» Romance » Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗

Book online «Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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come inside.

Spot led Sophia into the logding house bunk room. One of the boys were still awake. He had a candle lit, looking at a picture. When he heard them walk in he turned around. Cow boy smiled as he saw the two, but then he grew concerned. What were Spot and Sophia doing here.
"Spot? Smalls? What you'se two doin' heah?" he asked them in a whisper.

Spots shoulders hung. "Ya heah the bells?"
"Yeah...I'se heard some bells, ringin'. Why?"
"Brooklyn lodging house burnt down."

Joaks eyes grew wide. "Jesus! Everyone ok?" he looked over Spots shoulders at Sophia.
Spot shrugged. "I guees. We'se just really tired...Can Smalls have ya bunk. We'se jus' stayin' heah for the night is all."
Jack nodded. "Yeah. A 'course!" He let Sophia on to his bunk and pulled the covers over her. Just as soon as she got in that bunk bed and laid her head down she was out and sleeping soundly.

"Guess we'se takin' the floor then." said Jack. Spot nodded.

"The hells ya are." said a voice from the back. It was Racetrack. He had overheard the whole conversation. "Spotty boy, you'se take my bunk. One night, right?" Spot nodded. "Then why ya still standin' heah. Get ta sleep ya idiot." he joked, making Spot smile tiredly. Spot climbed into Racetracks bunk and fell asleep just as fast as Sophia had.

Racetrack looked over at Jack and said, "Terrible what happened. What you'se thinks gonna happen ta them now, jack?"
Jack shrugged. "don' know. Spots a pretty tough guy though. I'se sure he'll pull through. "'Sides...He's got Smalls ta keep him on his toes."
Chapter Twenty: Happiness in misery.

Sophia and Spot had woken up bright and early the next morning. They hadn't got much rest the night before for obvious reasons, but still, they got up just like any other newsie had to. Kloppman yelled, telling the boys to get up and carry the banner. Jack groaned. His back was killing him from sleeping on the floor all night. Racetrack on the other hand didn't mind it all that much and woke up the same as ever.

As Spot and Sophia readied their things to leave with the rest of the newsies, Kloppman stopped them.
"Spot Conlon...where do you'se plan on going now?"
Spot shrugged. "Back to Brooklyn I guess. Why?" he asked.

Kloppman cleared his throat. "I have a few extra things in storage if you'se and your lady end up staying in a tenement."

Spot nodded, putting his hands on his hips. "Ah, danks Kloppman! If we'se find a place to stay, I'se sure will be comin' back heah then." Spot looked back at Sophia. "Right, Smalls?" she nodded. Spot placed a strong hand on Kloppmans shoulder. "We'se be jus' fine, Kloppman. I'm Spot Conlon after all. I got this." he gave Kloppman a reassuring smile, but somehow Kloppman didn't feel so assured.

Sophia held on to Spots arm as they walked back over the Brooklyn bridge.

"There has to be some other lodging houses we can stay at. What about Queens or the Bronx?" Spot shook his head. "Why not?" asked Sophia.

Spot stopped. "Remembeh when me newise boys went and had that lil fight wit the Queens?" Sophia nodded. "If I was on me own, I would probably consider goin' there, but seein' how you'se is wit me, I don' want 'em layin' a hand on my goil. Therefore, Queens is outa the question."
"Well then, what about the Bronx?" Spot shook his head again. "Why do you keep saying no to me, Spot?" she demanded to know.
Spot sighed. The air from his breath puffed out his mouth like a cloud. "Sophia...I...I'se made too many enemy's in me past." Spot continued to walk then. Sophia caught back up with him and wrapped her arms around one of his again and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Where will we go then?"

Spot thought for a while. "Kloppman did say we'se could take some stuff wit us if we'se got an apartment."
"How will we aford one though? I mean, the apartments are about six to seven bucks at cheapest. What about one of your sisters? Surely they would take us in." she sounded hopeful.

Again, Spot sighed, but this time it was a heavy, slow one. "Smalls...I lied."

"I don't have any sisters. I'se was the only child."
Sophia was quiet for a while. "Why did you lie?"
Spot shook his head. He couldn't believe himself. "I didn't want you'se to feel sorry for me." he said truthfully.

"Spot..." Sophia said. "Were one of the most sorry people here in New York." she half joked. Spot smiled somewhat. "You'se always seem to know what to say, Smalls. I love dat 'bout ya." he smiled a real smile this time. "What would I do without cha?"

Sophia laughed a little. "You have a point." she told him.

