» Romance » Two Is Too Many, Z.Stark n/a [free ereaders .txt] 📗

Book online «Two Is Too Many, Z.Stark n/a [free ereaders .txt] 📗». Author Z.Stark n/a

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was suppose to bite. I kissed on his neck down a little further and bit down as hard as I could it felt like a wave of intense pleasure, passion, lust, and love just hit me instantly. When I was done I licked his wound but it didn't work out like when he licked mines. 

"It's okay, you can fix it later." He said looking at me. 

"Okay." I said. The clock hit 12 and my grandma's old grandfather clock chimmed loudly throughout the house. 





 When the clock hit midnight something in me changed. I fell to the floor and felt like I was having a seziure. My heart was racing and my body would not stop shaking. Then all of a sudden I saw this bright white light. 

"Oh, my beautiful daughter." I heard a deep males voice say. 

"Who's there?" I ask looking up seeing this man. Who was about six foot five, he had dark brown hair, blue eyes, and he was very very muscular. Then there was the fact he had these magnificant white wings. 

"Hello there daughter of mine, I am your father. I am the king of all angels and you my girl are about to go through a lot of changes in the next few months. Some are going to be easier then others and some you'll barely even notice. Your grandma knows what to do though. Be safe." He said this and walked into the other direction disappearing forever. 

I woke up in I am guessing Deacon's bed at the apartment. It felt weird to be there and honestly I was scared to walk out that door. 

"You're going to let me see her!" I heard Declan yell. 

"No, she needs time to rest. She went through a lot last night." Deacon said calmly. 

"SHE, went through a lot last night. I'm the one who got their mate stolen from him." Declan said emphasizing on the she part. 

"You wouldn't have lost her if you were just honest with her in the beginning." Deacon said still trying to stay calm and I could feel it too. Deacon was trying not to get upset and he was doing it for me because he knew if he got upset it would startle me in my sleep. I got out the bed and went to face what I knew was going to come eventually. I walked out the door to where Deacon was trying to not kill Declan and Declan getting pissed. I stood close to Deacon just in case I needed him to get me out of there and quickly. 

 "Declan, you done the one thing I never thought you would do to me. You lied to me. You lied to me for the majority of our relationships. You made me go through all of this and also almost made me miss out on my true mate. You broke my heart in so many different ways possible and I don't want you any where near me. Right now I know your hurting but which one hurts more me leaving you or you losing me to your brother." I said to him staring him straight in the eyes.
"When did you become so heartless?" He asked me.
"When you cheated on me with Rosie for a third of our relationship." I said to him knowing he would be shocked that I knew.
"You told her! It's bad enough you took her from me but you also told her I was cheating on her." Declan said towards Deacon.
"You tried to hide her from me! You tried to make sure she didn't even look at me. Because you knew if she looked at me enough she would realize she was with the wrong twin!" Deacon said looking at him getting really upset this time. I put my hand on Deacon's and it instantly relaxed him.
"Declan, you acted like someone you weren't for two years. You lied to me about a lot. You cheated on me and still tried to claim me as your mate. I want nothing to do with you ever again. So do yourself a favor and stay away from me forever." I said to him and you could tell he felt the pain that radiated from me. He looked like he just got slapped in the face. He knew that I didn't want to be with him that I found the person I was meant to be with. It was weird that after all these years that I finally found what I had been looking for and it was in my face for so long. I turned to Deacon knowing he knew what I was feeling at that moment. Declan left out the house slamming the door behind him.
"Baby, I think I am going to faint again so if you don't mind could you catch me." I said looking at him. And that was the last thing I could get out before I fainted again. I woke up again in Deacon's bed this time I sat up slowly. And tried not to move for a minute. His room was surprisingly very clean and organized. He had a book shelf with many different series on it, some movies were on there too, and he had a desk with a laptop on it that matched the rest of his fruniture. There was a nice sized TV in his room too.
"Are you awake?" Deacon asked walking into his room.
"Yeah, but my head is killing me. Did you catch me?" I asked him.
"Yeah I did but your grandma said your head is going to hurt for a little bit. She also told me to make sure you drink this." He said bringing me a cup of tea that smelled like there was so many different herbs in it it wasn't even funny. There was also a hint of peppermint in it which made it smell even better. I took a sip of it and it tasted amazing. I finished it up and handed the cup back to Deacon. Deacon sat the cup on the coster on his night stand.
"How are you feeling?" He asked me.
"Like a truck ran me over and a knife stabbed me in the heart." I said to him.
"At least you were completely honest." He said smiling at me.
"You know what would be great right now?" I asked him.
"What?" He asked me.
"If you would get up here and hold me." I said to him.
"I have waited for so long to hear you say that." He said looking at me. 


