» Romance » A test of Love, Navaura Campbell [best book series to read .txt] 📗

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I think it's more of the fact that of everyone I've lost in my life, you're the one I still have and after what I did, I didn't think you'd take me back.”
“Aren't you glad I'm no where near where I was two years ago?”
He laughed, “Yeah, I can see the headliners now, woman butchers ex.”
Denise laughter was soft and light, “I would never do such a thing.”
He smiled at her, “What did I do to deserve you?” His hands were now stroking the inside of her thighs. She licked her lips, “Alot.”
“Including smack you, get you pregnant twice, and then break your heart. That sounds like a lot to me. A lot of craziness.”
"It's forgiven Jordan." She gazed up at him, pure love and adoration her eyes, "I'm not completely innocent myself, I kind of spurred on a lot of the arguments we had and I had to learn to not think about me so much. It just got to a point where I didn't want to think of myself first anymore. It's like you began to matter to me more than I began to matter to me.”
“That's how it started out from day one for me. I was so awed by your beauty.”
“So the first reason you even talked to me was because you thought I was pretty.”
“Yes and then shortly after that I wanted that beauty to be mine.”
Denise laughed, “That's weird.”
“The first time we kissed I began to think of you as mine.”
“A little presumptuous right?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Only if I'd been wrong.”
Denise inhaled sharply, “Jordan, you're kinda crazy.”
He glanced down at her and laughed, the sound very masculine and hot to her ears. This caused her to push her hips into him. He growled and captured her mouth yet again in another kiss. She pushed her hands between his pants and pressed one across the front of his jeans. He felt himself begin to strain with his desire. She grasped the button and undid it and then immediately seized hold of his man hood. He felt a shudder run through him. She whispered, “Jordan.”
“Can I have this?”
He smiled, and said, “I'll gift wrap it for you.”
She laughed, “I got a better idea.”
“What's that.”
“Just put it where it belongs.”
He pulled his pants down and then his shirt followed. She just sat there starring at him.
“What?” He asked as she relished in the sight of him.
“I think you have the most magnificent body I have ever seen naked.”
“That's because I'm the only body you've seen naked.”
Denise laughed, “I've seen other men naked.”
“Quinton don't count, he's like a brother to you.”
Denise wrinkled her brow, “It wasn't Quinton sugar.”
“Stilling my words are we?” He inquired in that familiar drawl.
“it's universal. Anyhow, we went to this male strip club once and there were tons of naked men dancing and everything.”
He laughed, “ A male strip club. I guess if you want to see the best bodies that may be a place to go.”
“None of them looked like you. I look at you naked and I want you to be on my plate for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I definitely would make room for dessert.”
“How about that. There's a lot of freak in you ms. Prude.”
“I'm not prude.”
“Unless you're naked you are.”
“Is that necessarily a bad thing?”
Jordan grabbed his male genitalia and rubbed it against her. She moaned as he stroked it along her vaginal lips. “Definitely not. It's like having my own little secret.”
“And you like that?” She moved back on the bed some to give him room to climb in.
“I love that.” He got up onto the bed and rubbed himself against her again. She bit down on her bottom lip and croaked out “Why?”
He whispered, “Because I get to have you all to myself.” With that, he pushed himself into her slippery wetness. She felt her woman hood clinch around him immediately. He pushed in deeper until he was in all the way. She whispered,”I like being all yours.” He smiled, “Good, that's real good.” Slowly he began moving in and out of her.

One year later:

