» Romance » HALF N' HALF, Isabella91013 [best inspirational books .TXT] 📗

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horror, “Please have sympathy upon me.”
“Always the charmer, Benny.” He grinned, shaking his head. I bowed at his feet.
“Such a high compliment coming from you, Mr. Player,” He rolled his eyes, knowing I was only joking. We barely have time on our schedules to date females no less bed them. “Do you have any idea why my parents would want an urgent meeting with me, Si?”
“Nope,” He made a soft “pop” sound when saying the P. “But if their tone was any indication, I would advise you to hurry.”
“See you around, buddy.” I said waving off as I walk away. Ignoring the other servants, I walked to my parents’ chamber and knocked on the door. After having consent, I pushed open the door. “You wanted to see me?” Both parents were at the desk in the middle of the room, while containers where on each side of them. My father was sitting behind the desk while my mother was perched on top of it.
“Yes, take a seat, son.” My dad gestured to the chair opposite to him. There was tension in the air, so thick I could slice it with a knife. Warily I took the seat and waited for one to begin.
“Son, you know that you are now coming to age where you will have to be married.” I narrowed my eyes, warning bells going off in my head. “You’ve seen many balls, many beautiful women and yet you’ve chosen none to court.” I opened my mouth to speak but he raised his hand silencing me. “Allow me to finish.” Was it my imagination or did my parents seem to be a little uncomfortable? “You’ve been taking your own time picking and choosing, undecided for so long that your mother and I decided to intervene.” Oh no.
“What did you guys do?” I got scared at how he said “intervene” and “marriage” in the same sentence. It was my mother that answered me.
“Honey,” she cleared her throat. “We chose a bride for you.” My mind went blank; shock shoved every thought out the window. Then angered turned my vision completely red.
“YOU DID WHAT?!?” A small part of my mind noted that I was standing up and that my chair had fell due to the force of me standing. My parents looked shocked at my behavior. What? Did they expect me to be all happy and joyful that I didn’t get to pick my bride? That I don’t even know the damn girl; if it is a girl, it could be a man for all I know!
“Calm down, Benjamin.” My father recovered first, anger clouding his face.
“CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN? LIKE HELL I’LL CALM DOWN!” I was spitting mad, I absolutely HATED when people handled my affairs without my knowledge and my parents knew that.
“Benjamin James Taylor, you will calm down this instant.” Uh oh, my sensible part of my brain said, no one messes with that tone. However, my insane part was over powering that reason. I started to pace as I always do when I’m agitated. My mother, the problem solver, tried to intervene to calm both of her boys down.
“Benny, you know we only want the best for you,” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the overused parent line. “We just wanted to take that tough decision off of your load of responsibilities.”
“But, what happened to what I want, Mother?” I stopped my pacing and faced her. “What about who I want to marry? Fairies mating last forever and I don’t want to be stuck with the wrong girl.” The mating process is quite simple but unbreakable. It starts off like a human wedding but blood will be exchanged creating a bound that no one can escape from with the exception of death.
“ENOUGH!” My father patience eventually came to an end. “Accept this, Benjamin, what’s done is done and unless you find someone within three months’ time, you will be married to me and your mother’s choice.” Okay, that’s acceptable, but now’s the time to change subject. This was so not over though.
“So, you know how you made me go to high school to take up my spare time?” My parents’ eyes narrowed in suspension at my non-so-subtle change of subject.
“Yeah?” They simultaneously said.
“Well, there’s a half vampire there.” Both parents froze then looked at each other.
“Are you certain, son?” I looked between the two of them sensing that they weren’t telling me something. Something important.
“Positive.” They exchanged a look again. “Ok, what aren’t you telling me?” My dad got up from his seat and walked to one of the containers and pulled out an old-looking book. He came back to the desk and showed me it, The History of Fairies.
“Son, you know most of our history but not all.” I fixed my chair and sat, sensing a lesson is about to talk place. He opened the book but didn’t look at it as he started to talk. “There was once a time before the treaty with the vampires were broken; a vampire thought it was smart to mate with a human to experiment how their offspring would come out. As it turned out vampires and humans can produce offspring. The children aged extremely quickly until a certain age; they have a heartbeat, extraordinary sight and hearing like the vampires and they are almost invincible. Everyone was filled with wonder with this new creation but the hybrid couldn’t and wouldn’t be controlled.” He took a deep breath. “One night, exactly three years after the hybrid birth, it attacked. It sped through the villages, killing everyone in its path but it seemed to have a liking to fairies most of all. Every adult and child was drained of their blood. Few escaped but the monster hunted most of them down until the fairies had to send one of their few surviving soldiers to kill him.”
“Did the soldier manage to kill him?” Stupid question, I know.
“Well obviously since we are here today.” I gave him my best “You are so not funny” look.
“How did he kill the hybrid?”
“As generations past, the knowledge became lost. No one knows for sure now.”
“So, what am I supposed to do with the half vampire girl at my school? Kill her?” My parents looked at each other, telepathically talking to one another. I wished I had that gift like them. My father looked back at me, seemingly coming to a decision.
“No, don’t kill her. Study her, learn her weaknesses and report back to us and we will decide from there.” Nodding I got up from my chair. “Oh, and Benjamin,” I paused looking at him. “Don’t think the conversation about your marriage is over, you will have to meet your bride-to-be soon, Son.”
Groaning, I left their chambers and hurried to my room. Closing the door quietly behind me, I absently walked to my bed and sat down. Yes, I would spy on Madiza for my parents; gain her trust so that it would be much easier to kill her. A simple plan, but why do I feel so hesitant to do it? Shaking my head at that ridiculous feeling, I laid on my bed. There was no reason to feel hesitant, I’m a two hundred year old half fairy whom had seen and done more devious plans than this. I probably just needed get my brain check. Still feeling uneasy, I slept dreaming of a beautiful stranger killing all of my family.


Hey guys, here's chapter 4. I'll have to start working on chapter 5. ENJOY! :)

Text: Isabella91013
Images: Isabella91013
Editing: Isabella91013
Translation: Isabella91013
Publication Date: 04-10-2012

All Rights Reserved

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