» Romance » Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗

Book online «Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗». Author S. J. Evans

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face glowing. “Hey, trouble.” He greeted her, holding out the roses in front of him.
She felt her chest go tight when she saw the roses and she wanted to cry. How could someone so sweet and perfect hold some big dark secret? She tried to shake the words Victor had said about her and Jules but they kept repeating themselves in her mind. Promise me that you won’t fall in love with him. It never ends well for the either of you

. She hated how Victor somehow knew so much about her, things that she was unsure of herself. What could he mean though? How does it not end well, and about whom was he talking about? She couldn’t wrap her finger around the questions. “Hey.” She whispered, feeling her heart go numb.
Jules gave her a look of sympathy and set the roses down on her dresser. He stared at her with careful eyes and pulled her into him. “What’s wrong, trouble?” He asked quietly, his voice soft and beautiful.
She unclasped her hands and cuddled into him, pushing herself as close as she could to him. She wanted to stay like that forever—wrapped in his secure arms—and never leave him again. She didn’t care what Victor said anymore, he would have to be wrong about Jules. Seeing Jules again changed everything; she no longer wanted to ask him about what Victor meant, she only wanted to cuddle up with him and rest, peacefully. Tears poured out of her eyes and soaked Jules’ shirt but neither of them pulled away, they sat cuddled together, Jules’ head on her shoulder and her head in his chest.
“You know that you can tell me anything, Skye. I won’t be upset.” He promised her in a calm voice. “Did something happen?”
Yeah, your stupid friend tried to get me away from you. Great friend he is

. She stopped her tears and pushed herself carefully away so that she could see him. “I just missed you,” she whispered, caressing his cheek. She was staring into his eyes, such beautiful and caring eyes, and smiled faintly.
He smiled too, but it was quickly replaced with an expression of regret. He shook his head. “I’m so sorry I left earlier, I—”
She pressed her finger to his lips and shook her head. “No, it’s okay. You came back, that’s all that matters.” She brushed her hand through his hair and smiled up at him.
“Skye,” his voice trailed off when he saw her—really saw her—and looked into those crystal eyes that held so much desire. He saw her desire and felt the same way, but with him, it was controlling everything he did. He wanted to let her get close to him but there was always something pulling him back and it was keeping him away from letting their lips touch. He didn’t want her to get hurt. “We can’t be anything more than just friends,” he blurted out when she had started to push herself closer to him.
She frowned and felt her heart drop into her stomach. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “Who said we were more than that?” She said loudly.
He sighed and took her hand in his. “I did.” He murmured. “Listen, you mean so much to me, you always have. But we don’t know each other all that well, and even though I feel as if I have known you forever, it’s not the truth. I l—care

