» Romance » A test of Love, Navaura Campbell [best book series to read .txt] 📗

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Part Two:

A Test of Love:

After Carrine had awoken from the punch Jordan gave her, she'd found herself arrested and taken to the nearest precinct. The officers asked Jordan why he didn't report any of her stalking. He'd replied that he thought changing his number would have been enough and since she hadn't made any real threat of bodily harm against him or Denise, he felt as if he really didn't have anything solid to go to the police with. He explained that that night was the first time she'd pulled out a weapon on him. She'd also been charged with trespassing and use of a deadly weapon. By the time they finished filing charges against her, Carrine had a total of fifteen years to look forward to in the state penitentiary.

eight months later:

Sophomore year

Maybe to most people, having your relationship go right for eight whole months is not really worth much of anything, you kind of get accustomed to it, however with Jordan and Denise, it was always in the back of their mind that things could be worse or just as difficult as it had been for the both of them in high school. Mostly in part due to Denise's inability to make a decision, but also due to unsavory characters. So, in response to all the trouble they previously had, they were extremely grateful that the relationship was finally headed in the right direction. She and he spent the whole summer in oblivion. Around the fall semester, Denise signed up for a course in College Algebra. Although she wasn't good at the subject, she figured she may as well get it out of the way. So, on her first day of class, she got there just as everyone was filling in, Imagine her shock when she saw that she and Trey had the class together. Because they knew each other, she figured her safest bet was to sit next to him. There was enough time for them to greet one another and that was about it as the teacher came into the class room, a large shoulder bag wrapped around her shoulders. She sat the bag down, opened it and pulled out a set of dry erase markers and two text books. One was a study manual while the other was an actual text book. Going up to the board she wrote in big letters:
Professor: Lynda Goodman
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Saturdays, 8 a.m to 12 p.m. (TL 212)
MA 125 : College Algebra
08/2005 – 12/2005
"Hello students", she stated as she finished writing and opened another book on top her desk. "I'm professor Lynda Goodman, this is College Algebra and you have one week to decide if you would rather transfer to another course."
She opened the notebook and pulled out a stack of papers. Stepping up to the first row of students she counted out several papers and handed them to each student.
"I'm handing each of you a syllabus which is to be read on your own free time. I expect each one of you to hand your assignments in on time. Due to the fact that I know not everyone has developed math skills, I have put together several groups of twos. He or she will be your math partner during the entire semester so that if either of you have any problems, you may go to one another for help. If you are unable to solve the problem together, you may then come to me."
She came up to the row Denise and Trey occupied and handed out the papers. Denise took one and passed the rest down. "I wish for everyone to succeed in this class, so I will try my hardest to make sure that you are helped. If any of you have any problems with this course feel free to come by my office between the hours of 8 a.m to 12 p.m. On either Tuesday or Saturday. I wrote my cell number and the hours allowed for calls in the left hand corner of your syllabus. Please, only call me during those hours unless you are in dire need and I do mean dire."
Denise found this funny. She laughed to herself. Trey looked over at her wondering what was so funny. She looked down at her syllabus and noticed that there were thirty students in the course. She looked for her name. She was paired up with Treyvon Matthis. Bringng her head up she glanced over at him. He was browsing through the syllabus itself. Softly she whispered his name. He turned to her. "What's up?"
"How good are you in math?"
"I'm decent, why?"
"Well, we seemed to have gotten paired up. I just wanted to know because there is no way I can be compared with someone who don't know how to do math good enough to get a passing grade."
Trey laughed, "Hmm, we could always trudge through the trenches together."
"I guess so, huh?"
"..Anyhow, I will give you group assignments to work on together." Professor Goodman was saying. "These assignments are due every class session. Your first assignment will be expected back next week along with your individual work. Any assignments submitted after their due date is minus five points per week until the third week afterward. If the assignment isn't turned in by then please do not bother turning it in. Your grades will be given by attendance, in class participation, group assignments, individual assignments, quizzes and then the final at the end of the semester. Any questions?"
Denise exhaled sharply, thinking that this course was not going to be as easy as high school was.
Jordan had an interview at ten o'clock that morning Denise was in class. The place he had gotten the interview from was a meat packaging company in the Richmond area. When he received the phone call, the interviewer told him that they needed people who wouldn't mind
