» Romance » My Sophomore Year, Katie Such [romantic novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «My Sophomore Year, Katie Such [romantic novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Katie Such

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are so blue; I could stare into them all day. I know how awkward that sounds but they are just so beautiful.
“Well it used to be black also but now I’m in love with the color of your eyes.” He was flirting, I blushed really hard. I tried not to but I failed miserably. He put his hand on mine.
“What’s your favorite band?”
“Kinda cheesy but I love Panic at the Disco.”
“No way that’s mine too.”
“It looks like we have more in common than we thought.” He was really getting to me. I was taught never let a guy into your heart unless you know you will last forever so I have to keep him out. I don’t know if we will last and until I know my heart is on lock down. No one gets in or out. Well I should just say no one gets in because there is no one in it to get out.
“Yeah, we sure do.” I smiled politely. I didn’t want to fall for this guy because I am too afraid he won’t catch me if I do. The shrill of the bell interrupted my thoughts. “Time for Drama, fun, you will love Mrs. Malia she is absolutely hilarious.”
“Really I can’t wait to see this.” He said as we walked in.

Aiden sat by me the whole ride on the bus. He has been with me so he hasn’t met anyone else, but I have heard a bunch of girls say how hot he is. I’m sure he has heard them too but just ignored them. I found out that he lives right across the street from me. I knew we had some people moving in but I didn’t know that they had a teenage son. Now I enjoy my neighbor hood a little more (Wink, Wink).
“Nice house,” He was looking up from his blackberry making sure he could see where he was going.
“Thanks. Want to stay here in the living room or do you want to go upstairs to my room?” We have homework in English, Algebra 2, and Biology.
“We can go upstairs. We’ve got lots of work to do.” Which wasn’t a lie, we did have a ton of homework to do. So we went upstairs to my room. My walls are a dark blue, carpet is black, and my bed spread is black with huge white polka dots on it, “Nice room.”
“Thanks.” We sat at my desk and worked on our homework. I didn’t notice the clock when I heard the front door slam.
“Elissa, I’m Home!” My mom yelled.
“Okay!” I yelled back, “Be down in a minute.” I turned to Aiden, “Come on she is going to want to meet you, it’s not everyday I have a new friend over.”
“Okay let’s go.” He stood up from his chair and we walked downstairs.
“Hi mom,” She’s in her business suit like always. I wondered if she had something new for me. She usually does every Monday.
“Hi, who’s this?”
“I’m Aiden,” He answered for himself, “I just moved in across the street.”
“Well nice to meet you. You can call me Veronica.”
“Okay, Nice to meet you too.”
“So, mom anything new at work today?” I was hinting something because she usually cuts right to it and gives it to me. (Sorry if I’m sounding like a brat, I’m usually not, I just like stuff haha.)
“Oh, right, here it’s the IPod touch 4.0 and take the new Mac phone. It’s a touch screen a full keyboard and it has unlimited internet.”
“Wow, cool thanks mom.”
“No problem, here Aiden you can have them too, I have extra ones for whoever,”
“Wow, thanks Veronica.”
“No problem, but you two can go ahead and do whatever I’m going to shower and then order Chinese Aiden you’re welcome to stay if you want.”
“Thanks, I’ll have to call my mom and ask if that’s okay though.”

