» Romance » A test of Love, Navaura Campbell [best book series to read .txt] 📗

Book online «A test of Love, Navaura Campbell [best book series to read .txt] 📗». Author Navaura Campbell

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men women. I prefer to find my own."
Denise nodded, "Right on. He'd respect you more for that one."
Trey nodded, "Alright, thanks, well, I should go if you know what I mean."
Denise sighed, "Yeah, alright, it was nice talking to you."
Trey nodded his head, withdrawing from their conversation, "Yeah, you too." With that, he removed himself away from her. He started walking toward Kwan's car. Denise watched him go, curious.

Jordan took this time to walk upon her. Denise's face brightened, "Hey baby."
Jordan grabbed her hand and tucked it into his. "Hey, love." He raised his mouth up to her hand and kissed it. Sammie and Neema were so deep into whatever conversation they were having, that they didn't even notice the couple. Jordan pulled at Denise's hand, signaling to her that they were going for a walk.
"How was your day?" She inquired, just as they reached the gates of the dorms. Jordan sighed, "It was alright."
"You stink." Denise commented.
Jordan glanced down at her, "I hadn't noticed. You want to go to dinner?"
"Not with you smelling like that."
Jordan raised a brow. "Aww, come on De-De. You know there's nothing better than smelling like sweat and must. The stinkier, the better."
Denise laughed. "Yeah, I should be thrilled right?"
Jordan laughed, "Yeah, it's proper ettiquette to go to dinner smelling like an old gym locker."
Denise licked her lips, "There's nothing like showing up and smelling like someone's dirty socks."
Jordan laughed and leaned in, placing a wet kiss on her forehead. Despite the stench, Denise felt her heart jump a bit.
"I went and played ball with the fellas."
Denise smiled softly, inquiring, "The fellas?"
"Yeah, Kwan, his brother, Gary, who really don't like me, Willie, Sammie, the guy who went up to talk to Neema and Trey."
Denise felt her heart do a dive. "Trey?"
"Yes, Denise, Trey."
Denise inhaled sharply, "So you heard us talking?"
"Does he know you and I are dating?"
"He may not know it's me you're with, but at-least he knows you got a man."
"Why didn't you come up and say something?" Denise inquired.
"You look like you were doing well on your own."
"Weren't you afraid of the same thing happening as it had with Anton?"
Jordan stopped and turned his attention to her. Running his fingers over neatly arched eyebrows, he whispered, "No."
"Why not?" Denise stared into deep green eyes that were full of beauty.
"Because, he's not like Kwan. He won't press the issue."
Denise narrowed her eyes. Reaching up to touch his forehead, she said, "Are you ok?"
He smiled, "Yes, I'm fine, De-De. I trust you. I know you won't do anything like that."
Denise sighed, "Have you forgotten everything that happened in high school?"
Jordan swallowed, "I haven't, but that's what destroyed us the first time, Denise. Lack of trust in one another. Why do you think we spent all that time bickering back and forth? Why not love each other since we get the chance too?"

Denise pulled her bottom lip into her mouth. Where was the Jordan that was always protesting even the slightest hint of any guy being interested in her? Where was the Jordan that she knew? The passionate, possessive guy she'd been crazy about? Had their experience really changed him that much? Did she like this change in him? Her coffee brown eyes stared perplexed. Did he really, honestly love her as much as he said he did? How could he love her and yet act so trusting? Did he really think she was going to be as good of a woman to him as his mindset seemed to have? Her eyes stared at him, not sure what was happening?

Jordan stared into her beautiful eyes, not exactly sure he'd done the right thing. Had he given her too much trust? Had he caused an open door of unfaithfulness to flood in? She seemed to kind of lost when it came to his knew thoughts about giving her the space and trust she needed. He remembered all too well what happened the last time he'd been overly possessive, suffocated her. It caused her to pull away and he didn't want that. He wanted to believe that she could be trusted. He knew she could be trusted. Sure, it was more than what he could handle, but he didn't want to loose her. He didn't want to smother the love she had for him. He wanted it to flourish. He wanted it to grow strong and steady. Leaning down to her, he whispered, "Denise Calloway, I love you. I just want you to know that I trust you and I believe you're capable of making the right decisions."
Denise swallowed, feeling her heart swell, "Really?"
Jordan let out a haggard sigh, his breath hot. Running his hands through her hair, he nodded, afraid he'd voice the fear he held.

