» Romance » Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗

Book online «Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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the two.

Finally Spot spoke up. "Well, I'll definitely never forget that. Be real nice, Soph if ya could finish that. Ya's been heah for 'bout a yeah now. Be real nice to heah that song once it's done."
Sophia smiled. "So you like it? Oh good! I was thinking that it be way to soft for you."
Spot laughed at this. "Well, you're right 'bout dat, long as you make it, I'se really don' mind at all, Smalls." He then took a big breath of air. "Mmm! I smell food! C'mon, Sophia, Time to eat." Spot got up, reaching his hand to help Sophia up.
"You go on ahead, Spot. I've got a few things to clean up." Spot nodded and left to the dining room. Sophia picked up her papers and quill and set them aside in an orderly fashion, closed the case on the piano keys and took a breath before standing up. It was getting harder, carrying this baby around with her. She left it kick again and she winced in pain. "Ouch..." she muttered. She knew if she showed a lot of pain towards Spot with this baby; if he knew how much it was hurting her now, he'd probably tell the baby to come right on out every night, but that's what she was afraid of: Having this baby. Would she be able to live through the labor? And if she didn't what would happen to Spot and the baby? But if she did live through it, would she really want to give her baby up? Would she have to run away again to protect someone she loves? Sophia didn't know what to do and all she could do was wait for that moment to come. And what scared her too was that it would be soon.
Chapter Twenty-eight: Mary Driskoll

