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He does the history of instruments and everything in between but he says he has to because the school board forces him but he doesn't want to. It surprises me that the school board had enough money to hire a music journalist. Weird. Some new kids in my chemistry class were placed with new ones... including Zach. I want to cry when I think about it. Like, that was my only way to catch his attention and actually talk to him without stammering. My new lab partner, Wayne Evans, is a weirdo. He has the looks and all but barely talks to anybody. Something tells me he's like Johnathan. Anyways, I gotta go now. I smell something burning. TTYL! Maybe more like WIYL. Write in you later! BYE!
Among the Betrayed

I slid into a seat next to Washina Long Legs. Her real name was Washina Williams but everybody called her Washina Long legs because of her thin, long legs. She had a sour face and brunette dyed hair. People said her hair was flaxen blonde but she wanted to blend in so she dyed her hair brunette which was fine with me. I didn't really care. She tilted her sour head to look at me. I stared back at her. "What do you want?" she said in a high pitched voice. She chewed her sour gummy worms with her mouth open. I slid a bit away from her, making the distance. She eyed me with her four eyes. When I didn't respond. She pushed her brown zebra glasses onto the bridge of her nose with her middle finger. I noticed that she had a scab marking on her wrist where her baggy sweater didn't cover her skin. She flipped her wrist over and shoved her hands in her sweater's pockets, hiding her skin. "Um, listen. You're..." I pursed my lips. My dad was always on my case. Washina batted her purple eyelashes violently but mostly impatiently. What was I supposed to ask her? Hey, Washina, you do drugs? Who's your dealer? Thanks,for the dealer, I want some too? What if she doesn't answer? What should I say? You're under arrest? What if she asks for my badge? I'm an undercover cop?! My dad always had to send me to go find trouble. Like, c'mon! Everybody knew that my dad was the head chief of our city. That's probably why nobody's picked on me since I was in kindergarten. I get up and ignore the glares that the punks sitting with her are giving me. I noticed that they looked... high. Some of them were laughing for no reason at all. "Never mind. I'll ask you later." I tell her and walk back towards my lunch table. I wipe all the germs on Allison. She looks at me and continues talking to Thomas Cooper. The new kid in my English class. Why were there new kids in my class? Only mine. "Alright, then. See you around." Thomas got up and left the table leaving a sighing Allison. One of the girly things about her was that she was obsessed with some boys. I wanted to go home and apply more RUB: COLD to my foot. It was hurting and I had to limp when I walked. "He's so dreamy." whispered Allison. "He's so delirious." I lied. He was actually cute but not as hot as Zach. No

guy except Zach could be at that level. "I'm going to the washroom. I've got to add him to the Dibs list in the third stall." decided Allison. I handed her my permanent marker. She took it gleefully and skipped away like a six-year old. I wondered what I should do. The last time I went to the washroom was when my dad thought they were dealing drugs in the girls bathroom. Which turned out to be, they weren't but that's a whole different story. I wanted the sun to disappear and storm clouds to roll on so I could take a better picture of the freak show for my photography project. I pulled out my phone and checked for new messages. Derrington, Cam, Johnathan, Nikki and Zach sat down at my table. I frowned at them. When could a tomboy have some time to herself? I slipped my blackberry into my hoodie's pocket. "Hi." I greeted everyone. Zach looked uncomfortable but he flashed back a gorgeous smile at me. I had my feelings under control. So far. "There's this guy who's wanted to go to the dance with you, for like three years but was never brave enough to ask you out." laughed Nikki. I raised my eyebrows at her. A guy who wanted to go with me? Impossible. Kapeesh. Even grim Johnathan seemed to smile. Derrington and Cam grinned like they had won the best skateboarder of the year award. I shook my head. "Impossible. Totally impossible." I denied. "Check your phone." Nikki told me. I pulled it out. Everybody leaned over to look at it. I pressed my phone against my chest. "No way you guys are getting a look at this." I stated. Nikki smiled. "The only way you can see my messages is you guys will have to murder me first." I added. They all shrugged as if it were no big deal. I frowned. The lunch bell rang, dismissing our conversation. I got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I walked at a fast pace so none of them could catch up with me. My foot was killing me but it was worth it. I wonder how girls talk about guys asking them out. I'm clearly not into that stuff. I shuddered. I hate the feeling of embarrassment. It feels like I'm being harassed. I pulled out my homework and text book for geometry. I locked my locker and walked into my class which is in front of my locker. I sighed again. I don't see any of my classroom buddies. They're all new kids. Why am I not being changed? I recognize a exchange student from Norway. "Hey, Niklas." I greeted him. He looks up and smiles. Niklas was Norway for Nicholas. I decided to call him Niklas even though he preferred being called being called by his american name. He was reading Among The Betrayed by Maragaret Peterson Haddix. I don't know how, but I had a feeling I was among the betrayed. For no reason at all. I smiled.

