» Romance » Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗

Book online «Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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Slowly she had been remembering but nothing triggered who she really was. All she knew were the faces but could not put names to them. She remembered places in New York that she had visited and lived. Something about a lodging house and papers and a handsome fellow; she touched her lips and looked down to her feet, the feel of the warm setting sun, leaving the water look like its very own paradise. She sighed and put her arms around herself. Why was it taking so long for her to remember?
Anna Sophia!” A voice called out to her and she turned around, seeing her uncle holding a lantern. “Come inside, it’s getting dark out.” Sophia nodded and ran up to her uncle, walking back to the house with him.

The lantern squeaked as it swung back and forth in her uncle’s hands. Sophia looked up at the trees that stood tall and beautiful on the side of the path that they walked. The crickets were singing and owls were coming out. When they arrived to the house the lights were already on and she could smell supper on the door steps. Her uncle’s home was an old Victorian styled house with a porch that wrapped around it. Its light painted colors seemed like a beacon as the night came swarming about the city.
After supper Sophia sat in her bedroom, the lights off and looking out at the window as she always did; the moonlight filled the room and lit up her face. The stars danced in her eyes as she looked up at them in awe.
“Once a Brooklyn Newsie, always a Brooklyn Newise!” The voiced boomed in her head, the accent was somewhat appealing to her. Sophia was now puzzled. Brooklyn? She thought. Brooklyn Newise…

Suddenly she remembered dressing as a boy, but why? She suddenly remembered her brother, Tommy, taking totally certain of her safety. No way could he have just up and left her like her uncle said. No way! Hot tears filled her eyes and fell down her cheeks and on to her hands. She had remembered everything! Just like that! She buried her face in her hands as all the memories came rushing back at her all at once. She was sad, devastated, angry, and wanting revenge. She stopped crying and pulled herself together; there was no time to cry, at least not now. She stoop straight and walked out to the hallway. Everyone had gone to bed except for a few maids who were putting out the lights. One of them asked if she was alright but Sophia pushed away from her and headed to the kitchen. Luckily no one was there and she grabbed for a cutting knife, hiding it in the pocket of her dress. She walked to her uncle’s room and stood at his doorway for a minute to make sure that he was asleep. When she was certain that he was, Sophia quietly opened the door and walked inside.

She walked over to her uncle’s sleeping body and glared at him. Oh how she hated him and wanted to jab the cutting knife right through his bloody heart and watch him bleed to death! She took out the knife and held it above her head, ready to pierce his selfless heart. She stopped. She couldn’t do it and she started to tremble and slowly put the knife down. Sophia continued to watch was the sleeping bastard moved over in his sleep. She stepped back and quickly left his room and returned to her room and hid the knife in her dressing drawer and went to bed.
The next morning as she woke up everything was different. She was still angry and sad but acted as if nothing had happened to her. She washed up and got dressed for the day. She met with her uncle in the dining room for breakfast. He was there before as usual, drinking his coffee and eating his bacon and toast. A plate was already being made for Sophia as she sat down across her uncle. She stared at him with a blank face as he read the paper and held his toast. He noticed her staring at him and said, “Got something on your mind?”
“No.” She continued to stare at him, ignoring the food that was placed in front of her. Suddenly her uncle started to choke and Sophia’s blank star turned into a frown. Her uncle tipped over on his chair and fell hard to the wooden floor. Sophia stood up from her chair and walked over to her uncle and knelt down beside him. He grabbed on to her forearms, staring hard into her eyes, gasping for air.
“I…remember everything.” Sophia said calmly. She bent closer for him to hear her. “You son of a bitch, I remember everything. I hate you.” Sophia broke free from his grasp and stood up. Her uncle, grabbed for her boot but she kicked it away and he held on to his heart; slobber ran down the side of his mouth, his eyes wide, body shaking as he looked at up her. Sophia did nothing but stare back him. Soon, his struggle to survive came to an end and he died right then and there.

