» Romance » A Beautiful, Terrible Love, Lucky 97 [classic romance novels .txt] 📗

Book online «A Beautiful, Terrible Love, Lucky 97 [classic romance novels .txt] 📗». Author Lucky 97

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Sadie's happiness.
It was so... radiant, this beautiful aura that surrounded her, shown magnificently in each one of her buoyant steps. It was as if she was a whole new person. Before, she was not a sad person, but her attitude seemed different now. She was more thoughtful, more caring. Nothing I had ever seen with Sadie before, and I truly thought I had seen it all, had amounted to this.
This complete and total dreaminess that accompanied her wherever she went.
I could tell Jared was affected by her, her joy, her face always void of the tiniest speck of sadness. His face would brighten whenever she got closer. He would always engage her in the situation, distracting her from her happy daydreams. Sadie was unconsciously enchanting him, weaving a web around him without even trying. Jared was well and truly in love with my sister. I didn't really get it, at first.
However, during these days, I eventually grew to realize why Jared liked Sadie so much.
She, in her elation, was absolutely beautiful. She talked invigoratingly, full of energy and laughter, her giggle like the melody of the morning birds. Her blonde hair sparkled always in the bright sunlight, teeth gleaming as she opened her mouth yet again. Her liveliness was contagious, passing on to us as quickly as it came onto her. This was something new.
I couldn't understand it.
She had suddenly become as undecipherable as a baby's cries. I didn't know what she was really thinking, no matter how deeply I observed. I couldn't predict what she was going to do next. This was strange, and oddly, frightening
I only had one question on my mind at that time.
I lumbered to my locker, hurriedly swirling the dial to the correct numbers. The bell had just ringed, and we were all let out from school. The chattering of all the people was horrendous, overwhelmingly noisy. I sighed quietly. Why couldn't kids my age keep their voices at a normal level instead of screaming? It grew to be kind of old.
There was a loud, annoying click as the locker swung backwards, my stuff tumbling out of it, papers flying like little birds in the sway of the gentle wind. My eyes grew wide, immediately racing to catch the papers. The papers I wanted to return to Jared. I dodged over and under people, ignoring their annoyance at my pushiness.
I snatched up a handful of papers, holding them carefully, shuffling them into a thin pile. Jared's neat, admirable handwriting filled the pages, the size of his letters so small even I could barely read it.
I paused, my form coming to an abrupt halt as I finally made out what the minuscule letters were trying to communicate. I discovered their meaning, quickly, my eyes growing wide.
The wind bit at me as I trekked upstream through the wave of angry fish heading in the opposite direction. My heart pounding, I forced through the crazy crowd of people and headed towards the backpack I had left.
A beautiful guy appeared in front of me, suddenly, a Greek god in human form. His eyes were a swirly chocolate, his face as sculpted and perfect as could be. His lips were scrumptious, stretched into a smile, his pearly white teeth gleaming. With a body that was also as handsome as his face, he sure was a catch.
This was my Peter.
He carried my backpack in his strong hand, the crowd parting as he walked though. He towered over me, a giant, almost, but still managing to keep that devastatingly tempting allure. His smile grew wider.
"Hey Eve," his eyes crinkled a little in happiness, "I have your book bag."
He had been like this all day today. Ever since I said I would go the amusement park with him, he had been crazy with excitement and devotion. Shown clearly in his puppy-like attitude and frequent glances, I was almost caught... off guard by this change in behavior. It was like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders, like he was the happiest man in the world.
He thought I liked him, and he definitely liked me back.
And... I couldn't disappoint him. That would be too mean of me.
"Thanks," I took my backpack from him, setting it on my shoulders, carrying the papers Jared had written on in my delicate hands. Peter smiled sweetly, walking along with me as I plowed through the crowd, stepping through the gateway into the courtyard.
The sun winked at me as I looked up at the puffy marshmallows suspended in the moderately warm spring air. The cold winter was over, the flowers blooming, their petals pink and purple. The scene before me was amazing, splashes of every color covering it, swallowing me up in wonder at its beauty.
"Eve," Peter's rough, gravelly voice brought me to reality. He stood beside me, not looking at the gorgeous display of nature, but at my face, my form.
"Peter," I uttered the name softly, then smiled softly. "I would like some alone time. Can you give me that?"
I wanted some time to think... away from Peter's loving affection.
His face crinkled into a pout, but he backed away as I requested. "Tomorrow?" he called hopefully, his voice begging, tugging at me in ways I had never experienced before.
"Sure," I shrugged as I left the courtyard, the feeling of being uncomfortable evaporating when I was completely and totally alone.
I stumbled along the walkway leading to my home, turning my head to find nobody watching. The wind was the only noise, whispering into my ear with it's sweet taunts.
I meandered over to a rock, one about as big as a spare tire, and plopped down upon it, my hair whipping across my face. The papers smiled at me, begging me desperately to read them. It was so tempting... how could I not give into this desire?
I picked up the first paper, and began to read.

