» Romance » My Knight In A Shining Dress., Katie Edge. [read this if txt] 📗

Book online «My Knight In A Shining Dress., Katie Edge. [read this if txt] 📗». Author Katie Edge.

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"My Knight In A Shining Dress"

Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved.


"Matty, can we go on in please?" Zoe begged, sticking out her bottom lip.

"Zo, I've already told you no, people pee in the sea, do you want to swim around in pee?"

"Matt, stop being a kill joy."

Looking upwards I saw Faye standing there with her signature smirk teasing her lips. I trailed my eyes over her face noticing how her soft, deep brown eyes were now shining with passion, the soft but noticeable redness that was now heating her cheeks and how her usual straight brown hair was in soft waves.

"Want a picture?" A soft smile played on her lips as she walked over to me.

I licked my lips in attempt to cure the dryness that had consumed them. "Please, my other ones aren't as up to date as I would like."

She rolled her eyes before looking down at Zoe, my 4 year old sister. "Hey Zo, do you want me to take you in the sea?"

Zoe nodded her head eagerly before reaching to take Fayes hand. "Let's go quick!" She shouted as she started pulling Faye down the beach.

"Faye, watch her please!" Worry laced in my voice.

"I will babe, don't you worry!" She shouted over her shoulder, sincerity filling her words.

I flopped down onto the beach towel, soaking up the sun as I listened to music. After nearly 2 years I still couldn't wrap my head around how lucky I was to have Faye, she was everything a guy like me could want and more. She had a laugh that could make anyone's heart melt and a personality most people crave. I opened my eyes and stared at the two most important girls in my life as they splashed each other and laughed as if there was nothing bad in the world.


"Hey, let's stop for McDonalds, I'm starving," Faye groaned in the seat next to me.

I rolled my eyes as I turned down the side road. "Muffin, wake up, we're getting some food." I said as I shook her leg slightly.

Her eyes shot open as she jumped up in her seat. "Food?"

Chuckling slightly I pulled up at the drive through. "Yes Zo, food."

"Hello, can I take your order please."

"Uhm, can I have a happy meal with strawberry milkshake and two big macs with coke please."

"That will be £8.49 please." I handed the money over, grabbing the food in the process and giving it to Faye.

"So, about next Saturday..."

A wide smile spread over my face at the thought of what I had planned. "I'll pick you up at 2, bring spare clothes too." Faye looked over at me as a blush crept onto her face.


"You'll see," I said whilst winking at her. As I pulled out onto the road I noticed a set of blinding lights speeding towards us, I looked over at Faye seeing a look of fear steal her happiness causing her to grab my hand and squeeze it as a lone tear fell down her cheek. Screams from Zoe circled my mind as guilt swept through my veins. A sharp pain shot through the right side of my body causing the seatbelt to bite at my chest and leave me breathless. The sound of glass shattering filled my ears causing me instinctively raise my free arm to shield my face, leaving a small gap that allowed me to see Faye. Shards of glass ripped my clothes puncturing my skin and injecting me with a fresh wave of pain each time.

A gentle tug and a small but weak smile from Faye reassured me that she was okay. I summoned as much energy as I could to force myself to turn around and check on Zoe. Tears filled my eyes as I took in her small fragile body covered in cuts and bruises, her brown eyes that were usually warm and full of life, were now cold and full of death. She was gone. As I felt myself sinking deeper into darkess, the tears came faster and heavier leaving no room for breathing.

"Zoe..." I croaked breathlessy, as I gave into to the heaviness of my eyes.

Chapter 1.

"My Knight In A Shining Dress"

Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1.

Today is the 24th of April 2010, a year ago today my life changed forever, a year ago today I lost the love of my life, a year ago today I got my sister killed. Memories of the accident flashed through my mind as I traced the letters imprinted in the smooth marble.

"I'm so sorry, Zoe," I whispered as a gust of wind swept through my hair. "Mom misses you, she can't handle coming to see you though, probably just as much as she can't handle looking at me," wiping away a tear that had escaped, I drew in a long breath. "Not like I can blame her though, I can't handle looking at myself, it's my fault that you're dead and I'll never forgive myself for that."

A soft sigh escaped my moist parted lips as I glanced around the cemetery noticing that I was the only one here. I focused my attention back on the lifeless headstone that sat in front of me. "I'll come back later, Muffin, I promise," I pushed myself up off the ground and headed towards my car, just as I was opening the door a loud rumble rippled through the air reminding me of the storm that was expected anytime soon. I climbed into the car, igniting it with life before making a U-turn and heading to school.