I Promise

Damned, Doomed, Drastic, Dreadful, Dreamy.
I feel damned.
I feel damned because I got a C+ on my English test.
I feel doomed.
I feel doomed because my parents are going to kill me.
I feel drastic.
I feel drastic because I have never gotten a C+ BEFORE.
I feel dreadful.
I feel dreadful because I want to go on the ramps but I'm having detention.
I feel dreamy
I feel dreamy because I'm dreaming about Zach Collins.
I scribble on a piece of paper. We have to write I'm Sorry Mr.Loviage. three hundred times in total. He's my English teacher. He used to be the best teacher ever. Until I told him about my kickboxing match. I'm done writing I'm Sorry Mr.Loviage all over a piece of paper three hundred times so I'm pretending to study for a quiz next week. Mr.Loviage's kitchen timer rings. I hand him my apology letter. I wrote an apology letter on the back of the sheet where I wrote the I'm Sorry Mr.Loviage three hundred times. He snatches my work away from me like all the others in detention. He walks back to his desk and carefully placed each one into the paper shredding machine. I stare at all my work going to waste. Wow. That's all it takes to shred someone's apology letter? Stringy. "You are dismissed." he huffs. I wonder how he managed to huff all the time. I get up and walk out of the classroom. I go down the stairwell and take a right at the sixth corner. I walk quickly towards the main entrance. Great. Mom's probably at home in her room and completely silent, ignoring what's going on outside in the world and totally lost in her thoughts. I walk out into the cold November air. It's a perfect day to go down to the freak show. I mean circus. I pull out my camera. It's fully charged and ready to shoot. I place it back into my bag and put my skateboard on the ground and ride away, towards Annie's Blue Moon Cafe. I stop my skateboard and decide to go towards Trust-Trust Cafe, Fast-food palace and Bar. I skate down Main Central of our city, Troy. Reminds me of High School Musical. And Camp Rock. Heh heh heh heh. Don't get it? Never mind! I stop and lift up my board when I reach the corner of Goretti Central. I smile at the never changed but renewed 1955 top of Trust-Trust Cafe/ Fast-food palace/ Bar/ whatever. I pull the door wide open and clamber in. All the highschoolers are in, today. I remember! It's Friday and it's after school. Makes sense. I look around for somewhere to sit or something but all the space is occupied. I see Zach in the corner with his friends laughing. He was looking at me. I'm not staying here for sure. I open the door and step back out into the cold air. I think I'm better off at International Pizza across the street. I cross the street and open the door. I step into pizza smelling warmth. I inhale the smell like a drug. Okay, maybe not. That's just a bit off. There's not many people here and I like that. The tables are white and the ceiling is nice and high off my head. The hanging yellow flower lights and pot lights from the ceiling make it look professional. The creamy painted walls make me feel bright and creative. Which is what I just need. I step up to the counter and order a slice of Italian cheese pizza. This place is also awesome because it has all kinds of recipes from countries. I'll probably eat Greek pizza next time. "That'll be three dollars and forty-five cents." says the cashier. I hand her five bucks. "The change is your tip." I tell her when she hands me back the change. She whispers a thank you and shoves it into

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