» Romance » Titans Run, Torrie Justice [inspirational books for students txt] 📗

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a man walking up to the stage, he was just far enough away to where I couldn't make out his features. My mouth dropped open in an “o” shape when he stood on stage and faced us.
His deep sultry voice radiated throughout he room, “I am Tate Marcus Crofter. I am 22 and I have been chosen to be your male leader. I hope that in time, you come to trust me and consider me not only your leader but as a friend.”
He stepped away from the podium as the people around me began to clap. His speech was short and sweet but very effective from the looks of the people around me.
“Will the female leader please come forward and introduce herself.” Dr. Parson said into the mike.
I stood on wobbly legs and walked up to the stage. I had no idea what to say to these people. I only just found out that I was going to lead them. Not only that but I just found out that my mate could be compared to gods. As I approached the stage, I felt his eyes on me, but I knew that I would faint if I made contact with those navy blue eyes.
I finally stood before the eyes of the colony, my colony. I knew what I had to say.
“My name is Charlotte Alexandra Marigold Gray. I am 16 years old. I may seem young to become one of the leaders of our colony, but as leaders we are only here to guide and protect you. All of us are part of one big picture. We have been given a chance at a second life and a new beginning and we must make the best of it. I hope that in the future, or past I suppose, we shall become a united community.”
And with that I stepped away from the podium and stood on the opposite side from where Tate was standing. In all actuality, he intimidated me. He was probably 6' 4” or maybe a little taller. His body was obviously all muscle, although he was more lean than built. His skin showed signs of wear from the sun, giving him a slight tan. His hair was ebony black and was cut short, making it look naturally spiky. His eyes were his best feature. They were intense and they had a color of blue that I had never seen in anyone’s eyes before in my whole life.
I looked so plain in comparison to him. My father was Japanese and Philippine and my mother was English and Nigerian. I had a very exotic look but I thought it was a bit over done. My skin resembles the color of an acorn and my eyes are such a dark brown that they look almost black. I'm tall for my age standing at 5' 11” and my build is average, if not a little skinny. My hair is probably my best feature. I grew it out during my time in solitary confinement. It went all the way down to my butt and was the color of milk chocolate (My mother used to tell me this. I have never actually seen the sweet delicacy.) and felt like silk (Again, I was told by my mother.)
“As you can see, we have gone through a great deal to chose your leaders. You are all expected to treat them both as equal leaders, neither of them better than the other,” he began, “Now we shall begin pairing you with your mates. After, you shall be sent to Titans Run where there are materials waiting for you to begin building the colony. When your name is called, please approach the left stage to meet your mate and be given your certificate of marriage. These are to be handled with great care. They are going to be the first records kept at Titans Run for future generations to examine.”
“Tate Marcus Crofter and Charlotte Alexandra Marigold Gray.”
I nervously stepped off the stage and walked over to a man in a black suit holding a manilla file folder. I realized that Tate had joined me as I approached the man. He gave me our folder and we went over to sit down at a table. I refused to make eye contact once again with the man that is now officially my husband. Instead, while I blocked out the doctor calling off couples names, I opened the folder.
The first page I saw was our official marriage certificate. I hurriedly put it at the bottom of the pile and moved my attention to our records. They had everything about me put onto this piece of paper. Birth place: San Francisco, CA., D.O.B.: May 29th, 2304, Parents: Michael Joseph Gray and Alexandra Grace Smith-Gray, Siblings: Andrew Tyler Gray and Marshall Julian Gray. My school records were also included. They even had Andy and Marshall's wives and children on here. I was glad to see that there weren't any deaths that I didn't know about on here. After my parents died during the Siege of Golden Gate when I was ten, I ran away to Los Angelas. The government was killing orphans under the age of 12 in one of their earlier attempts to lower the population. My parents were the only deaths shown on this sheet.
I flipped the paper over to my new husbands records. I knew he was watching me, and I didn't care. Birth place: Springfield, IL., D.O.B.: October 17th, 2298, Parents: Thomas Zander Crofter and Carla Marie Greenland-Crofter, Siblings: Trisha Paige Crofter. There were no deaths on this sheet. His whole immediate family was still alive. I felt tears come to my eyes as I realized that if my parents hadn't have died, I wouldn't have had to learn survival skills, therefore I would not be here.
A hush fell over the crowd as the last couple walked back to a table.
“Everything you shall need to start your community has been sent to Titans Run,” Dr. Parson boomed into the microphone, “Your leaders shall go through the portal first, followed by everyone else. Please make your way through two at a time. I shall not hesitate to have one of my guards shoot you if necessary.”
The doctor finished his last words to the group and walked over to a smaller table next to the podium. He began typing something into a small contraption and suddenly there was what looked to be a circle of purple light coming from the machine. It was about 8 feet tall and warmth radiated from it. I stood immediately, file in hand, and began making my way towards the pulsating light. I felt Tate come up next to me and take my open hand. I didn't even know this guy but I was glad he did.
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and stepped through the portal and into a world very unlike my own.
New Beginnings