Sophia and Spot went some apartment to apartment. Why on earth were all taken up now? And a time like this? It just wasn't fair. Finally, one of the very last apartments that Spot and Sophia checked had a room open. It was small, but cheap. Seven bucks every two weeks. This place would have to do. The apartment had a small kitchen, just big enough to fit a tiny table in one of the corners. A single bedroom big enough for two and half people. Sophia thought of her baby she had miscarried. Her heart ached. And then there was a small closet to fit a few extra things in. It seemed like a perfect little place for a newlywed couple.

"Guess I'se should go get that stuff from Kloppman shouldn't I?" said Spot.
"Great. I'll come with you." Sophia said with a smile.

There, waiting for them at the lodging house, Kloppman handed over a small table, a spare mattress, soap, a tin pale, two stools and two blankets and some silverware.
"I hope this will do for now." said Kloppman.
Sophia smiled and reached in to give the old man a hug. "This is plenty." she told him. Suddenly Kid Blink and Mush walked up to the three.
"Yo, Spot! hoid what happened ta the Brooklyn lodging house. Real sorry 'bout dat." Mush patted Spot on the back a few times.

"Hows ya holdin' up?" asked Kid Blink.
"Jus' fine, thanks." answered Spot.

Kloppman then cleared his throat. "Seems you fellas are done seelin' ya papes. Mind givin these two a hand carryin' their stuff back. They tells me they found a small apartment to stay at."
Kid Blink and Mush looked at them with wide eyes. "Whoa! You'se did?" Mush was surprised. "Hows ya gonna aford dat place?" he asked.

Spot smirked. "Gonna find a betteh job 'course." he told them.

The five talked for a little while longer before Mush and Kid Blink picked up their share of taking things back to the apartment.

"Wow! This place sure is somethin' else, eh Blink?" said Mush elbowing his friend in the arm. Kid Blink smirked. "You'se gota invite some of us boys oveh one oh these days or nights. We'se gota celebrate by playin' some hot pokeh." laughed Mush. "And now you two's gota ya 'own personal time' to ya selves." he laughed harder this time. Spot playfully punched Mush in the arm and smirked, Sophia blushed a deep red. Kid Blink saw this and laughed right along with his friends.

"Ah, Smalls. Look at ya face. No worries tootsy. We'se be on our ways soon, little lady." he tipped his newsie hat.

Spot and Sophia later said goodbye to their friends. They had made plans to hang out soon, just as soon as Spot and Sophia had time to settle a few things down.

After that the two placed everything that Kloppman had givin them in their rightful places. Now the apartment didn't seem so lonely. Sophia now had her own little kitchen counter where she would be able to homemade meals and wash dishes.

Spot watched as she fingered the counter, looking hopeful towards everything. Her hair had finally grown out some. He liked the cute, little curls her hair made. Her body looked more mature despite the hardships she had endured. Her eyes were still their beautiful green.
"We'll have to start looking for job tomorrow." said Sophia, turning around to face Spot, who was leaning up on the table. Spot slowly nodded. He smiled and walked over to Sophia. He put his left hand behind her back and held her left hand with his right and slowly started to move her side to side. "You feeling ok, Spot?" this was unlike him.

Spot laughed a little. "Yeah. I'se jus' fine, Smalls." he brought her in closer and Sophia wrapped her arms around his neck. Their bodies pressed together. "I'm real happy your heah wit me Sophia." he whispered into her ear. It somewhat turned her on.
"I'm happy to be here with you too, Spot." Spot brought her in for a kiss. Spot pressed against hers hard and passionately. She moaned as she let spot take her in his full grasp. He pressed her hard against the counter, caressing her back more now. One of his hands lingered up her back and held on to the back of her head as she bent it back for him to kiss and suck at her neck. She moaned more now, saying his name after every breath.

Spot then suddenly picked her up bridal style and carried her to the other room, laying her on the bed. He slipped off his suspenders and then his shirt and then his pants, until he was jusy in his underwear. Sophia could already see his penis erecting and getting harder by the minute. Spot body didn't have the same boyish look anymore. He was more grown up and Sophia looked at him with hungry lustful eyes.

"You'se not get undress?" Spot gave her a confused look.

Sophia giggled. "I'd figured you'd like to do that part, Spot." she told him. Spot smirked and took off his underwear and then got on top of Sophia. He slid his hands up her dress and took off her underware first. She felt a chill, but she knew Spot would be able to take care of that soon enough. He then took of her dress in one slick motion. Sophia felt shivers go up and down her body from the cold and held her arms close to her chest for warmth.

"What you'se doin' goily?" Spot couldn't help but somewhat laugh at her.

"I'm cold...why don't you warm me up." she said to him with a little smirk.

This turned Spot on even more and ripped her arms away from her chest. Their bodies were close in contact again. Spot played with both of her breasts as he kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear. He then playfully bit down on her collar bone, making

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