» Romance » We shouldn't love each other (Student-Teacher), Angel [love letters to the dead .txt] 📗

Book online «We shouldn't love each other (Student-Teacher), Angel [love letters to the dead .txt] 📗». Author Angel

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favorite music,country
well I have to go to stupid college byee
I am emotional
I know this girl from facebook named Liany M. Rose I known her about 2-3 years now
We get along perfectly because were both EMO!! :)

Kaitlynn Cleavers:

Hi, have you ever heard
i'm a bitch and I love
to sleep with guys well I hope
you like my pic ;)
I am truly mean to Elizabeth because I hate her and she's a bitch
well got to go to stupid college
see if there's any cute guys if you know what I mean ;)

Megan Rain:

I am 16 and a junior in college which if yall didn't know
That is a 11th grader in college
Elizabeth Morano's friend
Hi! I am, Rain Miller I speak what's on my mind
Me and Lizzy get along perfectly
Because we speak our minds, I am nice
unless if you make me mad
Then I'll say what's on it!!
I am fairly nice!!
I mean with Kaitlynn because of her drama she starts with my friend
Then I am a bitch!! ;)
I gotta go to college byeeee!! :)

Devin Thiessen:

I am a sophomore in college
Hi!! I am Devin , I play sports so I am pretty fit
I am a gentlemen in fact quite the ladies man
Every girl wants me but I want that one special girl
But I don't know who that's just yet
My best friend is Hank he's the best ever
Gotta go to classes bye!! :(

Hank Storms:

sophomore in college
Hi!! I am Hank Storms, I am Devin's best friend
I am also a gentlemen, I am not that sporty
But I do chess, I am not looking for a relationship
But however Devin is looking for one
He's the best friend anyone can ask for
Gotta go hang with friend at college bye!! :O

Elizabeth Morano:

Hi!! I am Elizabeth Morano
I am Heather Morano's sister
She's older than me by a year and a half but I am taller than her
I am 16
I am sorta sporty I like soccer
I'm looking for a relationship where the guy wouldn't take advantage of me and love me for ME!!
I love to sing, watch t.v., and just be my lazy self when I get to know you better !! ;)
I am really shy, I don't like talking to most of the guys because there all jerks
I go by Lizzy and if you make me mad then I speak what's on my mind!! But I am kind!!
~Chapter 3~ The Fight with the slut

*I entered English class with Heather and Megan*

"Heather and Megan I need to tell you something"

"What is it"?

"Yeah what is it"?

"I um we um"

Both: "WHAT"

"Me and Mr.Monroe um Kissed" *whispering now*

Both- *whispering loud* "TELL ME IS HE A GOOD KISSER"??

"Yeah he is and he told me not to tell anybody because he can loose his job so don't tell anybody okay"

Both: "okay promise"

*then Mr.Monroe walked in and handed me my notebook*

"You forgot this" he said

"Thanks Mr.Monroe'

"Your welcome' *whispering low now* "love, there is something in there read it after school okay" ;)

"Okay thanks bye"

"Bye" *then he opened the door and left*

"Open it girly"

"No he said after school so I am"

"Hey why don't you and Megan go and talk while I think by myself okay "

*They went and talked somewhere else, when two cute tall guys came in and that's when I realized it's Hanks and Devin*

"Heyy, Elizabeth who was that blonde curly haired girl with you"??

"My sister Heather why"??

"She's cute, i'm gonna go talk to her bye. Talk to you later thanks for telling me she's your sister I don't usually like girls or date them but there's something about your sister well bye, see you Hank"

"See you dude :) well Elizabeth what do you think of English so far"

"Eh okay I guess thanks for asking you"? *oh crap that was stupid he just got here gosh I'm so freaking dumb*

"Um well I just got here but I seen you and well I like it" *he's blushing oh my he's cute haha*

"aww thanks" * I started to blush then Kaitlynn came in *
"Hey Bitch what are you doing with my boyfriend Hank"?

"We broke up Kaitlynn your nothing but low you just wanted sex with me stop leave her the fuck alone she did nothing to you"

"Yes she did she took you from me now i'm gonna fucking kill her"

* she threw a punch but I caught it and threw a punch right at her ugly slutty face*

"Don't fucking mess with me you slut now leave me the fuck alone or you will get worst got it you fucking low life son of a bitch get out of my face".

"You fucking bitch your gonna pay I'm gonna kill you"

*she threw a punch and then tried to pull my hair so I got on top of her and started to beat her and I hear heather and Megan screaming in the back round to let her go but I just ignored them and then Devin and Hank had to pull me off of her but I wanted to punch her again but I didn't I didn't know the teacher was watching, so she sent me to the office and I got out of school suspension for a week*

"Great fucking great that slut got what she wished for" so I started to walk home until I heard a car coming and so I looked and it stopped in front of me so I had to stop and the driver pulled his window down then I recognized him it was Mr.Monroe I mean Peter.

"I heard what happened if you want you can let me drive you home"?

"No if my parents knew I got a week out of school suspension I would be dead can I maybe spend the days over your house till school is over for the week but after school is over you can drive me home"? * I begged with puppy dog eyes*

"Sure, have you read the note yet"??

"No you said after school then I can read it so I didn't read it until school was over"

"Well you can now" :)

*So I began to open the note up and I seen Peter smile out and of the corner of my eye, I started to smile to*

~Chapter 5~ The Rumor

I'm soo, so sorry I haven't wrote anything in like weeks I have been sick and the doctor's might think I have Cancer so sorry if you can't read my books for weeks i'm sorry this is hard for me but i'm not gonna talk about this enjoy the Chapter :D love you all

*So I began to open the note up and I seen Peter smile out and of the corner of my eye, I started to smile to, I opened it up and it said, *

Hey, love I just wanted to know there's a ball for people to go to and it 's a masked ball
so nobody would know who is in the masks :) so maybe you could go with me love when
you know if it's a yes or no, call me at 555-0125, I want to know would you be my girlfriend
~ Love, Peter Monroe <3

I smiled, yes of course I would come :) Peter and thanks for your number *he laughed* and "YESS, I mean sure I could be your girlfriend" :)

"Perfect love" * he kisses me harder than earlier, but it was still perfect I got butterflies in my stomach and felt like I can't explain it I think he's the one*

*skip the car ride, were at his house it looks like this, nice huh?

"Wow it's amazing" I said *eyes wide*

"Why thank you love" He said with a big smile

* back to English with Heather, Megan, Devin, Hank*

"Hi, Heather right? How are you"? Devin asked

"Yeah, it's Heather, and i'm good you"? She said smiling

"Good thanks for asking ;), your

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