» Romance » My Sophomore Year, Katie Such [romantic novels to read .TXT] 📗

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My Sophomore Year

Katie Such

Not everyone is the same. People expect me to be like everyone else, but guess what. I AM NOT. I hate trying to fit in. It’s a bunch of crap. If I end up making friends then I guess I will. I don’t play well with others. My mom thinks it’s because my father is gone. But honestly I couldn’t care less. I don’t hate my life I just hate the people in it. I have had boyfriends but they never stayed around long enough for me to even begin to care about them. So, someday maybe I will change but for now I’m good with being alone. Least I have my brain on my side. I’m smart and that will help me far in life. So you know what I could die and old unmarried virgin for all I care.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I got in the shower silently and washed my long brown emo cut hair. I put body wash on a scrunchie and I washed my body. I am five foot seven. So I’m not short but I’m not extremely tall either. I wear a size zero. But I have thirty six c cup bra. I got out of the shower, and put on my bra and underwear (I don’t wear thongs they are disgusting and I hate the way the feel. I usually wear boy shorts.) Then I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a bright lime green shirt. I took my hair out of its towel and I took the blow dryer and started to blow dry my hair. As soon as I dried my hair I took my hair jell and kind of made it poof up. (Not like gross, it’s a hard thing to explain) then I grabbed my make up and put on my foundation and cover up. I drew a thick dark line under my hazel eyes with eyeliner and put thinner dark line on my eyelid then I put on some mascara and some bright green eye shadow to match my shirt. I changed my eyebrow, nose, and lip piercings to lime green ones. Then I brushed my teeth. Finally done getting ready, I grabbed my new black shoulder strapped book bag with white skulls on it. (If you haven’t noticed I love black.) I quickly went down stairs. It’s only seven thirty so I have a half hour till I have to be at school.
“Morning mom,” I said as I walked into the kitchen. She is a CEO at Mac industries, so we are kind of rich. My mom has this vision of me being all preppy and popular. But I am definitely not like that. AT ALL! I know for a fact I’m pretty because I did date the captain of the football team for a few weeks. But then he got needy and boring. So that was the end of it. Also a lot of girls I don’t even hang out with say they think I’m pretty, but I kind of just ignore them. I hate most of the people in the school because they act like preppy little bitches to most of the kid’s and it’s like “why be nice to me if you can’t be nice to them?” But mostly just try to stay away from them.
“Good morning Elissa,” She didn’t even look up when she said, “You should go change, because I do not approve of your outfit.”
“Um you don’t tell me what to wear I don’t care if you don’t approve this is what I want to wear and I hate dressing like I am all preppy and a bitch so don’t even tell me I have to change because I’m not going to,” I roll my eyes and grab a bagel she made for me and I ate it and put on my lime green converse high tops. I walked out the door with my book bag started to walk to school. I only live like 2 blocks from the school.
It’s the first day of school, I’m excited. I’m a sophomore in high school. I go to North view High School in Los Angeles California. I’m 15 year’s old and I don’t really have a lot of friends. I have one really good friend and then everyone else is just an acquaintance. The school is just for freshmen thru seniors. So there isn’t that many people that go here. Probably about 200 and I know that there are only 30 in my grade. I’m not sure how many are in the other grades.
I went to my locker and put my stuff in and grabbed my schedule. I had History first hour.
“Hey Elissa,” Bree said. She’s my best friend and my only good friend.
“Hey let me see your schedule.” I took hers and matched it with mine. The only class we didn’t have together was our fifth hour classes she had study hall while I took Drama. She’s not as good at school as me because I pretty much have a photographic memory. I have never gotten a problem wrong on anything. I have had perfect grades since kindergarten.
“Why would you take drama? I mean really? You’ll have Mrs. Melina for two classes instead of for just choir.”
“So, you know I love acting and singing, and you know I want to be famous some day.” I really did but I also want to be a doctor. But I would rather play a fake doctor on television and make millions a year than be a really doctor and make half a million a year.
“Yeah but what if neither of those things work out for you?”
“Then I’ll be a doctor. Duh,”
“Okay then, if you say so.”
“I do.” Just as I said that the bell rang and Mrs. Salina walked in with a stack of paper in her hands.
“Morning class welcome to U. S. History, this class is easy if you pay attention and if you listen to me.” She was talking through her ass. Not everyone was good at history so even if the paid attention they might fail. Of course I won’t though.
“Unless you’re like Elissa,” someone said behind me. I turned around and saw that it was Jake. He was one of my ex boyfriends. I gave him a dirty look.
“Well not all of us are gifted with such a good brain. So Elissa is lucky she is so smart.” Mrs. Salina said, “Now come get your books.”
Okay so the rest of the day was boring I felt like I was going to die. It was only Monday. Plus the first week is always the worst then I start loving school. So what’s the point of talking about the first week when it’s going to be lame? So on to next week? I say so.


