» Romance » A Beautiful, Terrible Love, Lucky 97 [classic romance novels .txt] 📗

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you going to do about it?"
"Do about what? Jared? I can't do anything. I don't want to," she said quickly, then closed her long lashed eyelids and smiled dreamily, "I have Jay."
"Who is he? This Jay?" I asked suspiciously, "He's not a druggie like that last one, is he?" The last boy Sadie dated was constantly drunk, with black hair that fell in front of his eyes and baggy jeans that were ten sizes two big. I didn't like him.
"Oh no! Jay is absolutely wonderful! I can't wait until we..." she abruptly trailed off. I knew immediately she was hiding something.
"WHAT is it, Sadie?" I pried.
"I promise, Eve, if you tell Mom, I going to kill you..." she muttered angrily, and then leaned in. I unconsciously leaned in also, wanting desperately to catch the words she was about to say.
"Jay and I are going to get... married," she said softly, dreamily.
I let loose a scream, jumping back from her. What I heard could not have been true. Sadie and married weren't even close to being in the same proximity.
"Shut up!" Sadie exclaimed, running and covering my mouth with her hand. She whispered, "We are engaged. Look at this pretty ring!"
I twisted my head to glance at the ring, immediately awed by it's splendor. It was a small sapphire, surrounding by silver and gold. The silver directly around the sapphire seemed to flare out, framing the gem perfectly. It reminded me of an ocean, with the silver as a tidal wave.
"Whoa," I commented, "Is he a doctor?"
"No, actually."
"Sadie," I sighed, all awe evaporated as I returned to the situation at hand, "we are both 17! We are way too young to marry. We still have to finish out our senior year! How old is Jay?"
"He's 20!" she protested angrily, "and we are both going to turn 18 in one week! I will be a legal adult, and I will be able to do what I please."
"And think about how badly you are going to hurt Jared..." I cautioned desperately.
"Look," Sadie said matter-of-factly, "I like Jared a lot. He's one of my good friends. But, I wouldn't be happy with him. I have someone I love. And if I have to hurt him just a little to achieve happiness, really, for the both of us, then so be it."
She did have a point there. However, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy that wrote the love letter crumpled in my hand. I didn't even try to give it to Sadie. I knew she wouldn't accept it.
Another love ruined.
"How long have you known him?" I queried.
"About... a month and a half," she said calculatingly.
"That's such a short amount of time!" Typical Sadie, though. She was so impulsive.
"It's long enough," her eyes shone fiercely, determination in her glare. "YOU found out Dex was your soul mate in about a month in a half too!"
"H-He... isn't" I said softly, sitting on our bed, dazed a little by her statement. Sadie gazed at me furiously.
"You're just going to give up on him? Just like that? Where is your faith?" she spat, disgustedly.
I stayed silent, not willing to quote Jared's letter in front of her, although I was picturing it clearly in my head. But when I find that one person, I will never leave her.
But what she said had struck me. Where was my faith? Did I not trust him enough to come back?
I guess... once I thought about it, I just didn't want to be hurt again.
A heavy silence followed while Sadie calmed down, her spirits quelled a little by my pained expression. She looked at me with some sympathy.
"You have met him before, you know," she said softly. I jumped a little at her sudden words.
"Jay," she smiled a little even after speaking his name. I looked at her, her face gleaming with love and devotion, her heart clearly displayed for me to observe. This was the most vulnerable state I had ever seen Sadie in. Somehow, this seemed real.
Sadie's love seemed to be true.
The doorbell rang, an earsplitting noise that nearly scared me to death. Sadie jumped up, her joy multiplied, then zoomed downstairs. I quietly followed her, wondering what was going on. We both stepped across the kitchen to the door, Sadie frantically, I curiously.
She threw open the door to a very familiar figure.
"Jay!" she exclaimed, running into him, burying herself in his jacket, his huge and muscled body. He made Peter look skinny in comparison, and his face was not too bad either. However, it was the height that made me laugh. At about five foot five, Sadie was incredibly short compared to this beast, who was probably around six foot four. However, they seemed to suit each other.
Shock consumed me, freezing me still.
"Dex's bodyguard?" I asked in amazement, "THAT'S who you fell in love with?"
"Former," the guy corrected, his deep and throaty voice actually enticing. Not what I would expect from a man like him.
"Isn't that just great?" she oozed with delight and satisfaction, her lips stretched into a smile. He just stood still, absorbing her affection like a sponge takes up water. The only sign of his happiness was a timid smile stretched from ear to ear. Sadie reached up to kiss his cheek, a difficult thing to accomplish without him bending down to let her.
I snuck out of the room, wanting to escape the madness I was just introduced to. In only about fifteen minutes, I learned that Sadie was engaged to a guy that just happened to be Dex's former bodyguard. And, on top of that, Jared's love was dashed to pieces.
I picked up a landline phone, dialing Jared's number... then set it back down on the granite tabletop.
I think I will wait until tomorrow to tell him.

