» Romance » Secrets Unfold, Graphic [best romance novels of all time txt] 📗

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"There's this guy who... I want this guy to take me to the dance. But I don't know how to get him to." she says slowly while thinking. I nod and take another long sip of my pepsi. "I know how to solve your problem. It can be solved in three easy steps." Allison and Mavis lean in to hear what I'm going to say. "First, you must tell me whom you are talking about." I say in a gypsy voice. Mavis swallows a lump in her throat. "It's Gregory." she whispers. Allison shoots me a glare. I wink at her to tell her it's alright. Gregory was Allison's ex but Mavis didn't know about that. Gregory played on the basketball team and was a guy who was like any other popular guy. Period. "To progress in this mission, you must buy a pepsi. It will increase your excellence to blend in with the crowd." I told her. Mavis hesitated. She was on a diet. "How about diet pepsi?" she asks me. I shake my head."Pepsi. Only. It is the only way to attract attention to the one whom you...prefer." I struggled for the right word. After another moment of hesitation, she got up and walked to the vending machine. She came back with a pepsi like mine. "Good." I said. "Now, Allison, give me the details." Mavis was not smart enough to ask why I was telling Allison to give us the details. "He loves root beer and pepsi." Allison rolled her eyes while she gave us the very important detail. "And using my how to attract boys power, I know how to get him to like you and take you to the dance but..." I tapped my chin to think how long it would Gregory to notice Mavis. "But What?" asked Mavis impatiently. "But, it's more complicated than I thought so. Meaning, there's more than three steps." I notified her. She looked at me then Allison and then shrugged. "What's the first step?" she asked us. I looked at Allison and then she looked at me. I took a deep breath. "First, we have to make you stand out." I admitted. Mavis looked baffled. "What? Stand out? Don't I already?" she asked getting up and twirling her yellow dress. "You do but you have to stand out in a different perspective. Besides, you will look great after the makeover." insisted Allison pulling Mavis to sit down. I had never actually done match making. I was just playing along and maybe doing something for a change. "I'll text you to tell you when to meet us." I instructed her. She grinned, got up and did her little happy dance. "Do that again and I'll rip your throat off." threatened Allison when Mavis hugged her. I moved away when she hugged me. "You guys are the best! Anyways, I have to go talk to Lilly about something. Ta-ta!" she picked up her golden coach purse (and her pepsi) and trotted away towards her "friends". Allison and me exhaled our breaths. The only reason we were being so nice to her was because she had lend her brother's axles to us when our axles broke off on our skateboards on the day of the competition. I took another sip of my pepsi. Allison looked at me.
"Why does she have to fall for him?"
"I dunno."
I looked around to see the football players walk into the room. I notice Zach Collins walking in with them. I look away. Allison snickers at me. "Admit it. You sooooo like him!" boasted Allison. I shook my head coolly. I hoped it covered my blushing cheeks. "Who?" I ask casually looking up as I would have if I didn't like anybody. "him!

" I roll my eyes wondering who him was. "I don't know anybody named him." I lied. I specifically knew who she was talking about. "Of course you don't! You ob-vios-ly don't know your own Chem partner's name!" laughed Allison. "Allison! You obviously had a crush, too but I'm not crushing, you see." I huffed. "You're right." agreed Allison. I relaxed in my seat. "You're mega crushing!" she cried. I felt my face burn. Johnathan, Derrington, Cam and Nikki joined us at our table. "I hear crush talk." says Derrington sitting down beside me. I plead with eye contact while I look at her. She nods. "Yeah, there's this girl who's mega crushing on Zach Collins." explained Allison. She wasn't lying. "Zach, my man!" greets Derrington when perfect Zach Collins walks towards to our table. I hide all my feelings and think about everything that could be boring in life. Allison shoots me a look saying: If you're not crushing on him... prove it!

I almost stuck my tongue out at her. "Hey, Jordyn." greets Zach to me. "Oh, hey Zach." I greet him back. I feel like giggling and hiding under a pillow to ease all the giggles and girliness. "I came because I heard my name." smiles Zach running a hand through his beautiful blonde hair. He was particularly looking at me. I felt the wave of shyness and girliness wave over me. I endure the embarrassment. Allison shoots me another look. I blush a little. Zach sits down beside me. His very presence makes me scream. In a good way. That's how I feel. My feelings explained in one sentence. "Oh, there's this girl who's mega crushing on you." explained Allison giddily. I feel ants run up my pants. "Mega crushing on me?" Zach emphasized the word me.