"Jordan Andre Williams, do you take Denise Renee Calloway to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer? In health and in sickness? Until death do you part?" Jordan stared at Denise with a shimmer in his eyes that wasn't there before. He stared at her in awe, because in her wedding gown, she looked gorgeous. It was white with yellow lace trim covering the bottom and the veil was made with yellow trim with pink rose buds forming a crown on top her head. She wore her hair in spiraled curls down her back. Her lipstick was the perfect shade of plum for her beautiful chocolate skin tone. He grasped her hand in a soft squeeze, "I do." He proclaimed boldly.
"And do you, Denise Renee Calloway take Jordan Andre Williams to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold for richer or poorer and in health and in sickness, until death do you part.?"
Denise stared at him with an equally matched amount of love in her eyes for him, "I do." She stated. The pastor nodded his head to give Jordan the go to put her ring on, with slightly shaky fingers, he placed the ruby wedding band on her hand. Although his mother had given it to him in high school, he had had her new name, Denise Williams inscribed on it the minute he'd set foot in Chicago two and a half summers ago. Denise put his gold band on his hand. The ring he had was a 14 karat gold band with his name inscribed on it. Covering her hand with his, they listened as the preacher stated, "I now pronounce you man and wife. Son, you may kiss your bride." Jordan's grin was from ear to ear as she met him halfway and he grasped her around the waist and dipped his head down. Her hand reached up and cupped his neck. Once the kiss was broken, Denise released his head and turned toward the front of the church. With his hand still on her waist, he grasped her free hand in his. She squeezed it as they both looked out at the church. The pastor said, "Before these witnesses today, I proudly present Jordan and Denise Williams."
Denise smiled as everyone clapped. She looked out into the crowd, recognizing very familiar faces. She was shocked to see that even her sworn enemies had flown into to town to attend the wedding. Sherry Cooper now known as Sherry Walker, who had long since changed her red hair to an ash blonde and was now saddled up next to a handsome young Pediatrician, Arron Walker. Denise had heard that they'd been married since Sherry second year of college. They had two red headed green Eyed twins next to them. Both boys were one years old. There was Pamela Rivers who'd gone on to own her own gown shop, which was where Denise had gotten her gown. She'd fallen in love with the specially hand made gown. She had never expected Pamela to be good at sewing, let alone grow up to own her own dress shop. Candice and Vicki both sat in the front row, each with their own date. Who'd ever thought they'd both end up dating brothers, Maximus and Cornelius Harris. Both boys played basket ball for the local community college. One was going for counseling and the other computer engineering.
Denise waved at all of them. She even spotted Tanya and Andrew, with their two children, Anastasia and Andrew Jr. Anastasia was the oldest at five years old, while the second child was three. Jordan had just found out that Tanya was pregnant with a girl and they were going to name her Denise Andrea. There was Quinton there with his family and his new boyfriend a guy named Luke. Even Nathaniel and his sister Sebrea were there. Although he and Amerie were broken up, you could see the feelings between them were still there. Every time they looked at each other, it was a sight to behold. Although Denise had no idea why, she could tell that what ever it was, it was enough to cause a deep wedge between them. His whole family had shown up and sat on the opposite side of the church. Her family sat on the other side, the baby had ended up in Garrette's lap. She'd turned out to be a girl and they decided to name her Vanessa Patricia Anita Williams. She was a beautiful girl with eyes as green as Jordan's and hair a dark curly do and full lips like Denise's. As Jordan and she came through the church and to the reception area, Jordan leaned into her ear and whispered, "I love you Denise Williams." Denise's heart pounded at the way he said her name. She wondered if she'd ever get over that, but judging by the fact that every time he looked at her, her heart skipped a beat, she seriously doubted that would happen. "I love you too Jordan Williams." As they sat down at their table at the front of the reception area, Jordan whispered, leaning in close to her, "Have I told you how beautiful you look today?"
"Only a million times."
"I guess this makes a million and one then."
"Denise laughed, "And you look quite edible in your tux."
Jordan laughed, "Edible, that's the best you got?"
"I could say fetching."
Jordan shook his head, "Edible is fine."
Denise leaned in and kissed him on the lips. "I'm going to love being your wife for the rest of my life."
"And I will love being your husband, there will never be a dull moment."
Denise gave a loving sigh. "I'm sorry your mom couldn't be here to see it."
"She can see it from heaven, Denise. Her and my father, I'm glad that they've got each other up there."
Denise smiled lovingly, "Of course baby, they're both are looking at us down here, even Stacy I bet."
Jordan grasped her hand in his and brought it up to his lips. He didn't know if it was possible to love her any more than he already did. Time and time again their love had been tested. Even during the times when he thought they wouldn't make it, they had. All of this had only served to solidify their love. It had strengthened Denise into a better woman and him into a better man. Not to mention the fact that they had Vanessa now. He'd never thought he'd be a father to a sixth month old baby girl. She was so beautiful. He felt lucky. He'd graduated H.U. the previous May and was heading out to George Mason University of Law School in Arlington Virginia come fall. It finally felt as if everything was coming into perspective for him.

Text: Brandy Mundy
Editing: Brandy Mundy
Publication Date: 07-17-2012

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