Chapter 20

I weaved through the crowd, my red hair shining in the streetlights. My breathing was rushed, frenzied, as I hurried to the restaurant in front of me. I was late, and Serena HATED it if I was late.
The wind whipped across my cheek as I ascended the marvelous steps leading up to a magnificent building. The steps were pure marble, the building just as glossy. However, the outside was more of a white, while the steps were creamy. Windows, wide and stretching from the eastern side to the southern side, illuminated the beautiful, outrageously rich restaurant. A beautiful scene, of the ocean I loved so incredibly much, was displayed.
Swinging the pure gold door handle open, I stepped through the doorway. A hostess, with brown puppy dog eyes and blonde hair, smiled at my entrance. People chattered about at their tables, soft jazz music playing over it all. Fish in huge aquariums meandered around the coral, the attractions the aquariums offered. The walls were as light as the white exterior, the tables a silver that complemented it greatly.
I flashed her my movie star smile, and she melted like butter all over her podium. Even though these sorts of restaurants had celebrities every day, it was only occasionally that they would have such a high class rock star like me. I was like the "pinnacle" of VIPs, if you get what I mean.
"Hello," she greeted me, her smile sweet and innocent, full of caring. I could tell she was nervous at my presence.
"Hey," I replied, my voice playing with her emotions, encouraging her crush. I could tell she liked me, and I didn't want to ruin her dreams just yet. "I believe my-" I quickly coughed into my elbow, "friend is here already. The table would be under Dex...?"
"I heard that," Serena stepped up next to me, her voice flowing as sweet and smooth as molasses. She narrowed her eyes at me, then turned her deadly attention onto the hostess. "I'm sorry," she purred, turning on her charm, "he just is too shy to say that I'm his girlfriend," She grabbed my arm, encircling her own waist with it forcefully.
"Oh," the hostess was visibly disappointed, her cheeks flushing. With a forced smile, she led us back over to a table, one that was close to the sea, the beautiful, wonderful sea.
Seagulls darted over the water, skimming it, snatching up the little delicacies it loved. I watched them, free in flight, as they plunged into the water, then reemerged with their prize. It was wonderful, watching them try and try again until they succeeded.
I could feel Serena's hawk-like eyes examine me as I watched the fish squirm in the seagulls' grasp, measuring me quietly. She was absolutely gorgeous tonight, with a pink dress that flowed to her toes tying at the waist. It was a little tight, but gave her an innocent look. Her brown hair was curled, twisted into an elaborate up-do, a single strand of hair falling into her face. Her light brown skin was without a pimple, without a mar of any kind. Her face was wearing a beautiful smile with pouty lips. The hostess must have thought we were a cute couple.
But beauty can be deceptive.
"What are you doing?" she asked harshly as I watched the majestic birds shove the miserable fish into their beaks, sealing their fate forever. The sky was filled with puffy white clouds, the sun winking through the blanket of thin marshmallows. Free fish, fish that were stupid enough to be within ten feet of a seagull, jumped out of their confinement, soaring for a few seconds, then tumbling back down into the depths of the ocean.
How I wished, just then, to be like the fish, their scales rippling in the light, their discretion displayed for all to enjoy. Why couldn't I have that freedom? What did I do to deserve these chains?
"I'm... watching," I said hesitantly, my voice masking the desperate longing I was experiencing inside. Serena smiled, her perfect teeth winking in the bright lights. I could tell she was falsely grinning, instead ready to rip out my gut with her shark teeth. I felt a nervous tremor inside.
"Please pay attention to me," she quietly demanded, "everyone is watching you daydream."
I looked around quickly, to see no one staring at our forms. I looked at her questioningly, my eyebrow rose. Serena was paranoid.
"Um, okay," I complied with her request, looking at her awkwardly. We had nothing to say to each other. No words to express. Her brown eyes stared into mine, about as empty as the air around me. There was no emotion in them, no feeling. I could see her hands shaking, just a bit, as she scavenged the room for the staring people she professed to be there. She was way too self-conscious.
"Are you cold?" I asked her, my words, though nice and friendly, as icy as possible. I didn't want her to think I actually liked her. However, my gentlemanly side just couldn’t be ignored.
And of course, she takes advantage of my soft side. "Actually, I am," she frowned, staring at the fan above her, rubbing her arms to quell the Goosebumps rising on her arm.
I roughly took off my jacket, a denim one that I loved dearly, and gave it unwillingly to her. She snatched it out of my hands and shimmied into it, letting the denim caress her silky skin.
Ugh. Now I'm going to have to wash that jacket if I get it back, although Serena liked to take my stuff and never return, so I wasn't sure if my denim jacket would make it with me home.
She smiled, as if she was extremely happy over my kindness. I felt anger at her lack
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