» Romance » A test of Love, Navaura Campbell [best book series to read .txt] 📗

Book online «A test of Love, Navaura Campbell [best book series to read .txt] 📗». Author Navaura Campbell

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That's what she wanted to do. Sighing, she slumped further down in her chair, pretending to concentrate, but really starring off into space.

"You do know he likes to call on students sporadically, right?" A voice whispered from next to her. Denise jumped a little, startled. Glancing over, she smiled at the girl who'd spoken. "Really? You've had him before?"
The girl shrugged, her makeup around her eyes dark, "Professor Owen Adams, you'll learn to despise him." Denise laughed softly, "Denise Calloway."
"Neema Elizabeth." The girl stated, a grin on her face.
"Which one's the first name?"
"Neema is my first name, Elizabeth is my last name."
"Oh, wow. It's a beautiful name."
Neema laughed, "Yep. I have been told that since I was little." She whispered.
"Where did it come from?" Denise inquired, curious.
"It's Egyptian."
"Your parents Egyptian?" She whispered.
Neema laughed, "Nope. They were looking for something unique and a friend of theirs, suggested the name. We thought it was made up, but then I looked it up and whola! It's Egyptian and means born to wealthy parents. I guess I got lucky in that aspect, because my family's not exactly poor."
Denise smiled, "That's cool."
"Denise, Neema, would you two care to elaborate what's absorbing your attention?" Denise closed her eyes, feeling a blush come on.
"Oh, we were just introducing ourselves Professor Adams."
"Try to do it on your own time and not on mine Ms. Elizabeth, you know the rules." Professor Adam stated in a crisp tone.
Neema saluted the professor, "Sorry about that, Professor."
The professor's gaze lingered upon the two girls before going back to his lesson. Immediately, the class's attention went back to the board.
Neema rolled her eyes, "t.t.y.l."
Denise narrowed her eyes, "What's ttyl?"
"talk to you later. ttyl."
Denise smiled, "Cool."

After class, Denise shoved her papers into her bag and zipped up what was inside. Pulling the straps over her shoulder, she got up from the desk and made her way out of the classroom. As soon as she did, Neema met her at the door. "So, where are you from?"
Denise shrugged her shoulders, "Originally New York. I moved to South Hampton when I was fifteen."
"You look like you should be in New York. Why are you here?"
Denise narrowed her eyes at Neema. "Because I wanted to be here." Together they walked down the hallway and out of the H (History) building.
"Ha, ha, ha. I mean, what brought you here, to Richmond?" Neema stated, her light chestnut colored eyes staring into Denise's coffee brown ones with peculiar interest. Denise sighed, "Well, I've been in Virginia for about six years now. I came here in June of 97' with my mom and step dad along with my sister Vicki. I had always planned to go back to New York but life intervened and now I'm here."
Neema sighed, "How interesting that is."
"What other classes do you have?" Denise inquired.
"Anatomy, is next, beyond that point, I really don't know." I only have two courses today. Tomorrow is supposed to be three, but I'm not sure which three."
"Oh. How many times a week do you go to school?"
"Tuesdays and Wednesday. Anyhow, enough school chitchat. You going to the party their throwing tonight?"
Denise narrowed her brows, "It's the first day of school and they're throwing parties?"
"That's the college life, you going or what?"
Denise sighed, "Probably not, I have a class tomorrow and I need to study."
Neema raised a brow? "Study? Why would you want to do that when you can party?"
Denise laughed as the two girls made their way across campus to their cars. As they stopped next to each others vehicle's, Denise raised a brow, checking out Neema's car. A red and white 2000 Saturn. "Seems like we parked next to each other," Neema stated with a wink.
"Yep. Pretty cool."
"So, you coming to the party tonight?" Neema inquired one last time before opening the door to her Saturn.
"Nope, homework." Denise stated, as she opened hers.
"Ahk, you need to have fun, do something, homework's not due till Friday."
"And, we still need to get it done."
"Denise, you have at least a week to get the assignment done."
"I know, but I like to have everything done early."
"Well, I don't really want to party."
"Why not? You might actually enjoy yourself."
"I've never been a partier."
"Never been a partier?"
"No. I mean I didn't have reason too."
"Well, shit girl, you need to get your experience in before you graduate."
"It's cool. I don't feel like partying any how. I'm going home and study."
Neema shrugged, "Suit yourself darling, but please note, I will have a blast. See you next week."
Ending the conversation, both girls got into their vehicles and closed the door, driving off in different directions.

Denise opened the door to her dorm and looked around. Two beds sat on a side of each wall, far away from each other, while a desk sat up front by the wall that was connected the doorway. Closing the door and walking straight past the two beds, Denise came into a room that had a door on the right of the entrance. Inside that door was a bathroom. Her room mate had put up peach colored bathroom decorations, a rug, shower curtain and a couple of towels that hung on a towel wrack located next to the door. The bathroom was small.
There was a book shelf located further down the room with a couple of books on it. The book shelf was big enough to carry many books. Denise nodded her head, grateful she'd have somewhere to place her books. Clearing her throat, she noticed a wall that was covered in a light gray color, accentuating the beige carpet.