I feel like yanking out my hair. He was doing his specialty. The Flirt Rush. I've seen him do it with the cheerleaders before and some other girls. I personally would faint of it. "And who's this mega crusher?" he asks showing his perfect white, sparkling teeth. Now, I feel like screaming into a pillow. "It's a girl in grade ten." I lie. Zach frowns. Then he smiles again. At me. I feel like I'm having a sugar rush. It's like Zach's my charger. "Is she hot?" he asks smirking. "Oh yes, very!" nods Allison. I shoot her look. She smiles promising not to give my name or any hint indicating that I was the mega crusher which I clearly wasn't. "Then why haven't I met her?" questions Zach leaning in on the table towards Allison. She frowns and quickly thinks up something. "You probably didn't notice her because she's not what she looks like on the outside of what she is on the inside." answered Allison quickly. Zach didn't understand. He frowned. Even his frown was perfect. "What I mean is, that she's hot but hides it with her personality and she pretends she's not and you probably didn't notice her because you didn't think she was hot." re-explained Allison. Her hints were starting to get closer to me. But I clearly aren't hot...right? Zach understood. He smirked again. "Do you happen to know her name?" I almost gasp and cover it with a cough. Allison is not a liar. She swore not to ever lie on her skateboard. "Um, her name?" asks Allison gaping at her blouse's collar. Zach nods sheepishly. Now I feel like taking the pillow and whacking Allison's head with it. "I can't tell you the name. You see, I kinda promised her that I won't tell her name to anybody cause she no want to be on top of the number one rumor chart." said Allison. I thanked Allison with two blinks of my eye. She blinks three times back meaning Don't Mention It. Zach sighs and snickers. "Well, if she walks around any time, introduce me to her." he winks at me. I nod and smile. I've got my feelings under control now. " Zach iz just excited ta add her ta his fan list brace yo'self foo'!" laughs out Cam. Everyone laughs including me. Zach rolls his eyes. "Yo At least ah gots uh fan list unlike you and git Sheniquah's ass back ova' heeah." throws back Zach. Everyone laughs and looks at Cam. Cam laughs too. "Yo Somebody's rude you know das right!" argued Cam. "Yo ah'm just trying ta protect muh motha fuckin reputation brudda! don't make me shank ya!" threatened Zach. Everyone made an ooooohhh. Cam smiled. "Yo you nuttin' compared ta me in black slang sho 'nuff!" Zach snickered and ran a hand through his hair. His blue eyes were showing a very competitive mood. "Jocking my mood, man. Leave it be. I just teasing ya'." laughed Zach but from the corner of his eye, he was looking at me. I looked down at my pepsi. "Anyways, man. I gotta get back at the table. See ya' later." he said to me. I smiled at him. He walked away with a stride that only a greek god can have. I wish I could do that.


I walked into Chem class. I sat at my usual seat and stared at the board. I wanted my dad to pick me up already. At 4:00 my kickboxing match was starting and I had to be there at 3:40. The ring was far away and it took about a half an hour. Students pile in and greet me. I smile back at all of them and say "hi". Zach comes in laughing and a lipstick mark on his cheek. He sprawls onto the seat beside me. "Yo." he said loudly looking at me. "Hey." I say back. "Um, do you know there's a mark on your cheek." I tell him. He smirks at me. "I knoooowww. Like, everybody's jealous!" Zach mimics a girl's voice. I look at the clock. It's a half an hour before dad picks me up. Just 30 minutes more of hot but annoying behavior from Zach. I look down at my feet. I'll have to clean my sneakers after the match. "You look excited." observes Zach. "I am. My kickboxing match is today." I tell him. He nods and chugs down a can of Canada Dry Ginger ale. He burps loudly. He is very loud. He looks at me expecting me to run away or something. I just shake my head. The bell rings and Mr. Cabos or everyone likes to call him Mr. Cabbage (He doesn't mind) walks in. "Good Afternoon, students." he greets us stacking ten more files on top of twenty other ones. "Good Afternoon, Mr. Cabos." all the students say in a typical bored student voice. "Alright, students. Today we will be studying the structure of an atom." He writes down ATOM on the board with a circle beside it. "Alright then. Let's begin. Mr. Collins, please structure the atom." Mr. Cabos passes the chalk to Zach. Zach gets up and walks down to the board. He turns his back to the class and covers the atom so no one can see it. After thirty seconds he turns around to show off his handy work. Everyone laughs including me. In the middle of the atom he has a huge question mark in the middle and he has lines pointing outwards of the atom labeled with question marks. I cover my mouth to keep from laughing. Zach sits back down

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