» Romance » Life, K. Green [rosie project txt] 📗

Book online «Life, K. Green [rosie project txt] 📗». Author K. Green

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I went down of his back, when we arrived to another cave he just caught my sleeve of my sweater and pulled me to follow him. How many caves are around here... geez? He went deep in the cave and transformed into human. I couldn’t see him.

“Take your clothes off”


 “Take your clothes off and put these.”

“Are you crazy?”

“For last time I’m not crazy ok? Tomorrow we’ll go to your parents, they will explain everything to you. ”

“My parents? What the heck?”

“Change your clothes, and I’ll tell you everything you want”

I look at him and I nod. I change my clothes after I made him to turn around and not to look at me. Well after all I’m girl you know? I am soaked wet... so, I got rid of everything and I wore just one sweatshirt, which was way too big for me. After I changed my clothes he pulled me deeper in the cave. There are some kind of stairs which led down. We came at small room. There’s huge bed, with night stands, small kitchen and fireplace against the bed. Styles lighted up the fireplace.

“Want something to eat?” I shook my head. I climbed the bed and I looked at him

“What’s all that? What’s happening, and most importantly, am I getting crazy? ”

“No… you feel the attraction too, which is normal. I feel the same”

“What do you mean?”

“All wolves has a mate. If he can’t find his mate he goes for a human.”

“I know the main things, we studied that in school”

“This makes things easier” He started walking around the room “Let’s start like that. Your transformation is soon, you can’t go through it without me. “  he notices my next question and answers instantly “Because you are girl. Your body is weak, and you are sensitive, that’s how your body is made.” I nod “If you are not with me, you can die.”

“What’s about this ‘tied up for life’”

“You find your mate, things gets complicated. You can’t live without me, I can’t live without you. The chance for kids is low”

“Say what?”

“But with me. We can make it possible” I sighed.

“So everything is related between us?”

“Yes, look I want to help as much as I can.”

“I can see it” He sit on bed next to me and smiles.

“It’s hard, nobody deny it, but we are here to help you, I’m here for you”

 I move closer to him.

“Can you hug me? Tight?”

He lifts me, and put me in lap, facing him. He hugs me tight

“Sorry, that everything came like that”

“My parents fault” I whisper, I hug him and laying my head on his shoulder, and after all I fell asleep.

At the next morning I woke up in the warm bed. Styles was sleeping next to me. The fireplace was still lighted up, I guess he kept the fire alive all night for me… I smirked, am I lucky? Even if I am, isn’t this too going way too fast?

I start walking around the room biting my nail on my thumb. I’m going to meet my parents soon, and I don’t know if I should be pissed. I sit front the fireplace, my head was empty, and hours were passing slowly.

I laid in bed again, this time he automatically hugged me, and hid his face in my neck.

My life? What’s going to happen with it? To throw it away, so I can run after them like a little puppy? No that’s not working for me.

Styles? What will happen with him? I never had boyfriend, because of Ron and Rachel, and now I had one after we said 2-3 sentences? That’s a miracle. I smile maybe I can live like that, in his warm arms and his intoxicant scent.

Chapter 3

Catherina’s P.O.V


After a small nap, Styles decided to wake me up. It was time to get going, for the more… information to be told.

Weather outside is warm, and it’s getting darker as the night is falling down once again over our heads. The forest is still keeping the sun shines in their crowns, everything is still wet. Ground is full of mud still. I take deep breath… fresh air.

“Walk?” Styles asked.

“Doesn’t matter”

“Let’s walk a bit then”

We start walking, while watching the ground I could see his steps from yesterday. His paws are huge, almost as my hand…

“Do you accept me?”

“Accept? Accept what?” I asked


“For what?” I ask watching the ground so I don’t fall. Stupid roots and dead branches.

“For everything I told you yesterday”

“I suppose, and what should I do actually?”

“Absolutely nothing, just my work will be little hard. Because you are the first girl of Dan’s family”

“I don’t get what you mean”

He took my hand in his, and he led me forward, I follow him.

“Your family… always had boys for kids, which makes you first girl of Dan’s family. I know what you are thinking, what about the marriages? Well I thought the same at first, but it’s not like that. All the wives had boys for kids. Your father is… rare… situation I suppose. Actually one 80% of the wolf’s population all over the world is male.”

“So my mom is not wolf?” I said the first thing that came in my mind

“Yes and she will die.”

“Why he married for a human? And doesn’t this make me half wolf” he laughs, well I don’t find anything funny in this conversation.

