» Romance » HALF N' HALF, Isabella91013 [best inspirational books .TXT] 📗

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“Wait, I didn’t catch your name.” That’s probably because I didn’t give you it, I thought, mentally rolling my eyes. “I’m Benjamin Taylor.”
“I’m Madiza Medina; it’s nice to make your acquaintance.” I pulled free of his, amazingly strong, grip and walked towards the school, grabbing the disappointed Stacy with me. I had to struggle to maintain the slow human pace as I hurried to my class, grateful to put a distance between me and the delicious boy. I entered my classroom, finally letting go of my friend’s arm, and sat at the back of the class, breathing hard as if I just ran a marathon (not that running is a problem for me at all). Stacy glanced at me, thoughts full of questions, but sensed that I need a moment alone to sort out my head. However the teacher, Ms. Smith, didn’t give me such courtesy.
We went through the usual, registration, name calling, blah, blah, blah. What really caught my attention was the introduction of a new student. Oh no, I mentally groan. Guess who was the new student….that’s right Benjamin Taylor, and I was going to try avoiding him, karma is such a pain in the ass. But wait it gets better, guess where he is going to have to sit, yep in the only vacant desk right beside me. He walked with a confident air around him, every girl he passed all but faint and some even had their boyfriend right next to them, glaring in hatred and envy at Benjamin. Idiots, it’s their girlfriend looking at him and their glaring at the poor boy. I slid down my chair hoping that he wouldn’t see me, feeling resentful as I do. I’m one of a kind; I shouldn’t feel the need to hide from an inferior. With that pep talk I righted myself in my chair, took out a book and pretended to read.
“Madiza, it’s a small world isn’t it?” his voice was so attractive that I abandoned my futile attempt to ignore him immediately.
“The smallest,” I listened in onto his thoughts wondering what is going on in that attractive head of his; wait did I just say his head is attractive? Ugh whatever. What is she? She is definitely not human or not wholly human at least. I tensed, no one, not even Stacy, ever suspected I’m not fully human. Most kids shy away from me, following their natural instincts when it tell them that danger was near, but then again Stacy isn’t a normal human being, she doesn’t have the same rational thinking of a normal person. The bell rang and I fled. I needed to put more distance between me and this weirdly fascinating boy.
The day passed in a blur, going from class to class, getting work that I did years ago, and hiding from the new kid. At lunch I walked in with Stacy as usual and headed to buy food. Since the cafeteria cooks food that reeks to me, I bought only a bottle of water and a fruit salad. As I passed by a table I heard a vicious thought, planning to embarrass someone in front of someone. I listened more intently to locate the thought. Alison, the popular, spoil, rich brat of the school; she was planning to dump her milkshake on my clothes to humiliate me in front of Benjamin. I saw her plan and decided to keep me clothes clean today.
She got up from her table and pretended to trip, her smelly milkshake going up into the air. Using vampire speed, I subtly pushed her under the milkshake and pulled Stacy back a step with me. I have to admit that it was pretty amusing for a petty human prank. The pink mess splashed all over her white dress (what a bad day to wear white) and blond hair. She looked at herself in a stunned manner, looked at me, back at her clothing and screamed in wordless fury. She stamped out of the room leaving a bunch of teenagers literally rolling on the floor laughing. I’ve never like her anyway. I carried on to my table, with the chuckling Stacy at my side, and noticed Benjamin staring at me in a suspiciously intent way, causing my hair to stick up at the nape of my neck. He suspected that I did that to Alison, and he was correct but why did he think it was me?
I sat at my table, Stacy was going on and on about how Alison deserves that, I nodded my head and mummer agreements but I wasn’t paying much attention to her. I was focused on Benjamin’s thoughts; it was safe for now because he was in a deep conversation with a next person, Leon, about cars. No matter what breed they are, boys are the same. Benjamin and I made eye contact and thought at the same time, “Who is he/she?”
Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Benjamin P.O.V
After the lunch bell rang I walked back to my registration class slowly, unwilling to see the attractive strange girl again. When I came in she was already seated, pretending to ignore as she had done this morning; but she was too tense to be people watching outside the window. Unlike the first time, I didn’t try to start a conversation with her; instead I gazed around the room testing my theory. I looked at our home room teacher and imagined her falling backward off her desk and the principal, Mr. Reese, catch her on the floor. I heard a stifled laugh that would’ve been too low for human ears but since I’m half fairy (A/N it was an inspiration to make him half fairy and not the girl…don’t judge I’ll make it as manly as I can) I heard it. Okay, so she can read minds.
Well, I’m gifted too; aside from the ability to fly, I’m emphatic (I can feel people emotions and make them feel how I want them to) and I can reflect pain, which is a very useful gift. I have to guard what I’m thinking now that I know for sure that Madiza is a mind reader. I cringed internally at the sound of the high pitched bell going off at my sensitive ears. Once again I hear that stifled laugh from Madiza as she started to pack her stuff up. Well if she could be rude and listen in on my thoughts I can take a sneak peek at her emotions; currently she was experiencing mixed emotions: amusement, confusion, frustration and attraction, attraction to what I didn’t know.
I packed up and headed out of the school building; looking both ways I inconspicuously head for the bushes, I felt like flying today. When covered by the trees, I spread my wings and jumped from the ground, flying low so that I wouldn’t be seen. Suddenly, I heard a gasp and turn quickly to see Madiza standing in the woods one moment and vanished the next moment. Eyes wide I descended to the ground as one word passed through my mind; Vampire.

