» Romance » A Beautiful, Terrible Love, Lucky 97 [classic romance novels .txt] 📗

Book online «A Beautiful, Terrible Love, Lucky 97 [classic romance novels .txt] 📗». Author Lucky 97

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him, not even a hairsbreadth apart. We were one, two beings melded together until even we didn't know when I ended and he started. It was so amazing, this incredible bliss that tickled my skin and sent me into pure elation.
He reached to my waist, pulling me even closer, I wrapping my arms around his neck in return. This wonderful feeling immediately enlightened me, letting me know exactly who the enchanting mystery man was.
I finally broke the kiss, leaning back slowly. I let my fingers reach towards his glorious red hair, brushing it back out of his eyes. Somehow, my gaze got lost in them, those emeralds that were brighter than any jewel. He always did that to me, mesmerizing me, arresting my glance with his two green handcuffs.
"Dex?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.
"Of course," he smiled, his sparkling white teeth shining. His cologne, a scent that I could not exactly distinguish, was a delightful aroma that intoxicated my senses. I didn't realize that I had missed it until I smelt it once more, experiencing its enchanting flavors.
"You're... back!" I happily exclaimed, squeezing in even closer to him, shutting my eyes, immersing myself in this joy I was experiencing. It was enchanting, those few meager seconds.
However, there was something strange around me, interrupting my happiness. I could feel it, the distraction, and suddenly I couldn't stay in Dex's embrace any longer.
What was it?
As I was brought slowly to full awareness, I suddenly gasped as Peter came into focus, sprawled on the dirty grass. His body was slumped against the crisp stained blades, his arms by his side. Pieces of his hair was lying in his face, blocking my view of his slightly bruised cheek. He looked pitiful, his eyes worn and tired, his face likewise. I broke away from Dex's arms, though unwillingly, and ran to Peter's side. He seemed so desperate, with a small gash in his leg, blood running in little droplets from when he scraped his calve against a pointy piece of bark. No matter how stupid he just acted, no matter how scary he had been, I wasn't going to leave him like this.
I kneeled down by his prostrate form, slipping my arm under his and holding it tight. With my other arm, I grabbed a packet of Kleenex, holding it over the wound so the flow would cease.
When I was this close to Peter, even when he was unconscious, I always marveled at the perfection in his face. He had a clear complexion, tanned and chiseled, his jawbone strong and masculine. His eyes, a rich chestnut, sucked me into its depth, awakening flutters inside my chest. His lips were so soft-looking, sweetness emanating from them, signaling the intoxication contact would bring. None of that innocence was in his earlier kiss, only his beer tinged breath, and his unfocused eyes.
Why, Peter, did you have to be an alcoholic?
Honestly, I considered myself to be a little bit selfish. I never thought about Peter in all of my troubles. I never knew how much he had suffered. How did I think that he was perfectly fine through all this? That he wasn't hurt at all?
I could have helped him. Maybe, if we went back five years, I could have said yes to his proposal, becoming his girlfriend, having a great life. He probably wouldn't have gotten drunk then, being really happy.
If only Dex wasn't the man I loved with all my heart...
I glanced up at him, at his dubious expression, and frowned. "What?" I asked bitterly.
"He attacked you, Eve," Dex practically snarled, his voice of pure disgust, "he doesn't deserve to be called a man,"
"Does that mean that I don't help him?" I inquired incredulously, watching Dex's face droop slightly.
"Go ahead," he nearly whispered, "You win. Help him, but I still don't think he's earned any of the support you are giving him,"
I ignored Dex's last jab, stuffing the whole pack of white Kleenex onto his knee. Carefully, I pulled two rubber bands out of my purse, wrapping it around his injury. I watched him for a second more, wondering once again how he had suffered all this while keeping a meager smile on his face.
Suddenly, questions within me started to rise. Turning to Dex, I began to voice them. "Why did you leave? How did you find me?" I probed, looking at him directly in the eye.
He frowned, similar to when he delivered that disdaining remark about Peter, and said, "I followed you through the amusement park," he shrugged, "and I left because of... business."
I narrowed my eyes at him. Something about his words didn't ring true, with the way his voice wavered on the word 'business'.
He seemed to be inwardly debating on whether he should open his mouth more, to tell me something I didn't know. Subconsciously, I pleaded with him, my eyes widened. Why did he feel like he couldn't tell me everything? I trusted him, but this still hurt me a little.
"What about that girl on People magazine with you?" I quietly queried, keeping my eyes glued to his face. His face grew determined in response, his voice rising.
"She was not my girlfriend!" he spouted, "She just stuck to me like glue... she wouldn't go away!"
"You were eating with her," I plainly stated.
"Because she wouldn't get away from me unless I did!" he protested, his voice filled with revulsion as my accusation brought back some of his memories. Then, his tone dropped slightly, oozing charm and sweetness. "Eve, YOU are the only woman in my heart. Please remember that."
