» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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be found. Going back through the exit I had found before I watch around holding the plant as far away from me as I can. That bitch! She was trying to knock me out! Is the plant deadly or something? She said she just wanted me to stay by the fire. I make it to a fountain, and I toss the plant to the ground. I look down at it, and my anger grows, into a beast.


"You're okay!" Tatum says behind me, and I just stare at the plant. I knew he would come. I didn't even have to call out for him. "Lyra?" He asks, touching my shoulder. I whirl on him, pointing and yelling.


"She was going to kill me! She tried to drug me! Why didn't you come sooner!? Who was she? Are you engaged? I want her dead! Beheaded . . or injected with someting!" I babble in hostility.  He stays quiet as I let out frustration. I continue and I keep thinking about how close she came to killing me.  "I thought you were going to have some one watching me!?"  I point at him, glaring. Ready to swing at him. I refrain from that to see if he answers.


"I thought you could taek her yourself." He sighs looking down at me. "You couldn't." He adds. My fist flies. I get him in the jaw. I feel bad for a second, why am I so hostile? "That hurt." He says rubbing where I hit him.


"You're a  . . . ahh.. . ." I struggle on words everything coming my mind is horrid. "You're an ass!" I say pointing again, then I put my hand down. No need to point I don't think it will help right now. "What took you so long! You obviously knew I was getting my ass handed to me!" I yell, getting in his face. I'm about to boil over, and I don't know why I'm so worked up.  Looking each other in the eyes, we’re both quiet. He doesn’t know what to say, I have tons. “Admit it. You didn’t come to help me because part of you wants me dead. It’s your nature,  wanting to see a good person die. You probably wished you could end my life instead! That’s why you came and stopped her from killing me! You wanted to safe me for you!” I start yelling, without thinking. As it all of it comes out I want to shut up, and take it back. I don’t believe that! I know he cares about me! Say your sorry! I can’t, rage has filled me!


“No! Lyra, you’re wrong!” he yells, I look at the ground I know I am wrong but my lips wont move or open to speak! He grabs my shoulders, and I notice just how close we are. Almost touching.  “I don’t want you to die! I didn’t save you earlier because I was having family troubles, and I came as soon as I could.” now he whispers, looking down at me. I can tell what I said hurt him. I’m a bitch that’s all thats to it.  All day since what happened. I look down at the plant.


“What is that?” I ask, moving away. I pick it up, and he snatches it from my hand. “What?” I ask.


“No wonder you’re so worked up.” He says and with a wave of his hand the burnt plant is gone. I sit on the edge of the fountain waiting for him explain. “It’s a plant that is only grown in my home land. It has multiple purposes depending on what part of the plant is being used. The plant is literally called Rage.” is all he says sitting next to me. A plant called Rage. I think I can figure out what it does. It cause people to become mad?


“Why would you need a plant like that?” I ask him, looking up at him. Even while we are both sitting he is way taller then me. “Need to eat or sniff it to make you more evil?” I blurt out.  God dammit! He actually laughs, and that pisses me off more. “How long is it the system for?” I ask, remembering how I snapped at Chaston and Chase. That stupid plant is why! Now I really want to kill that lady!


“Depends on how much you got. . .” He pauses looking down at me a second. “Which I  think you got quiet a bit of it.” He adds, and mumble calling him nasty names.


 “But, I past out too.” I say, standing up. Sitting is making me  aggravated for some reason. He makes  noise that sounds like thinking. “Unless there was another plant in the fire. He just sighs. I whirl again. “I don’t know about you. But I care about what she did to me! I want her to have stitches in her side, and sprained ankle and I want her dead! Oh, I want to cut her head off myself!


“I think you need to cal-“ He stands trying to stop me from pacing.


“No!” I yell, pointing. Out  of no where wind blows for behind me and he goes flying. “She has to feel everything I felt!” I smile, seeing the picture of me stabbing her with a chunk of glass. Tatum stands, wiping off his shirt. “You could hep me! I need a way to get to her, where is she?” I ask. He doesn’t speak. I grab him by the collar of the shirt, getting in his face again.  “Where is she?” I threaten him.


“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” He asks, grabbing my hand thats gripping his shirt. Somewhere to be? What? “It’s 6:00.” He sighs. Six? What’s happening at six? Letting go of his shirt, I watch him. What is he talking about? “You have an appointment.” He says.


“Appointment?…” I say, thinking. “Elijah!” I utter.


“Yes, the doctor who pays very close attention to you for some reason.” He says narrowing his eyes at me. Stepping away from Tatum, I look at myself. I look alright, of course for almost being killed I look pretty good. What Tatum said goes through my mind.


