» Romance » Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗

Book online «Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗». Author S. J. Evans

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Skye looked genuinely afraid of him, nervous and lost, just another dying soul from Bryan’s intimidation. Jules carefully stepped closer to her, his hand outstretched in front of him, but Skye only backed away and shook her head.
“I know you didn’t, it’s just too personal Jules. I can’t deal with it yet.” She said from short breaths.
“What really happened to you, Skye? I need to know, I—I want to help.” Jules searched inside of Skye’s eyes for something that would bring an explanation. “Please, let me in, Skye.”
Skye knew that she should let him in on Bryan’s abuse; she knew that he deserved at least that much, but she was afraid that he wouldn’t want to be around her if he found out that she was weak. She didn’t want him to leave her—he meant everything to her now. Who knew that from only one week of interacting with someone, you could feel something that meant more than anything else, something truly beautiful? Every touch, every conversation, and every bit of laughter shared could be more beautiful than life itself. She knew that what was going on was wrong; maybe Bryan had cheated and beat on her, and they were on a break, but what she and Jules were doing wasn’t right and she didn’t want to ruin their friendship. She needs at least one relationship to last.
Every part of her was battling against another, most of her didn’t care what she did to Bryan, but the other knew it was wrong. Every action could cause a chain reaction, and that was exactly what she wanted to avoid. Skye figured out what she was to do. “If I were to let you in, would you promise not to tell anyone? You have to promise not to tell anyone, otherwise we don’t have a deal.” She said sternly but quietly, hugging her arms as chills shot over her arm.
Jules smiled nervously and looked at her with compassion. “Skye, I promise I won’t tell anyone. If that’s what you want, I will comply with your proposal.” He reassured her, taking a step forward and giving her a look as to ask if it was okay. Skye nodded and smiled around her tears that began to fill her eyes. Jules stepped over to her and embraced her, holding her as if she was his own.
Thinking about even talking about Bryan was harder than anything she had ever thought about confessing. She was nervous that the words would come out wrong, but in a way, she didn’t even care anymore. Bryan should be a thing of the past, something that is long gone and forgotten, and by a miracle, Skye was finally beginning to realize that what she felt for him was never true love. For true love is hard to find, but if all of the suffering that she has faced is what was required for her to get a glimpse of what love isn’t, than it simply was worth it.
Skye believed that what she had gotten herself into was far less than “perfect” love. She knew that it would take time to trust again and eventually fall madly in love with someone, but when the thought came across her mind that maybe by some impossible odd she had already started to find something—someone—honest, she started to believe in miracles.
Jules breathed in Skye’s fragrance, taking everything about her in, and sighed deeply. He only desired to keep her safe for the moment—nothing else mattered. “I don’t want to lose you, Skye. I will do anything that you need me to, just say the word, I’ll be there.” He whispered to her as his own spirit was swallowed up by Skye’s every emotion, bringing himself to her own level, feeling all of her heartache.
“Thank you,” Skye sobbed, clutching his shirt in her fists and letting her tears gush out. Jules didn’t seem to mind; in fact, with every sob he heard he held on tighter, clinging to her as if no one could claw her away, no one could steal her away from him. “I wouldn’t even be alive if it wasn’t for you.” She whispered against his chest, the words muffled and inaudible for Jules. He couldn’t hear it, Skye knew that, but for some reason he still tensed up.
“Skye?” He pulled her away from him and looked at her face. He looked confused and terrified, as if something was frightening him. Something close to anger crossed his face for a moment and then the next his expression was blank. “I need you to wait for me, okay? I will come by later tonight, I promise. There’s just something I really need to do.” He said hastily, wiping a stray tear off of her cheek.
Skye looked up at him as if someone had just slapped her. She didn’t know how to respond, or how to even think about what he had just said. He was ditching her; she couldn’t believe that even though he had seemed so promising moments before, he was suddenly skipping out on her. “Okay, you go ahead,” she stuttered, her tiny voice barely noticeable.
Jules smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek before running out of her room and down the stairs to leave. He stopped at the door and cursed himself for leaving. “Idiot, you always have to ruin anything.” He muttered to himself, pounding his fist against the wall and clenching his teeth. He hated himself—he hated himself for leaving her—even though something very important had come up. Before leaving the house entirely, he whispered a few last words to Skye as if she was standing right in front of him, “I think I’ve made a mistake, Trouble. You’ve become more to me than I thought you ever would be,” he let out a lonesome and heavy sigh, “I think I’m forgetting about who I am—you top everything now.” With that, he hurried out of the house, shutting the door behind him.
Skye felt colder than she thought was even possible; she wanted his warmth around her, comforting her. She trembled and fell to the floor beside her bed, shaking and holding her arms as she thought about someone who changed all perspective she had.