about you, but we can’t be more than friends. It wouldn’t be right.” He made a face as if he was in pain; and after saying those words, how could he not be in pain? He knew that he didn’t want for them to be just friends, he wanted for them to be more, but it wasn’t right. They both were starting to understand that much.
Skye backed away in shock and pain. Had he really just said the words that she wished he would never say? She realized that she really was falling in love with him and that it was being covered with a veil before it could ever even happen. Her heart went out in flames and she wanted to cry. “But Jules, I don’t need something more, I just need you to stay by me. Please Jules, don’t leave me. I—I can’t even think about a life without you.” She pushed herself away from him and shook her head, tears cascading down her cheeks.
“I won’t leave you; I would never be able to leave you. I’ll always be here for you, trouble. Always,” He looked at her with an expression of regret. He felt terrible, she looked heartbroken and scared. He never meant for the words to hurt her, he wanted them to be able to stay close without being too close, but the words hurt like a sword to the heart—to the both of them.
“Jules,” she breathed, clutching his shirt in her fists. “Please, save me.” She slipped into a deep sleep, still nuzzled in his arms.
He smiled and lied down, bringing her down with him. “I will, trouble, I will.” He whispered, brushing his finger through her hair and staring at her sleeping face. He held her in his arms as if she was his own and he didn’t once let her go, he didn’t want to move away from her, he would stay with her forever.
Skye awoke to the quiet sound of someone’s heartbeat in her ears. No not just someone’s—Jules’. She could feel his hot breath on her and she smiled as she thought about how he stayed with her all night. Wait, he stayed with her all night! She blinked her eyes open and tried to scramble away from him but he still had his arms around her. She didn’t want to wake him, so she slid out from under his arm and rolled onto the bed beside him. She stared at his sleeping face for a minute. She thought of how he looked even younger and more beautiful when he was sleeping and she sighed.
Thinking about how much trouble she would be in if Leah walked in on her and Jules in the same bed, she crawled off of the bed and wobbled over to the bathroom, her head still a little dizzy from sleeping so long. She had slept in, and considering the fact that Jules was with her, she must have slept peacefully.
She slipped out of her clothes from the day before and got in the shower, drenching herself with hot water. It burned her skin but it felt too good to change the temperature. She always liked really hot showers, there’s always something comforting about them. After she had scrubbed herself clean she turned off the water and jumped out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her and stared at the reflection in the mirror. For the first time in a long time, her face didn’t have any scratches or bruises, just the leftover scars from the past. She dried her hair with a towel and smiled before opening the bathroom door.
She peered out and looked for Jules. He still lay on the bed, his hair askew and a silly smile plastered on his face. She chuckled and sneaked over to her dresser, pulling out a tank top and jean shorts and slipping them on over her undergarments. She watched Jules as he slept. She watched the rise and fall of his chest, the silly smile, and the still beautiful and peaceful face he featured.
Jules started to stir and Skye backed away from the bed, chuckling. There was a pang of pain in her chest as she thought about how they would always be just friends. She cared for him too much to want that, she wanted the hole in her heart to finally be healed and she thought that Jules was supposed to be the one to do that.
He reached out for something but frowned when he didn’t feel it. Turning around, he saw Skye and smiled. “Morning sleepyhead,” Skye said the moment he saw her.
“I don’t think it is morning anymore, beautiful.” He grinned and sat up, patting the spot next to him for Skye to sit.
She hated him for calling her beautiful, it was not only something that Bryan and Johnny both have called her, but it was playing with her heart. She timidly sat down next to him and glanced at the clock. It wasn’t morning, it was already noon. “Okay, you’re right.”
He draped his arm over her shoulder and grinned even bigger. “Yeah, I am.”
She slapped him on the shoulder and laughed, the feel of it all creating something beautiful. “Shut up,” she hissed playfully.
He laughed under his breath and pulled her into a hug. “Did you sleep well last night?” He paused and chuckled. “On me

She grabbed a hold of the arms securely around her and stared at the wall, smiling. She wanted to hit him playfully again but something pulled her back. “I did actually. Don’t flatter yourself though; I couldn’t have cared less if you hadn’t been there.” She stated.
Jules held on tighter and laughed. “Oh really? Well how about I test that theory and leave right now than?” He teased.
Skye didn’t want to think about that and she tensed up for a moment. “No!” She squealed, “I—I mean, how about not.” She stammered, smiling innocently.
He mumbled something under his breath and let himself fall onto his back, pulling her with him. She screamed and giggled when she felt the close contact they were in. Smiling, she wiggled herself around so that she could see him. They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, studying every detail. She then pinned Jules’ arms against the bed and chuckled. “You’re a silly boy, Mr.”
He grinned and raised an eyebrow. “I am, and you like that. Who knew you could be playful too,” he said as he shifted his gaze to where she was pinning his arms down.
She rolled her eyes and brushed a hand through his bed-head hair. “I am, and you like that.” She restated.
He chuckled and released his arms to spin her around so that he was the one on top. She squeaked when he pinned her arms and for a moment there was fear in her eyes. Memories of Johnny and Bryan flashed before her eyes and she pushed them back away. She didn’t want to think about them—Jules would never be anything like them. She replaced the fear with a sudden playfulness and flirtatiousness. She didn’t care about what Jules had said before, and in that moment, he didn’t either. They weren’t made to be just friends.
“You cheated,” she pouted, pushing on the arms restraining her.
“How?” He gave her a wink and displayed that breathtaking grin again.
“You’re stronger than me, I was supposed to be the one winning here.”
“How about I let go and you admit that you liked sleeping with me.”
“Jules!” She hissed. “What if my mom somehow heard you?” She chuckled at the thought, “She’d kill you, and I’m not joking. Keep your voice down.”
His mouth

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