» Romance » Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗

Book online «Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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parents needed help to buy medicine for their illness. They were dead now and so was he so it didn't really matter anymore. She was going home and that's what really mattered.

A horn went off and Sophia looked to her right to see that the train was coming. When she got on she chose a seat in first class and got a seat all to herself. When the train started again she watched at people on the train and off the train waved to their loved ones. Sophia didn't have anyone to say goodbye to though becuase she was going to see them right now. The last time she was on a train it was with her uncle and he had yelled at her for having a child. She closed her eyes and fought back the harsh words he called her. when she opened them she saw an older man waiting to punch a hole in her train ticket. She gave the man her ticket and he quickly punched the hole and handed it back to her.
What was she going to do when she got to New York? Was she just going to show up at all of her friends door steps and say hey? No. That would give them a heart attack. There had to be a better way to do this. And there was. Sophia got a big grin on her face as she remembered the song she had wrote for spot at her. She hadn't finished it yet and now was the perfect time to do so. she got a small leather note book and a fancy pin from her hand bag and started to write. She thought of Medda and thought how wonderful it would be to sing a song on stage and surprise everyone that way.

A day had passed and Sophia arivved in Brooklyn that eveing. She walked quickly to Medda's. She had turned the place completely around and was amazed by how much it had changed. New York its self hadnt changed much she wondered how much everyone else had. Would she even reconize them? Would they even reconize her? That didn't matter now. She was here and walking these old dirty streets for the first time in a long time. As she walked down to the stage a voice called out to her.
"Excuse me, miss. We don't have any shows tonight. Tomorrow we do though. You be sure to come back then?"
Sophia turned around and smiled as she saw Medda. She still wore her goddy dresses and lots of make-up. "Hi, Medda." said Sophia.
Medda narrowed her eyes to look at Sophia and stepped closer; he face turned white and she found herself sitting in one of the chairs. "My God...Sophia?" she held a hand on her chest.
Sophia chuckled a little. "Don't worry, I'm no ghost. I'm for real." she told her.
Medda shook her head a little in debeliefe. "But how? They never found your body..."
Sophia hung her head a little and went to sit next to Medda. "My uncle took me back to New Orleans."
"What on earth? Why? Didn't you have a say?"
Sophia shook her head. "I had amnesia for almost a year."
Medda placed a hand on Sophia's and said, "I'm so glad you're back. Everyone will be so happy. It wasn't right not having you here."
Sophia felt tears in her eyes but she fought them back and huged Medda suddenly. "Here I am! I'm here to stay now. And no one will ever change that!"
Medda huged her back. "Good. You've grown into a strong woman Anna Sophia. But...tell me, how on earth did you manage escaping from your uncle and aford to come here? And all by your self?" Sophia nodded and told Medda all about it. Medda was in tears by the time she was done and huged Sophia again.
"I have a favor to ask of you though."
"Could I stay here for the night?"
"Of course! But...why? Why not go see Spot?"
Sophia smiled. "You see, that's where my next favor comes in. I want surpise everyone tomorrow night."
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Medda asked her.
"There is a song I wrote for Spot, but I never got to finish it while I was with him. I want to sing it tomorrow night, but I want it to be the closing song."
Medda smiled to this. "You are FULL of surprises, Miss Sophia. Yes. Of course! That seems like a splended idea!"

As Spot was walking home Medda walked up to him, almost scaring him.
"Whoa! Medda? What you'se doin' heah?"
"You," she said, pointing a finger at him, "are going to come to my show tomorrow night. No "ifs", "ands", Or "buts" about it. Understnad?"
"Uh...sure? What's da big idea anyways?"
Medda grinned. "No reason. I'd would jus' like to your face around a bit more is all."
Spot nodded. "Eh...alright. I'll be theh."
"Good!" Medda patted his shoulder and walked off with a big smile on her face. Spot thought how weird it was of her to show up right out of the blue and tell this. Oh well, he thought. He said he would go so he would. Besides he had nothing better to do.

The next night as Sophia messed with her dress as she heard the crowd of Medda's cheering for her. Her show was starting.

"Are you ready, darling?" she asked Sophia with a warm smile on her face.

Sophia looked up and gave her an awkward smile. "I think so..." She finally said.

