» Romance » What If: Flying Lessons, Jeffrey Graham [best short books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «What If: Flying Lessons, Jeffrey Graham [best short books to read .txt] 📗». Author Jeffrey Graham

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on your mind? Maybe if you tell me, it will stop bothering you and you can concentrate better." Gohan finished with a reassuring smile.

Videl turned away trying to hide her slight blush. Now embarrassment had overcome her once sadness and anger. 'I can't tell him my feelings! What if he doesn't feel the same way…Oh what do I do!?' she thought.

Gohan knelt down in front of Videl and put a hand on her shoulder. "Videl…" he said.

Videl couldn't help but look up and get caught in his big onyx eyes.

"…it's ok Videl…you can tell me anything." Gohan told her.

Videl felt like she was melting in his gaze. "Gohan…I…" she stuttered.

"KIDS! LUNCH TIME!" came a loud booming voice from Chi Chi.

All of a sudden an orange blur shot past the teenagers yelling, "OH BOY! FOOOOOD!!!!"

Gohan stood up smiling at his little brother running toward the house. Videl regained her composure. 'I can't believe I was really going to tell him…' she thought. Gohan then turned back to her, smiled and held out his hand to help her up which she gladly accepted.

"Well, let's go eat!" Gohan said with a big smile.

Videl nodded still slightly blushing. The she saw Gohan blush a little. "Gohan? What's up?" she asked.

"Well…do you…umm…need me to…umm…carry you back?" Gohan stuttered.

Videl smiled. "Of course I do silly" she said.

"Gohan smiled. "Ok" he said as he picked Videl up bridal style. "Hold on." He said and they flew back to the house where Chi Chi had a nice, and BIG, lunch prepared on the picnic table.

Gohan touched down and set Videl down on her feet. They both saw that Goten was already in his seat practically drooling over all the food. "Ok they're finally here mom! Can I eat now!!?"

Chi Chi smiled "Ok Goten, go ahead." She said

"Yahoo!!!" Goten yelled as he started grabbing all the food.

Chi Chi looked at the two teens who had just sat down. "You'd better fill you plates before Goten takes all the food" she laughed.

'How could Goten eat all of this?' Videl thought. Then she saw Goten eating and got her answer. Then she turned to see Gohan acting practically the same way.

'How do they eat like this!?' Videl thought with a shocked look on her face.

Chi Chi saw Videl's face and smiled. "So you still haven't gotten used to how they eat have you?" she asked.

Videl looked at Chi Chi and nodded finally deciding to try and eat some of the food remembering how delicious Chi Chi's cooking was.

"Well I hope you get used to the way Gohan eats seeing as you will be his wife." Chi Chi said.

Gohan spat his food out all over the table in surprise. 'Oh no…' he thought. "Mom! Not this again!" he said "Didn't I tell you, me and Videl are just friends!" he tried to explain.

'Just friends…?' Videl thought when she heard Gohan's words. A look of disappointment came across her face. 'So he just wants to be friends with me…wait why do I care anyway?' she thought trying to act normal again and began eating again.

But unknown to Videl, Chi Chi saw Videl's reaction to what Gohan had said and a big smile came across Chi Chi's face. 'Oh good!' she thought. 'Videl does have a crush on my Gohan! I better let Gohan know right away. I know he likes her too, a mother just knows. They will make such a cute couple, and give me such cute grandbabies!'

After a while, everyone had finished their lunch. "Well Videl, you ready to give flying another try?" Gohan asked.

Videl was still mad at her failed attempts to fly and was still thinking about what Gohan had said at lunch so she knew that her mind wouldn't be clear to fly. She would be thinking about Gohan too much. "Umm...actually Gohan, I think I'm going to just head home early today. There's…uhh...something I have to take care of." She lied.

"Oh…umm…ok Videl" Gohan said with a confused look as Videl popped her jet copter out of its capsule. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow for more lessons?" Gohan asked.

Videl turned to him and gave him a small smile and nodded. "Yup, see you tomorrow Gohan." She then turned around, got in her copter and with a final wave flew off leaving a confused Gohan waiving back. 'I need time to think Gohan. To clear my mind…' she thought as she headed home.

Gohan turned around to Chi Chi still cleaning off the table but still had heard the whole thing. "I wonder what's wrong with Videl. Do you think I did something wrong?" Gohan asked.

Chi Chi smiled at her son "I know exactly what's going on with Videl sweetie." She said.

"Really!?" Gohan said excitedly "What!?" he asked

Chi Chi just smiled even more. "I'll tell you tonight at dinner. Right now Goten has been complaining how Videl is making training no fun so right now I want you to train him since Videl is not here." She said.

"But mom…" Gohan started.

"No buts!" she said pulling out her frying pan.

"Ok ok!" Gohan said panicking. "Goten!!" he yelled

Goten cam running out of the house. "Ya Gohan!? Hey…where's Videl? Did she leave? Does that mean we can have our special training!?" Goten asked.

"Whoa slow down there squirt." Gohan laughed. "Yes Videl left so we can train." He said.

