» Romance » Wish, H.R. Davison [historical books to read txt] 📗

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off right, with the right people.”


“Okay…” I respond. What does she mean with the right people I think?


“You have a Facebook account?” She asks while tapping the screen of her smart phone.


“Yeah, I mean, doesn’t everyone?” I reply.


“Great! I will send you a friend request and an event invite. All the details will be there. Starts at 7pm, I better see you there!” She says as she stands to go without waiting for my response.


I guess I am going to party tomorrow I think to myself as I leave the café. My first day at a new school and I already have a friend. Dreading going home to an empty house I drive around the town with my windows down enjoying the cool breeze on my face. Not really concentrating on anything in particular my thoughts drift to DJ and Lilli. Lilli seems so nice, inviting me to her party. She is definitely one of the popular students at the school and DJ seems… well he seems like a jerk, a totally hot, obnoxious jerk.




“What’s her name?” My father asks, breaking me from own inner thoughts. His brown eyes matching my own, stare back at me. Sheen of sweat covers his bronze face.


We are standing on the mat in the training room of our large house. Sparing with my dad is a twice weekly activity, our bonding time. At least my dad makes an effort to be in my life, to know me as a person and not just a name with his genetics. My mother is distant and aloof, sometimes downright cruel.


Sweat pools below our feet, the tape wound around our feet keeps us from slipping in the moisture. My dad throws another jab in my direction, his taut muscles rippling under his tank top. I block it easily, my natural instinct kicking in when I need them to. It is a good thing, since my mind is somewhere else.


“Huh? What?” I say glancing at him as he walks away from the mat.


“The girl DJ. What is her name?” He asks again with a chuckle, pulling off his sparing gloves. He tosses them in them corner of the training room, signaling the end of our session. Walking away from me to the bench; he grabs a towel and wraps it around his neck to soak up the sweat from our match. “There has to be a girl. I haven’t seen you this distracted since the summons.”


Is it that obvious? I check the clock above the door. We started training forty-five minutes ago? It feels like we just started. I must be distracted. I can’t hide anything from my father. I take off my gloves and throw them in the corner with my dad’s. Laughing I tell him, “Her name is Kat and I wasn’t distracted!”


I am distracted though. I can’t get her out of my head. I keep thinking about her luminous green eyes, her soft creamy skin, and her smell. She smells like what I would imagine sunshine would smell like, if it had a scent, bright, warm, and comforting.


“Sure, right, sure.” He says nodding to emphasize each word, “Then why have you been standing there in a daze while I run laps around you?”


“I’m focusing on school?” I say jokingly. School? What a joke. I don’t even know why my parents are forcing me to keep up the front. It’s a sham. Nothing I learn in that building is going to help me. Since the summons I have been doing the barest minimum to even graduate. I know it is important to my parents to keep up a normal appearance or I wouldn’t even bother doing that.


My dad laughs at my joke, clutching his flat stomach. His broad shoulders bob up and down. He knows how I feel. When I turn eighteen in less than two weeks, everything will change. I will come into my power, as is my birthright. A day I had once been looking forward to since I was old enough to crawl, but since the summons I am now trying to enjoy what little time I have.


“Kat huh?Meeeee-owww.” My dad says walking away to the door. He tosses me a towel. “What makes this girl special? I seem to recall you are quite the ladies’ man DJ. Who was it I caught you in the bedroom with last week? Lisa? Leslie?”


I groan at the embarrassing memory, my dad walking in my bedroom unannounced catching us squealing under the covers. “Lynn.” I state flatly. What was I thinking hooking up with her? I am still dodging her calls to this day.


“Yeah, yeah, her.” My dad says, still in the mood to tease me he continues, “And the week before that it was uhhh, Stephanie.” He says snapping his fingers. “Then Julie, then Amber, then…”


“I get it dad!” I shout, cutting him off, “I am a player. But this girl… this girl is something else. She is different. She is special. I don’t know how to explain it.” How do I tell my dad that I feel drawn to her in some way? She is the yin to my yang. I would gladly give up the opportunity to be with another girl, for just the chance to be with Kat. Why do I feel so strongly for a girl I just met? It’s crazy. I have only felt this way once before, and that wasn’t real.


“Ahhh young love.” He says batting his long eyelashes dramatically.