Medda patted her on the shoulder and walked to the stairs, before walking up to the stage she turned around. "Sophia?" She looked up at Medda again from her hands, waiting for her to speak again.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" Sophia nodded slowly. "It's been two years. Think of the impact it will have on him." she told her. Sophia knew in her heart that the moment she got back in New York she should have gone straight to Spot, but for some reason Sophia didn't. She just couldn't. Like she had to make some a grand entrance or something. As if showing up at his doorstep and scaring him shitless wasn't enough. As of right now, Spot thinks she's dead.

Medda gave her a nod and headed up on to the stage. The boy's went wild, whistling and cheering. It brought a smile to Sophia's face. She stood up from the chair and walked over to the curtains. She parted them a ways, trying to get a good look at the crowd. She spotted Jack with Sarah, David with his younger brother, Les. Boots, Racetrack and a few others. Then, from the corner of her eyes she saw Spot. His hair had grown out a little more and she could tell he had gotten taller because his knee's almost touched the bottom of the table he was sitting at in the back. He didn't look like he was having to much fun. Blink came over and tried to pull him up but failed in the process. Spot pushed him away slightly and rested his chin on his palm.

Sophia put the curtains back and went to sit back down, but before she got the chance, Medda was done with her song and dance...this was it! After the crowed settled down she heard her speak, "My friends, I have here tonight with me a very special friend. She is here to sing for all of us tonight. I'm sure you will find her to be quite a beauty." I pulled the red hooded cloak over her head, covering her eyes. As she stepped through the curtains and on to the stage her heart beated fast. What are you doing Sophia, she said to herself. She walked on to the stage more, the crowd was quite. Before she started to sing, Sophia looked up little but not all the way. She looked at Spot, he looked at her, though he didn't know it...and she started to sing.

"Come to me lover, I pray that you will, Just jump right in and I'll take you there. No more pain and no more sorrow; we will face uncertainty together. What lies must I tell to see you again; here is a kiss to strengthen your heart!..."
Spot slowly picked up his head and looked up at the stage and at the hooded person who sang. To him, she had the most beautiful voice. He continued to listen.
"Don't be afraid, we'll be together. What else matters? I don't care if I'm selfish, I don't care if they hate me. You and me, you and me. Together, forever." Spot stood up from his seat, he started walking towards the stage, pushing the people aside that stood in his way. Some of his fellow newsie friends watched this but did nothing to stop him. They were too surprised. As Spot finally made his way to the stage he looked up at the hooded person, his face held no emotion other than deep thought. He stood there and waited for the person to finishing singing. Come...Come. Come to me lover. Come...Come. Just take my hand and step right in and I'll take you there..."
The crowd cheered as she finished her song. Sophia's heart was pounding more now. She looked down at Spot for the longest time. He was so handsome, so grown up. She wanted to jump down, take off her hood and hug him and kiss all over. But there was no need to, Spot got up on the stage and looked down at her. He was taller now too. At least 6 feet. He placed a hand on her hood and held on to it for a moment before pulling it off her head. Spot wasn't sure who'd he find, but he remembered Sophia's song. It had been a year and he still remebered! Sophia took on final breath before Spot pulled her head off. Silence filled the whole place.

Spot held his breath for a moment; they both did. He looked down at her. How beautiful she looked. Her head head grown back was back to its normal waves and fancy curles. "Soph?" he finally said, after a moment of looking at her.
He cupped her face with her with his hands and kissed her. He then moved his arms so that he held her tight in his arms. Some people gasped while others blew whistles or cheered. Racetrack, David, Jack, even Les and all the other friendly newsies stood there in awe. They couldn't believe it. Sophia was alive!
Sophia put her arms around Spot's neck and deepened the kiss. It had been a long time since she felt like this. She absolutly yearned for this very moment to happened. It would play in her mind over and over again, wondering how it would turn out and now it was finally happening and she loved every second of it! "Where the hell ya been, Babe? Thou you'se was dead." Spot finally asked after the long kiss.
Sophia smiled. "Later." she told him and started to kiss him again.

The rest of the night was a celebration for Sophia and all her friends. Brian and his wife were shocked to see her alive and Sophia told Spot all that had happened and he wanted to go pour oil on the damn man's grave, but Sophia got him calm down. Sophia then realized that Brian's wife was pregnant.
"What...I thought that you couldn't...have children." She looked at her little round tummy.
She smiled. "I'm four months along. Isn't it great! I never thought it was possible either." It was true. Brian's wife was finally pregnant! She walked up to Sophia and placed Mary
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