» Romance » Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗

Book online «Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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been alright. Spot found a job at the Brooklyn union as a master work boy, though the word 'boy' doesn't seem to suit him anymore.
Sarah chuckled. "You got that right! Spot's reallys grown up since he's met you."
"Really?" asked Sophia. "I would think it be the other way around, but perhaps we both grew up while having to put up with each this long." the girls laughed.

Suddenly, Sophia started to feel really sick again and grabbed for Spot's pint and threw up in it. She spit the last of the nasty afterward taste into the pint and put it back on the table. Sophia looked over at Sarah and saw the surprised expression on her face. Sophia's eyes grew wide. Sarah then mouth, "Are you pregnant?" to her and Sophia slowly nodded. Just then Spot reaced for his pint and put the edge of it to his lips. "NO! DON'T DRINK IT!" cried Sarah and Sophia at the same time.
Spot instantly stopped and placed and his beer back down. "Why?" he slowly asked.
Cowboy then turned his head away from the stage and shouted out, "YES! YESYESYES!" David quickly put his hand to Jack's mouth to shut him up.
Sophia took in a deep breath and finally said, "I just puked in your beer. Don't drink it."
Spot gave her a disgusting look and looked down at his beer. He grimace and looked away. "I'se still had a good fourth of that left ya know."
Sophia and Sarah couldn't help but giggle. "Sorry, Spot."
"So I take it ya not feelin' very well?" Spot asked.
Sophia shook her head. "I'll be fine. Nothing you need to worry about."
Spot raised his brows at her and said, "Ya jus' puked in me beer, goil." When David and Less finally caught on to what had just happened they started to laugh. Spot gave David a light push and pretended to pour the puke on him. David backed away pushing Jack in front of him. They all laughed when Jack smiled and opened up his moth. He clearly had no idea what was going on. Spot playfully slapped him on both sides of the face and pushed him back. He put the pint down and scooted closer to Sophia. He placed one arm around her so that his warm hand was resting on her belly. He bent his head down and kissed her fourhead. Sophia then rested her head on top of Spot's shoulder and the two enjoyed the rest of their night listening to the sound of all the other newsie's singing.
Chapter Twenty-four: Chritsmas.

Sophia woke that morning to the sound of Spot getting up. She rolled over on to his side of the bed and curled up. "What's the rush this morning, Spot? I thought you didn't work on Sundays."
Spot looked back at her, seeing that she was up he stopped trying to be quiet. "I don' woik. It's Christmas Smalls!" he smiled at her.

"Christmas! Since when?" she sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Since t'day." He told her and laughed a little. "Why? You don' celebrate it or somethin'?"
Sophia put her arms around Spot and held him close. "Guess I've los' track of time." she said to him.

Spot finished putting on his shoes and stood up. "I figured we'se go walkin' 'round town, see all the sights. Brooklyn usually looks pretty amazin' durin' this time o' year. So how 'bout it?" Sophia smiled and crawled out of bed, rushing for her close and putting them on. "Whoa, whoa, Soph. Slow down," Spot chuckled. "We aint in no hurry." he then walked of the room and left Sophia to get ready changing.

When Sophia stepped outside the room Spot turned around and looked at her. He smiled.

"What's so funny?" she asked him. He shrugged his shoulders. "Well," said Sophia. "Just where do you plan on walking around today?"
Spot gave her a little smirk and said, "Coney Island."

Sophia's eyes grew wide. "What? Coney Island? You must be out of your right mind! That place cost too much!" Spot laughed. "Why are you laughing?" Sophia asked, resting her hands on her hips.

"Smalls...We'se got a whole dollah to spend on ourselvs. Fifty cents for you and fifty cents for me."
Sophia crossed her arms. "You sure we can afford to spend this kind of money? You already work hard enough."
Spot leaned for his cane and slid it in with his belt loop. "What's all the hard work for if you'se can't spend some money on ya self to enjoy?" He grabbed Sophia coat and shawl and handed it to her. She quickly put on her coat and put her shawl around her head. She took Spot's hand and off they went to enjoy their day.

As the two started walking, Sophia noticed that they were walking towards the Brooklyn Bridge and away from Coney Island. "Umm, Spot...Coney Island is the other way."
"I know," Spot answered. "Gotta make a side trip first."
"To where?" Sophia knew that Spot was up to something, but what?"
"That, me dear, is a secret." he gave his girl a wink and looped his arm around her.

