» Romance » We shouldn't love each other (Student-Teacher), Angel [love letters to the dead .txt] 📗

Book online «We shouldn't love each other (Student-Teacher), Angel [love letters to the dead .txt] 📗». Author Angel

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(Peter's not really a girly girl type person so he screwed up on the matching kinda but I love it what do you say he's a man lol)

"Perfect let's go NOW" He said in a rush to

"Wow 200 dollars are you sure" I said really worried that he might of stole it lol

"Yeah in British money it's only 50 Dollars so don't worry" He said smiling

50 dollars what?? *puzzled look on my face*

"Money is lower in my state then here lol " He said laughing a silly laugh which made me laugh

"oh I knew that lol" I said trying to cover up my stupidity right then and their but he didn't by it.

*skip the car ride btw he was doing 60 miles in hour and I made it just in time plus I got a kiss hehe*

"Hi Heather what's up oh Hank dropped my Masked Dress for the Ball what did you get"?? I said trying to be as causal as possible

"I got this" She said taking out the stuff

*Here it is Heather's dress/mask and jewelry and etc.*


Dress -,r:8,s:0,i:163


She loves blue

"OH MY GOD THAT'S SO PRETTY I WISH THAT WAS MY STUFF HAHA oh well someone special picked mine out for me" ;) I said trying to give her the hint

"Cool no yours it pretty to haha well bye love you Jay is outside bye" She said grabbing the last of her shoe and walked out the door while giving me a hug good bye

"Okay bye love you to" I said hugging her back and then she left out the door


Sorry if their's links for the photo I got yelled at for uploading pictures I haven't been feeling good when I go on in an hour I will put up 2 chapters thanks so, so much love you all <3
Chapter 7 The Masked Ball

I'm so sorry I haven't been on in like a while I was on summer vacation but I do promise I am finishing this story today I hope you guys are excited tell me how you liked it.

My phone started to ring

"Hello? Who is this" I said confused

"ELIZABETH, it's Megan but anyways who are you gonna the dance with and is Heather going to?"

"Yeah i'm going with Pet-I mean Hank and Heather's going with Jay ugh"


"CALM DOWN, your hurting my ears but anywho i'm so happy for you where are you gonna be I have to meet Hank at the parking lot of the dance."

"yeah I will meet you their bye Devin's here AHHH"

*End of phone call*

"Bye Elizabeth i'm leaving for the dance YOU better be their with Hank bye love you"

"Bye, hey Jay don't hurt her or I WILL HURT YOU"

"Okay bye and I promise I wouldn't hurt her"

*They left out to the dance, 10 mins later*

"Coming" *I open the door*

"Hey love ready"

"Yeah hey when we get their I have to wait by the parking lot for Heather and Jay"


*Skip car ride*

"Were here love"

"Okay"*We started to walk to the parking lot*
"Hey Peter can I talk to Hank"

"Sure see ya get me when your done talking to him"

"Hey Hank so"?

"so? Do you wanna dance"? 0.o

"Sure I love to"

*We started to dance until*

*I heard on the intercom thingy*

"WHAT does she want" I said looking towards Kaitlyn

"I don't know hey I will see you"

"Okay" *last thing I know I walked to go to the bathroom and someone pooled me in*

"I know your with Peter I seen you and him get out of HIS car are you really here with him"

"NO i'm not I was walking and he thought it would be nice to drive me their he has a wife".

"Oh well let's go dance"

"I can't bye" * I walked away*

"Elizabeth their you are wanna dance"? Peter said in his sexy britsh accent

"Sure" *I said in my British accent*

"You suck at that let me just do it haha"

* We started to dance then this song play*

LET'S GET DANCING *somebody yelled*
(love this song)

"I LOVE THIS SONG" *I said yelling because the music was loud*

"Cool never heard this song but come on"

*We all started dancing and then jumping and you know a PARTY*

"Oh great here comes bitch I mean Kaitlyn"

"Hey Elizabeth can I dance with what's your name handsome" She said with a wink

"GOSH you don't even know what he looks like and your already hitting on him you fucking slut walk away with your legs and please DON'T spread them when you walk away".

"WOW YOUR A FUCKING BITCH at least i'm not dating a teacher" *then she tried pulling of Peter's mask*

"Oh no you don't bitch" *then I punched her in the ugly face she has*


*She had a bruise on her Right eye *


"WHAT ever by the way me and Hank had sex sorry for crushing your date with him well chow me and him are gonna fuck again"

*I started to walk out crying when I heard Peter yelling my name but I just ran more I finally reach my house*

"EL-EL-IZ-IZ-ABETH O-O-PEN U-UP" *he said in between breathe*

"N- N-OO" I yelled I don't want him to see me cry.

Chapter 8 The Fight

No everybody hates me leave me the fuck alone NOW

NOBODY hate you I love you Elizabeth I do

BULLSHIT you are just saying that to make me feel better I really believed you Kaitlyn text me saying she fucked you to leave me THE HELL ALONE YOU DICK.

What the HELL let me in NOW or I will kick down this fucking door.

NO leave me alone you hurt me I HATE YOU

*going to flashback it's a phone call btw*

Hey by the way me and Mr.Monroe had sex or should I say Peter

Leave me the hell alone you had to ruin everything your a bitch and I hate you to like I hate Mr.Monroe are you happy i'm dropping out of his class I don't EVER wanna see his face.

Great well I have to go call you later if you don't hate me by then.

*End of flashback*

Fine Elizabeth you rather believe the slut then over the one that truly loves you I think we should end this you don't trust me but yet you believe your enemy really this is stupid I can't deal with this I loved you when I seen you and now I don't even think I love you, your being a stuck up rich bitch BYE.

*I started to cry right their what have I done I ruined it anyways he's probably gonna go have sex with Kaitlyn just like Hank did it's nothing new she always gets into guy's pants I like fuck this fuck my life I said thinking to myself*

I found a razor in my mirror and I don't wanna do this but I feel like it can help so I cut myself and I felt a sting but mostly plessure I cut Little more. Then I stopped oh shit Heather's coming. I wiped the blood of real quick.

Elizabeth where are you sister

I'm in the bathroom i'm coming out

OKAY Heather said yelling, *then she comes out of the bathroom* Hey so what's up

Nothing much really just that I found out Kaitlyn slept with Hank that skank *I didn't tell her about Peter she can't find out*

Aww i'm sorry sister I hope you are alright well we have to get to school okay pick your clothes out you silly goose why aren't you ready yet?? 0.o

Oh crap i'm so sorry Heather I will throw on something bye see you at school i'm i'll walk their by myself

Are you sure because I could wait she said uncertain and worried

Yeah I am fine *I started to put

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