A large group was crowding around my usual parking spot so I chose one on the other side of the entrance not being able to take the high squeals that came from the girls when one of the rugby players were near, I pulled over and stepped out the car, greedily inhaling the cold air that welcomed me earning myself a few strange looks from those walking past me towards the school.

"Hey!" A soft voice yelled, causing my head to snap up in shock. "You parked in my spot."


"Don't bother moving," Faye turned around frowning at the guy nearing her. "There is a spare spot next to me, you can park there for today, no big deal, right?" The stranger asked, looking at her with an intensity that made my heart ache.

"Yeah, you're right," she sighed. "Sorry...," she trailed off looking at me expectantly.


"Oh, right well sorry Matt, feel free to steal my parking spot for today but don't go making a habit out of it," her all too familiar smirk that haunted my dreams danced on her lips in a blissful grace.

"Got it," my eyes trailed down to the hand resting comfortably on her waist.

Clenching my jaw and clamping my fist, I forced myself to look away from the scene playing out in front of me and at the school I was heading towards instead. Just as I reached my locker a pair of long tanned legs came into my view, a low sigh escaped my lips before I put on my comfortable smirk.

"Matthew," Izzy trailed her finger down my chest before getting a firm grip on the waist band of my jeans and pulling me towards her. "I missed you this morning."

Mentally rolling my eyes I placed my hands on her waist pulling her even closer to me. "I'll make it up to you," I whispered before letting my lips place a lingering soft kiss below her ear.

"Matthew, my man!" An arm appeared around my shoulders pulling me swiftly away from Isabelle and leading me down the corridor. "I don't understand why you bother with her."

"She distracts my over reactive mind."

"So? You could find a decent girl, one who could distract you in a less sexual way, one who hasn't opened her legs for every guy in the damn school."

Pain bubbled up inside me fighting for surface. "There was a girl like that, there isn't now so can you drop it."

Nate glanced at me before nodding his head. "Sure."

Pushing open the door, I walked into the classroom heading towards my usual seat. Several greetings were thrown my way as more people started piling in but I ignored them and glanced out the window, letting the darkness cloud the faked happiness once again. There was no real happiness in my life anymore, not after Zoe died, not after Faye forgot who I was and what we had. A loud bang jolted me out of my head and out of my chair.

"What the..."

"I would think twice before you finish that sentence Mr Evans."

"Uh," my hand found it's way to my neck scratching it nervously.

"Detention after school, maybe you'll listen then."

"I'm busy after school."

"So am I but I have to waste my time on people like you who think it is acceptable to not listen in my lesson!" He spat as anger flared wildly in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing my stuff and walking out the lesson, carelessly ignoring the voice of anger that I left behind and heading towards the calmness that washed over the large field surrounding the school. Sighing deeply I pushed a hand through my tousled hair before sitting under a tree and staring at the dull sky watching the clouds float softly across it.


A deep chuckle escaped my chest as I pointed my finger towards the sky. "Hey look! That one looks like a bird on a boat."

"What? How does it look like that?" My left eyebrow rose as I turned to face her.

"How doesn't it?"

A soft giggle escaped her soft lips as she rolled her eyes at me. "Matthew James Evans, I will never understand the way your mind functions."

I plastered on a hurt expression as my hand found it's way to my heart. "That hurts Faye, that hurts bad."

She patted my chest before standing up. "I'm sure it does handsome, I'm sure it does."

I grabbed her hands and tugged at them causing her to fall and land on top of me. Raising a hand, I softly tucked a stray piece of her hair behind her ear staring into her deep brown eyes. "You're so beautiful."

A small gasp escaped her lips. "You're not going soft on me are you Matty?"

I placed my hands on her face slowly pulling her towards me. "Maybe," I whispered before planting my lips on hers.

-End of flashback-

Something wet hit my face just as the sky lit up, pulling me out of my thoughts. I stood up pondering which way to go, choosing the longest route to the car park knowing it would give me enough time to capture my loose emotions and bound them inside of me once again, not like it was anything unusual, I've been doing it ever since I went to visit my grandfather for Christmas one year in South Carolina and he pulled me into his study and said "I can see you looking at those pictures of your grandmother, getting all teary," his hand clamped down on my shoulder in a firm but gentle grasp. "Emotions are weakness, don't let them show, you'll be giving everyone a one

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