There were two small gray blue lounge chairs, one in each corner of the room, with a tall lamp located in the middle of them. Denise went to the lamp, flickered the switch and watched as it illuminated the room. Shaking her head with a smile, she sighed, not bad. Not bad at all. She flickered the light off and then made her way into the last room of the place. There was a small counter and sink with granite counter tops A microwave was built in the middle of the cabinets located above the sink. Denise raised a brow surprised. A microwave built in the middle of the cupboards? That she'd never seen.
Sighing, she turned away from the room and walked back through the sitting room and then into the bed room. She'd packed her stuff in the drawers that was attached to the bed. Sighing, she laid down on her made up bed and sat there staring up at the ceiling.

Thinking, her mind went over the invitation to the party that Neema had given her. When was the last time she'd had fun? It wouldn't kill her if she did go, because she'd have tomorrow and the rest of the week to do her homework. The ringing of her phone inside the purse she'd laid on the bed, startled her. Going inside the bag, she pulled it out and flipped open the lid, "Hello?"
"Hey, baby." The deep voice on the other end caused a smile to appear.
"Hey, what's going on?"
Jordan let out a wistful sigh, "Well, I made it back to Hampton."
Denise laughed, "Are you serious?" Her tone joyful.
"Yes, I'm serious."
"How long have you been back?" Denise inquired, pulling her feet over the bed. Stepping into her flats, she cleared her throat.
"About five hours."
Denise laughed, "No way."
"Yes way."
"For good?" She inquired, her heart accelerating a thousand beats per minute.
"Yeah." His tone was filled with amusement.
"Where are you? I want to come and see you."
"I'm at Hampton University registering for my classes."
Denise brows widened in shock. "Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I decided I may as well forge ahead with my education too. I can't let you beat me on that."
Denise laughed, "Yeah, I bet." She got up and walked out of her dorm. Closing the door, she locked it with her key. The purse she'd pulled her cell phone out of hung on her shoulder. "So, do you know what you're taking up?"
"Yep. I'm going to major in Criminal Justice, a minor in Political science and then off to law school." By the time he'd finished that sentence, Denise had already made it out of the building and was making her way to the car.
"That's cool."
"How about you?" Jordan inquired. "School going good?"
"Yeah, it's going great. I mean I'm taking a course called Colonial History and it's as boring as it sounds."
"I thought you loved history."
"I do, but geez, we had our first class today and this guy droned on and on, dragging the hour and a half we were in there." She stated, making a right into the parking lot of the administration building.
"Oh yeah? Meet any new friends in the class?"
Denise licked her lips, her tone soft, "I met this girl Neema, she's a junior and she invited to the first campus party tonight."
"Oh yeah?"
"Celebrating the beginning of the year."
"You should go, you need a little fun."
Denise laughed, "That's what Neema said, but I told her I had homework."
"Homework? De-De, unless you got a class on a Saturday morning, A Friday night party isn't going to kill you."
"I know. I just wanted to get it done early."
Jordan laughed, "Get it done early. Do you always have to be prepared?"
"Just as you always have to be unprepared." Denise stated with laughter in her voice.
"Ha, ha, ha. Denise. At least I know how to juggle between being prepared and partying."
Denise was now walking up to the registration building. She looked inside, throng of students. She saw a guy standing in the line off to the right, where a woman was talking to another student in front of him. There was a relaxed smile on his face. He was dressed in a blue and white jogging suit, turtleneck and white tennis shoes.
"If you know how to juggle parties, why don't you come with me?" Denise watched as his body shifted and heard the laughter come from his mouth. "I would love to but seeing as to how you are in New York, that would be impossible."
Denise smiled tenderly. "Who told you that?"
Jordan's had shook, giving her a great visual of the words he spoke. "You did of course."
"Did I?" Denise teased.
Denise sighed, "What if I changed my mind?"
His body shifted slightly to the right and he put his free hand underneath his chest. Denise eyes roamed his body. Licking her lips, she thought there couldn't have been a finer looking man. He looked so sexy standing there with his six foot three inch frame hovering over the students.
"That would be a dream come true for me, baby. You know that."
Denise laughed, "Well then, I'm glad I made your dreams come true." She stated, her tone soft and silky. This caused Jordan to lick his lips, "I've never heard sexier words before."
"Oh really?"
"Yep. You sound so good, you make me want to jump through this phone and commit unspeakable acts."
Denise laughed, "Hmm, that sounds nice. What would you do to me if I was there?" She licked her lips again.
"I'd kiss you like crazy."
"Would you?"
"Hell yeah."
Denise laughed again. "What else?"
"You have to be here for the what else parts. You know I only like to show my work."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway. "Turn around and look out the window."
"Why?" He inquired, suspicious.
"Just do it." She demanded.
"Do you always feel the need
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