» Romance » Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold, Danielle Martin [best books to read all time .TXT] 📗

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door open.” She politely brushed around her and headed towards her bedroom which was right next to the closet. Ava flashed a weak smile as she passed by attempting to hide her true expression. Secretly, she was disappointed. Jade was home nearly an hour early, completely ruining Ava’s plan to pack her stuff and get the hell out of there before she got home. Now she had to explain why she was leaving and she had not come up with an explanation just yet.

After placing her things in her room and turning down the radio, Jade came back into the hallway with a raised eyebrow. Immediately her eyes dropped down to the open suitcase that sat at her feet. “Going somewhere???” she asked in a questioning tone.

Nervously, Ava bit her lip. She looked down at her suitcase which had clothes falling out of it. “Umm…” she hesitated before answering. “Yeah, probably just for a weekend. I’m not sure yet. I figured it was time to get out of your hair now.”

Jade crossed her arms over her chest. “Hmmm….” She continued eyeing her, sensing she was up to something. “And where exactly are you going? Back home to Desean?” she asked sarcastically. Jade wasn’t a stupid woman. She knew something was up.

“Umm…” Ava hesitated once again. She was being put on the spot which was the exact thing she was trying to avoid. Ava wasn’t ready. She wasn’t ready to tell the truth nor did she have the strength to muster any more lies. “I’m going to a friend’s house.” Quickly she downplayed where she was really going, attempting to cover her trail. Almost in an instant, Ava felt a terrible feeling spread across her chest. She felt horrible lying to her face.

Jade stared at her with a strange look. “Hmmmm…” she murmured. “That’s odd. You know you don’t have to leave. You are always welcome here.”

Ava tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked away. The guilt had quickly taken over but she did her best to hide it. “I know that…” she spoke while turning her back towards the closet. She didn’t want Jade to see the worried expression on her face. “Trust me… I will be fine…It’s not like I could stay here forever.” Ava spoke to her without looking her way. Although she knew she would have to face Jade sooner or later, she wasn’t expecting for it to be this soon nor was she prepared for it. Ava could hear her smacking her lips in the background. Obviously, she was not buying her response.

“Whatever Hazel. If you’re going back to Desean, just say that. Your business is your business… I have nothing to say about it” Jade dropped the situation in a somewhat aggravated tone. As if something else was truly bothering her. Within a matter of seconds, she had gone quiet. Ava stopped and peeped over her shoulder, glancing at Jade who was leaned with her back against the wall while staring blankly at the ground. Her sudden silence was strange. The blank expression on her face was empty and vacant.

“You okay?” Ava asked, immediately sensing something was wrong.

Slowly, Jade lifted her head to look at her. She offered a weak smile. “Girl I’m fine.” She waved her hand. “I just got a lot on my mind.”

Ava stared at her. She could tell there was more to it.  A lot more than what she was telling. Taking a deep breath, Ava made a quick decision. As much as she wanted to finish packing her things, hop in a taxi and rush back to the condo to be with Blake, her best friend needed her. For once in her life, Ava needed to be selfless and put her own needs to the side. She turned towards Jade with a sincere look. “You want to talk about it???” she asked.

Slowly Jade looked up. She attempted to smile again which was even weaker than the first time.

Ava wasn’t buying it. “What is it Jade??? Tell me now…” she asked again adamantly.

Jade sighed deeply as if she had been holding it in for a while. Shaking her head, she ran her fingers through her hair in a frustrated stance. “Is there something wrong with me, Hazel??? Am I unattractive???” she asked the question abruptly, catching Ava completely off guard. Almost in an instant, she gasped in disbelief.

“What???” Ava asked shockingly making sure she heard her correctly. “What do you mean are you unattractive??? Have you lost your mind Jade??? Why would you ask a ridiculous question like that????” she bombarded her with questions. Nonchalantly, Jade shrugged her shoulders, her head still hung low. A depressed look was plastered all over her face.

 "I don't know Hazel... It's like nothing ever goes right in my life.” She sniffled. Visibly, she was close to breaking down. “My marriage was a failure… I did everything for my husband emotionally and financially. I still got cheated on… I invited Blake over for dinner last night… He couldn’t make it because his sister was in the hospital.” She smacked her lips. “That asshole must have forgotten he told me he didn’t have a sister.”

Ava stared at her flabbergasted by her sudden confession. For a moment she was at a loss for words but knew she had to think of something quick. She stepped forward and held her hands up attempting to defuse the situation.  “Calm down, girl. Blake does have a step-sister.” Without processing what she was saying, Ava quickly lied in his defense. In fact, Jade was right. Blake did not have any siblings, but against her better judgement, Ava attempted to cover his tracks.  “He probably forgot to mention her because she lives so many miles away.” Ava continued with her fabrications. “I’m sure he didn’t stand you up on purpose Jade. You’re blowing this entire thing out or proportion.”