“Nope” he explained “Or you are fully a wolf, or you are not. My mother for example is not a wolf too, but I am, anyway let’s get back to the topic.” How fast he changed the topic for his mother… interesting “Your father had feelings for a girl who was a wolf, but she loved someone else, and fully ignored the attraction between them both. He couldn’t take her from the other man so… he…”

“What” I asked

“He killed them both. If you can’t take your mate, you kill him or her and the person that she or he loves.”

“So you want to tell me, that my father a killer?”

“No, no he’s not. That’s a law in our world. If you can’t take the thing you want, you just make it disappear forever.”

“So if I don’t accept to be with you..?”

“I can kill you anytime I want. However you look at it, I am the perfect man for you. You can’t find person like me anywhere. I’ll be your best friend, husband, protector anything you want. The fate is a fate. You can’t change it, or you accept or you die. Easy and not complicated at all... ”

I start to walking slower and slower… my brain can’t get it… he can just kill me? Without his eye to blink? Is he kidding with me? I look him and I drop his hand. No… I’m not going to stay with this guy.

“Cath?” I start stepping backwards, my eyes filled with tears, then I ran away from him without a direction. I don’t look back.

Why he had to tell me this? Why this is happening to me, why? Why I feel hurt? Why? Why? Why? Questions that I can’t even answer on, and how I am supposed to fix this mess? What about the fear that raise in my mind and body when I look at him and thinking of him? What’s going to happen now? I don’t want to die. I am not ready to die yet.

I know he’s following me, he’s giving me space to accept all the new things… but can I do it? I stop running and I sit on the wet ground in front a tree, and I rubbed my eyes. Do I have a choice? They just pushed me in the deep, in the unknown world. I start sobbing quietly.

My body started heating up, a lot and this made me panic. In my whole body had shivers of hot waves and spasms. I shrank into a ball and I raised my head to the moon. It was shining. My whole body is in agony, I am all sweaty, I can’t even help myself. I don’t know what to do… and this made me panic even more. I hear steps near me. I knew that’s him. I am breathing heavily.

“Cath” he said “Try to calm down” his words helped me... but not enough

“I… I can’t” I take breath through my teeth

“The panic is not helping you right now” he fell on his knees front me

“I’m scared”

“Of what?”

“You… everybody… everything…” now I start to get angry. I don’t want the fear to take over me. But the anger is not a solution too

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, we are just humans.”

“Human?” I said “YOU CALL YOURSELF A HUMAN?” I scream. I push him away from me and he fell on the ground obviously not expecting my rage. “Don’t call yourself a human” I said quietly with threaten, even with the whole pain and spams in my body I could move. I move over him “You’ll be NEVER BE A HUMAN” keep screaming “You are MONSTER. I AM A MONSTER. You and your whole Sect are all MONSTERS. AND you can’t change that.”

He fights back, pinning me on the ground with his body and growled to me. It was like an order to calm down. It doesn’t work on me, I couldn’t listen to anybody. I try to scratch his face, but he is too fast and placed my hands over my head.

“Calm down.” He said and growled low again, still not working for me. He moved his face near mine his lips are almost on mine, I could smell his intoxicant scent, he smirks on my reaction. Meadow and mint. It is like a drug for me. I take deep breath before loud cracking noises appeared. They came from my body. I scream caused of the pain, and he immediately, let me free. I try to stand up and I couldn’t. I see his pain in his eyes. He went through that too, if he did… which means I’ll do it too. He can’t help me about this… fuck.

I scream for one last time, and big hot wave went through my body. The pain is gone, I am a wolf. I am laying on my side. First thing I saw a black paw next to my face, then Styles who is staying over me, in his wolf form.

“Are you okay?”

“You talking my head…”

“That’s one of our abilities as mates. Come on stand up.”

He made few steps backwards and making me a space to stand up. I feel like a newborn deer, I couldn’t stay still on my legs. Funny isn’t it? When I kept the balance he make few steps towards. I feel... tiny staying next to him. I could go under him like newborn cub, looking for a protection.

“You are so small” he said n he sniffing my fur.

“Is that an insult?”

“No… you are cute.” He rubs his nose in mine “Let’s go? I guess we were away from home for long time now. ”

“I’ll follow you”

He starts walking slowly, so I can get used to it, I was walking next to him. I looked the ground. I noticed my pawns were white... so my fur is white?

“What color I am?”


We started to run, I felt free. The speed

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