delivering meat products around the state of Virginia, so they wanted someone who new Virginia really well. He also told him that he would be explained everything else during the interview, so at ten o'clock on Wednesday, August 15th, he sat in the office of the packaging manager, who's name was Curtis Wallace. Curtis was a dark skinned African American man who wore a suit and tie. He offered Jordan coffee before the interview. Jordan declined the offer, already trying to calm his nerves. "I see that you worked for a construction company back in Chicago for the past two years."
"Yes, sir." Jordan confirmed.
"What type of work environment was it?"
"It was very fast paced and required you to be able to have certain documents ready during certain times."
"Ok, well the job that you would be doing requires an 12 hour working days. You will be going to several different stores within that period of time and it requires you to take inventory of your stock. Every store that you go to during your shift hours, you need to cross off your list because you are only given one schedule per week, it's up to you to determine which store you hit first. You are required to have a driver's license. Do you have one?"
Jordan nodded. "Yes, sir."
"You are also required to have drug screening test every two months, do you think you can manage that?"
"Yes, sir."
"The last thing it requires is a company uniform. Insurance will be covered by our company. You are allowed two violations per year. Are you able to comply with that?"
"Yes sir." Jordan answered confused. This was the interview? He thought it would be harder.
"Good Mr. Williams. Welcome to the Wallace Meat Packaging Corporation."
Jordan looked over at Mr. Wallace. "That's all?"
"If you filled out the application on line, that's all you needed to do. I need to do a back ground check and I'm sure you will get an overview of the company at the orientation."
Jordan smiled and stood, "Well, alright, thank you."
Mr. Wallace smiled back at him and grasped his hand in a firm handshake, "Thank you Mr. Williams. Are there any questions for me?"
Jordan was about to say no when he remembered the pay. "How much is the pay per hour?"
"Eleven dollars an hour, 40 hour week days. You are off any one day of the week and on the weekends."
"Ok. Would I be able to pick my own shift?"
"The shifts are first, second or third and yes, you can pick your own shift."
Jordan knew he had classes early in the morning at about eight on Mondays, and Tuesdays and then around noon he had basket ball practice til about two on Thursdays and Fridays, then once he got out, he could work from three and on. "When do I have to decide by?"
"During your orientation you will decide what hours you want to work."
"Any more questions?"
Jordan shook his head no.
"It was a pleasure interviewing you Mr. Williams."
"Thank you Mr. Wallace."
"You are welcome."
When Denise got home around three o'clock that afternoon, she found out that she'd had a few calls on her answering machine. She pressed the play button as she stripped down and got ready for a shower. One was from her mother asking her about her plans for labor day weekend. She wanted her and Jordan to come to her house for labor day weekend because they were having a cookout and she had missed them during thanks giving, Christmas and fourth of July. She wanted them to come because labor day weekend was actually her sister Victoria's birth day too. Denise sighed. She figured the least she could do would be to show up on labor day weekend for the family. She missed her family anyway. The next message was from Neema asking her to have lunch with her next weekend. The third and final message was from her dad telling her to give him a call when she got the chance because it was really important. After listening to all the messages, she walked to the bathroom and opened the door to turn on the water for a shower.
Jordan knocked on the door first. When there was no answer he took out his key and unlocked it himself. Opening the door, he heard the shower running. Shutting it, he went into the kitchen and checked the cabinets for food. There was some left over food from the dinner they'd had at Catino's, an Italian restaurant they'd eaten at the night before. Grabbing a bowl, he dumped the food in there and then put it on one minute in the microwave. Just as he was getting ready to fix their plates, the shower stopped and he heard the sliding doors open. A few minutes later, Denise came out with her hair and body both wrapped in separate towels. She walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "Hey baby," She greeted.
"Hey, De-De. You hungry?"
"Starving." She went out the kitchen to the area where her closet was. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt from the closet.
Jordan finished dishing out the food and then threw the containers in the trash can. Denise came back to the table and sat down in front of him. She grabbed her plate and one of the forks next to it. "How was your day?"
"It was good. I got a job today."
"Really?" Denise perked up. "Where at?"
"A company Called Wallace Packaging Corporation."
"Are you a meat packer?"
"No, I'm a delivery driver for them. I will be going around to stores within the state delivering meat."
"That's cool. Sounds like fun."
"Yep, it should be interesting. It's something new." He replied.
"That's good."
"So, how about your day? What's it been like?" He asked, switching the subject to her.
"My day has been alright. I had three classes. I had a Renaissance History course, An English Literature course and a College Algebra course. My professor for College Algebra assigned the whole class partners to work together with. It's just my luck that Trey's in my class and he and I were assigned to be partners. We have to get together at-least once a week for

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