» Romance » Two Is Too Many, Z.Stark n/a [free ereaders .txt] 📗

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a month now arguing because Deacon doesn't want to commit.

"Can y'all keep it down I was sleeping." I told them.

"Sorry." Said the girl umm her name started with a B or maybe it was an S. I don't remember Deacon is usually with a different girl each with he's only slept with 3 people supposedly, but this girl he's been with he hasn't had sex with her or even left her yet but she is definitely wanting a DTR, define the relationship, but of course Deacon doesn't want that. I feel bad for that girl he dated before him what was her name? Ummm Bethany or maybe this was Bethany I don't know but before her she said slept over but they didn't do nothing, Deacon left before she woke up that morning left a note telling her sorry it wouldn't work out to please leave his apartment. He better be lucky she left the apartment in one piece.

"I thought you left with Declan." Deacon said to me.

"Nope, I must've fallen asleep and he had to go do something I don't know." I said to him. I went to the kitchen and grabbed me a blue gatorade and a apple. I walked into the living room and turned on the tv to the Soccer game that was on, it was Puerto Rico against New England.

"Do you mind?" Deacon said looking quite angry.

"That's what your rooms for." I said back to him. I didn't care that he was fighting with that girl.

"Can you just go to watch your stupid Soccer game in Declan's room." He said. I got up and looked at him dead in the face.

"Don't you ever call soccer stupid, it's not my fault you can't tell this girl that you don't commit to nothing more than your own name," I turned to her and said. "I am sorry girl, he has been with you much longer than all the other ones. But honestly, he usually has a new girl each week most of them he doesn't even sleep with he just stops calling them, he has been with you the longest I have ever seen him with a girl." Then I turned back to Deacon and said. "Deacon you need to either learn how to explain to these girls you don't know how to commit so they don't get attached, also will you please stop looking at me like you hate my guts, I am not leaving, I am not scared of you, so just stop." I said when I finished I felt so much better. Deacon had his mouth wide open, and the girl was just like wow.

"Well, why couldn't you just say that?" the girl said to Deacon.

"It's different for a guy to put himself on his sleeve." He said to the girl.

"Thank you." She said to me. "No problem." I said back to her watching the game once again.

"I was wrong about you." Deacon said to me. I think that was meaning that he got a newfound respect for me. I don't know really but for some reason he was looking kind of cute, but then again him and Declan look exactly alike its like looking at Declan I guess. They went back into Deacon's room doing God only knows what. I watched the game again thinking about how cute those soccer players were and then remembering it was a game so I looked at the score and I was mad because Puerto Rico was losing.

"Shot the dang goal rookie!" I was yelling at the tv when Declan came behind me and kissed my cheek. "They can't hear you, you know that right?" He said with his cocky smile.

"Well maybe I should coach the team they suck." I said to him.

"Yet its your favorite team, why?" He asked me.

"Because even though they suck so bad they still face each team with more pride than the game before." I said to him, he laughed and shaked his head.

“Baby, why didn’t you wake me before you left?” I asked him.

“Becasue you looked so cute sleeping like a little angel.” He said smiling. I blushed so hard.

“So, what are we having for dinner?” I asked him.

“How about we order some pizza and watch some movies?” He said.

“Can we go bring my grandma something to eat and spend some time with her?” I asked him.

“Of course, hun.” He said kissing me. I kissed him back deeply while he laid me down on the couch. He kept kissing me agressively and I was moaning slightly.

“We have to stop.” I said in between kisses. “We’ll finish this tonight.” He said.

“You better get your brother out the house or we aren’t finishing anything.” I said to him.

“Okay baby.” He said kissing me one more time before getting up.

“So let’s go get my grandma’s food, spend some time with her, then pick up a pizza on the way back to your place, and stay in and cuddle tonight.” I said smiling at him.

“Okay, sounds like a perfect plan. Just let me go talk to Deacon real quick.” He said getting up knocking on Deacon’s door. He came to the door shirtless looking like are you serious.

“Hey man, can you take your girl somewhere else tonight I would like the place to myself.” He said to Deacon.

“Yeah man.” Deacon said shutting the door.

“Let’s go.” Declan says to me with a smile. We leave out in my truck but he drives because I really don’t feel like driving really. We go to my grandmother’s favorite chinese resturant. I go in and get her some Lo Mein and fried wontons with sweet and sour sauce. When I get the food I go back to the truck and put the food in the back and buckled up.