Sophia turned her head as she heard a loud crashing sound. One of the cooks who came in with more food dropped the try and screamed a little. Sophia quickly gathered up her emotions and pretended to look horrified and managed to bring out some tears. She stepped away from her uncle’s body as the cook ran to him and called for help. As people were piling in, Sophia stood on the sidelines and watched it all happen. She must have been the only happy one about his death because everyone else seemed so devastated by his death.
When her uncle’s body was taken away a group of men about her uncle’s age came walking up to her. They asked to speak with her right away. They said it was important. Sophia agreed and took them to the living room.
“We need to talk to you about your uncle’s job.” Said the leading man.
Sophia nodded. “Yes? What about it?”
“He has many companies that involve trading and marketing. Well…now that he is gone…and trust us, we all thought quickly and found no one else but you.”
“What do I have to do with any of this?”
The man cleared his throat. “You, Anna Sophia…are the last family member alive that is eligible to take over his business.”

Sophia was shocked to hear these words. “So what you’re saying is…”
“You own over fifty companies in New Orleans and more across the states…that is…if you take on this role. If not we will be forced to split up your uncles work to other people that he ran against. Are you up for this?”
Sophia thought for a while then nodded. “Yes. I am ready to take control over my uncle’s work and anyone who objects to it is just going to have to deal with it!” The men looked pleased and all shook Sophia’s hand. Within minutes, Sophia became one of the riches people in the world!
Chapter Thirty-Two: I'm here to stay

It was a sunny Sunday morning; the temperature was just right and the breez felt great. Spot Conlon, father of one, stood on the side of the street where it was busiest and shouted out headlines. It didn't matter to Spot, as long as he was young he was going to sell Papes as much as he could. He had also made peace with Sophia's "death". An older fellow walked up to him and handed him a penny. In return Spot gave him a paper. They nodded to each other and the man was off. He had bought 200 papes and had 20 left to sell. He looked down to his left and saw his little girl just over a year sitting on a small pile of papes and holding more in her little arms. To Spot, a person was never too young to start selling papes. Mary was a good seller already; her cute looks and very young age pulled people in like kids in a candy shop. Any person buying a pape from her dropped their penny or nickle in a tin can next to her, patted her head and took their paper.

When he was done selling papes he picked up his daughter and carried her back to Brian's house. When they got there Mary was put in the arms of Brian's wife and began to play with her. Spot on the other hand took his tin can and went to the living room to count his money. He dumped the money and even took out the change in his pocket. When he finished counting he had made $2.35. Spot gathered up all the money and placed it in a glass jar above the fire place.
"What's all that money for?" Brian asked as he walked in the room.
Spot turned around and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "It's Mary's money. For school."
"Like college?" asked Brian again. Spot nodded. Brian only smiled. Spot had certainly grown up from his teenage years. He was a man of 19 now. Spot walked out of the room and headed for his bed room to find some peace and quite. It was near lunch time and he wanted some rest before hand. He shut the door quietly behind him and walked over to his dresser. When he opened it he saw Sophia's saphire necklace. He picked it up carefully and looked at it. The saphire dangled as the cain wrapped adourn his fingers. He couldn't believe that at one point in time he wanted to sell it. But now this was all he had besides his daughter and some of Sophia's clothes to remind him of her. his heart was still very much broken but he never did show it. At least in front of people that is. Spot put the necklace back and shut the drawer, retreating to his bed to gain some rest.

Sophia looked down at a silver pocket watch she had bought just the other day to check the time. It read one o'clock. She looked up to see if the train was arriving but there was no sight of it. She carried with her a small suitcase with two other dresses in it and some had had just came from visiting her mother and father and little brothers grave and now she was going back to New York. She wasn't sure what she would do there or who she would meet first; she just wanted to go back. Back to her friends, he lover and her daughter. She was 18 now and fully capable of handling things on her own now. She did, however, take over her uncles business and was loaded with cash. She didn't know how to spend it there was so much. Her uncle was so selfish, hoarding back all this money while her

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