» Romance » Titans Run, Torrie Justice [inspirational books for students txt] 📗

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(other than ours) and were getting ready for bed. I had been thinking about what Tate had said, about how we should make an example for the rest of the colony to follow. As much as I'd hate to admit to the cocky bastard, he was right. As leaders of this community, we needed to be the first to have a child.
As I slid into the bed, him barely noticing, I knew I was doing the right thing. All I had on was my under shirt and underwear. His eyes were already closed but I knew he wasn't asleep yet. His hair had already grown out a little bit since we got here. It gave him a rugged look that only made him more attractive. I slid under the covers, not sure how to make the first move. That's when I realized that I wasn't using instincts. I was using my brain. My instincts told me to jump his bones while my brain told me to be cautious. I let my instincts take over and suddenly I was fearless.
I slid my hand up his chest and kissed his neck lightly. He didn't respond at all. I did it again, this time letting my lips linger on his skin. His eyes opened quickly and his face looked disbelieving. I smiled slightly and reached up and kissed him on the lips. It was like heaven. His lips felt like feathers on mine. I felt his tongue lightly touch my bottom lip and I complied with his silent request. Our tongues fought for power, only coming up for air when it was really needed. The night went on and on and kissing escalated into touching.
He rolled on top of me, pinning my hands down onto the mattress. He began rubbing against me. I felt pleasure rise up between my legs and I moaned quietly. I felt him smile against my mouth. He pulled off his clothes in a desperate attempt to get closer to me. Taking his idea, I did the same. We were completely naked now and I felt him on my leg. He eased my thighs apart and starting grinding harder. I was still using my brain. I could feel it. I hadn't given myself completely over to my instincts. When I REALLY let go, I felt the adrenaline rush come onto me. I flipped him over and took complete control. I could tell he was surprised. I lifted my face away from his and copied the movements he had done when he had been on top of me. I felt my back arch in pleasure. This wasn't enough though. I tried to guide him into me and gasped in pain. Holy shit. He flipped me over again and sat up, not doing anything except looking at me.
“You're a virgin still?” he asked sounding confused.
I felt my face grow warm and was glad my skin was dark enough to to show the pink that was surely there. I nodded in response.
“We can...we can wait. If you want.” He suggested, although I could tell it was hard for him to keep from grinding into me.
I shook my head, “We should be the first with children. Plus putting it off will just make it harder for me to deal with. It'll only hurt for a little bit.”
He sighed but I could tell he agreed. So for the rest of the night, we did what we knew was right. And I had been correct. It had only hurt for the first part. After the initial pain, it was amazing. I'm glad too. It would've sucked to have to make a baby with pain and then give birth to a baby in pain. Haha. I'm so funny.
Being a Leader

Our house was finished the next day. Tate and I couldn't look each other in the eye all day. It was just so awkward. Our house had 3 bedrooms rather than just 2. It was also set away from the others, being closer to Titans Hall than the rest. Tate and I decided that he would lead the men in plowing land to plant the seeds our government. We also decided that I would lead the women in trying to find a fresh water source close by and finding edible plants in the woods. Our food and water supply was dwindling quickly and it would be a few months before any food we planted would be mature enough to eat.
"Women come with me please!" I called them over by the houses, out of the way of the men building plows and whatnot.
"While the guys are dealing with the farming, we're gonna look for edible plants and a water source. There will be 5 groups of 5. We will stay within yelling distance of each other." I said to the group, "May I please have Mary, Claudia, Rain, and Penny please come here. Everyone else, go grab cutting supplies."
The women dispersed and the girls names I called made their way to me.
"You will be the leaders of each group. Here are the lists of your girls. Please be responsible." I told them
They nodded respectfully. Each group made their way to a different part of the jungle with strict instructions to break branches and leave cuts on trees so they could find their way back easily.
We were out in the dense tropical forest for a couple hours before we found a good water source. Along the way, we found different species of fruits and vegetables. Not knowing if they were edible or not, we stuck them is separate nap sacks and brought them with us. We finally found a large freshwater spring with cool, clear water and fish we'd only ever seen in the very few books we had.


Publication Date: 11-18-2011

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