“Elissa Jackson please report to the principle’s office immediately.” I heard the loud speaker go as I was walking to history. I stop where is was and turned around and headed towards the office. It’s Monday and they usually only call people to the office if they are getting suspended. But I haven’t done anything wrong so that can’t be why I’m getting called. At least I hope not. I opened the door and saw a beautiful emo guy with dark brown hair. He looked somewhere around six feet tall. I walked to the counter.
“Hi, I was called. Why am I here?”
“He Elissa this is Aiden and he just moved here from Detroit with his dad, I would like you to show him to his classes he has the same schedule as you and his locker is right next to yours so please show him where to go. Make sure you show him where his locker is I’m sure he doesn’t want to keep his book bag with him all day.” Principle Warner said.
“Ummmm kay, I turned to Aiden,” Hi my name is Elissa nice to meet you.”
“Hi I’m Aiden,” He looked at me for the first time. He had amazing blue eyes. He had his nose, tongue, eyebrow, and lip all pierced. He was the cutest emo guy I have ever seen, “Can you take me to my locker please?”
“Uh yeah this way,” I walked out of the office and went to my right. The bell for History to start was just about to ring. We were going to be late. I hate being late. But I’m sure Mrs. Salina will understand. “Okay, what’s your locker number?”
“Okay, then its right here. If you even need to talk, my locker is 230 so u can just stick a note in my locker. I never keep it locked. Cause I really have nothing to hide.”
“Okay, I really like your out fit. When the principle was telling me about you, and how smart you are and everything, I figured you would look like a dweeb with huge glasses and be all gross. But you are beautiful and aren’t anything I expected.” He had a huge smile on his face.
“Well that just shows you that you don’t judge someone until you meet them. Now let’s get to history we are already late.’
“Okay. So why are you in choir and Drama?” he asked.
“Because, I want to be an actress and a singer when I get out of high school what about you?”
“I love theatre I want to be on Broadway someday.”
“That’s awesome.”
“Yeah,” we were walking into history class as we finished talking.
“You’re late Elissa, and who is this?” Mrs. Salina
“I’m Aiden and don’t blame Elissa for being late she was showing me where my locker was.”
“Well Aiden don’t let me catch you being late again, now take your seat next to Elissa in the back row.”
“Okay,” he came and sat next to me. He passed me a note that said:
Hey. Want hang out sometime. I know we haven’t really talked much yet but you seem cool and I would really love to be friends.

My Reply:
Yeah sure I would like that after school today? My mom won’t be home until five but she won’t mind.

I waited a few seconds before I passed it so Mrs. Salina wouldn’t get suspicious. He caught on to my idea and when he passed it back she had her back faced to the whiteboard.

That sounds good. Do you take a bus?

Yeah, I take bus number seven.

No way. Me too, well I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other.

Well duh we do only have the same schedule.

Oh yeah duh. =)

I just read the note and shoved it in my binder. I looked at Aiden and just smiled. I have to admit he is beautiful. I wish I had met him sooner. He is really smart, like me but I don’t know if he has a photographic memory like I do. He might just study a lot.
At lunch I actually have some one to sit by we started a conversation as soon as we sat down. We were eating the school’s food. Today it’s Chicken nuggets and fries, so yummy.
“So what’s your favorite color?” Aiden intently looked into my eyes.
“Mine is black and what about you?” His eyes

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