» Romance » Skeleton Girl, Agent Aries [detective books to read txt] 📗

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as anything more than a necessary meal until I catch the Skeleton.
"Here you go sir."She smiled wickedly with a lollipop between her teeth.
"Sir?That makes me feel like an old man.Call me Jason or Gregory instead."I said as I tried to tear my gaze from her glossy pale pink lips.
"Ok Gregory,can you sign here?"I couldn't help the sliver of disapointment when she used my last name instead of my first,what a minute since when did I care about a human's attention?She handed me a paper basically saying that I got the treats without trouble.
"Sure.Who sent this?"
"A secret admirer.I can't tell who though, names are confidential."She winked mischievously, rolling the lollipop on her tongue.
"I see."The cat jumped off her shoulder and started nosing the basket.
"Geez, you have such a sweet tooth.Here."She produced a red striped mint from her pocket, unwrapped it and tossed it to the cat, who oddly enough immediately started to eat it.
She grabbed a bright yellow package from her girly basket and handed it to me.I couldn't help but notice that her nails were long and oval shaped, painted a brilliant cherry red, the only spot of color on her besides her stunning midnight blue eyes.
"What is it?"
"Probably chocolate from your fans.Up Beast."She tapped her shoulder and the cat jumped up on her shoulder purring.
As she turned to leave I stood up.Something about this girl interested me.
"Wait."I said as she opened the door.
"Hmm?"Her eyes seemed to sparkle as wickedly as her smile when she turned her head to me, her hair shifting to reveal five piercings in her right ear.
"What's your name?"She seemed to be startled that I asked.
She grabbed the lollipop stick and took it out of her mouth.I was too focused on her sensual lips that I barely took notice of the shape of the bright red candy.
"That's for me to know an you to find out Mr.Hero."She popped the lollipop in her mouth again and closed the door.
It wasn't til five minutes had passed that I realized what the shape of the lollipop was.
A grinning skull. Not So Happy Customer

I couldn't help the shit eating grin that spread on my face when I walked away from the police department not in cuffs.I know I did something really fucking stupid but life is about taking risks.A game if you will.A game you will never win but a game none the less.
I looked up at the door kinda surprised to see that it's the home of my last employer.Huh.It's damn near impossible for him to recognize me, after all Beast is technically my handler since he brings home jobs and carries notes between me and the employer.I normally just drop off the items requested, pick up the money at the drop spot and leave.
I left Beast in the car and palmed a knife in my sleeve just in case though.
"Confectionately Yours delivery."I said as I knocked on the door in a false sweet voice.
A moment later the door opened to reveal a burly man who was definitely not my skinny ass employer.
"Is this the residence of Mr.Wickland?"I asked the giant innocently while I sized him up.
"Yes.Who are you?"
"I'm the delivery girl for Confectionately Yours.Are you Mr.Wickland?"Play dumb and the dumb believe you.
"No and your not a delivery girl."Roughly he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me inside.
"So miss delivery girl who are you really?"I looked around at my surroundings instead of answering the brute.
He grabbed my chin and jerked my head to face him with enough force to make my neck pop.At least I was able to confirm that it was my employer who ratted me out considering that he was tied up and bloody in the dining room.How the fuck did he know that I worked at the goodie shop though?
"Listen you little bitch when I speak to you."He hissed, his ugly face so place that I could taste his breath.EW!
I promptly spat in his face.
Howling in rage he picked me up and threw me against the wall.Ok, so this guy is way stronger than I thought.Great.I just hoped that I wouldn't have to use my gun because than the cops would definitely be called.
"I will kill you bitch!I drain you until your nothing but a bag of bones."I couldn't help the giggle at the b-rated villain dialogue.
"You crack me up even if I don't know what the fuck you talking about.Funny shit.But if you hit me one more time I will have to kill you."I stood up and brushed off the plaster that came off the wall from my shoulders.
It's not the first, third or even the sixth time I've broken a few ribs.You learn to cope with the pain after a while.
"Really blood bag?Lets see you get up from this."He somehow was right in front of me before I could even blink and punched me right in the gut.
Quite honestly I'm not sure why I didn't start immediately puke my innards out.I'm not joking, he hit me that hard.But he hit me again so I have to kill him.As soon as I could breath again.
He looked at me with a look of surprise and sadistic pleasure, a look that has been branded into my brain since childhood.He was a true killer, the kind that enjoyed killing and killed to get that sick rush that came with the spilling of blood.Now I really have to kill this fucker.He's too dangerous to keep alive.
"I think I'll have a snack before I have my fun with you."That sicko went into the dining room and came out a moment later dragging Wickland on the floor behind him, a bloody trail smearing on the white tile floor.
"I want you to see this.After all this will happen to you too."With that he smiled at me with double rowed eyeteeth that looked sharp as daggers.
Then with speed that repulsed me he wrenched Wickland's neck to the side and savagely ripped into his throat.I lost for my cool for a moment and screamed like my life depended on it.It probably did.