Madiza P.O.V
Oh shoot! Oh damn! Oh shit! Was I seeing wrong? Damn it! I knew I shouldn’t have followed him. All these thoughts and more raced through my mind as fast as I raced home. I flew in the door just to be attacked by pies. I stood looking at my now damaged clothing, “What the f-”.
“Na uh, no swearing young lady” my mother voice said, more like hissed, sternly. “You might not think it but you are still too young to use such words.” She emerged from the stairway just to stop and stare at me mouth open in surprise. We stare at each other for a moment, me murderously angry glaring and her shell shock which was quickly turning into amusement. A pie unexpectedly flew from behind and landed on my hair, and my mom couldn’t take it anymore she burst in a fit of laughter as the cream of the pie dripped down my back. Oh yeah, dad is going to pay big time.
“DADDY, COME HERE THIS INSTANT!” I shrieked, gosh I knew he was going to get me back but my hair? That’s just pushing his luck. I heard the front door slam shut as my father raced to see what the matter is, acting all innocent and concern. As if. He looked at me, his mouth corners twitching as he tried not to smile and appear innocent.
“What happened, honey?” I opened my mouth snap at him when something slimy dropped on my head from the roof, looking up I saw slimy, puke-looking substance dropping from the roof and onto my face. I let out a blood-curling shriek; it was so loud that if the neighbors across the road were home, they would’ve come running. My dad couldn’t hold it in any longer and was doubled over laughing his ass off. With a growl of pure rage, I dropped my bag and lunged for him. He quickly moved out of the way and ran up the stairs, with a smirk, I teleported behind him and give him a knuckle sandwich behind his head with so much force he fell over the banister.
“Hey no fair!” was his genius reply, I scowled at him a tad playfully; my dad can be more of a child than me.
“Well next time I hope you think better before you, um I don’t know…MESS WITH MY HAIR!!” I jumped from the banister onto the floor but he rolled away before I can body slam him, which I would’ve regret later on since mom loved our house. We ran outside and I picked up a tree trunk bigger than myself and threw it at him. He dodged it quickly but didn’t see when I brought stones up from the ground and aim it at him. Only around two managed to hit him before his wind blew the rest away. Placing his hands on the floor I felt the earth vibrate and began to open up. Jumping up and down I managed to avoid a few holes but ended up falling into a naturally made hole, oh how I loathe the irony gods. I teleported and electrocuted him, and so we carried on.
“ENOUGH YOU TWO,” My mother stomped outside and shrieked. “You’ve been going for more than an hour now.”
“HE/SHE STARTED IT!” My dad and I simultaneously yelled at the same time, and then scowled at each other. We regarded each other to see you won the fight. Dad had more injuries than me so that meant I won, even though we heal quickly we can still see the one with the most damage. With a smug smirk I started to walk in the house when I caught a familiar delicious smell. Turning sharply I caught sight of Benjamin’s beautiful wings before he vanished completely from my sight.
“What the hell was that?” My dad was curious since he caught the scent also along with my mom. They both came and stood on each side of me like they do in a battle, staring in the direction

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