on his face, and an unrecognizable emotion in his eyes.


"You know, you're even cuter when you're pissed off.", he says.


"Why the fuck would you do that?", I ask. 


"Because I've been up here for the past hour and a half trying to wake your ass up." He ends his "explanation" with a charming smile in my direction.


"How the hell would you wake my ass up if my ass doesn't even sleep? Huh?"


"You know what the fuck I meant."


"Or did I?"


"Yes, you did." He pauses. "Or at least you should know what I meant." 


"You can't tell me what I do and do not know. You're not my brain. You don't know what information is stored in here." I point to my head.


"Oh, my fucking gosh sweetheart. You're killing me." Sam looks annoyed.


"You know, you're even cuter when you're annoyed Skittles." He looks at me weird.


"Skittles?", he asks.


"What? You call me sweetheart, I thought it would only be fair if I call you a nickname that starts with an S.", I say in defense.


"I chose sweetheart because my name starts with an S. Give me a nickname that starts with F.", he tells me. I think for a moment before I come up with the perfect nickname.


"FLUFFY!", I yell.


"Why that?", he asks me.


"Because that's what I want to call you. That's what I'm going to call you.", I nod my head. 


"Sweetheart, what kind of name is that?"


"Uh, a name." Sam shakes his head at me.


"You're something else sweetheart. Get up and get dressed. We're going out."


"Going where?", I ask.


"It's a surprise.", Sam tells me.


"Who's all going?" Sam shakes his head. 


"You have a lot of questions this morning sweetheart. You, me, and the triplets are going." My eyes widen.


"Isn't Bradley one of the triplets?" Even I can detect the panic in my voice. Sam looks confused at the sudden panic in my voice.


"Um, yeah. Why are you asking?" I rapidly shake my head back and forth.


"I'm not going."


"Why sweetheart?"


"Because I'm not."


"Is it because of Bradley?" I don't respond. Sam sighs.


"It is isn't it?" I still don't respond. Sam grabs my hand with one of his and puts his other hand on my thigh.


"If this is about Bradley, don't worry about him. Where we're going, I won't leave your side. I promise."


"I don't know Sam." I look away from him.


"Trust me. And, call me Fluffy." He smiles that charming smile, and I find myself nodding. He smiles again. 


"Alright, get dressed sweetheart. Oh, and wear a swimsuit." Sam walks out and shuts the door behind him. But not long after someone else opens it and walks straight in, without even knocking.

Chapter 8

 He chuckles but it doesn't sound happy to me.


"You and Sam seem to be getting very close.", Will says.


"Uh, yeah I guess we are.", I say. I'm not quite sure where this conversation is going.


"Figures." I frown.


"What's that supposed to mean?", I ask.


"Don't worry about it. Do you want a tour of the house? I'm free all day because my usual plans are canceled." Will rubs the back of his neck. I think about how Sam just told me that we were going somewhere.


"Not right now. Maybe later?" Will suddenly gets this blank expression on his face.


"You know what? Just forget about it, I have other things to do anyway."


"I just meant that-" Will cuts me off.


"I bet the reason you don't want that tour is that Sam already offered you one. Or maybe Sam is taking you somewhere. Or maybe you and Sam are going to hang out later. Whatever the fucking reason I know it has to do with Sam." Will says that in a calm voice but the harshness of the words feels like a slap in the face. I get up and walk towards Will.


"Will?" He doesn't look at me.


"Will please look at me." He reluctantly lets his eyes rest on my face. 


"Just because I'm becoming close friends with one of the guys here doesn't mean that we can't be friends. Sam didn't offer to give me a tour of the house, but he did say he wanted to take me out today. It won't just be the two of us though, the triplets are coming as well. How about when I get back you can give me a tour of the house? Does that sound good?" I stare into his stormy gray eyes and silently hope he says yes. 


"Sure. I guess I could free up some time for you.", he finally replies with a twinkle in his eye. I scoff.


"You can free up time for me? I think I'm the one freeing up time for you.", I say with a smirk.


"No, you got me twisted. I'm freeing up time for you." I laugh.


"One, you told me earlier that you're free all day because your usual plans are canceled. Two, did you just quote Beyonce?" The tips of Will's ears turn a light shade of pink, giving away his answer before he has said anything. 


"So what if I did?"


"If you did, then you're not as manly as I thought you to be when I first met you." Even though he's a little low on the muscle, he made Jackass back down. Jackass looks like he's a football player or a wrestler. He was really manly when I first met him.


"I'm plenty manly. If a guy listens to Beyonce that doesn't make him any less manly. In fact, it makes him more manly."


"How does it make him, or in this case you, more manly?" Will visibly thinks about my question. I mean literally, you can tell he's thinking. His eyebrows are furrowed together, and a bit of his tongue is peeking out of the corner of his mouth.


"Well-" He begins to answer but is interrupted.





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