I blinked a few times and let my new home come into focus. I released Tates hand and took a few steps away from him. There was at least 5 miles of cleared land laid out in front of me. There were stacks of wood and other building materials to my left and a two-story building to my right. Everywhere else was covered in a couple inches of healthy looking grass. Around the edges of the land, there were tall trees and strange, but beautiful, flowers and plants. I took a deep breath of the clean, fresh air and sighed with joy.
I turned around when I heard another couple walk onto the grassy plane from the portal. Tears silently made their way down the woman's cheek and even the man looked like he was going to cry.
“Ahem,” came a voice beside me, “Hello. I didn't exactly introduce myself earlier. I'm Tate.”
I turned to look at him. This time I could appraise him up close. I could tell he knew he was good looking. His ego was practically bursting from inside of him.
“Hey, I'm Charlotte but everyone calls me Charlie.” I answered sticking out my hand.
“We should probably discuss how we're going to begin construction.” He said lightly while shaking my hand. His grip was strong and he held my hand a bit longer than necessary.
“Sure. I was thinking that we should ask everyone who had experience with carpentry and assign each of them to a group. We could have 10 groups of five. Each group has to build five houses. Those of us whose houses aren't done yet can live in whatever that building over there is.” I said pointing to the only building standing.
“How would we decide who gets their house first?” He asked cockily
I thought for a second and then said, “We could ask for couples to volunteer to be one of the last to get their houses. If not enough people volunteer, then we will choose for them.”
He considered my idea for a few moments and then nodded, “We need to set authority. You are the youngest girl and I am one of the youngest men here. There may be some older couples who think they should be in charge. If not enough volunteer and we must choose, make the older wait. They will understand that our word is law. If our law is not followed, we will make examples of them.”
Jeez, this guy is off his rocker. I understand wanting to make sure there was no treachery but he was kind of going over board. At least we went with my idea. I seriously hoped no one got on Tates bad side on our first day here.
When everyone arrived, we instructed them to sit down in the grass. We gathered everyone's files and I stood to address them.
“Tate and I have decided that building our homes is the most crucial thing at the moment. Because we want to build homes quickly, only ten homes will be built at a time. During construction, everybody will live in Titan Hall, which is that big building over there. After your home is built you shall move in but you have to continue helping the colony build the other homes.
“We will need couples to volunteer to be one of the last to get their homes. Tate and I will not have our home built until every other couple is housed. If not enough people volunteer, Tate and I shall choose and those we had to choose will come after those who volunteered. Will the husband of the couple raise their hand if you and your wife are willing to wait.”
Slowly but surely, men began to raise their hands. After counting, I realized that we had one too many volunteers. I spotted the man who first put up his hand and I turned to Tate and whispered my request in his ear. He gave a slight nod in agreement.
“You,” I said pointing to the man, “Come up here with your wife.”
The man who I sat with at Kingdom House and his wife, a

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