I roll my eyes at him as I mop the sweat off the back of my neck. “Just… don’t tell mom. Okay?”


“I will keep this between just us guys.” He says with a wink, he turns to walk away stopping as if he forgot something. “Have fun DJ, but remember not to take it too seriously. You know what you have in store for you, and you cannot afford to be distracted. Do not forget that.”


“Yeah I won’t.” I say. I know I can’t afford to be distracted, not while the Fallen holds my life in their hands.


After cleaning up from my work out with my dad I decide to hang out with the guys. I drive over to my friend Jared’s house. He is a football player, star quarterback, and has been my best friend since grade school. He is outside playing basketball in the driveway with a couple of other jocks on the football team. Some girls are sitting in lawn chairs out of the way, giggling and staring at my three sweaty friends without their shirts on. I park my car on the side of the road and jog up the driveway to the group. “Hey got room for one more?” I ask stripping my shirt off in the heat. I hear the girls giggle when I take my shirt off. I may be interested in only one girl at the moment but I’m not dead, I look over at them with a smile.


Three girls are sitting in a semi-circle of lawn chairs facing the asphalt driveway. I recognize all three of them, Lilli, Jessica, and Amber. I groan to myself, great Lilli is here. Things between us have been on edge since our split last spring. We have tried to stay friendly, but seeing as how she used me and broke my heart, it has been difficult. I save my best smile for Jessica. She is the only one of the three I don’t already know intimately. Her cheeks turn bright red under my gaze causing me to chuckle to myself. “Two V. Two?” I ask Jared, pulling my eyes from Jessica’s long tan legs that are stretched out in front of her. Her short cheerleader skirt barely covering the top half of her thighs. I get an eye full when she casually crosses her legs grinning at me.


“Heads up.” Jared yells at me, tossing the basketball in my direction. I catch the ball deftly and start dribbling. We play basketball until the sun sets and it gets too dark to see the net, while the girls sit on the sidelines cheering us on. Jessica keeps trying to catch my gaze every time I look in their direction, but I focus my attention on the game. I don’t want to ruin my chances with Kat just for another quick fling with a cheerleader.


After the game I say goodbye to the guys and head back to my car parked at the curb. Lilli calls out to me as I walk away. I pause midstride wondering if I should just pretend like I didn’t hear her. Too late I hear her puffing up behind, out of breath trying to catch up. “DJ…” She says panting, “Hey are you going to make it to my party tomorrow night?”


Her annual party is basically the get together of the year. Being invited decides your social status for the school year. I had never missed it before. “Uhhh sure.” I tell her, stuffing my shirt in the pocket of my cargo shorts.


“Great!” She exclaims, “Look I know things between us have been weird.”


She could say that again. After I found her with another guy I lost it. I thought Lilli was it for me, I thought I loved her. I think I still may love her now, especially with her being this close. Her intoxicating smell invades my brain like a cloud. I clench my hands into fists at my side to keep from reaching over and touching her. “Yeah.” I mumble under my breath, trying not to look at her.


“Do you hate me?” Lilli asks with a pout. She takes a step closer to me and rests her hand on my bare chest. It sends shivers down my body. I hate myself for it. I resent my body for wanting her so badly. My only saving grace is that I know it is engrained in my genetics to want her. It isn’t my fault. I try to think of Kat.


“I don’t hate you Lilli. I just wish you had been honest with me from the start.” I tell her in what I am hoping is a bland tone. I don’t want her to hear the wavering in my voice. I continue to look at the ground, silently cursing her.


She abruptly takes a step away from me and pulls her hand away from my chest. I exhale loudly. I had unknowingly been holding my breath. “Well you know why I couldn’t, it’s not like Daddy just wants me announcing what I am over the intercom at the school.” She says gruffly. “And besides, you kept secrets from me too.”


I sigh in exasperation. I know how she feels and I can empathize with her. We are both in the same boat. “I know.” I tell her, “Look I have to go.”


She grins at me, “Yeah, okay. I just wanted to tell you the new girl will be at my party tomorrow. I saw you trying to make your move.”


Kat will be there tomorrow? Now I am definitely going. I give Lilli a big grin to show there are no hard feelings. “See ya.” I wave as I get in my car.


“Later! Oh and see, I can be a good wing man!” She shouts at me as I pull

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