“Alright I’ll be back in about an hour.” She said and walked up the stairs to her room.
“An hour to shower really?” Aiden asked.
“Yeah, she takes forever in the bathroom. She even sleeps in make up incase she gets a call in the middle of the night from her imaginary boyfriend.”
“You’re kidding right?”
“Umm no, but hey lets go out back and sit on the porch swing.”
“Okay, I’ll do anything as long as I’m with you.”
“Wow, you’re such a flirt.” (But I love every minute of it.) I thought.
“I know, but you love it.”
“Umm no not really,” I tried to act tough about it but truth be told being with Aiden made me feel different. I hated to admit it but I’m becoming a softy. So not good! I really should stop. But how?
“Not even a little?”
“Nope,” We sat down on the swing as I said that. I put one leg up on the swing and faced him. He did the same.
“Not even if I do this?” He put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in close and kissed me. I was a little shocked but I kissed back and my stomach started flipping as if I knew that he’s the one. It was only for like ten seconds. He pulled away and just smiled, “Friends right?”
“Friends,” I was kinda sad that he just said friends. But I have to remember I can not fall for him. I don’t want my heart broken. Just like it was when my dad left I was torn apart.
“Good. I have to go though, tell your mom I said thanks for the phone and IPod and the dinner invite but I have to head home.”
“Okay, see you at the bus stop tomorrow?” I asked.
“Of course.” He smiled and gave me a quick hug. I decided to change all the stuff to my new phone and give Bree a call.
“Hello?” She answered.
“Hey, what are you up to?” I was upset but I wanted to tell her what happened.
“Nothing just at home, how did it go with the new kid today?”
“Aiden, he came over after school and we did our homework, and then my mom gave him the new IPod and a new phone, oh by the way I’ll bring yours tomorrow, but anyway after that we went and sat on my porch and he kissed me,”
“OMG!!! NO WAY!!!! Was it good?”
“Yes! But then after he said ‘friends right?’”
“Awe maybe he was just afraid to ask you out because he didn’t want you to turn him down and think he’s weird.”
“Maybe but hey my mom is calling me down for dinner so ill talk to you tomorrow okay?”
“Okay. Bye.”
“Bye Bree,” I hung up the phone annoyed and I just wanted to know what was going on. My stomach was doing flips when he kissed me. Well whatever he doesn’t want to be together so I might as well just forget bout him like that.
The rest of the week went by and neither Aiden nor I have said anything more about the kiss it’s like it never happened. Except it did, we kept going on and pretty soon we were best friends.

It’s been three months since me and Aiden kissed. We are best friends now. Bree moved to New York with her mom. Because her parents got divorced, but I talk to her every weekend. She keeps asking when I’m going to tell Aiden how I feel about him. But I’m not sure if he feels the same way so I don’t want to rush him into anything until I know how he feels about me. I hope he feels the same way because the winter formal is coming up in about two weeks. I want to ask him to go. Even though I hate dances, but I thought it would be nice to go with my best friend or even my boyfriend.
Monday at school I walked up to Aiden, “Hey,”
“Hi, what are you doing for the Formal? I was thinking about asking this girl I like. But I’m not sure how she feels about me.”
“I say go for it, just ask her or maybe put a note in her locker. I don’t know but I bet she likes you back.” I just wanted him to be happy even if I wasn’t the girl. Whoever he was talking about I bet she’s beautiful.
“Okay, thanks for the advice, I’ll be to history in a few, by the way I think you look gorgeous today.”
“Thanks you don’t look half bad yourself.” I said unaffected because we always tell each other how we look every day. I’m wearing a black shirt with a blue tank top, a pair of blue skinny jeans, and my black converse. My piercings are all black and blue stripped, except my lip. It’s white with blue dots. I really wonder who Aiden was talking about now because of what he said. Oh well I guess I’ll find out when I talk to him. He walked into history a minute after the bell rang.
“Well Aiden what do you have to say for yourself? You’re late, let’s here that excuse.” Mrs. Salina asked.
“The truth is I was leaving a note in the smartest and prettiest girl’s locker asking her to the winter formal.” He said flat out with confidence.
“Oh well next time do that on your own time not mine. I don’t want to have to wait for you to get a girl. This is my class time Aiden, now take your seat. Next time you will have detention.”
“Yes ma’am,” Aiden replied. I quickly wrote a note saying:

Hey, who’s the girl? Can I know?

I quickly passed it to him, he read it looked at me smiled and wrote something and passed it back to me:

You already know her. But I can’t tell you her name. It’s a secret. Why are you jealous?


No of course not, why would I be?


Idk, I don’t understand why you are asking then? You’ll find out soon enough.


Wow, what’s wrong with you today? You’re crabby or something.


Sorry, I just think this isn’t really your business until the person says yes or no. You know you’re my best friend and that I love you like you’re my sister right?


Love you too Aiden, but don’t be so snippy with me. Sorry don’t mean to be a bitch.


Its okay I’m kinda crabby anyway, but I’ll talk to you after class I don’t want you to get in trouble.

I was really irritated so I just didn’t reply. Aiden could be so sweet but sometimes he could be a real pain in the ass. But I got to love him he’s so much like me.
After class I went to my locker. Aiden didn’t come with like he usually does. Oh well… I opened it and I looked in the holder where Aiden and I always put our notes to each other. Sure enough there was a piece of paper neatly folded in the holder. I pulled out the note it read:

We have been friends since the day I started school here. When I saw you walk into the office
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