» Romance » Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold, Danielle Martin [best books to read all time .TXT] 📗

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out the bags so he could see.

His eyes dropped down to the designer shopping bags hanging from her arm. He smirked. “You tell me, babe. Is that enough to last you for the next few weeks???” he asked.

Ava’s brow furrowed as she calculated how quick she could go through 20 pair of jeans, 17 dresses, 15 shirts and 9 pair of shoes. Who was she kidding? Fairly quick. She smiled at Blake, feeling appreciative for everything he had done for her so far. This shopping spree was the exact thing she needed. A fresh, brand new start. Initially, Ava had no idea what she was going to do after making the decision to leave Desean and all of her clothes behind.  Little did she know, after all of the chaos had finally settled, Blake drove her straight to the mall and told her to pick out whatever she wanted. Not once did he ask for a price or a receipt. So far, Blake delivered on every single one of his promises. Ava gazed at him longingly as he walked. Blake was so damn fine and good looking. She trembled at his good looks while wandering what the hell took her so long to notice. He was attractive, nicely built, loyal, and honest. He was everything she had imagined her future husband to be. Perfection in the flesh… She took a deep breath, feeling as if he were indeed too good to be true. Ava had extreme bad luck when it comes to men. Apart of her wanted to open up and let her guard down, but another part couldn’t help but worry that something would eventually go wrong.

“Yeah, I think this is enough…” she finally answered after shaking herself out of deep thought. “Let’s get some ice cream then head out of here.” She pointed to an ice cream stand that sat in the middle of the mall.

“Sure, baby. Whatever you want.” He allowed her to lead the way. Ava loved the way he said yes to everything. He was committed to pleasing her and that was something she was not used to having. She smiled as they trailed across the mall to the ice cream stand.  

 “Well well well…. look at who it is?????” A female voice suddenly surfaced directly behind them, making Ava halt in her trucks. “If it isn’t Miss Backstabber! How funny running into you here…”

She stopped in place. Ava knew that voice all too well. Blake stopped next to her. He took the initiative to turn first to see who stood behind them. Ava on the other hand didn’t need to turn to look because she knew exactly who the voice belonged to. Slowly, she began to glance over her shoulder.

“What’s up Ava??? How you been???” the voice greeted her in an unwarming, sarcastic tone as if they really cared about her wellbeing. Ava took a deep breath and fully turned around to face the woman standing behind her. Just her luck. She had been avoiding this conversation and had no plans on revisiting the drama.  Apparently she could not avoid it forever.

 “Jade…” she spoke below a whisper, calling out to the person standing in front of her. The person she used to be so close with. In return, Jade stood in front of her emotionless staring her down as if she were a stranger. She looked back and forth in-between Blake and Ava in disgust. “I see you two are still at it, huh???” She asked while rolling her neck at them. Guiltily, Ava looked away. Against her will, she and Blake had been spotted together once again.

Surprisingly, Blake stepped up first after Ava did not respond. “Listen, Jade…” he called out to her in a soft and sympathetic tone. “I really feel bad about what happened. I didn’t mean for it to go down like this…”

Immediately, Jade smacked her lips and rolled her eyes at him. “Boy, please!” she held her hand up in front of his face, stopping him before he could finish. “This has nothing to do you with you… I could care less about you…” she reverted her glare back to Ava. “It’s about friendship… It’s about trust… This woman was my best friend… she betrayed me!”

 Ava continued to stand quiet, her defense mechanism pretty much nonexistent. Everything Jade was saying about her was true. She was indeed a backstabber. An untrustworthy friend. Ava acted selfishly with no concern or care for anyone else’s feelings. There was no taking back what she had done nor was there any explaining. Jade stepped forward, now inches away from her face. Clearly, she was not taking her silence very well.

“I’m glad I see where your loyalty lies….” She looked her up and down sizing her up. Jade was extremely close. Close enough to the point it made Ava uncomfortable. She began to think about the other night at the club. She backed away.

“I’m sorry, Jade. I really am.” Ava continued backing away until she was back by Blake’s side. “I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me someday…” She stopped, leaned over and slipped her arm into his. Immediately, Jade’s jaw dropped upon seeing her reach out and embrace him.