“Baby, is there anything else you wanna know about wolves?” He asked me.

“I don’t know right now. I just I have a lot on my mind. I feel like you can tell that but you try and act like you don’t.” I said bluntly.

“I can’t read your mind if that’s what your trying to say. I can feel your emotions though because your my mate. I won’t be able to read your mind till I imprint on you.” He said while pulling into my drive way.

“We can talk about it later okay. I just wanna have a normal night with my grandmother.” I said to him. He nodded his somewhat telling me okay that’s fine. I walk into the house and my grandmother is watching wheel of fortune. I kiss her cheek getting a eating tray ready for her. Sitting her food and stuff on it I grab her a drink and some napkins and hand it to her. No my grandmother isn’t really old or something I just do it to be nice.

“Hey grandmother, how’s life?” I asked her.

“I am doing pretty good. I finally got over that cold. How’ve you been?” She asked me.

“That’s good. And I been good.” I said smiling at her to prove it to her. Pretty much we watch tv for awhile catch up and talk about life and how close school is and stuff. When it’s time to go we are at the kitchen table talking.

“So Declan, have you been taking care of my only granddaughter?” She asked him skeptical like.

“Yes ma’am I have.” He said smiling at her.

“Good. Now will you give me some time alone with her. You can wait in the truck for her.” She told him.

“Yes ma’am.” He said walking outside to my truck I am guessing.

“What is it grandmother?” I asked her.

“Listen closely, because I am only going to tell you everything at once and I may never repeat it again. You can’t tell anyone what I tell you, you got to let them find out on their own, or till the time is right. You’ll know when the time is right trust me. Okay are you ready?” She says to me. I just shake my head yes. Too intrigued to really answer with words.

“You’re not human, your more than just a wolf though, your an angel, witch, vampire, and shapeshifter. Your father was a very very powerful angel, more powerful than any person on this planet. You’re that many things because your parents played around with genetics way too much. You ended up getting a lot of stuff, no one knows about you because I gave up being a witch to protect you from people from finding out about you. Now your scent isn’t really human many smell that but some feel like your something else. Which is true but they just over look it because you look flawless and innocent. Never trust anyone except the ones who can be trusted. You will know who they are when the time is right.” She told me this and it took a lot not to tell her she’s lost it but she was serious.

“I-I don’t think I am anything.” I said to her.

“It’s because you haven’t found your mate well you haven’t been imprinted by your mate yet. And also because you haven’t had anything or anyone to protect yet. But you soon will and you soon will understand it all.” She said looking at me serious.

“What’s going to happen?” I asked her.

“You’ll first start experiencing your angel side since it’s the strongest you’ll have various of powers mostly that pertain to earth, wind, fire and spirit if your lucky you’ll get your fathers healing powers, then you’ll get the witch side that’ll come with various things you’ll be able to finally understand that big book I gave you everything you’ll need to know about being a witch is in there along with the many enimeies weaknesses, and the rest will come little at the time. I am not too sure what will come first the vampire or werewolf first. But I think you know the werewolf will be a transformation you won’t understand when but your mate will help you out with that. The vampire thing when it need to come straight here so I can make sure you won’t hurt anyone.Now after you’ve been taught and after all is done things will change rapidly. Go and have a few more days of normal-ish activities. I love you.” She said while getting up opening the door. “I love you too.” I say as I walk out the door into the truck. I really didn’t know how I felt about all that. I got in the truck and buckled up.

“Let’s go get some pizza and go home.” He said driving off from my grandmother’s house. He got out and got the pizza that time. I didn’t know what to think about really so I kind of just went numb about the situation. I had so many questions but at the same time I didn’t even wanna believe what I was told was true. I tried to just stop thinking about it because I know Declan wants to have a romantic night together and that’s fine with me. I waited for him to get out of the pizza parlor but it seems like he mad a pit stop at the store. When we got home I got the pizzas out and took them upstairs, got us two glasses out of the kitchen, and went into our room. I laid the pizza and cups on the bed and went into the bathroom to change. I put on a pair of silky shorts and a tank top and went back outside of the bathroom to the room and Declan had this whole romantic, candles, and rose pedal scene going on and I thought it was adorable. I sat on the bed smiling at him I picked up a piece of pizza and started eating it.

“Someone was hungry?” He asked me chuckling a little bit.

“Yes very.” I said to him. I ate about two more pieces of pizza while he ate like 5 and then he put on ‘A Walk To Remember’ which by the

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