A light breeze that blew all throughout the day suddenly became a vicious storm in the night. The windows rattled and the wind howled while trying to get into the house. Sophia lay on her back, completely uncomfortable not only from the heat but her back was killing her. Suddenly she rose up from her bed, thirsty and wanting some water to drink. She turned on her lantern resting on a nightstand next to her bed. Her room instantly lit up, showing her basic bedroom. She stood up and wobbled to the door holding her fat belly and breathing a little harder than usual.
Suddenly Sophia felt a quick burst of warm liquid wash down her leg. She stopped and held her breath for a moment. She slowly placed her hand on her private area, afraid to bring it back up after feeling the wetness. The last time this happened she had lost the baby. Sophia look down, heart pounding and to her quick relief she did not see blood. Then all of a sudden she realized what had happened. She was going into labor.
Breathing heavily now she rushed out her bedroom as fast as she could and headed to the room just down the hallway where Spot was sleeping. She opened his door and placed her right hand on his shoulder as soon as she reached his bedside.
"Spot...Spot!...Wake up!" she smacked him this time and he moaned in his sleep.
"Get up ya lazy bum, I'm having a damn baby!" she slapped him on the face and he finally woke up.
"What the hell’s, goil?!" he said rubbing his cheek. "Soph...what do you need, babe?"
"Baby! Now!"
"What? Baby? Now?!"
"Yes! My damn water broke! Hurry! Wake the others!"
Spot rose from his bed within seconds, stumbling in the darkness. Once he regained his footing, Spot took a careful hold of Sophia and guided her back to her room. "Stay here. I'll be right back."
"You better!" Sophia tried sitting on her bed but it hurt too much so she continued to stand. Standing awkwardly in pain as Spot ran to get the others.
Within a minute Spot came back with Brian and his wife.
"Brian go boil some water and get plenty of rages and sheets. And call a doctor!" ordered Brian's wife. She then looked over to Sophia and pointed at the bed. "You're gonna have to lay down now my dear."
"But it hurts to sit."
Mrs. Denton shook her head. "This must be done. Now lay down. I shall make it was comfortable as I can for you." She rounded up some pillows and stuck them behind Sophia. Brian then came in with the sheets and together him and his wife put a few underneath Sophia's bottom. Brian then ran out again to get the water started.
"Spot..." Sophia said, her voice shaking."
"Yeah?" he inched closer to her to hear her.
Sophia quickly grabbed Spot by the shirt and said to him firmly. "You betteh get Sarah and her mother oveh hear now!" Spot nodded quickly and ran to get Sarah and her mother.
After a few more minutes of trying to breath calmly, Brian came in with the how water. His wife took a rag and placed it in the water. After taking it out and squeezing all the water out of it, She placed it on Sophia's head. Sophia rejected the rag at first saying it was too warm already to have something like that on her head. "It will help you though, Sophia." She then turned toward her husband and said, "Get a bucket of cold water too just in case."
An hour passed and Sophia was still struggling with breathing as normally as she could and keep up her strength to have this baby.
"Have you thought of a name?" asked Mrs. Denton, trying to bring up friendly conversation.
Sophia shook her head. "No..."
"Really?" Sophia nodded. "Why is that?" Mrs. Denton asked.
"Haven't come across one that Spot and I both like..."
"I see. Well, no need to rush. Take your time, dear."
Spot finally came back with Sarah and her mother rushing into the bedroom. They had a few things with them as well. More towels a rope.
Sophia got a little scared when she saw the rope and asked, "What's that for?"
"For you if you need something to grip on to," explained Sarah's mother. "And trust me, you will want this when the baby is about to come out."
"I want it out NOW!" Sophia growled in discomfort and Mrs. Denton tried repositioning the pillows again for her. Sophia looked to spot and beckoned him to come closer. She reached out her hand and he grabbed for it with both hands, trying to comfort her. Suddenly another sharp pain ran through Sophia's body. She lifted her hips a little and bent back her head, tossing and turning it. "Get it out! Get it out!" she cried.
"We will dear, but the baby is not quite ready." said Sarah's mom. "This will take time."
"Ugh! I don't WANT it to take time! I want to happen now!"
"Your bodies not ready yet." said Mrs. Denton. She then looked to Spot. "Spot, dear. I'm afraid you will have to leave the room."
"NO!" Sophia hissed. "He's staying RIGHT here!" and with the word 'right' Sophia gripped on to Spot's hand even tighter, making him try to pull it away because her grip hurt so much.
"It's going to hurt a lot worse when the baby comes." said Sarah to Spot with a little smirk on her face.
Spot's face suddenly turned white. "Oh...Uh...Great..."
Another hour passed and the baby was not ready to come out. Sophia moaned in pain, wanting it to all be over so she can go back to sleep, but the dam baby refused to come out every time Sophia pushed.
"Keep pushing, Sophia." said Sarah. "You're almost there. Be strong!" she encouraged her.
Sophia rolled her eyes and yelled out. "Oh why don't you just keep FUCKING PUSHING!" she then looked to Spot and looked at him with angry eyes. "You bastard! You did this to me! JACK ASS!" Spot swallowed hard. He knew he was deep trouble.
"Looks like it's almost time." said Sarah's mother. Sarah readied the towels and the hot water. "Ok, Sophia. One more push!"
Sophia screamed out in agony; head pressed back and her eyes rolling in the back of her head. Spot's hand turned blue and white from Sophia's grip. His mouth opened wide as he tried to free himself from her grasp but it was pointless. He fell to his knees, head bent down and still trying to free his hand.
After what seemed like forever with pushing and pushing, those last few seconds were worth it when a soft baby cry erupted. The heaviness in the room began to flow more smoothly and Sophia let out a soft, tired sigh. "You did it!" said Sarah, watching as her mother and Mrs. Denton cleaned off the baby.
When everything was done and cleaned up, Brian was allowed in to see the baby. The baby was wrapped up in a warm blanket and being held securely in Sophia's arms. Spot laid right beside her pointing at the infants tiny fingers.
"It's a girl." said Sophia to Brian."
"Have you thought of a name?" he asked.
Spot and Sophia both looked at each other and at the same time they both said, "Mary..."
"I thought you didn't have a name picked out though?" said Mrs. Denton.
"We didn't," said Sophia. "We just agreed on one now." she smiled a little and looked down at her baby girl. "Yeah," she said. "Mary Driskoll Conlon. That's her name."

Chapter Twenty-nine: For better or for worse

Sophia rocked her baby in her arms. She sang to Mary and smiled at her, rubbing her nose with her hers. Mary cooed sweetly and her cheeks become a soft pink as she yawned and fell asleep in her mothers arms. Sophia carefully placed Mary in her tiny crib and rocked it a few times, making sure Mary would stay asleep for her afternoon nap.

Spot walked in then and put his arms around Sophia and kissed her cheek.
"Got ya somethin' t'day in the market." he held out a small white cloth and handed it to her.

Sophia glanced a smile at Spot before unfolding the cloth, revealing a blue ribbon. "Spot..." She breathed.

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