My heart began to beat wildly as the most popular rock star in America said the words I wanted to hear the most. Shock overloaded my body, eternal bliss sizzling directly around me. It was more than what I ever expected... and it elated me beyond all else.
He walked over to me, standing over Peter's body as I made the final adjustments to his bandage. The blood seeped through the Kleenex, spots of red appearing on the outward tissue, some droplets slipping down his knee. I looked in fright as the blood stains grew bigger, dyeing the tissue a deep ruby shade. I looked to Dex in fright, his face contorted in similar alarm. "What do I do?" I asked in alarm. He looked expressionless as asked him for his much-needed help, his face as blank as could be. Blood began to ooze outside of the bandage, trickling down Peter's muscled leg. Carefully, I brought my elbow over to his shoulder, hefting his weight onto my reluctant arm. I could feel sharp jabs of pain shoot through me, causing my legs to wobble underneath him as I lifted him up. I accidentally released a small, almost inexistent groan as I managed to pull him completely onto my slight body.
I struggled forwards, Dex coming to support me by carrying Peter's other side, my destination unknown. His feet dragged along the muddy ground as we carried him into the crowd, into the mass of people.
"Please!" Dex unexpectedly called, his voice sharp and shrill, "A man is hurt! Where is the health tent?" His voice was as smooth as butter, and as sweet as sugar, calling people to pay attention to his request. People actually stopped in their tracks, although I wasn't sure if that was because there was a beautiful man speaking, or that we were dragging a beautiful man. Either way, we pretty much ceased all action.
People glanced at Dex in wonder, taking in his appearance, his pretty hair shining as it fell into his eyes. His emerald eyes, as they gazed upon the crowd, seemed to single out each individual, making every one seem special to him. This celebrity effect, only given to a select few, was one of the qualities that separated Dex from his rivals; his ability to get intimate with each and every one of his fans with a single glance.
This was one of the reasons why I fell in love with him. Because he cared.
A rather portly lady emerged from the throng, crossing over to our side. With light silver hair and icy blue eyes, she looked like a former knockout, traces of her figure still left. She seemed to ooze superiority and authority, commanding respect. Carefully, she examined Peter as he slumped over us both. His form seemed even more bedraggled now as we dragged him, his feet splattered with mud.
"Come with me," she ordered, and we followed her. The grass crinkled beneath our feet as we trumped through the dispersed crowd, navigating quietly behind the lady. My heart ached with unsaid words, questions I wished to ask, but now was not the time. For a few minutes, I wanted to revel in this innocent time, this time before I attempted to satisfy my burning curiosity.
I was afraid everything around me would fall again, this temporary happiness ripped away by the horrible truth.
I looked up, as I struggled with poor Peter, at the beautiful night sky. It was pure black, an ebony that contrasted with the bright lights decorating the ferris wheel, the colors reaching into the night, yet only stealing the darkness directly around it. Stars twinkled, but seemed to back away from the brightness the park was emitting, staying towards the moon and away from the spectrum of colors. Just looking at their beauty seemed to strengthen me, encouraging me.
The lady finally came to a halt in front of a small tent. Away from the multitudes, it was a quiet, homey tent. It was decorated with splashes of red and orange, lights strung across the entrance. Across the side it said HEALTH, and then I immediately understood. The lady was a nurse.
"My name is Mina," she smiled at us, then immediately went to Peter. Lifting his arm from my shoulder, she slung it around her own, carrying him effortlessly. I marveled at her strength... It took us both to carry him and she just effortlessly did what we struggled to do. She walked carefully into the tent, Peter in tow, briefly disappearing. After a minute, she reappeared outside, her eyes focused. "I'll clean his wound," she said, rather resignedly, "give me a minute," Her berth vanished into the folds of the tent, out of our sight.
Dex leaned back against a tree, a beautiful oak with crimson leaves that seemed to catch the moonlight and display it on their veins. They seemed to match, Dex's incredible beauty and the tree's elegance. His red hair stood out among the bark, his muscular body blending with the similarly masculine trunk. His eyes seemed to match some of the tree's green leaves, as if each one was a single eye. They were both so perfect in their own way. They were different, yet startlingly alike.
I guess I was going crazy, comparing Dex to a tree.
The silent seconds stretched into minutes, Dex not saying a single word. His eyes stared into mine ceaselessly; as if he was trying to judge me, figure me out in some way. He seemed to be biting his tongue, as if he was holding back. As if he had something to say, but he didn't want to let the words escape his lips.
After a few more seconds, I couldn't take it anymore.
I crossed over to him, wrapping my arms around him, leaning against him comfortingly. He seemed to welcome my sudden embrace, holding me likewise, suspending us in time. At moments like this, everything seemed to stop, even time itself bending to our will. We were one with each other, our feelings mutual, nothing holding us apart.
Except for his hesitation.
I could feel it, a boulder in each
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