» Romance » Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold, Danielle Martin [best books to read all time .TXT] 📗

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Jade. Glancing up, she could see her figure nearing the door. From the looks of things, she was wearing a pair of high 9 inch heels which explained why she hadn’t gotten very far. “Jade!” Ava called her name a third time as she approached her before she could exit the building.  Surprisingly, Jade stopped in her tracks after hearing her voice close behind her. She took her time to turn around, making sure she moved as slow as possible before facing her. She locked eyes with Ava. The expression on her face was scary.

“Jade please.” Ava quickly began to beg. “I swear I never meant to hurt you! I didn’t plan for this! It just happened!” she spoke in a pleading and desperate voice.

Jade smacked her lips. She rolled her eyes, threw her head back and laughed an evil laugh. “Nothing ever just happens! How stupid do you think I am???” she asked in a cold tone. Ava didn’t respond at first. She was conscience-stricken, wanting to apologize but for some reason she couldn’t.  She had betrayed her best friend. The only woman in this world she trusted.

Stepping forward, Jade invaded her personal space and stood directly in her face. “Don’t you have a man???” she rolled her neck. “What the fuck is your problem??? Is Desean’s dick not good enough for you anymore???” She hit her with a low blow with her finger pointed in her face. Ava cowered back after realizing just how angry she really was. She had never seen Jade this way. If only Ava had been honest with her from the beginning. Maybe then, everything would have made sense. She sighed before revealing what Jade already should have known. “I’m breaking up with Desean... I’m not as happy with him as you think… The relationship is damaged way beyond repair.”

“Psstttt…” Jade smacked her lips and rolled her eyes a second time.  Clearly, she was unmoved and not buying any of her excuses. “So that gives you a pass to hook up with the only guy that you know I am interested in??? What the fuck Ava??? I thought you were my FRIEND!!!!”

Ava backed away painstakingly. She was digging herself even deeper in a hole with each sentence that left her mouth. “No Jade! You don’t understand!” She held her hands up in a surrendering stance, begging for her to hear her side of the story. “Blake and I were friends back in college.  He had feelings for me and I was never interested in him… Until……Until….” She stammered.

“Until what????” she narrowed her eyes at her. “Until you saw him with another woman and figured maybe someone else wanted him??? How fucking typical!”

Ava shut up immediately. With each excuse she came up with, Jade had a rebuttal. There was nothing she could say to defend herself. This betrayal could not be undone.

 “I… I… I don’t know how else to explain it to you...” Ava spoke guiltily with her head hung low. “I didn’t want him when I hooked you up with him. This all happened after you two met. I swear…. Honestly, I didn’t think you would care. You just met him two days ago... I honestly thought----…….”


A strong and forceful hand suddenly and heavily landed on the right side of Ava’s cheek interrupting her in mid-sentence.  “Ah!!!” she screamed.  The sudden blow completely knocked her off balance.

“You thought wrong bitch!!!” Jade’s voice was piercing loud as she screamed at her hunched over body.

Ava caught her balance before she could topple over. She looked up shocked while still holding her cheek, her skin tingling from where Jade’s hand landed on her face.   “What the hell Jade????” she cussed at her in a surprised tone.  Ava quickly looked around the club hoping no one saw what just happened. She noticed several bystanders staring at them both with wide eyes watching the chaos unfold. The slap was loud and had gotten a lot of folk’s attention. Just her luck, everyone in the room saw it happen.

Jade walked up on her to shout her last words. “Stay the hell away from me, Hazel! You’re a snake and I want nothing else to do with you! This friendship is over!” she stuck up her middle finger for a second time then turned her back, brushing past the observant crowd towards the door. Ava stood still holding her cheek watching her walk away. She didn’t chase after her this time, in fear that she would cock back and swing at her again. It wasn’t the slap that hurt. It was the emotional fact that their friendship had possibly been ruined forever.

Jade hurried past security, pushed open the large black door and exited the building. Never to be seen again. Once she was gone, Ava looked around the room, noticing everyone was still staring at her. She smacked her lips and turned away from the watching crowd. “What the fuck are ya’ll looking at???” she cussed after feeling embarrassed by the several pairs of eyes staring at her.  She walked quickly, desperate to get away from the crowd and back to the bar so she could tell Blake everything that just happened. He was right. Maybe she should have given her space to cool off before attempting to apologize. But it was too late. The deed had been done. Truth be told, the worst part was over and Ava felt an extreme relief inside her chest knowing that she was no longer hiding it. Finally, Jade knew the ugly truth. And although their friendship was now ruined, in return she gained something precious and valuable. Blake. Blake’s compassion. Blake’s humbleness. For a second, everything seemed worth it.