‘Dear Sadie,
I have been in love with you every since I met you. Do you remember? On that very first day, when Akemi asked me to sit at your table, and I complied with her request, my heart beating furiously in my chest, you were the first one to speak at my presence. You said "Jared". It was that one word, uttered with a voice as smooth as honey and as sweet as syrup, that made me immediately become-

It cut off, the words smeared beyond recognition. Obviously this was a first draft. I laughed, my giggles echoing in the wind. This was so sappy, and so unlike Jared. He was cool, calm, and collected. But this was a side I had never seen of him before.
I looked to another, my breath catching in my throat as I tried to process this next one.

‘Dear Sadie,
Do... you believe in true love at first sight? Or maybe, do you believe in soul mates?
From the very beginning, I have. I always have acted calm and collected, like nothing in the world could ever shake me. I know you think I am cold, with the way I throw around girls, leading them on, making them believe I am in love with them. And I know I deserve this suspicion. I am a player, and I know it.
But I, just like every believer, am looking for the right person. I try going out with these girls, because I never know which one could be THE one. The destined one. It may not be the best method, but for me, it is the only way. This is my nature.
But when I find that one person, I will never leave her. She will be mine, and mine alone. We will only share each other's kisses, our love blossoming beyond all comparison. We will comfort each other when our skin turns wrinkled and gray. We will be everlastingly happy, fighting through thick and thin to be by each other's side. No matter what happens to us, love will pull us through.
I believe she's out there.
I know she is.

There was rough fingerprints, scuffing the handwriting, smearing the pencil's emissions across the page. But, somehow, even though the last sentence was near impossible to read, I knew exactly what it said.

‘I'm not sure, and I may be dead wrong, but I think it might be you.’

The only thing left that I hadn't read was his small signature, with rough and jagged letters, as if he was afraid to write his name. I could feel his emotions with every word, every scratch and scrawl. He truly believed what he said.
I just realized that I was subconsciously shedding tears. This, somehow, seemed to relate to my own problems. I looked again to that one sentence.

‘But when I find that one person, I will never leave her.’

I sat, in silent agony, for ages and ages, my tears my only comfort.

I trooped up the rickety stairs, my face still ragged from tears, my emotions in turmoil. Everything was just a little dizzy to me, my world shaking with every step. I didn't know where I was going, for these few, strange seconds. My feet were just leading me, and I graciously let them.
Once my head cleared, and I was finally was able to think, I realized I was standing in my bedroom. Sadie's bedroom.
Sadie was here, scrunched over a piece of paper on her desk. Her blonde hair twinkled in the light, a stray curl falling into her face. She sighed, erasing a sentence then starting over. She didn't seem to notice me, focused clearly on the paper in front of her.
Her world-class bliss was emanating from her, brightly and contagiously, as she wrote. A smile stretched across her lips, a twinkle in her eye. She was unbelievably happy, which was strange. Since when was Sadie happy about homework?
I snuck closer, weaving around the miscellaneous objects that was scattered all over the wooden floor, creeping to the desk where she was working. Still she didn't notice me. It was as if she was in a dream world, her senses dulled.
I looked over her shoulder, and stared in shock at her words.

‘Dear Jay,
Thank you for your last letter. It made me feel extra special! I love you so much, and I can't help but feel lucky to have such an amazing man like you love me back. I really’

The last sentence wasn't finished, her pen still hovering over the unwritten words. "Don't you think that sounds a little cheesy?" I asked her curiously.
Almost in a murmur, she replied, "Sure," Suddenly, she gave a start, her arms flailing, knocking her jar of pencils all over the desk. Realization was finally coming to her. "What are you doing here?!" she asked angrily, her eyes narrowed into slits.
"Watching you write a love letter," I stated plainly.
She scowled, "I know that!"
"Then why did you ask?" I laughingly teased. She didn't seem to get that I was joking, shooting me a laser-like stare that could kill an elephant. I quickly added, "I just was going to tell you something," to try to save myself from certain death.
She softened just a little, her angry pout lessening. "What?" she asked.
Time was suspended between us, both of our hearts thumping. I began to feel sorry for Jared. "Jared... he... he-" I sputtered.
"Likes me?" she guessed, and correctly. My eyes widened in surprise.
"Yeah. How did you know?" I inquired.
"I AM the boy master," she grinned a little, the hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth.
"Sure," I said impatiently, "so what are
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