» Romance » My Knight In A Shining Dress., Katie Edge. [read this if txt] 📗

Book online «My Knight In A Shining Dress., Katie Edge. [read this if txt] 📗». Author Katie Edge.

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way ticket to destroy you!" So I did exactly that, I didn't let them show, until I met Faye and he was right, showing my emotions did destroy me but in a way that would make even the holiest man question Gods intentions.The feeling of falling dragged me out of my thoughts just before my face collided with the grass.

"Umph." My head turned to the source of the muffled voice.

"Oh shit, sorry!" I scrambled to my feet then held out my hand to her.

"Watch where your going," she grumpled, ignoring my hand and got up herself.

Awkwardly, I pulled back my hand. "You couldn't have been watching where you were going either if you didn't move out of the way."

Her eyebrows shot up. "I guess all the chivalry got lost years ago and was replaced with this," gesturing her hands over my body she chuckled dryly.

I folded my arms over my chest. "Oh please, I offered to help you up, it's not my fault you're too arrogant to accept help from my polite self."

Her face flared red and her eyes glared into mine. "Oh get over yourself." She stormed past me making sure she bumped into my shoulder as she did. Who the hell was she? Surely she was new, I've never seen her around her before.

Shrugging my shoulders and shaking my head I headed to my car, reaching it just as it started to pour down. Warmth flooded me as I got in the drivers seat causing a shiver to shoot down my spine. I started up my car, pulled out of the parking spot and drove home, praying to myself that no one would be there.

Chapter 2.

"My Knight In A Shining Dress."

Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 2.


"Matthew, is that you?"

"Yeah mum, it's me," I followed her voice finding her in my father’s study noticing a bottle of vodka on the desk. "Are you okay? How much have you drank?"

"It's none of your business, I'm the parent around here not you," she took a long gulp out of the bottle before slamming it on the table and glaring at me. "Shouldn't you be in school?"

"The storm is rolling in, everyone has been sent home," I told her, lying through my teeth. I don't like lying to her and in normal circumstances I wouldn't but ever since the accident, well let's just say we haven't had a good relationship or even an okay one.

"So how's your day been, knowing that on this very day, last year you killed your little sister," she spat hatefully. "Wouldn't your father be proud of you, I bet he's rolling in his grave knowing that you're related to him, heck, I know I would be."

Her words cut me like a knife, tearing away at all the defenses I put up. I knew this would happen, I thought I was prepared for it but who am I kidding? How could I possibly prepare for it, she knows exactly how to tear me down. A loud slap silenced the air causing me to notice the pain spreading through my cheek.

"You're supposed to be my son and you killed my baby! My own flesh and blood killed my girl, my only girl!" She cried.

"It was an accident, you know that, please stop," I pleaded.

"Stop? How about you stop! You stop denying the fact that YOU are the reason your sister is dead, YOU are the reason that poor girl lost her memory, it's your fault!" She yelled jabbing her finger into my chest.

My eyes brimmed with tears at the harshness of her words and her voice combined. I turned around and headed to my bedroom. Stepping into my room I took the chance to look at the mess. The photos of me and my sister, me and my father, me and Faye, were all gone, all ripped and in a pile on the floor, glass surrounding it. My bedding and clothes were on the floor; the drawers emptied and smashed up. My white wall was now covered with red painting reading "You murderer!!!" My hand gripped the wall for support as I stumbled backwards. Fumbling around in my pocket I fished out my phone, dialing the number I pressed my phone to my ear.

After 3 rings a voice spoke out. "Sup?"

"Hey, can I stay yours for a while?"

"Yeah sure, any reason why?" Curiosity weaved in his voice.

I ran my hand over my face in attempt to compose myself. "I'll tell you later, I'll be round in 10 okay?"

"Yeah okay, bye."

I hung up then rushed around my room gathering everything I needed, carefully avoiding the glass. Once I had everything I ran down the stairs and out the door: I unlocked my car and threw my bag into the passenger seat. A sweet grumble broke out letting me know that it was alive, I pulled out of the driveway.




"Wow, I can't believe she done that."

"Neither can I but she did, what am I supposed to do now? I can't go back there, I can't handle it, it's becoming too much, I just don't know anymore."

"I don't know man but you can stay here as long as you need to, you know my parents won’t mind."