"Oh Boy!! Let's Go!" Goten yelled grabbing Gohan's hand and pulling him up into the air. "Bye Mom!" he yelled

"We'll be back for dinner!" Gohan yelled freeing his hand from Goten's and proceeding to challenge his little brother in a race and they both flew off.

Chi Chi just continued cleaning and then starting preparing dinner since she had to make a lot of food for her half saiyan children. 'You better be ready for what I will tell you Gohan because you're in for a big surprise.' She thought with a smile.

Chapter 5

'Why is it bothering me so much?' Videl thought as she flew home in her jet copter after her daily lessons at Gohan's. 'I've only known him for what? 2 or 3 weeks now? What do I find so…so interesting about him..?'

Videl continued her thinking until she reached her house. She put her jet away and walked through the big front doors of her mansion and walked into the kitchen to get a drink.

She noticed a note on the fridge from her dad. She pulled it off and read it out loud in a sarcastic way.


Out on a business trip that just came up. Will be back in about two days. Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone and no boys!

Love, Dad

'I can't believe he calls them 'business' trips' she laughed to herself, 'he just goes out to be adored by his fans.'

Videl then took a drink from the fridge and went over to the couch and turned on the TV. She had just gotten comfortable when the phone began to ring. Videl reluctantly got up and answered it.

"Hello?" she asked

"VIDEL! Where have you been!? I've been trying to get a hold of you for like…EVER!" came the voice.

"Ereza?" Videl asked while wincing from the loudness of her friend's voice.

"Of course it me! Now what's the story? Where have you been?" she asked.

'I can't let Ereza know what I've been doing with Gohan' Videl thought. "Oh nothing." Videl lied "Just hanging out at the mansion."

Ereza laughed "Nice try Videl, you were definitely up to something important if you wouldn't answer your cell phone." She said

Videl took her phone out of her pocket and noticed she had 10 missed calls and 13 unread text messages. 'Dang it' Videl thought 'I really was distracted…'

"Umm…ok, you're right. There was a robbery that I had to go take care of." Videl lied again.

Ereza laughed again "Nice try again Videl, I would have heard about a crime stopped by you already. What are you trying to hide…WAIT!..It's about Gohan isn't it!?" she said.

Videl blushed "Ereza! Why would you even think that!?" she said

"Because he's all you think about now! Ereza said "You keep saying he has secrets, and that he's hiding something…You like him don't you?" she said in a seductive way.

Videl's blush grew bigger "I do not!" Videl quickly answered.

"Then why were you hanging out with him today?" Ereza quickly asked

"Umm…no reason" Videl answered

"HA! So you were with him!" Ereza yelled

Videl mentally kicked herself for being tricked so easily. "Ok, so I went over to his house so that he could tutor me, so what?" she said

Ereza laughed once again. "Videl, don't make me laugh. I know you have A's in all your classes so I know for a fact you don't need a tutor. Oh this is so exciting!! You two would make such a cute couple! Now you have to tell me what you two did today!" she said

"Oh my God Ereza! Will you stop talking about this!?" Videl said angrily but still blushing.

Ereza sighed on the other line. "Ok, I'll let you go. It seems like you have a lot on your mind right now." Ereza said

'A lot on my mind? Just like Gohan said' Videl thought.

"But I want a full report about it at school tomorrow!" Ereza finished.

'Oh crap' Videl thought 'school…'

"Ok bye Videl!" Ereza said.

"Bye" Videl said

Videl hung up the phone and went over to sit back down on the couch. 'I'll never be able to fly if I keep thinking about Gohan…I need to do something about it…but how?' she thought as she slouched down into the couch. 'Hmmm…maybe Ereza can help me…'


"Hello?" asked Sharpner

"Sharpie! It's Ereza, guess what!!" Ereza said

"What now?" Sharpner said

"Guess who has a crush on Gohan!" she said

Sharpner sighed "You do" he said with a chuckle.

Ereza laughed "No silly…well not anymore."

"What do you mean?" he asked

"I mean I don't have a crush on him anymore because I can't get in the way of our friend's crush." She said trying to lead him on.

"Wait…you don't mean…" Sharpner stuttered in shock.

"Yup! Our Videl has a crush on Gohan! Isn't it great" she practically yelled in the phone.

"What!?" Sharpner yelled "Videl can't possibly like that nerd boy! He's a wimp! I'm supposed to be with Videl!"

Ereza sighed "Oh Sharpner, get over it. You know Videl will never like you."

"No! I won't believe that! I have to put a stop to this! Videl will be mine!" he said and hung up.

"Uh...Oh…maybe Videl was right when she said I can't keep my big mouth shut." Ereza said.


It was late, and Videl was laying in her bed staring at the ceiling deep in thought. 'So could Ereza be right? Could I have a crush on Gohan? But I'm Videl Satan! I don't get crushes on boys! I beat them up!' she smiled then turned over and closed her eyes. 'Maybe I can make an exception with Gohan' she thought as she drifted to sleep.


"Mom! We're home!" came a happy voice.

Chi Chi

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