“You know about the appointment?” I say even though I’m getting the feeling it isn't really an appointment.  He nods. “He pays attention to me?” I say questioningly.


“Yeah, it’s weird. He watches you, and is different around you. More open, it’s weird.” he says waving his hand. I can’t help but smile. So, he does he act like himself around me? Maybe he is a complete fake! Oh that lair! Almost consumed again, I tell myself to not jump to conclusions.  “What are you smiling about? … Don’t tell me you like him?” He says standing up straight, looking at me  funny.  I don’t say anything, and I hope my face isn’t turning red. It feels like it though.   “Haaa, Lyra. You’re to cute.” He says appearing in front of me. He holds me face in his hands. “Be sure you don’t break the little princes heart.” He says, and then he is gone. The prince? Was he talking about himself? Isn’t a Lord or Duke though? Sebastien is a prince. . . oh. Fuck!  So he knows that I like Elijah, and Sebastien. Do I like Sebastien? Yes, I do. Elijah though. I can’t even begin to think about him. I need to find him anyways. It’s probably ten past six now!


Heading back inside the palace, I run to my hospital room. I assume that’s where he will be. It takes me what seems like years to finally find my room, and the lights are turned off. The window curtains are closed. It’s pitch black. No light, I can’t see anything. Looking on the wall for a switch, I bump into something, and there is a sound. Almost like someone trying to scream, but they can’t. I turn around, it’s still dark. I try to go back to the door, it’s locked!


“What the hell?” I panic. “Light switch!” I scurry the walls again. The noise is still going off, maybe it’s one of the machines. Okay, now I’m just pissed! What the fuck, the light switch was just right next to the door!  “I swear I’m going to kill somebody!”  say, then my hand passes over the switch, flipping on the light, I blink my eyes, so they can adjust.  “Oh shit!” I say turning. In front of me is the crazy lady from earlier, and tied up in chairs are Chaston and Chase.  Chaston is crying with make-up running down her face. Chase is trying to break the ropes tying him up.  My hospital room is torn apart, and Chase is bruised. I guess he has had some training, and got his ass beat too.


“It would be a shame for the princess to die.”  The crazy lady speaks, flashing a knife behind the two of them. Chaston screams the best she can, and starts shaking.  I’m frozen, what the hell am I supposed to do? Last time I fought her I got my ass beat, I don’t plan on fighting her again. I do have stitches!


 “Why are you here! You made your point.” I say, ignoring Chaston and Chase. “I not going after him though. Why do people think I am?”  I start babbling. Chase and Chaston both now are quiet listening in. Which gets me going again, great! Now they might find out about Tatum. . .  but there isn’t anything going on! She lifts her arm, and whips it towards me letting go of a throwing star.  I dodge, by ducking grabbing a tray thats one the shelf behind me. It supposed to be a lunch tray not a weapon! Standing I whip it at her like a frisbee. She doesn’t duck in time and I catch her right in the forehead. She falls back, and I rush to help Chaston and Chase. I get Chase untied first, which is probably the wrong choice. I’m supposed to be protecting the royals. Moving on to Chaston, I feel a pain in my side, and I almost topple over. Grabbing Chaston’s chair for support I tell the two of them to run, they do. That’s when I get,  the wind knocked out of me. Once my vision comes back I look up and the girl has her foot on my chest, holding me down. She is smirking at me evilly.  She sinks down putting more pressure on my chest, and I start gasping for air. I’m trying to push her foot off of me. Her hand goes over my neck, oh god she is going to suffocate me! I struggle more under her even though that is exactly  what you are not supposed to do!


“What’s this?” I hear her snicker, and I just now notice she pulled my shirt up. She pulls at one of the stitches. I scream, and tears race down my face.  “Oh, does that hurt?” She laughs, and I stop screaming. Don’t show her pain! I swear I’m going to kill her… if she doesn’t kill me first! “How about this?”  she whispers, and then there is a horrible pain almost like my arm burning in a fire, and a weird popping sound. I scream out, throwing my hand at her face. Apparently with a lot more force then I thought to, she topples over me.  I sit up, screaming more what the hell did she do!? All I see is the handle of the dagger sticking out of my side, where my stitches once were.


“Oh shit!” I gulp, stay calm. Someone should be here soon, they should’ve gotten help when they left! Do I pull it out? No, doesn’t that make blood flow out faster? How do I fight like this?! I can see the girl getting up and coming closer. “I swear! I wont see him ever again! I don’t like him, and I’m trying to ruin his engagement!” I start crying and screaming. Trying

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