Skye sat downstairs on the couch, watching the TV but not really understanding what was on. She couldn’t get Jules out of her head, she couldn’t forget about him, and she wanted him back in her house with his arms around her. She wanted to feel his touch, to smell his scent, and to see his beauty. She needed him back. The only thing that she could think about was that he was going to be back for her.
Her cell rang out in her hand and she jumped before clutching it tightly and flipping it open. Rachel was calling her.
“Hey, what’s up?” She answered immediately.
“I have a surprise, are you home?” Rachel asked bluntly.
Skye flinched, taken aback. “Yes, I am. What’s the surprise, Rachel?” She asked timidly.
Rachel laughed on the other line. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?” She giggled, satisfied with herself. “Skye, open the front door, I want to show you the surprise.”
Skye rolled herself off of the couch and walked over to the front door, her head throbbing from having so many things going through her mind. She couldn’t stop thinking about Jules. The moment she opened the door, Rachel squeaked and wrapped Skye in a huge hug.
Rachel peeled herself off of Skye after a moment and grinned vibrantly. She turned around and waved someone on, giggling under her breath. “Come on, Victor.”
Skye stared at her friend, confused but sort of giggly. “Rachel, I know Victor, I mean sort of, is he your surprise?” She asked her friend, shying away at the memory.
“Yes, I know, but he is the surprise. Basically, I am going to give him to you for a day, he’s a good chauffeur, you two will have fun. Just don’t go too crazy, I mean—” Rachel rambled on, hardly stopping to catch a breath, as Skye watched her intently, slightly startled. She was giving Skye Victor so that he could chauffeur her around? She didn’t want to go anywhere, she wanted to stay at home and wait for Jules to show up, he meant so much to her.
“Rachel, I don’t need a chauffeur, I’m staying home today.” She whispered to Rachel as Victor stepped out in view, his tall and masculine build hidden by large dark clothes. He still looked almost frightening, but when he smiled it was almost as if he had knocked the wind out of Skye, just by his own beauty.
Rachel giggled and slapped Skye’s shoulder playfully. “Skye, don’t be silly, I can’t take you out today, so let Victor do it. Jules suggested it, he wants you to have someone to watch out for you, he thinks that you’re not safe, which I think is pretty ridiculous, but gosh, it’s so adorable too. He wants you to be protected, he’s such a sweetheart.”
“He said that?” Skye asked in disbelief, her gaze glued to Victor, searching for an explanation as to why he was the one chosen to “protect” her. She hardly even knows Victor. Suddenly, Skye remembered where she had seen Victor: at Buxton’s, he was the boy hanging around Jules. “You know Jules?” Skye asked Victor, narrowing her eyebrows at him.
Victor nodded, his grin slipping into a smirk. “I’ve known him forever, we’re good friends.” He said, his dark and heavy voice startling Skye. It was such a beautiful sound though, deep, but beautiful.
She smiled at him; only, she wasn’t smiling at him as much as the thought of hearing Jules’ beautiful voice again. She was slowly losing her breath without him around. How did it all happen so fast? She could tell that she was falling for him deeply, quickly, and almost perfectly. Her heart started beating quicker as she thought of him, as she thought about his smile and his laugh, and his eyes and his voice—all incredibly perfect.
Rachel gave her a look, “Skye, of course he knows Jules, why else would Jules entrust him with you?” She giggled, pushing Skye on the shoulder playfully.
“I don’t know, I just didn’t know that he and Victor knew each other.” Skye said lamely, fingering her shirt nervously. Suddenly Skye understood everything and she hit herself mentally for not understanding it all earlier. “You two met at Buxton’s, didn’t you?” She said, pointing to Rachel and victor.
Rachel chuckled, “Yeah, he’s the guy I told you about.” She purred, whispering the words playfully into the air. Victor stood beside her, casually, with his arm draped over her shoulder. He stared at Skye with a smirk plastered on his face.
What is he so amused about?

Skye thought uncomfortably as she noticed his stare. She tucked her hands in her pockets and put on a fake smile. “You both can come in if you want,” she said softly, her voice frail and drained. She was tired and lost without the comfort of Jules or Leah around her, she needed someone; and because of Victor, Rachel hasn’t been her number one friend lately. “There’s really not much happening.”
Rachel looped her arm

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