He gave me a sad smile before signaling me to follow him. I got up and walked behind him to the spare bedroom, I say spare bedroom but it is practically my bedroom, it has a lot of my stuff here, stuff that I've left here from before, clothes mainly. But there are several other things too, action figures of mine from when I used to come over when I was younger and we would play with them, camping equipment that my mum banned me from keeping in the garage because it made it look "messy" and several other things.

"So why aren't you at school?"

"I left when you called."

I nodded my head at him. "Is that a new bed?"

"Yeah, my mum said she'd rather you slept in something new and comfy than old and uncomfortable,” he grunted rolling his eyes.

"Oh I do love your mum Nate," I chuckled, falling onto the bed.

Ever since I were little Nate's mum has taken care of me as if I were her own, my life wasn't bad back then though, I thought it was perfect being the naive little kid I was, I didn't realise that the arguments my parents had were bad or that one of them would end up in my father having a heart attack and dying. But then I had Nate's father who would teach me the stuff I wish my father could have taught me, both him and Nate's mum have made a huge contribution to the person I have turned out to be and if it weren’t for them, I’m sure I would have made a huge mess in my life.

However, after my sister’s death, that changed, I lost who I was, if you can call it that. I changed and let me say that when people say change is good, this change most defiantly was not good but it helps me deal with everything and that’s the only thing I can deal with right now, dealing with things. If I don’t deal with anything then it will all fall apart and I can’t let that happen, I won’t be able to handle it all, I know I won’t.

Which leads me to Isabelle, don’t get me wrong, she’s been a good friend for years but that is all, a good friend. Sure, she knows how to have fun which is the main reason why I spend so much time with her, she takes my mind away from things for a while, there is no emotional attachment between us, there never has been, which makes leaving her in the morning so easy.

 I know that probably makes me seem like a complete ass but she knows exactly how it is and what she’s getting into, it’s not like she wants a relationship either, she doesn’t want to settle done whilst she’s still young, she says that settling down is for people older and not for people in school. It would be very hypocritical of me to agree with her, there was once a time when I thought I had my whole life planned out and I had already settled down but not anymore and I won’t be making the same commitment anytime soon, it leaves you broken when it’s over and I don’t want that again, I don’t think I would be able to handle that again.

 A strong, spicy scent drifted up my nose causing my mouth to water slightly. “Boys, I’ve got chinese!”

I looked over at Nate who looked at me with a smirk before turning and running towards the door, resulting in a large bang as he tripped over my bag and collided with the floor. I took the opportunity to bolt towards the door and down the stairs, thinking about the mouthwatering food that awaited me in the dining room but as soon as I reached the dining room door a heavy weight landed on my back causing me to stumble and crash, once again, to the floor.


After dinner me and Nate decided to head to a party one of my mates was throwing. It would sound quite arrogant of me to say that I’m popular but hell I am popular and I know it too. Any party that’s going to happen, I’m usually the first to find out about it and if I’m going to it, there’s usually more people that will go to it also. Though don’t think I’m one of those idiots that singles out people if they are smarter or quieter. Heck no, I want to be remembered for actually being a nice guy instead of a complete douche that would cause some quiet girl or boy, to self-harm. I don’t want to ever cause someone to do that to themselves, so when there is a party, I invite everyone in my year, obviously I’m not going to invite the younger years, I don’t want to be seen as the guy who got 13 and 14 year olds drunk.

“Hey Matt, over here!” I took a quick glance around the room, searching for whomever it was that shouted me. My eyes spotted a hand waving me over; I downed the bitter liquor and made my way through the crowd of people.

“Matt, have you met the new girl, Cassie?” My eyes followed the hand that was being held out and done a quick analysis of “the new girl”. She was wearing a short but classy black dress that fit perfectly, enhancing her curves, paired off with black heels that made her toned legs seem like they went on forever. Her soft brown hair was set into soft curls, daring me to run my hands through them. Then my eyes landed on her eyes, very fierce eyes may I add.

“You do know that staring won’t give you the power to see through my clothes, right?” She questioned, folding her arms over her chest.

“Oh, so you are actually wearing underwear?” I retorted, fighting the urge to smirk.

Her face turned a fiery red in anger. “As I said earlier, I guess all the chivalry got lost years ago and

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