» Romance » What If: Flying Lessons, Jeffrey Graham [best short books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «What If: Flying Lessons, Jeffrey Graham [best short books to read .txt] 📗». Author Jeffrey Graham

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was just finishing dinner. "Well it's about time you two got back." She said with a smile.

"Ya, Goten gave me a good workout. I can't believe he's this strong at his age!" Gohan said.

"Ya, but I still couldn't beat you" Goten pouted.

Gohan laughed "Don't worry squirt, I've been at this a lot longer than you, don't worry, at the rate your at, you will get there in no time." He said

Goten beamed at Gohan "Thanks Big Brother!" he then turned to Chi Chi when the smell of dinner reached his nostrils. "Ooooo!!! That smells good mommy! Can we eat now!? I'm starving!" he said.

Chi Chi had just laid everything out on the table and smiled. "Yes Goten, you may." She said.

Both Gohan and Goten jumped on the food and started devouring it.

Chi Chi smiled as she watched her sons devour the food in no time at all.

"Thanks mom! That was great!" they both said in unison.

"You're welcome boys. Now Goten, it's late so I want you to go to bed a.s.a.p. understand?" she said giving him a death glare.

"ahww…ok. Good night mommy, night big brother" he said as he bolted to the room he shared with Gohan.

Once Goten was gone, Gohan was the first to speak. "So mom, do you know what was wrong with Videl and why she left early?" he asked

Chi Chi smiled "Yes I do. It is because something is on her mind and bothering her. She needed time to think about it." She said.

"I knew it!" Gohan said. "No wonder she was having trouble flying today! I wonder what could be bothering her…"

Chi Chi laughed. "You really can't see it can you? Well I guess it's partly my fault for having us live out here where you don't have any interactions with girls your age on a regular basis." She said.

"Huh?" Gohan asked a little confused. "What do you mean?"

"Gohan, does Videl act differently to you than others?" Chi Chi asked.

"Come to think of it, she does" Gohan said "she's always giving me a glaring look and wants to find out all of my secrets. She never really started acting somewhat nice to me until I suggested she cut her hair."

'She even cut her hair because he suggested it?' Chi Chi thought 'Oh this is too good to be true!'

"Well Gohan, I think I know why she acts this way towards you" she said.

"Really!? Why!?" Gohan asked leaning over the table in anticipation.

"I'll say it plain and simple Gohan" Chi Chi began having fun keeping Gohan in suspense.

Gohan was practically laying on the table now.

"Gohan, Videl has a crush on you." Chi Chi finished.

Gohan practically fell of the table. "What!? No way! Videl couldn't possibly like me like that! I mean, she blackmailed me! Why would she do a thing like that if she likes me?" Gohan said now pacing the floor back and forth.

"Isn't it obvious?" Chi Chi said grinning. "She only did it to spend more quality time with you."

"No, she's only doing it so she can learn how to fly." Gohan said.

"Maybe she just sees that as a bonus." Chi Chi said.

"But…she never acts like she has a crush on me. I even suggested we go on a date but she said she would rather fight me." He said.

"Maybe she thinks of fighting you better than a date." Chi Chi smiled.

"Well….she doesn't act like Ereza does. She is always clinging to me. Why doesn't Videl do that?" Gohan asked

"Well girls act differently I guess. Maybe Videl just has trouble showing her affectionate side." Chi Chi said.

"Maybe…" Gohan said still finding all of this a little hard to believe.

"Do you know if Videl has ever liked another boy or ever had a boyfriend?" Chi Chi asked.

"No, she hasn't. I know because Ereza keeps telling her she needs to find a guy, but Videl keeps saying she doesn't need one." Gohan said.

Chi Chi sighed 'This will be tough' she thought 'Both Gohan and Videl are inexperienced with this kind of stuff…but then again neither was Goku' she smiled remembering their first date. "Ok Gohan. I think the problem is just that Videl is having trouble revealing her emotions. What you need to do is bring them out!" Chi Chi said smiling.

"What!? I never even said I liked her!" Gohan yelled

Chi Chi laughed "Oh Gohan, I'm you're mother, you think I don't see that you like her?" she said

All Gohan could do was look down and scratch the back of his head while blushing.

"Trust me Gohan; just get Videl to open up to you." Chi Chi said.

"But…how? I'm not really that experienced on how to deal with girls…" Gohan said.

Chi Chi chuckled "This is true" she said "But I think the best thins you can do is just be yourself. I mean who can resist me little Gohan?" she said giving him a big hug.

"Mom…" Gohan moaned, but smiled and hugged her back. "Thanks" he whispered.

"You're welcome" She said "Now; you should get to bed too. You need to get up bright and early for more training."

"Oh ya. And tomorrows Monday, so Videl will be at school in the morning so I can get in some serious training." He smiled

"Exactly" Chi Chi said. "Now off to bed."

"Ok, Goodnight mom, and thanks" he said walking out of the kitchen and to his room.

"Goodnight Gohan" She said with a proud and accomplished look on her face.