Neema sighed, "Please tell me there's a legit reason as to why you interrupted my favorite show in the whole world, King of Queens, Denise."
Denise swallowed, "This is important." Two days after Jordan had told Denise that he'd trusted her, she'd run to Neema, not able to stop thinking about what had been said. "I need some help, Neema."
Neema patted the cushion next to her, handing Denise the can of sour cream pringles she'd been eating. Denise pulled a few out.
"What's up?" Neema inquired, muting the volume on the television."
"I don't think I can handle this."
"Handle what?" Neema inquired, her gaze going to Denise's honey colored hazel eyes questioning.
"This. I can't handle..." Denise swallowed the chipped she'd just chewed, "he says he trust me." She stated.
"What's wrong with that?" Neema was confused. What was she talking about.
"Nothing, but I don't know if he should trust me because Trey is really handsome, just the type of man I always fancied myself with."
Neema narrowed her brows, "What?"
"Jordan says he trust me with Trey. I don't think that's a wise decision."
Neema cleared her throat, "Just because a guy's your type, doesn't mean you got to sleep with him. Have you been seeing trey behind his back?"
"No, but who knows, I mean we could accidentally run into one another, start up an affair and then I'd end up leaving Jordan heart broken."
Neema caughed, covering up her laughter. "If you're not seeing him, De, don't worry about it. I'm sure the attraction will fade."
"That shows how much you know." Denise stated.
"What do you mean?"
Denise swallowed, "When Jordan and I first met in high-school, Neema, it was an instant attraction. Very much so like the one I feel toward Trey."
"You and Jordan have been dating since high-school?" Neema was surprised.
"Well, we broke up two years ago, but we got back together this summer."
Neema lifted a brow, "You got back together this summer after two years of not even being together?"
Denise swallowed, "Yeah, but you have to understand..." She sighed, feeling a heaviness in her heart. Her love strong. "We've been like this since high school. I mean, when I first met him, I swear I couldn't even think straight. I was liking this other guy too, you know? His name was Lamont, but he was abusive. Jordan and I were friends. We started dating about three months after I'd been dating Lamont, right before he and I broke up."
Neema swallowed, "So, wait, you dated this Lamont guy when you knew you liked Jordan?"
Denise shrugged, "Yeah. I mean, I liked Lamont too."
Neema laughed, "That's funny."
"It's not funny, because Lamont turned out to be bull shit. He was abusive. During the whole relationship, he basically controlled me and what people I could hang out with."
"I take it Jordan was a no, no."
Denise sighed, "Yeah, he hated Jordan's guts. They got into a fight sophomore year."
Neema raised a brow, "Really?"
This caused Denise to laugh girlishly. She remembered how nervous she'd been, but how noble it all sounded now. "Yeah, Jordan didn't like the way he treated me, so he told him. They got into it and that's how we began."
"So, you and Jordan started dating after the fight?"
Denise sighed, "Not necessarily. We weren't officially dating. We just kind of snuck around here and there, kissing and stuff."
"Oh really, so you mean to tell me there is a little bad in those perfect bones of yours?" Neema teased.
Denise laughed, "Wait till I finish the story and then you can tell me whether you think I'm a good girl or bad girl."

Neema stared at Denise, not sure as to how to take in all of what she'd just told her. "Wow. That's alot. No wonder you're the way you are."
"What do you mean?"
"I thought you and Jordan had just met on campus or something, because you don't seem like the type to have a boyfriend with as much emphasis you put on school, but then again I'd sooner believe that than to believe you'd sleep with a guy without knowing him."
Denise rolled her eyes, "So, what do you suggest I do?"
Neema put her hand up to her cheek, "Well, you love Jordan, right?"
"Of course."
"So, if you love him, just take the trust he's given you and treat it like gold. It takes a lot for a guy like him to trust after what you've guys been through, but apparently, he wants to make things work for you, so if he does, then why not try to?"
"I know, but what about Trey?"
"What about him?"
"Well, I am attracted to him..." Denise stated, her tone soft.
"So what. There's no law against being attracted to a guy. You two will only see each other around campus, right?"
Denise humphed her shoulders. "Of course."
"Then, there's nothing to worry about. Just let your doubts go." Neema stated, staring at her friend, curiosity taking hold. "Besides, isn't the very thing you're wanting now, the very thing you hated then?"
Denise ran her arms over her body, "Yes, but now it seems different, because it makes me feel as if he doesn't care."
Neema squinted her eyebrows, momentarily confused. "So you mean to tell me that his possessiveness actually made you feel loved?"
Denise shrugged her shoulders. "It was his passion. That's how he showed he cared. I knew without doubt that he loved me."
Neema cleared her throat. "So, why can't you be sure that he's more secure in his love for you now that he knows what you like and what you don't like?"
"What do you mean?"
"De-De, obviously he saw that whatever he'd done before hadn't worked, so he wants to make up for it now. Sit back and enjoy the gentle well mannered, confident man in him. When it comes time for him to show his attachment to you, it will be shown."
Denise sighed, "Ok, whatever."
Neema snickered, "You're weird. I have a feeling Denise that when he shows you that side again, you won't feel love or security. You'll probably feel the way you did before. Wishing that you could breathe."
Denise licked her lips, "Sometimes you never know what you have until it's gone."
Neema raised a brow, agreeing,"You're right. You're absolutely right."
chapter Twenty

Chapter Nineteen:
November 15, 2003
Neema opened the door to her dorm room and stopped in her tracks. There was a girl unpacking her things on the extra bed. Neema watched quietly as the girl unpacked a cd player and head phones. A white set of sheets were pulled out, along with a green comforter. Neema watched as the girl removed the rest of the

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