The two walked in silence for a while. The city was busy around them. Little kids clung to their parents, couples walked hand-in-hand, children threw snowballs at each other and newsie's shouted out headlines. Their voices brought back memories for Spot and Sophia.

"So where is this special place, Spot?" asked Sophia. Spot pointed to a little shop just a few yards ahead of them. Sophia squinted her eyes and read the top sign aloud. "Jacques Torres Chocolate?" suddenly her eyes grew wide and squeezed Spot's arm. "Oh wow! You're kidding, right?"
Spot laughed. "Nah. What's Christmas without some chocolate?" he told her. Sophia grinned.

They each got one piece of chocolate and all together it only cost them ten cents. Sophia nibbled on hers while Spot shoved the whole thing in his mouth, letting melt.

"I knew there was a reason I loved you." teased Sophia.
In a exaggerated tone, Spot said, "Why Smalls, I'm flattered." Spot slapped a hand on his chest and lifted his nose into the air. Sophia laughed at this and playfully punched him in the arm. "Whoa!" said Spot. "I'se think I mightah felt somethin' there."

The two went on like this for another minute or so until Spot yelled out. "Look, Smalls! A trolley cart!" he pointed at it right away.

"And?" said Sophia.

"And?...Soph...a ride on one only cost five cents! This way, we'se can get there fasteh to the beach."
Sophia sighed and gave in. "Well alright. What we waitin' for then?" she was off to catch up to the cart before Spot could take another step.
"H-hold up, Smalls!" he called out to her, running to catch up with her and the trolley cart. It might have been a cold day, the snow lightly falling and the streets being crowded more than before, but it was good day. It was more than good. It was a great day and Sophia didn't want it to end. She stood on the cart as it went down the street and held on to one of the bars, the wind her face and Spot standing right behind her with a hand around her waist to keep her steady. Spot was right, the trolley cart was faster than just walking and it was more enjoyable. It was the first time she had ever ridden on one. Suddenly her stomach started to turn. At first she thought it was just the chocolate, but it was a feeling of eating too much or the feeling of getting too excited. Sophia was pregnant. Even though she had known about this for a while the thought of it still scared her and idea's ran through her head like a train wreck. What if I lose this baby too? What if it dies shortly after it's born? What if I die? What will Spot do? I don't want to leave him like that. Am I even ready to have this child? Such thoughts ran through her mind, making her feel even more uneasy. She moved her hand to touch her stomach but felt Spot's hand there instead. She placed her hand on top of his and leaned back a little on him, taking in some of his scent.

"You ok, Soph?" he asked her, seeing how she grew quiet all of a sudden.

"Yeah. I'm fine...I'm just...really happy." she told him and fought back tears.

when the cart had taken them as far as it would lead them, they jumped off and walked the rest of the way to Coney Island. The two could see the tall buildings in the sky. They could hear people screaming with excitement and laughing with joy. Everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives. Spot then paid their way in wishing the greeter a good day and placed his around Sophia again. Sophia could hardly believe what she was seeing. Men rode around on unicycles and women walked around with big poofy colorful dresses and hats with loads of make-up on their face. They handed out posters, candy, toys and plastic jewelry for the little girls. There were game booths set up and clowns and fun houses. "Spot," breathed Sophia. "Have you ever seen anything like it?" she almost squealed with how excited she was.

"Nope! Foist time heah too, Smalls."
"Then why are you not as excited as me?"
Spot smiled. "'Cause I'm happy jus' seein' you'se get all excited."
Sophia blushed and brought Spot closer to her and kissed him. After breaking away from the kiss, Sophia said, "Let's go see the beach." Spot smiled and the two walked hand-in-hand again all the way to the sea.

The beach was just as crowed as the rest of Coney. Sophia and Spot could smell the salty air; almost taste it even. The sound of it made Sophia feel like she was back in New Orleans again. She closed her eyes and imagined being back home with her family. Her mother would be next to the fire place, knitting some gloves, her father and Tommy would be sitting by the window, talking and enjoying some hot cider while Sophia would sit on the floor, playing with her baby brother. Her family would sit inside the warm house on a cold day like this and enjoy each other's company and keep themselves entertained by telling stories or playing a game of cards, which was Tommy's favorite.

"Spot?" said Sophia suddenly. "What did you do with your family on Christmas?" The two walked beside the sea.
"Welp..ta put it plainly...My family usually spent the mornings sleeping in and then, once we're were all up, we'se would all crowd 'round the main room and open presents and then start on making a big meal. While it was cooking though, the whole family would go outside and enjoy the fresh air. It was

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