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Mr.Hero and Skeleton Girl

"The Skeleton struck again late last night at the residence of Mr. Franklin Bishop.After stealing many valuables Skeleton left leaving nothing but his calling card, a skull shaped lollipop."I tuned out the reporter on the live news feed that was being played on my laptop and sleepily drank my tea.All I want is to goggle at the fine piece of ass they call Daniel Jones,the weather guy, not listen to a crime report.
I already know what happened.Bishop got his very pretty painting stolen, which was later given to the person who hired The Skeleton to steal it.It's beyond me why they still think that it was a guy who is the Skeleton.I mean come on, what kind of male thief leaves the calling card of a lollipop?But at least it draws attention away from me, Rayla Graves, the real Skeleton.
"What do you think Beast?I think the nickname is cute.Even though they think I'm a guy still."I said to my partner in crime when he sauntered in.
"Meow?"He whined when he realized that his breakfast wasn't waiting for him.
Yes,my accomplice is a cat.Not just a cat but the one and only Prince Beastly, my best friend.He's smart, funny and even wakes me up in the morning when I hit the snooze button too many times.He also has a sweet tooth.I'm not kidding!If you have a jolly rancher he'll somehow steal it.Hell if you have even have a an apple he'll whine and cry until you give up and give him a bite.
"Meow!Meow!Meeoooowwww!"He jumped on my shoulder and started climbing all over me, desperate for me to feed him.
"Ok!Ok!Calm down here's your food you little monster."I said good naturedly as I set down his kibble topped with a peach slice.
He purred like a motor boat and started attacking the peach like it was ambrosia.
"You know I'm not sure if eating sugar is good for cats?What if you get sick?Or die?"I smirked.
Beast looked at me, annoyance clearly evident.
"God,I've finally gone 100% crazy cat lady havn't I?"
His face seemed to say,Well duh,your having a conversation with a cat

I looked at the time.9:46 am.Well, might as well be early for work, I've got nothing else to do.
"Come on Beast.Time to go to work."I took the black spiked cat collar and black leash from the coat hooks and quickly secured it on Beast's neck.
The collar and leash isn't really necessary because Beast doesn't like to be far from me but it makes the customers feel better about a strange woman and her cat appearing on the front door delivering yummy goodies.
When I'm not a thief for hire I deliver chocolates and baked goods for Karen MacLend who owns a little goodies shop called Confectionately Yours.It's a tiny little store but it has lots of business due to Karen's policy of custom candies.She'll make anything you request out of candy or chocolate.One teenaged boy even asked for a chocolate dildo to prank her and she didn't even bat an eye.I still have to smother a giggle at the boy's and his mother's face when I delivered it a day later.Funniest shit ever.
"The culprit of these robberies will be caught and brought to justice."A sexy masculine voice said from the laptop that I had forgotten to turn off.
I turned around to glance at the video on the LCD screen.Jason Gregory, the new hot shot investigator in town, was looking directly into the camera as if he could find me through it's lense.He is the sexiest thing alive, with a ripped tanned body, a thick mane of chocolate brown hair and a pair of the most alluring grey eyes.
He knew it too, the girls that stalked him wouldn't let him not know, but he is sincere in his will to protect the people from evil and yours truly apparently.
"I won't rest until he's caught.I will find him and bring him to justice."His piercing gaze seemed to look right into my soul.
I smiled,oh this gonna be fun.
"Catch me if you can."I smirked and closed the laptop.
Good luck Mr.Hero,Skeleton Girl is waiting for you.