Ava straightened her posture. “I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally… But I need you to understand… This is my life and this is the way it is. I’m with Blake now. He really means a lot to me… I don’t want to lose our friendship, but I cannot give him up… You can either accept that or hate me forever… The choice is yours…”

Jade gasped and placed a hand on her chest. She was shocked by what she just heard. Ava glanced up at Blake who too seemed shocked by her answer. She was living her life vicariously now. No longer allowing others to dictate her happiness.

“Wow… I can’t believe you’re choosing DICK over your friend!” Jade ridiculed her. “There’s no sex in the world that will ever make me sell my soul to the devil! Not ever!” Jade irately shouted at her in a loud tone which was beginning to attract attention from the crowd walking by. Ava smacked her lips. She did not want another repeat of the other night nor could she guarantee she would have the same restraints if Jade put her hands on her again.

To her luck, she turned on her heel to leave. “Fuck both of you! You’re both going to get your karma!” she shouted one last insult as she hurried to the exit, leaving the two standing there watching her scurry away. Ava gulped, her last words were chilling. She hoped what Jade was saying wasn’t true. She hoped and prayed her decisions would not ultimately backfire on her. Ava sighed. Secretly, she was happy she was gone. Surprisingly, seeing Jade leave didn’t hurt as bad as it did the last time.  For once, Ava was happy with herself. Happy with life. She had spent too many years being selfless, catering to others wants and needs completely putting her own on the back burner. But not anymore. She turned to Blake, who was looking down at her smiling in admiration. He reached for her hand and held it tightly. “I’m proud of you…” he applauded her.

Ava blushed. She was proud of herself too. For the longest, she didn’t believe she had what it takes to stand up for what she believed in. But now, she had proven herself wrong.

“You okay???” he asked for reassurance.

Ava smiled the most genuine smile she ever smiled. She answered with confidence. “Better than ever…”

He smirked then attractively rubbed his finger against her lips, making her pussy twitch. "I love to see you standing up for our relationship... That's so sexy..." he leaned down and begin to kiss her softly which immediately turned her on. Closing her eyes, Ava threw her arms around his shoulders and began to kiss him back. His lips were soft. His kisses were sweet. Ava indulged into his embrace. She didn't care who saw or who was walking by. She passionately kissed him in the middle of the mall standing in front of the ice cream stand. Every second with Blake was special. Each and every kiss felt like the first one all over again. Moments like this made her feel so alive.

He pulled apart and them smiled at her. “I have a surprise for you…” he suddenly blurted it out.

Ava looked up, feeling drunk off of his sweet touch. She glanced at him confusingly while attempting to regain her focus. “A surprise???” she asked. “What is it???”

Blake chuckled then tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?” He laughed.

Ava smirked then titled her head, wandering what he had up his sleeve this time. Blake had done so much for her in so much little time. Little did he know, nothing material could make her any happier than she was right now. It he wanted her to wait, she would patiently do whatever he asked.

“Fine…” she smiled. “I’m excited to see what it is….”

He held her hand tightly and pulled her closer to him. “I’m still getting some things ready but you’re going to love it… I know it…” He spoke confidently as if he were adamant on taking her breath away with this surprise. Apart of her was eager to find out what he had planned. Whatever it was, she knew it would be special.

“Forget this icecream.” She waved her hand deciding dairy was the last thing on her mind now. She held his hand and winked. “I’d rather have you for desert instead.”





Chapter 18.

 Chapter 18.


“No can do, Hazel. Sorry, your name is not on the list… The entry fee is $15 tonight if you would like to come inside…I’m sorry. I wish I could help…”

The man had already repeated himself three times. Each time he spoke, it sounded as if he were speaking a different language. Ava stood before him frozen still. It was a breezy night outside. The tight maroon colored dress she wore was skimp and short.  She hadn’t worn her jacket and goosebumps were beginning to form on her shoulders and legs. She looked up at the tall, 6’5 figure towering over her. His posture was firm as he guarded the large black doors behind him. Ava stared at him in disbelief. She couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth.

“Wha---What???” she stammered. Her hands were shaky. Ava looked over her shoulder at the long line waiting impatiently behind her. She made eye contact with several strangers who were looking at her as if they wanted her to move the hell out of the way and stop holding up the line. She turned back to the man. “Come on Ghost…” she called him by his name, letting him know she was about to get personal. He stood before her with his arms crossed over his chest. The large white words on his black t-shirt read. “SECURITY.” 

Ava stepped forward “There has to be some sort of mistake. My name has to be on the list!” she pointed towards the black book in hand, demanding him to take

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