Her shoulders slumped even lower. Clearly, Ava’s lies gave her no reassurance. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong, Hazel... I want someone in my life that really cares… It's like nobody wants me..." Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke, her bottom lip quivering. She began to cry softly but wholeheartedly as if she hadn’t cried in years. Immediately, Ava's expression melted, her heart breaking into pieces upon seeing the tears running down her cheeks.  She had never seen Jade so distraught. So emotionally broken. Deciding she had seen enough, Ava rushed over to where she stood and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Stop talking like that Jade!” she shouted at her while practically shaking her. “You’re beautiful and you know that! How dare you allow a man to make you think any different????" She spoke frantically, wishing Jade would wake the hell up and stop blaming herself. Her efforts did not work. Tears continued to spill down her cheeks.

 "I know I’m beautiful Hazel... But is that enough??? Is that enough to keep a man???" she asked while staring off into space blankly. Her question was ridiculous, but also valid. Ava stepped back in shock. Her mind wanted to say something to convince Jade otherwise, but her lips could not form any sentences. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen… If Jade finds out I slept with Blake, she will never forgive me... I'm a horrible friend... I'm a fucking back stabber!
“I can't take hearing you talk like this..." Making excuses for her own guilt and anxiety, Ava abruptly turned to walk away. "I have to go. I think you need some time to yourself to think things over." Selfishly, she bent down to her suitcase to close up the bag. The conversation had become too overwhelming and now she desperately needed to escape.

 “Maybe it’s not me…” Jade spoke again. “I’m sure there’s someone else…. I was so stupid! I ignored the signs! I should have known he was still in love with Madison!”

The entire room stopped. Ava’s crouched body froze like a rock. Her hands were still raised in midair as she almost lost her balance. Ava quickly grabbed on to the doorframe before she could topple over. Madison. Madison. Madison…. Slowly, she looked up with wide eyes, the name replaying itself inside her mind. Her chest began to cramp from the long breath that she had been holding unknowingly. Ava stood up after losing all feelings in her legs. She turned moving in slow motion, looking over at Jade. “Ma- Madison???” she stammered the name, trying her best to hide the shakiness in her voice.

Jade nodded her head. “Yep… Some chick he said he wanted to marry when he was in college… Maybe that’s why he’s been acting so strange. Maybe he wants her instead.”

Ava’s cheeks instantly grew hot. Marry??? Madison??? Who the fuck is Madison??? 

“I’m sure it’s nothing…” she answered blankly, attempting to convince Jade and convince herself at the same time.

Surprisingly, Jade dried up her tear stained face and laughed lightly. "I'm probably tripping." she spoke jokingly, now making light of the situation. Jade gathered herself together and stood firmly on her feet. “I’m good. Sorry, I just had a moment…” she chuckled, lightly laughing at herself. Ava did not laugh with her. She stood with a perplexed expression attempting to put the pieces together inside her head. Blake never told me about a Madison! What do I say??? What does this mean???? She came up with nothing. Ava had no idea who this mystery woman was. Instantly, she became overwhelmed with nausea. Just the thought of Blake playing her literally made her sick to her stomach.

Interrupting her thoughts, Jade stepped forward with a huge grin on her face. She held her arms out. “Thanks for being here to listen to me bitch and complain… Thank you for being such a great friend. I don’t know what I would do with you. I love you girl.” She leaned forward, threw her arms over her shoulders and wrapped Ava up in a big, tight hug, squeezing her in the midst of her embrace. For a second, Ava stood there with her arms hanging by her side. The guilt was definitely settling in and beginning to eat her alive. Slowly, she bought her arms up and hugged her back.

“I love you too…” she whispered, meaning every word…




Chapter 15.

Chapter 15.


“Hey, Hazel. Can I get two dirty martinis? Double up on the tequila? Make it strong girl! Give me what you got.”

Ava bopped her head to the music as she turned to acknowledge a young woman leaning on the edge of a bar waving a 20-dollar bill at her. Her hips swayed side to side as she danced and sung to the old school Keith Sweat song playing from the speakers.


Who gone love you like meeeeee?


She smiled at the woman in front of her who stood patiently waiting for Ava to finish singing and dancing. Thank God it was a slow night at Whiskeys. The young woman was the only one waiting in line and luckily the bar had cleared out pretty early. Ava picked up a last minute shift and was working alone but she didn’t mind. She nodded her head towards the woman. “Sure.” She answered her in a chipper tone. Ava turned back to the bar and began to collect the contents necessary to make

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