Chapter 6

Riiing. Riiing. Videl rolled over in her bed trying to block out the annoying sound of her alarm. Eventually she gave in, as she always did, and got up. 'Today's going to be a long day' she thought to herself as she went through her normal morning routine.

Once she had showered, got dressed, and had some breakfast, Videl went outside, decapulized her trusty jet copter, got in, fired up the engine, and took off for school. 'I doubt that Gohan will be at school today' she thought a little disappointed. 'He wasn't at school on Friday either…..probably because he wanted to train for the tournament…actually, that's not a bad idea. Maybe I should take off days to train too.'

Videl's thoughts led her all the way to school. She landed near the front of the school, capulized her jet copter, then took a long look at the school. 'Well, here we go' she said to herself.

Videl had hardly taken two steps towards school when she heard a voice calling her name. "Videl! Videl!" Videl turned her head to see a blond girl running up to her. Videl smiled and waved at Ereza. "Hey Ereza." She said

"Videl! Finally you're here. I've been waiting…for…you…" Ereza said trailing off

"Ereza? Whats wrong?" Videl asked

"Videl…YOUR HAIR!!!" Ereza practically yelled pointing at Videl's head

Videl gave a little smile with a little blush. "Oh ya, I just cut it."

"But why? I thought you like your hair the way it was." Ereza said

"Well I found out that it is a lot easier to fight with short hair, so I cut it for the upcoming tournament." Videl said making sure not to mention anything about Gohan suggesting it.

"Wow…" Ereza said still gazing at Videl's head

Videl let out a sigh and shook her head. "So how are you?" Videl asked trying to change the subject as two girls started their walk to school.

"Oh I'm fine Videl, but I don't want to talk about me…even though I'm so interesting" Ereza said in a very prideful tone which made Videl roll her eyes and smile. "Let's talk about you!"

Videl let out another sigh 'Here we go…' she thought as they entered into the school's main lobby.

"So tell me, is Gohan a good kisser?" Ereza asked with a smirk on her face.

"Ereza!!" Videl hushed looking around the lobby making sure no one had heard. "What are you talking about? I've never kissed Gohan! Besides it's not even like that" she said

"So what is it like…?" Ereza asked

"We're just…friends" Videl said after calming down.

"Hmmm… I see…" Ereza said as they came to Videl's locker. Videl then exchanged her books from her bookbag to her locker and vise versa.

"So…do you want to more than just friends?" Ereza asked in a more serious tone.

Videl could sense her tone, but wasn't sure what to say. 'Should I open up? Maybe Ereza could help me…but then the whole school would probably know…and my reputation would be in shatters.' She thought. "N-No" Videl finally stuttered out. "Just…friends." She finished slightly trailing off.

Ereza eyed Videl suspiciously noticing Videl's uncertainty. "Well…if you say so Videl." She said but in the back of the blonds mind, she knew Videl wasn't telling the truth. I mean being friends for so long, you get to know when they are telling the truth or not.

The bell rang signaling the beginning of school. The two walked to their first period class. Upon entering the door, Videl could see another blond waiting for them.

Videl sighed as she sat down nest to Sharpner knowing what to expect from him.

Sharpner wasted no time. "…Videl? Is that you…?"

Videl just rolled her eyes "Yes Sharpner, it's me."

"You cut your hair?...but why?" he asked

"I cut it so that my hair wouldn't get in my way when I fought in the upcoming tournament ok? Happy?" Videl said with a little annoyance in her voice.

Sharpner smiled "Ah, I get it. You look good babe."

Videl just rolled her eyes again. "Shut up Sharpner"

Then Sharpner remembered what he wanted to ask. So changing his tone to a more serious one, he asked "So Videl, What is this I hear about you and Gohan!? It's not true is it!?"

Videl shot Ereza a mean glare "I can't believe you told him!" she said but in her mind she knew that Ereza would. Ereza just gave Videl and apologetic wave.

"Well Videl…is it true!?" Sharpner asked again.

"No Sharpner! It's not like that!" Videl said not even looking at him and putting her palm on her forehead to support her head.

"So…you don't like him?" Sharpner asked praying that the answer would be no.

Videl didn't reply but inwardly shook her head. 'I don't need this' Videl thought 'I think I'm going to do what Gohan is doing and take school off to train…Then I could train with Gohan' she thought with a smile coming to her face.

"Well Videl?..." Sharpner asked again

Videl just remained silent in her thoughts trying to block out the annoying blond boy.

Ereza could see that the situation Videl was in was mainly her fault so she steeped in to help her friend out. "Sharpner, would you just mind your own business!" she said.

"Hey! I just need to know because I'm supposed to be with Videl!" he shot at Ereza. "She needs a strong guy, not some little weak nerd like Gohan."

Videl could not ignore what she had just heard and shot up to look Sharpner right in the face. "Gohan is not a weak little nerd Sharpner!" she said "And he's a heck of a lot cooler than you!" she finished

Sharpner was

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