EF stands for Evil Fucko

I think I screamed for ten seconds before I mentally slapped myself.Get it together.Screaming is bad.Screams + freaked out neighbors = cops = handcuffs.I slowly got up and palmed the knife that was in my sleeve in my hand, keeping the knife hidden from view.
EF , stands for Evil Fucko, abruptly ripped his head up, tearing open Wickland's throat.He was dead anyways so it didn't hurt but his blood splattered on my face, which made me twitch.
"Oh, you actually stood?My, my your quite a tough little slut aren't you?"He let the savaged body fall carelessly on the floor as he got up.
"Piss off fuck face."Anger twisted his face and I have to say that it scared the shit out of me.
"You little whore!You're going to wish you were dead!"He lunged at me with full intent to kill me but I was prepared for that.
I leapt at him, which startled him to a hault, and tackled him to the floor.With my knife in hand I was about to plunge in deep within his eye socket when he grabbed my hand.
I stupidly tried to still stab it into his face and got thrown off for my trouble, somehow managing to gouge out his eye in the process of being tossed like a rag doll.
"Owie!"I yelped and tried to crawl but the pain crippled me.
"You little bitch!You ruined my beautiful face!I'll get you for this."EF said and started for me.
"You do that and you will wish she did more that just cut your eye." Could that have been...nah.
But for some reason EF suddenly had a look of a man who knew that he would lose and lose badly.Instead he ran saying something that made no sense to me.But then again I was slowly dying of internal bleeding and definitely had a concussion so I could have been wrong about what he said.
"I'll leave for now.But I will come back, kill her and kill you too, Jason Gregory."
Then everything went black.

At least you don't sparkle

I woke up to the sound of somebody moving.I barely opened my eyes and kept my breathing at the slow pace it was in rest to see where the fuck I was but still appear asleep.I was in a house I didn't know, in a room I didn't know, in a bed I didn't know, with a stranger approaching the part of the bed that I laid on.That combo, on top of the dozens of aches and pains in my body, made me a very

cranky girl.
As the stranger drew closer to my head I noticed that whoever put me in the bed didn't bother to hide my gun after removing it from me.They put it on the dresser next to my face.Dumb ass.I pretended to shift in sleep prepared to grab the gun and attack whoever was getting closer to me.As soon as I saw the shadow of their silhouette on my eyelids I jumped up, grabbed the magnum and pointed the it in their face.
It took me a moment to process what I was seeing.
"Whoa girl.Put the gun down and we can talk about this."Wide irresistible grey eyes looked at me in shock.
"Jason fucking Gregory.You gotta be kidding me."I slowly lowered my gun, cursing the luck I was having.
"And your the candy shop girl.Mind telling me your name now."
"Yeah actually I do."I replied smartly, holding the gun at my side.
"I see, well I know it anyways.It's Rayla Graves right?"
"Lala is fine."I said automatically.
"It's a nickname."
"I think I'll stick to Rayla."
"Whatever."I rolled my eyes and started walking, more like limping, to the door.
I was suddenly swung up in

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