Guns and Lollipops

"Good morning Lala!"I smiled when I heard Karen's voice from the kitchen.
"Morning Karen.So what's the work load today?"
"Six stops on Banner, four on 32 street, one to the police station and two on Jackson road."I stiffened when she handed me the directions to the stops I had to make.
Well, when your taunt the devil you go to hell.
"Ok.Are they ready?"
"Yep here yah go."Karen skipped out of the kitchen and handed me a basket decorated with various flowers and bows.
Very ironic considering that I have skin the color of bleached bone and am always wearing black slightly gloomy clothing.Beast, who was perched on my shoulder like a furry parrot, yowled and tried to dive into the basket, smelling the sugar coated yummies inside.
"No Beast.You already had some peach this morning."I scolded.
He wailed like a baby in response.
"Oh here ya go cutie."Karen, a fifty-six year old woman, gushed like a kid, treating Beast like a baby.
Beast mewed in delight when Karen handed him a sugary biscuit.
"Geez it's a wonder that your not obese."I shook my head and went into the kitchen to grab the .44 magnum and the stainless steel knives that I usual hid in my employee locker.
"Are you taking that gun again?"
"Yes Karen."I sighed, knowing that I was about to get The Lecture.
"I know that the world is much scarier than when I was a kid but I don't think you need to carry that gun around.It shows that you don't trust people."I half listened, putting the deadly sharp knives at the bottom of the basket, underneath the deliveries.
"People aren't as nice as you are Karen."I said simply, putting the gun in my back holster and putting on my big black hoodie enough to hide it's bulk.
"People aren't as mean as you think they are."
"I don't know about that Karen.Bye,I'll see you later."I waved as I left the shop to my car,Beast following closely behind.
I stood in front of the police station, the directions in one hand, the basket in the other.
The words police station-present for Jason Gregory from secret admirer

seemed to taunt me.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
I looked at Beast who had once again perched himself on my shoulder, looking for encouragement.He rubbed his face on my cheek and looked at the doors that read Hunter Valley Police Department

.Well,it's time to see how good of an actress I really am.
I took a deep breath and walked in the double doors.
I was slightly taken aback at how indifferent the officers were at my arrival.
"Can I help you miss?"A bored looking man in a blue uniform said at the front desk.
"Uh, yeah.I have a delivery for Jason Gregory."
"A delivery?"The officer looked me up and down.
"Yeah, from Confectionately Yours."I arched a brow at the knowing tone in his voice.
From the look of him he thought I was just another brainless girl trying to get close to Mr.Hero.I think a little bit of a reality check is in order.
"Well,ok.Just step through the metal detector.Do you have any metal on you?"
"Yeah, here ya go."I pulled out my Desert Eagle and my papers for it and handed them to the cop along with my basket.
The look on his face was priceless.
"Your packing some serious heat for a delivery girl."
"I'm from LA."I lied smoothly,in my line of work it's generally a good idea to bring a little 'persuasion' if they try to cut me out of my pay.
"Oh,I see.Here ya go,I have to keep the gun and papers though.When you come back I'll give them to you."He handed me back my goodie basket without even checking the basket.
"Where is Mr.Gregory's office?"I asked politely while Beast pawed at the basket in my hands.
"Third door on the left."
"Thank you."I said, suddenly feeling a bit cocky.
On my way to Gregory's office I pulled out a skull shaped lollipop from my back pocket, unwrapped it and stuck it in my mouth.
What can I say,I'm a sucker for trouble.
I knocked on the door.Being polite and quiet made you invisible and most importantly forgettable.
"Who is it?"
"Delivery from Confectionately Yours for Jason Gregory."
"Come in."With that I opened the door and closed it behind me.

The Girl with Bone White Skin

The Skeleton, a master thief and the only human thief I haven't caught in over a hundred years.After all I am a 686 year old vampire and it's hard to trick my vampiric sense of smell even at a old crime scene but for some reason all I can pick up is the scent of a cat.How is this thief able to evade me so easily?He even has a calling card for god's sake!That's that number one give away to a thief's identity but so far that damn lollipop has been nothing but a puzzle.I was so concentrated on the map of The Skeleton's aftermath that I barely heard the knocks on my door.I, thinking it was someone on the force, was about to tell the person to scram but when I looked up I saw the unfamiliar silhouette of a girl and what appeared to be a cat.
"Who is it?"
"Delivery from Confectionately Yours to Jason Gregory."It wasn't the voice of a young delivery girl that he thought she was but that of a grown up sultry woman's.
"Come in."
A woman with skin as white as bone and hair the color of midnight opened the door with a small cat that looked like a mini tiger on her shoulder.I couldn't help but stare.She wasn't just pretty but full out beautiful.She was tiny but had full curves in all the right places and eyes the color of the midnight sky.And her heady as aged port, the smell of white peaches and lavender nearly made my head spin with want.I wanted nothing more than to- Whoa!She's human.It would be pure folly to even bed her.Besides I had sworn off of humans

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