The First of Many Changes

The next morning I woke up in Deacon's arms not wanting to wake him I stayed relaxes in his embrace. He was shirtless, which gave me the view of his perfectly chisled body. I know I sound like a 13 year old girl describing Jacob's body from Twilight, but I mean Jacob has nothing on Deacon. Deacon's body was amazing, but it's his eyes that get me, I never really noticed how beautiful his eyes were until last night. His eyes look like the freaking universe to me, he has blue, green, yellow, brown, and a hint of violet in them. I don't really know how to explain them anymore than that. 

"Baby, why are you staring at my face?" Deacon said opening his eyes smirking slightly. 

"I was thinking about your eyes." I said honestly to him smiling at him. 

"You have a thing for my eyes?" He said questioning me. 

"Of course I do, they are amazing." I said smiling. 

"I have a thing for that beautiful smile of yours." He said leaning down closer to me smiling. 

"Is that right?" I asked messing with him.

"Mhm." He said kissing me softly on lips. As soon as his lips touched mines I melted into his arms. Kissing him was like nothing I have ever experenced before. Before I know it we were in a full on make out session his hands were on my waist tightly and his lips were traveling down my neck and before I knew it my body was reacting like it knew what it was suppose to do. Then this sharp pain went through my head and it made me want to scream but I didn't scream, I moaned really loudly not knowing it. 

"Baby, are you okay?" He asked me.

"I-I do-don't k-know." I said stuttering. He picked his phone up and called someone. I wasn't sure who it was exactly I just knew that he called them to help me. I laid back, I felt really dizzy, and the last thing I remember is Deacon calling my name. 

When I woke up I was in a room and on a bed I didn't recognize. I sat up way too fast, I started to get scared and frantic, I had the weirdest dream, I was in the woods running and doging trees like it was nothing. Before I knew Deacon busted through the door. 

"Baby are you okay?" He asked looking around the room. 

"Yeah, where are we?" I asked him. 

"Oh, we are at my packs house. Your in my old bed, well what I call my get away bed." He said sitting down in this computer chair. I looked down and saw that I was naked. 

"Why am I naked?" I asked him. 

"Because you shifted into a wolf. I promise I didn't look I put a sheet over you and carried you here." He said looking away. 

"I shifted! Wait, why don't I remember it?" I asked him. 

"It's normal. I don't remember my first time shifting either." He said. 

"Well, umm, can I get some clothes?" I asked him. 

"Yeah there's some in the bathroom through that door. I'll come back in when your done." He said walking out the door shutting it behind him. Once he left I went in the bathroom and slip on a pair of I am guessing new underwear and bra because it still had tags on it then some skinny jeans that seemed way too tight, a tank top and a cut off jersey for the patriots. I kept wondering where these clothes came from but then again I didn't want to think about it, I just wanted to go home and sleep. Plus, I was starving. 

"Baby?" I said peeking out the door. 

"I'm right here baby." He said looking at me. I smiled at him thinking I am so lucky to have him. 

"Can we go get something to eat then go home?" I asked him. 

"Of course we can baby." He said smiling back at me. 


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