 Now there is only one person left… Only one name left to scratch off my list…








Chapter 16.

Chapter 16.


“Ahhhh yesssss….. Ahhhhh…”

 Ava moaned out loud as she straddled on top of Blake with her skirt hiked up on the edge of her bare ass. She twisted and grinded her pussy on him, licking her fingers and rubbing her hands down there as he stroked her.

“That feel good baby???” Blake asked an extremely obvious question. Ava threw her head back and tightened her walls against his dick.

“Mmmmm…” she responded. “Yes I loveeeee it. I love it soooooo much!”

She could feel him cumming underneath her. She twirled her hips, pressing her weight onto him even harder as he released inside of her. “Damnnnnnn Ava…” he gripped her waist as he thrusts his hips, his muscles relaxing. Ava licked her lips, climbed off of him and crawled back over to the passenger seat. She smirked as she settled into the leather seats, watching as Blake gathered himself together.

“Damn babe. That was some good car sex.” He laughed while fastening his belt buckle. Ava smiled. She never had car sex before. At least not in the driver’s seat. But there was a first time for everything and Ava couldn’t imagine her first time being with anyone else other than Blake. She pulled her skirt back down to her knees. “I love how everything is so spare of the moment with you…” she spoke admirably, batting her eyelashes at him. They had been riding in the car for about 30 minutes prior to Blake pulling over in a parking lot, demanding that he have her right then and there. She was under his spell. Ava was hypnotized and would have done anything he asked. She glanced at her watch, eyeing the time. Their slight detour completely ruined their chances of arriving to their destination before 6 o’clock. It was now 6:15. Ava looked over at Blake as he placed his truck into drive and pulled out of the parking space. “We have to hurry…” she advised him, her tone serious now.

He looked over at her then back at the road as they pulled out of the parking lot and drove up the street. “Hurry for what???” he asked. His voice was casual as usual. This was no big deal to Blake. But to Ava, this was a huge deal. She turned her body in her seat to face him. “Blake, exactly how smooth do you really believe this is going to go???” she asked, his calm demeanor suddenly bothering her because she was a nervous wreck.

Blake’s expression did not change. Clearly, he was not worried. “It’s going to go however we want it to go…” he spoke calmly. “You and I are calling the shots now. We have the upper hand.”

Ava stared at him, secretly wishing she was as relaxed as he was. As much as she wanted to express her true concerns, she didn’t want to upset Blake or make him believe she doubted him. She took a deep breath. “So what’s the plan???” she asked in a shaky tone, attempting to hide her nervousness. He continued to concentrate on the road as he spoke. “In and out. That’s the plan…” Blake spoke confidently as if he had everything mapped out in his head. He smiled, reached over and grabbed her hand. Almost in an instant, his touch relaxed her. Ava couldn’t help but smile back while lacing her fingers in-between his. She stared at him as he drove. He was so damn fine and whenever he embraced her, he gave her so much confidence. So much reassurance. They continued to drive the rest of the way with their hands intertwined. It took about an additional 10 minutes to arrive to their destination. Lydia Bell Estates was the name of the neighborhood. Her leg bounced in anxiety as Blake turned on his blinker to make a right turn into the neighborhood. As quick as her anxiety had gone, it returned. She sat up on the edge of her seat.

“Just relax…” Blake soothed her, noticing she was getting worked up again.

She blushed then nervously nodded her head. “Okay.” Ava took slow, mediating breaths as Blake’s truck cruised down the street.

“Which way???” he asked.

Ava looked over and raised a shaky hand. “To the right.” She pointed to a turn that was coming up. Blake followed her instructions and made a sharp right. “It’s the 5th house on the left.” She spoke blankly processing what was about to go down. Everything felt as if it were moving in slow motion the closer he got to the house. She hadn’t been here in days. The place that she once called home now felt eerily strange and unfamiliar. Hopefully, this will be the last time I have to come back here. This part of my life is over…. I have to focus on starting a new life no matter how difficult letting go may be…

“Oh my God!” Ava immediately sat up on the edge of the seat, her eyes widening as Blake slowly approached the house. He parked on the street next to the mailbox. “Oh my God!” Ava repeated herself, shouting out loud again. Blake turned to her with a strange look on his face. “What???” he asked, her sudden outburst startling him. Ava wasted no time whipping off her seatbelt. “I can’t believe it! My car! My car! My car!” she swung the door wide open and hopped out. Running in full speed, Ava sped around the hood of the truck and up the driveway heading towards her Toyota which was parked in the driveway in its

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